American 'apish &narked Carter Michigan's Only Jewish Newspaper Printed in English CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 2o, ()RIO bETROITAWISH HRONICL-E 1 MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION VOL IX. NO. 7. DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 7, 1921. New Telephone GLENDALE 8 -3 -2 - 6 Per Year, $3.00; Copy, 10 Cast; EDITOR TO B'nai Brith Hears IMMIGRANTS ARRIVE Anti-Semitism Is FAMOUS SPEAK IN DETROIT BRITISH JEWS GIVE Cause for Wrath Samuel Rosenfeld Homeless War Orphans Norman Hapgood to Address IN PALESTINE FROM SPARING SUMS TO Men's Club, on Russia, Must Be Sold to Jews VARIOUS COUNTRIES 17. SUPPORT CHARITIES Prominent Americans, Issuing Statement, Plead for Minorities. 1.m lo. V. Gordon, executive Secre- Program to Handle "Pioneers" tary of the American Committee on Formed at Conference of the 'Rights of Religious Minorities, has European Bureaus. NEWCOMERS TRAINED AS FARMERS AND ARTISANS Representatives of all the Jewish Emigration Bureaus in Central Eu- rope met recently at Maehrich Os- trau on the border between Poland and Czechoslovakia and adopted a program to provide for the rush of Jew, returning to Palestine. The conference was called by Mr. Land- mann, General Secretary of the Zion- ist organization of London. Mr. Landmann afterward issued a state- local in which he said that Jews from the remote corners of the globe are arriving in Palestine, and in which lie outlined the problems which must be met. The statement reads: The movement of Jews to Pales- tine is no new phenomenon. For centuries, in fact ever since the de- struction of the Temple in 71) A, D., there have been individuals who felt the call. and on several occasions whole groups have taken the wan- derer's staff in hand and made the pilgrimage to Palestine. But it has been reserved for our own time to see the beginning of a national return, of the rebirth of a people after so many centuries of waiting ;old hop- ing. Actual Migration Halted. The Balfour declaration was inter- preted by the simple folk in this part of the world as the establishment of a Jewish State and an open invitation to all to come. \tally sold their be- longings and set out on foot in the midst of war conditions. Very few reached their haven; military exigen- cies kept the gates of Palestine closed, even to the Jew. One young hero walked all the way from Poland via Russia, the Crimea, Turkestan, Persia and Damascus, and eventually reached Jerusalem after thirteen months on the road. "The actual migration was com- pelled to wait until the political fu- ture of the country was finally set- tled at San Remo last April. The re- ports read at the conference by the delegates who were in charge of the Palestine Bureaus in Poland and Vienna show that after San Remo the number grew enormously. The ag- gravated political conditions in Po- land also contributed to hasten the decision of those who had half re- solved to go. Between, the months of May and September about 50,000 persons registered their names as ready to undertake the journey. This does not include those regarded as unsuitable, as they are not even regis- tered. Of these 50,(100 some 7,000 or 8,000 have already reached Palestine. Class of "Pioneers" Good. "The class of these pioneers is very good. They are almost exclusively young men and women—about 10 per cent are women—between the ages of 17 and 25. They arc called by the Hebrew name 'Clialutzim,' meaning 'pioneers.' They have been preparing for their future life's'work in various ways. Many have left their schools and colleges and gone to till the soil with their own hands in order to be prepared to do agricultural work in Palestine. for they are all intellectuals and idealists, and they have conic to the conclusion that the only sound foundation on which to build up a new Jewish nation is tIe agricultural life. 'We have been middlemen and merchants long enough,' they say,'and it is time that we turned to productive work.' So you will find )mall colo- nies of Jewish young Men and women —in Germany, in Poland, in Austria, in Czechoslovakia, in Jugoslavia, in Constantinople--all preparing for the great task in the Holy Land. "Apart from these purely agricul- tural pioneers, there are others who are being trained as bricklayers, ma- sons, tinsmiths, plumbers and in all other branches of the building trades. The crying need of Palestine is for houses and shelter for all the new arrivals. "In addition to the knowledge of a handicraft, Hebrew speaking is an in- dispensable part of the curriculum. Between 70 and 80 per cent of all who leave for Palestine can speak Hebrew. was nivself in Palestine two months ago, and visited the settlements of some of the newly arrived Thalia- zim,' and was greatly impressed with them—the Men as well as the women. "Many came from well-to-do fami- lies and had not been accustomed to hard manual work. Yet they cheef- fully cleared the stones from the soil in thebroiling sun, and planted seed- lings for the future fruits of Palestine and, well satisfied with their labors, sat down with me in the cool of the evening to a modest—very modest— meal prepared by the women. who take turns in cooking and agricultural work. These were the students who have thrown aside everything in order to he among the builders of Zion. And when, after the meal. there came the spirited Hebrew marching and folk songs. it was delightful to see the de- votion with wich they sang, their love for their people and their land. (Continued on Page 5) S. M. Levin to Address Detroit I. Z. A. Chapter Mn. Samuel Nf. Levin, head of the History Department at Junior Col- lege, will address the Detroit chapter of the I Z. A. Tuesday evening. Jan. 18, at the Shaarey Zedek, on "Mod- ern Anti-Semitism." The public is invited to attend the lectures given by the I. Z. A. The local chapter is planning to Rive a Zionist dance, the proceeds of which will cover the expenses in- curred by lecturers coming here from outside Detroit. Simultaneous with the dance, a membership campaign will be instituted in the local col- leges for members in the local chapter. issued for publication from the offices of the Committee, 70 Fifth Avenue, New York City, a statement scoring recent anti-Semitic outbreaks. The statement is signed by Arthur J. Brown, chairman; Linley V. Gordon, secretary; Henry A. Atkinson, Nehe- miah Boynton, William J. Bryan, Henry Sloane Coffin, president Emeritus Charles W. Eliot, Samuel A. Eliot, Abram 1. Elkus (in Europe), James Cardinal Gibbons, Hamilton Holt, Herbert C. Hoover, Charles E. Hughes, Frederick K, Knubel, Lauritz Larsen, Robert Lansing, J. H. Lath- rop, Albert G. Lawson, Frederick Lynch, William F. McDowell, Charles S. Macfarland, Louis Marshall, Wil- liam I'. Merrill, Henry Nlorgenthau, Alton B. Parker, Joseph Schrembs (in Europe), ()scar Straus, William Howard Taft. Worth M. Tippy, James J. Walsh, Stephen S. Wise. The statement follows: "One of the grave problems of the present day concerns the rights of religious and racial minorities. We had hoped that the struggle for re- ligious liberty had been won among civilized nations; that the world rec- ognized that the right to worship God according to the dictates of one's conscience is among the most precious rights of man; that the adherents of any and every faith should have un- challenged freedom to endeavor to win converts by persuasion; that every one . has a right voluntarily to change his faith; and that any constraint by either Church or State upon those who prefer their own faith is re- pugnant to every sane and enlight- ened mind. The l'eace Conference at l'aris expressly sought to guard the rights of religious minorities and articles for their protection were in- corporated in the treaties. Conditions Disappointing. "Among the disappointing condi- tions that have followed the war, how- ever, is the recrudescence of persecu- tion in a disturbing number of coun- tries. The changes of frontiers have sometimes united separated members of the saute nationality or creed into a new State. In other cases these changes of frontiers have broken old ties. Minority groups have arisen which are separated by creed, lan- guage, or by nationality from the ma- jority of the people in the State to which they now belong. The pro- tective clauses of recent treaties are, in many instances, being disregarded, and minority groups are being sub- jected to tyranny and oppression ranging all the way from petty an- noyances to the most atrocious cruel- ties. In some cases, those whose rights are being restricted are Protest- ants, in other cases Roman Catholics, and in still others Jews; although in certain lands all three are the objects of persecution. "We are not unmindful that political, economic and racial factors are fre- quently involved, But we must re- member that the alleged interests of the State have ever been the excuse of officials for persecuting a religious minority. As for the excuse that per- secution is for economic rather than religious or racial reasons, why is it then that it includes women and chil- dren as well as multitudes of men who are not engaged in business? And why does it not include men of other faiths who are notorious for the kind of financial dealings that are objected (continued On Page Four.) --- St. Louis Judge Takes "Ideals of Justice" for Monday Night Address. Jan. Norman Hapgood, former editor of Collier's and Harper's Weeklies, will speak in Detroit, Jan. 17, under the auspices of the Nimes Club of Temple Beth El, it was announced Thursday. Mr. Ilapgood's subject will be, "The Outlook in Russia." The address, Speaking on "Ideals of Justice" be- fore a meeting of Pisgah Lodge, Mon- day, Judge Samuel Rosenfeld, of St. Louis, Mo., president of District Grand Lodge No. 2, extolled the work of the Independent Order of Wnai Brith, briefing its varied activities in this and other countries. The growing problem of the Jew- ish orphan in the United States was dwelt on at length by the speaker, with special reference to the homes maintained by the Order. The need of expansion in this field of charitable endeavor and the support of every B'nai Brit!' member toward that end were urged by th I judge. A lucid discuss on of the Jewish immigration noes, on concluded the stimulating addreis of the visiting speaker which included in its scope every well-known activity of the or- ganization. Morris Garvett introduced Judge Rosenfeld. l Chronicle to Undertake Campaign to Provide Food and Shelter for Few of Thousands Starving in Europe. IIE Detroit Jewish Chronicle announces the opening of the Jew- T ish Chronicle Orphans' Fund, through which it invites its readers to share in the "financial adoption" of Jewish war orphans in Europe, in the manner described in the following article. It is hoped that every reader (..f The Jewish Chronicle will find a way to become a shareholder in this greatest of investments, the life of a little child, and that the response to this initial appeal will result in the adoption of a large number of war orphans. All communications, inquiries and contributions should be addressed to Orphans' Editor, The Jewish Chronicle. Who will buy? Who will buy? Hun- Ss of thousands of Jewish war or- dren ph , throughout the length and bre th of war-wracked, weary East- ern :mope, arc for sale. On one side stands Death and Hunger and Disease, Officers At Installed. bidding for the bodies annul souls of The following a leers, elected at an the little ones. On the other side of earlier meeting, sere formally in- the Atlantic are 3,000,000 American stalled Monday: President, Bernard Jews, who alone can ransom the chil- Ginsburg; vice-president, A. Lapin- dren from their fate. Cohen; treasurer, lien Kramer; secre- Through an arrangement which has tary, WM. B. Isenberg; assistant mon- itor, Joseph Garvett; guardian, Harold been established by the Joint Dis- T, Rosenthal; trustees, Adolph Freund, Herman Weiss, Lester J. Leopold. A tribute was paid Mr. Freund, who leaves shortly for Florida, where he will spend the winter. Dr. Kornblith Speaks. NORMAN HAPGOOD, which will be limited in attendance to members of the organization, is to be given at a place to be announced later. Norman Hapgood has been prom- inently connected with public issues since he became editor of Collier's Weekly in 1903. Leaving that publi- cation in 1912, he became chairman of the committee that nominated and elected Mayor Mitchel. He was edi- tor for three years of Harper's Week- ly, until its merger with the Indepen- dent. He is author of lives of Lin- coln, Washington, and Webster, and is about to publish a volume called "The Advancing,. Hour," He was President of the League of Free Na- tions Association early in 1919, when he was selected by President Wilson to go as minister to Denmark. Being an interim appointment, it ex- pired by law in November. Mr. Hap- good asked not to be reappointed, as Senator Lodge was making a bitter controversy over Mr. Hapgood's be- ing in the public service and Mr. Hap- good did not wish to increase the dif- ficulties between this administration and the Republican majority in the Senate. Senator Lodge's most vio- lent attack was due to the fact that for over two years Mr. Ilapgood has urgent this policy, adopted recently at Paris, of lifting the Russian blockade and trading with the Co-operatives. RABBI WISE, IN BOSTON SPEECH DENOUNCES FORD Um Shield of David to Defend Rate From "Flivver Honk.;" Crowds Cheer. Boston, Mass.—Rabbi Stephen S. SELECT SLOMOVITZ Wise Sunday denounced Henry Ford AS VICE-PRESIDENT and declared his faith in the saneness OF NATIONAL 1. Z. A. of America, where, he asserted, there was no room for anti-Semitism. The New York orator and publicist, speaking at the Forum of the Boston Y. NI. 11. A., answered Ford's charge that Jews are aiming for control of NE \V YORK—The seventh annual the world through the overthrow of convention of the Intercollegiate Christian civilization. Zionist Association of America, which Overflow Meeting Held. ended here on Dec. 28, elected Philip Slomovitz, of Detroit, vice-president The Y. M. H. A. was not large of the association, in his absence. Mr. enough to accommodate the gather- Slomovitz was to read a paper before ing. hundreds lined the stairways the convention on "How to Intensify and walk; outside until the first the Work of the I. Z. A. Through the meeting was over and another address Sin:ilium of Publicity," but was pre- to satisfy the overflow could be given vented by local affairs from attend- by the speaker. ing the convention. Dr. Nachman Dr. Wise began by tracing the Schlitt was elected president and Mrs. tragic history of the Jews during the I.indheim, treasurer. Miss Sarah C. past 3,000 years. At no time in the Pitkowsky is national secretary of the world's history were the Children of Israel in greater suffering than now, I. Z. A. Mr. Slomovitz has been one of the he declared. He especially pointed toast active Zionist workers in Detroit out the indescribable plight of the for the past two and a half years. He Jews in eastern Europe and made a introduced Young Judaea work here stirring appeal to his audiences to in 1919, and, as Judaea Supervisor, give to the fund for their starving succeeded in making Detroit Young brethren. Judaea one of the strongest centers The Shield of David. in the country. Referring to the six points formed Mr. Slomovitz recently organized the Detroit Chapter of the I. Z. A. by the star shield of David, which While a student at the University of Henry Ford has charged represents Michigan he was closely affiliated with six definite planks in the platform of campus activities, having been elected the alleged protocols of the mythical president of the Menorah and having "elders of Zion," Dr. Wise declared: "The maker of cheap automobiles held numerous offices in the I. Z. A. He was for a time secretary of the claims that the two triangles form- ing the shield of David represents Detroit Zionist District. The convention made a number of 'purse, press, proletariat, Prince of Israel, peerage and Palestine.' Mr. changes in the organization of the I. Z. A., the most important being Ford evidently does not know that press is an institution not born until the restoration of the collegiate Zion- ist organization to its autonomous (Continued oh page tour.) status as before it joined the Zionist Organization of America. Delegates from 28 universities and colleges throughout the country attended the convention and acted on the reorgan- ization of the I. Z. A. with this Issue Among the important resolutions the new house numbers go adopted by the convention was one Into effect, (Continued on page four) Kindly look at the yellow label on your paper and DANZIG JEWS CONTRIBUTE verify it with your new ad- FOR RECONSTRUCTION dress, If It is not corrPct, kInly notify the office of the DANZIG—Local Jews last night had a Chanukah festieal in which the DETROIT JEWISH CH RON• most prominent Jews participated. ICLE, Glendale 8326, so that During the course of the evening delivery of your paper will Zionist leaders collected 2.000,000 not be delayed. marks for the Keren Hayessod (the Palestine Foundation Fund). Detroit Boy Given Office by College Zionists at N. Y. Convention. TO SUBSCRIBERS Be g inning J Dr. Rudolph Kornblith, representa- tive of the Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society of America, spoke in behalf of that organization. Henry Smithey, appearing at a local theatre this week, and a former mem- ber of the lodge, was the principal entertainer at the "stag" party that followed the meeting. His singing of "Broadway Blues," "Mammy" and "Mecca" received enthusiastic ap- proval from the members present. Refreshments were served. Special Meeting Called. Members are urgently requested to attend the next meeting, Monday, Jan. 10, to be held at the lodge rooms, 25 Broadway. Matters of special im- portance will be discussed at that time. • • , B'NAI BRITH CLUB ELECT OFFICERS. At the annual election of officers, held Sunday, Jan. 2, the B'nai Brith Club elected the following to serve the coming year: President, Nathaniel Goldstick; vice-president, Lester J. Leopold tre-electe.41; secretary, B. G. Morris (re-elected); treasurer, Louis 1. Frank. Bernard Ginsburg, Dave Feldman, Dr. H. W. Goldstick, Frank Berman, Robert Finn, William Moskowitz and Jos. Streamer were named on the Board of Directors. YOCHEL GOLDBERG. Yochel Goldberg, The Chronicle Readers Child No. 29, is four years old and is now living in Lublin. His father died in the war and his mother shortly thereafter. This poor waif is homeless, waiting for someone in America to be moved by his story and become his foster parent. Londoners, Blamed for Selfish Ends, Lay Blame on Bus- iness Uncertainties. OLD ORDER IS SEEN TO VANISH; NEW IS UNRISEN By LEOPOLD SPERO. (Mat Com erpontient, The Detroit Jewisli, Chronicle.) LONDON.—The Chief Rabbi has had nothing less than a triumphant procession through South Africa, which remembers him from the days of Kruger, when he was a champion of the British against the Boer in the Transvaal. Dr. Hertz, though entail of stature and pacific of mien, 2. Group Guardians: Groups or or- is a fighter all the way. ' He does not ganizations may become the guardian mince either words or action and his of Jewish war orphans. Let every speeches to the South African Com- . member of your family contribute his 'nullities on the need for the War share, and "adopt" a child in the name Memorial, with its endowment of re- of the family. Let the circle of your ligion and of a better-paid and better- friends "club" together for the finan- trained clergy, touched the pride and cial adoption of an orphan. Let your the sensibilities of those who heard local Sisterhood, the chapter of the him. Council of Jewish Women, the Ladies' Indeed, South Africa is likely to be Auxiliary in your community, and even a fruitful field for Dr. Hertz and Al- the little sewing circle or social club, bert Woolf; there is still money contribute for the "adoption" of a war there. Here in England everybody orphan in the name of the group. ,Get a ppears to lie going bankrupt, if you the other families living in your apart- are to judge by the excuses with ment house to contribute equal shares for the adoption of a child. On send- which they meet claims for assistance ing in these contributions, the group of communal needs, Earlier in the week Claude Monte- will receive the photograph and record of the child adopted, and the child will fiore ran up to Manchester to talk about the Anglo-Jewish Association, be notifies' of the name and address of its benefactor. Simply clip the and he rubbed it in very well indeed. It appears that a year's contribution coupon at the end of this page, state the name of the group, attach the Con- to the funds of the Association from the 211,000 or 30,1)00 Jews settled in tribution, and mail to the Orphans' this immesely properous commercial Editor. city of 750,000, amounted to the im- 3. Jewish Chronicle Readers: These pressive sum of $375. adoptions will be made in the name of The Detroit Jewish Chronicle. These children will be known as Jewish Chronicle Reader's Children. This plan provides for the use of sums, no matter how small, for the purpose of orphan adoption. The photograph of the child and its story will be printed so that he who contributes $50, $5 or $1, may know which child he is help- ing to adopt. Receipts in behalf of the Joint Distribution Committee and The Jewish Chronicle will be sent to all donors no matter how small their subscription, with the information as to the number of the orphan to which their contribution will go in order to make up the total of $100. The work of supervising and placing the orphans in homes is being de- veloped in Europe under the direction London Gives Little, London, with a population than ten times as great again more gave about nine times as much. Mr. Montefiore did not worry his head about politeness or respect of person; he just spoke out and said what ho thought of a city of millionaires, a city which has made fabulous ke- tones through the War and now gives $375 in a year to one of the leading charities in Jewry, ■ charity which undertakes not-only the fostering and development of Jewish education home, but the protection abroad of oppressed, the succor of the needy, the and in money and in food and In medical comforts of those who can- not help themselves, The A11110Cia. ' tion granted over $15,000 to the Eve- lina School for Girls in Jerusalem alone in the very year when its total income was $375. Its expenditure last year was nearly $30,000, its in- come $12,000. The great city of Liverpool, bigger even than Man- chester and every bit as prosperous, contributed $150. If any one less of a philosopher than Mr. Montefiore had been mak- ing this speech perhaps he would have been less complimentary to the Jewish Communities of Great Britain. But Claude Montefiore is a man whose whole life has been devoted to the unpaid service of his fellow Jews, and it is well-known that his large private fortune has been spent in great part on the same charitable objects to which he gives his time and enthu- siasm. There is nothing he does not give to, ungrudgingly and eagerly, this saintly scholar whose personal life and character has done more to give honour to Jewry in the eyes of Christians than all the achievements of all the millionaires in the City of London. That such a man should have to go hat in hand to his co-re- ligionists of behalf of their own char- ities is discreditable; that he should appeal in vain is a scandal, a lasting disgrace. There are no other words for it. Institutions Are Tottering, Snell excuse as may be found for those who have and will not give probably boiled itself down to the general complaint of bad times, heavy taxation, a slump in trade and the uncertainty of the world's affairs in all directions. But is it going to make bad times any better if neces- sary Jewish works of public support, at of Dr. Simon l'eiser, formerly super- intendent of the Cleveland Jewish Or- phan Asylum. Especial attention is now being directed to the orphans in l'oland, of whom about 50,000 require shelter. Headquarters for this work tribution Committee of the American are established in Warsaw, l'oland, Funds for Jewish War Sufferers, every with branch offices throughout the child now shelterless and homeless in country and local committees in every Eastern Europe may be placed in a town, which see to it that the children home or institution, where it will be are adequately cared for. The prob- carefully supervised and watched if, Dr. Rudolph Kornblith Seeks $15,000 in America, there is some one to pay for the maintenance and care of the for Campaign of Hebrew Shelter- child. It costs $1110 a year to care for ing and Immigrant Aid. one Jewish war orphan or about $2 a Dr. Rudolph Kornblith, represent- week. And there are noire than 200,- ative of the Hebrew Sheltering and 000 of them! Immigrant Aid Society of America, Who will buy? For every $100 paid reached Detroit Sunday for a two in, some little one, orphaned and made weeks' stay in which he hopes to shelterless through the war, will have raise $15,000, Detroit's quota in the home and care. The photograph and $600,000 campaign being waged story of the child will be sent to the throughout the country toward the giver, and the child itself will be noti- building fund of that organization. fied of the name and address of its The funds raised in the campaign benefactor, so that it might write to will lie used to build a modern him. It may ire imagined what an structure on the site of the historic American 'guardian' means in the life Astor library in New York City for of a little war orphan in Eastern Eu- the housing of the society's activities. rope. Through letters some of the The fund was originally started with sunny, wholesome cheer of America a $50,000 bequest in the will of the may be brought into the sunless life late Jacob H. Schiff. over there Through letters the child Uniting Jewish families who have can relate its little stories, its daily become separated through the war or activities, its very thoughts. Through other causes, giving temporary shelter this contact, the customs and ideals of to the immigrant, Americanizing them American life may be carried into the and distributing them from congested farthest village in Poland. l'ractical cities to the farms and other districts Americanization, in the highest, most in the west, arc a few of the primary spiritual sense, permeates the plan for ESTHER LERNER. objects of the organization, Dr. Korn- "financial adoption." With explained Sunday morning, Esther Lerner, The Chronicle W'ho will buy? The Detroit Jewish speaking from the pulpit of Temple Readers Child No. 33, is eight Beth El, The work of the society Chronicle has arranged for the adop- years old. She is living in Lublin. has won the full support and co- tion, through its pages, of as many of Her father died of typhus and sub- operation of the United States gov- these little waifs as its readers can which have built up upon .generations sequently she lost her mother. She take. There are three ways in which ernment, the speaker stated. of self-sacrifice their present stem- is homeless and smeared for. There The purchase of the old Astor you may join in the adoption of the are of utility, shall he allowed to are literally thousands of children c rumble into dust? It is the same library, he said, was made necessary children: in her same pitiful plight. to accommodate the increasing num- ale everywhere. The Board of Three Ways of Adoption. ber of immigrant arrivals. Construc- Guardians, the Anglo-Jewish Associa- tion on the new building, which is to 1. Individual Guardians: Send $100 lern is now that of securing "guard- tion, the Religious Education Board, house all the activities of the organ- and become the guardian of the Jew- ians" for the orphans, of enlisting The Lads' Brigade—one and all are ization, has begun. ish war orphans. You will receive the thousands and tens of thousands of losing those whose pride it was to "The work of the Hebrew Shelter- photograph and the record of the Americo Jews in this task of prac- sec that they flourished. , "The old ing and Immigrant Aid Society of child. You will be placed in communi- tical Americanism and applied Juda- order changeth, giving place to new." America deserves the whole-souled cation with it. Clip the coupon be- ism. But God does not seem to be fulfill- support of the people," Rabbi Leo M. low, attach your check or money or- In this issue we publish the pictures ing Himself. The present genera. Franklin declared Wednesday, com- der, mail to the Orphans' Editor of ion, and the growing generation, are menting on the campaign. "More- The Detroit Jewish Chronicle. The of the first two orphans we are asking no credit to Jewry; indeed they are our readers to adopt. Who will buy? over it is not merely a New York Editor will send you full details, in- not. One hardly knows what to call Will you be an individual guardian? them. institution, but one that is nation- cluding a receipt for your money in They will find the money for wide in its scope." Will you be a group guardian? behalf of the Joint Distribution Com- any selfish folly of the moment, but Dr. Kornblith's mission has the co- mittee and The Detroit Jewish Chron- Will you be a Jewish Chronicle for the wise philanthropies they have operatiou of lenders in Detroit's Jew- icle. reader guardian? no patience. Meanwhile, the Jews ish commercial life. Julian H. Krolik and their influence continue to be a Fred M. Butzel, Ben Tannenholz, favorite stunt of platform and press. Mrs. B. Fink, B. H. Manure, J. Sha- Last Tuesday evening Mrs. Neste rer, M. Jacob and L. Dann are assist- TO THE ORPHANS' EDITOR, Webster, who is now hailed as the ing Dr. Kornblith personally in his (Continued on Page 6) THE DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE, campaign. Representative Of Aid Society Arrives in City 850 High St. West, REFORM RABBIS ELECT New York Association Names Officers for the Coming Year. Detroit, Mich. I herewith contribute for the maintenance NEW YORK—At the annual meet- ing of the Association of Reformed and care of Jewish war orphans for years Rabbis of New York and vicinity at a luncheon in the Cafe Boulevard, at $100 per year for each child (for contributions of $100 or more). Rabbi Joseph Silverman was unani- mously chosen as Honorary ('resident, I herewith contribute towards the maintenance and other officers for 1921 were chosen as follows: and care of The Detroit Jewish Chronicle Readers' children. Rabbi Samuel Schulman of Temple Rabbi Rudolph Grossman of Temple Rodeph Shalom, Name Vire-President; Rabbi Jacob II. Tat- skish of Yonkers, Treasurer; Rabbi Richard H. Stern of New Rochelle, Address Secretary. Beth-El, President; CHARITIES TO HOLD ANNUAL MEETING ON WEDNESDAY, JAN. 12 The annual meeting of the United Jewish Charities will take place Wed- nesday, Jan. 12, at the institute Build. ing, 687 East High St. (new number). For the convenience of those who wish to go home to dinner the meet- ing has been set for 4:30 P. M. Election of officers will take place at the meeting. Reports of the 'Mr- ides of the Jewish Charities for the past year will be read and future plans outlined. Those who are inter- ested are cordially Invited to attend,