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December 31, 1920 - Image 1

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The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1920-12-31

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Americo( lavish Periodical eeirter



Michigan's Only
Jewish Newspaper
Printed in English


Will Speak Here

Re-elect Ginsberg
Pisgah Lodge Head

New Telephone





VOL. IX. NO. 6.

••••• ■•••■■■•••■■•■•■•■■ ••••• ■■ ••••POM ■•■•■ 001s,

Per Year, $3.00; Copy, 10 Casio


"Ideals of Justice," Subject of
A. Lapin-Cohen is Vice-Presi-
Organizations Petition First Pres-
Pisgah Lodge Address
dent; State Council Holds
ident of Body to Aid
Mayor Issues Final Appeal for
Closes 29th Annual Convention
Monday Evening.
Second Meeting Dec. 26.
World Jewry.

Judge Samuel Rosenfeld of St.
President, in Chicago Lout. Mo., President of District
Address, Shows Dangers
Grand Lodge, No. 2, Independent Or-
der of Brith, will be the prin-
of Propaganda.
cipal speaker at the next regular meet-
ing of Pisgah Lodge, No. 34, I. 0. II.
Chicago.—The efforts of the Dear- B. to be held Monday, Jan. 3, in the
born Independent, a Michigan news- lodge rooms, 25 Broadway.
paper owned and controlled by Ilenry
Ford. the automobile manufacturer,
to create an anti-Semitic feeling in the
l'itited States, were bitterly attacked
Thursday evening, Dec. 23, at a din-
ner tendered former ex-President
William Howard Taft by the Anti-
Defamation League of the 4.1'nai
The attacks on the Jews are being
niade in a series of articles in the
Dearborn Independent," said hl r. Taft.
"This is the paper which Ilenry Ford,
the successful manufacturer of the
Ford automobile, has founded for the
avowed purpose of expressing his
views without fear or favor. With
the statement that the press is held
in subjection by the power of the
Jews, „the author of the articles seeks
to put Mr. Ford on a pedestal of cour-
age and independence in initiating the
One of the chief causes of suffer-
ing and evil is race hatred and any
man who stimulates that hatred has
much to answer for," Mr. Taft said.
"When he does this by the circulation JUDGE SAMUEL ROSENFELD
of unfounded and unjust charges and
Judge Rosenfeld has announced as
arousing mean and groundless fears,
his topic "Ideals of Justice" which will
his fault is more to be condemned.
"How much of the article is due touch upon the present status of the
to Mr. Ford's initiative and how much Jew in the world, with special refer-
he has yielded to the representations ence to the Anti-Defamation work of
of others in consenting to its pubri- the national Order. He will also dis-
cation, one can not say. But he is cuss the problems of the orphans
homes maintained thtoughout the
responsible for the effect."
country by the I. 0. II. B.
Indict Whole Race.
Judge Rosenfeld, a na t ionally
The articles, according to Mr. Taft, known figure in Irnai 'frith circles,
are directed to sustaining a definite is devoting considerable time and ef-
indictment of conspiracy in which the fort toward the advancement of the
whole Jewish race is 'ultimately in- ideals of the Order. lie is an ardent
advocate of the abolition of secrecy
"And what is the charge against in the work of the I. 0. B. B., and
the Jew?" said Mr. Taft. "It is that was a strong supporter of that amend-
there is an inner council of a few ment passed at the recent convention.
leading Jews in the world who con-
Judge Rosenfeld plans to arrive in
trol the money markets, and these Detroit Monday night and will
men are engaged in a plot, the exe- register at the Hotel Statler. He will
cution of which may take decades or leave in the evening for Chicago
a century for its consummation to de- where lie plans to attend a meeting
stroy the governments of the world of the Administrative Council to be
by the disintegrating power of bol- held there Jan. 4. Ile will Ire in To-
shevism which they are fostering, and ledo Jan. 5 to address the Toledo
then by the all controlling power of lodge.
the purse and the playing of one class
against another, ultimately to subject
to the will of this inner Judaic coun-
cil the whole world, enabling it to
appoint a king of Israel who shall
then, as an absolute dictator, carry
on the world under his supergovern-
Rabbi Joseph Silverman of Temple
"No instance of the exercise of this
Emanu-El, New York City
world controlling power is cited. The
Surprises Flock
conclusion of the author rests on his
own assertion and the further COM-
NEW 'YORK.—Dr. Joseph Silver-
prehensive and entirely satisfying
man, for nearly 33 years rabbi of
assurance that 'everybody knows it.' Temple ErnanmEl, Fifth avenue and
"If it be true that the international Fifty-third street, one of the chief
bankers and capitalists are Jews alone, temples of the Jewish faith in this
if it be true that they wield a world city, presented his resignation last
power that controls governments, and week to the Board of Trustees at the
nations, and wars, and peace, and a nnual meeting of the congregation
economic law, can the author of those held in the vestry rooms. A desire
articles in the Dearborn Independent t o devote himself more extensively
explain why it is that now more than t o literature and to communal work
half the 13,000,000 Jews in the world prompted his decision to quit the ac-
still are suffering not only persecu- tive ministry.
tion and oppression, but the bitterest
Although Dr. Silverman's wish to
penury and starvation.
retire vas placed before the congre-
gation by Louis Marshall, President
Copy Baron Munchausen.
of the Board of Trustees and of the
In concluding hl r. 'raft said:
"There is not the slightest ground congregation, definite action on it was
adjourned to a meeting to be held on
for anti-Semitism among us. It is
vicious plant. It is a noxious weed the evening of Jan. 17 in the vestry
that should be cut out, It has no room. hl r. Marshall explained that
place in free America and the Men the Trustees desired time to consider
Dr. Silverman's request, which un-
who seek to introduce it should be
doubtedly would be granted, and to
condemned by public opinion."
some arrangements.
"The tales of Baron Munchausen
%Slide, it was said, it was likely that
are the only things in literature that
would be elected Rabbi
should be classed with these protocols,
for they are not more preposterous. Emeritus for life, no thought had yet
his successor.
There is not the slightest ground for
The rabbi's wish to lay aside the
anti-Semitism among us. It has no
responsibilities of his active charge
place in free America."
after years of work and service came
before the meeting in the form of a
letter addressed to Mr. Marshall and
the eleven other Trustees.
"VOICE" OF ST. LOUIS "The Board of Trustees," said Mr.
Marshall. "felt it was their duty to
Jewish Paper, Now in Forty-first Year, present the letter to the congregation,
to the fact that they had not had
To Be Given Re-birth.
any time to consider the matter. NVe
requested that it he put over until
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle has the next meeting and accordingly it
taken over the St. Louis Voice, the was voted to do so. Before this next
official organ of St. Louis Jewry, now meeting the hoard will take up the
in its 41st year.
subject with Dr. Silverman and ar-
'the Voice was founded in 1879 by range a course of procedure which
Rabbi Moritz Spitz, who remained its will be submitted to the congregation.
editor and publisher until his death There is no question as to the sever-
a few months ago. Rabbi Spitz was ance of Dr. Silverman's connection
the spiritual leader of one of the old- with the congregation, and he will
est temples In St. Louie for 40 years. undoubtedly be elected for life as
The paper was purchased from the Rabbi Emeritus.
"Dr. Silverman has been an incum•
Spitz estate and will begin publishing
bent of the pulpit of our congregation
under new management Jan. 11.
Herbert D. White, former Michigan for nearly thirty-three years, and dur-
representative of the Detroit Jewish ing that time he has been active in all
Chronicle, will be business manager of the congregational work and has
likewise occupied a leading position in
of the St. Louis paper.
The same general policy will apply the American Rabbinate.
"He has now reached the age of 60
to the Vo.ce that applies to the Chron-
icle, and the same news, feature and years and feels the necessity of being
from the great physical and
photograph services will be retained
for the St. Louis publication. Jo- mental strain to which he has been
during all these busy years.
seph J. Cummins will occupy the
lie is held in high regard by the Board
office of editor-in-chief.
of Trustees and by the congregation.
Besides Mr. Marshall the members
of the Board of Trustees of the tem-
ple are David Leventritt, Irving Leh-
man, hfortimer L. Schiff, Daniel Gug-
genheim, Henry Sidenberg, William
Beginning with this Issue
L. Spiegelberg, Henry M. Toch,
Adolph S. Ochs, Philip J. Goodheart,
the new house numbers go
M. Newberger and Edward
Into effect.
Kindly took at the yellow
tenure as spiritual direc-
label on your paper and
tor of the temple Dr. Silverman has
verify It with your new ad-
found time to be exceedingly active
dress. If It Is not correct,
in community and patriotic service,
kinly notify the office of the
apart from his ministry. He was one
of the leaders in the Liberty and Vic-
tory Loan drives. He is rated as one
ICLE, Glendale 11326, so that
of the leaders of his faith.
delivery of your paper wit
Dr. Silverman was born in Cincin-
not be delayed.




(Continued On Page


Children of Famine-Stricken

The following final appeal for sup-
port to the Hoover Relief Fund was
issued by Mayor James Couzens,
chairman of the local committee.
"Up to the present less than $125,-
0(0 has been subscribed to the Hoover
Relief Fund. Including the $200,000
which was collected during the De-
troit Community Fund campaign we
have a total of $325,000 for Detroit,
and the minimum quota is $550,000.
"Of the $125.00X) collected, a large
portion has come front the men and
women, wino subscribed with some lib-
erality to the Community Fund. There
are still 100,000 men and women in
this community who have neither sub-
scribed to the Community Fund nor
to the Hoover Relief Fund.
"1 am appealing at this time to the
100,000 who have failed to sense the
great importance of this money-rais-
ing campaign. 1 am asking that Ite-
tvveen now and the first of the year
you give as liberally as your circum-
stances will warrant. The cry of
starving children is one which should
arouse every individual, and it is for
only starving children that this money
s being raised. Over in Europe those
stricken, smashed people are asking
that we help prolong their children's
lives until such time as it is possible
for them to help themselves.
"It should be considered a great
privilege to save the lives of these
children. Men and women of all sta-
tions of life should vie with one an-
other to help. Over $20,000 was
raised in an hour and a half to help
provide the unfortunate children of
Detroit with some toys and a few sub-
stantial things at Christmas time. The
spirit of service seems to permeate
the very soul of our people, and here
is an opportunity to give expression
to that spirit.
"Mr, Hoover and his great organiza-
tion have established more than 17,-
000 feeding agencies, which stand
ready to save the lives of these chil-
dren providing they have the food
to do it with.
"This fund which we are raising,
every dollar of it, is to be used for
that purpose. Not one cent of the
expense involved in the money-raising
or food distribution comes from the
fund. The organization which will
handle your money is efficient.
"The old year is about to close and
many of us are anxious that every
obligation shalt...be paid before the
new year is rung in. NVon't yott add
these starving children to your list
of obligations and send your check
to the Mayor's office, the campaign
headquarters or any newspaper in the
'This campaign closes Monday
night. We want to send word to the
Hoover organization that Detroit has
taken its full quota of 55,000 children.


Pioneer Resident of Detroit Was Active
in Communal Affair. for
Half Century.

Zachariali Selling, a pioneer resi-
dent of Detroit and for nearly half a
century active in social and communal
circles, passed away Wednesday', Dec.
22, at his home. 35 Webb avenue, fol-
lowing a brief illness. Ile was 77
years old.
Mr. Selling, who was a native of
Bavaria, cattle to Detroit 50 years ago
and has since been identified with
many Jewish social and fraternal
movements in the city.
He was one of the oldest members
of Temple Beth El, The Phoenix
Club, Pisgah Lodge, No. 34, I. 0. B. B.
and Free Sons of Israel.
The deceased is survived by one
son, Jerome A. Selling, a daughter,
Mrs. S. L. Van Noorden and a grand-
child. Francis Van Noorden.
The funeral was conducted from the
residence Friday, Dec. 24. Rabbi Leo
M. Franklin and henry J. Berkowitz,
of the Hebrew Union College, Cin-
cinnati, 0., officiated. Internment
took place at \Voodmere cemetery.
The following out-of-town members
of the family were present at the
funeral: Mrs. S. Sim, Mr. Bert Hock-
heimer and Mrs. B. B. Selling of New
York; Mrs. A. I. Wolf of Grand
Rapids; Mr. and Mrs. Julius Hock-
heitner of 'Wheeling, West Va.; Mr.
Louis Van Noorden anti the Misses
Van Noorden of Toledo.


For the second concert in the Cham-
ber Music Society series of five string
quartet concerts being given in Tern-
ple Beth El by courtesy of the Men's
Club of the Temple, the internation-
ally famous Flonzaley quartet will he
presented Monday evening, January
3. at 8:30 o'clock. This quartet has
for several years made an annual visit
to Detroit under the Chamber Music
Society's auspices and has a large fol-
lowing among music lovers. Its per-
sonnel remains the same as last sea-
son: Adolp Betti, first violin; Alfred
l'ochon, second violin; Louis Bailly,
viola, and (wan d'Archambean, 'cello.
Last season the quartet had 90 en-
gagements in this country, touring
from coast to coast and everywhere
meeting enthusiastic audiences.
The quartet is now in its seven-
teenth season and is regarded the
peer of chamber music organizations.



PARIS—The Committee of the
Central Jewish World Relief has es-
tabtshed a special organization which
will provide funds for refugees and
emigrants passing through this coun-
try. The French government has an-

nounced that refugees having employ-
ment will not be expelled.

At a formal installation of officers
to be held Monday night, Jan. 3, in its
lodge-rooms, 25 Broadway, the follow-
ing will be sworn in as officials of
Pisgah Lodge Not 34, I. 0. II. B.:
President, Bernard Ginsberg (re-
elected); vice-president, A. Lapin-
Cohen; treasurer, Ben Kramer (re-
elected); secretary, Wm. B. Isenberg;
assistant monitor, Joseph Garvett;
guardian, Harold T. Rosenthal: trus-
tees, Adolph Freund, Herman Weiss,
Lester J. Leopold.
Following the installation, a stag
party will be given for the members
at which the Glee Club and other
members of the lodge will entertain.
The officers were elected at a spirit-
ed meeting held last Monday. Ber-
nard Ginsberg was re-elected presi-
dent by acclamation. Ben Kramer
was also re-elected treasurer. The
other appointments are new. A class
of 68 initiates were inducted at the
same meeting.
♦ , a e


The ll'nai Brith Council met for the
second time since its organization in
Detroit Dec. 5, Sunday, Dec. 26, at the
lodge rooms. The meeting was called
by l'resident Adolph Freund to com-
plete the unfinished business of the
earlier meeting.
The following representatives were
in attendance: Louis Robinson, Ed-
ward Lichtig of Bay City, Erwin M.
Treusch of Julius Houseman Lodge,

in Cleveland; Matters of Im-
portance Discussed.

By Benjamin Kasner

[4.4.10 l'orrtspondent.1

Cleveland, 0.—"People of Jewish
faith need not assume an apologeti c
expression. They need not have their
children assume they are unfortunate
because they were born Jews. lido
cation and the spreading of Jewish
culture and ideals will do away witl i
this tendency. The Jewish people of
this nation are starving and hunger
ing for knowledge of Judaism."
This was the statement of Miss
Jeannette Goldberg, secretary of the
Jewish Chautauqua society, which
opened its twenty-ninth annual con-
vention at the Euclid Avenue temple,
Saturday night.
In outlining the • activities of the
Jewish Chautauqua, Miss Goldberg
said the society had placed 19 pro-
fessors in various colleges and that
it intended placing a professor of
Judaism in every large university and
college in the nation.

Race Little Understood.

Dr. William Rosetta% of Baltimore,
vice-chancellor of the society, speak-
ing for Rabbi Berkowitz, founder of
the organization, who was unable to
attend on account of sickness, told
of the need of increasing Jewish edu-
cation'among Jews and non-Jews. Ile
said the Jewish race was understood
less than any other. He urged co-
operation and extension of the work
of the Chautauqua, the aim of which
he said was to spread Judaism to
every part of the United States.
More than 200 delegates, consist-
ing of rabbis, teachers, educators and
other prominent men and women
from all parts of the L'ilited States
attended the convention.
Cleveland Jewish schools were
visited Sunday morning. A recep-
tion and tea was tendered the dele-
gates in the afternoon by womens'
organizations in Cleveland at the
Hotel Statler, where the convention
has its headquarters.
At the formal opening in the even-
ing, Rabbi Solomon Goldman, of
Cleveland, offered the opening prayer.
An address of WCICOIlle was given
by Benjamin Lowenstein, of Cleve-
land. Arthur K.' Stein, of Philadel-
phia, president of the society, re-
sponded. The closing prayer was
given by Rabbi Fram, of Chicago.

Kindergartens Considered.


Grand Rapids; Benjamin F. Wiener
of Flint Lodge, R. Tannebaum, Jo-
seph B. Wolff of Heitman Lodge,
Jackman; I. Goldberg, Mishan Lodge,
Kalamazoo; Henry J. Jacobson, G. I.
Rapaport of Pontiac Lodge, Adolph
Kositchek of Jacob 14.. Schiff Lodge,
Lansing; Bernard Ginsburg, Adolph
Freund of l'isgah Lodge.
Besides the accredited delegates
there were a number of members
front the local lodge who took a keen
interest in the proceedings of the
Council. There was a free discussion
of affairs concerning the matters of
interest to the lodges within the state.
Arrangements are under way for a
general B'ttai lirith gathering at
Grand Rapids during February. Isaac
Goldberg and Bernard Ginsburg will
visit the Jackson and Saginaw lodges
within a week in behalf of the Coun-
Several letters were received from
prominent members of the Order evi-
dencing a live interest in the activi-
ties and success of the Michigan
Council, the pioneer in the movement.


Back - to • Synagogue Movement Rest
Answer to Anti-Somitieism
Say N. Y. Speakers

An illustrated lecture in kindergar-
ten work at 9:30 a. tn., opened the
program Monday. Addresses on this
subject were given by Miss Mabel
Altman, of Buffalo, and Mrs. Harry
Rosewater, of Cleveland. Discussion
Dr. David Philipson, of Cinbnnati,
presided at the afternoon session,
when "Child Nature With Special
Reference to Religion" was discussed.
Discussion followed.
At 7 o'clock in the evening a din-
ner was tendered to visitors and dele-
gates at the Hotel Winton.
The Tuesday session opened with
illustrated lectures of Biblical History
and Religion, in which Rabbi Max
Carrick, of Erie, Pa,; Miss Martha
Cohen, of Baltimore; Miss Sarah
Jacobson, of Syracuse, N. Y.; Rabbi
Joseph Rauch, of Louisville, and Miss
Rachel Muscat, of Rochester, took
part. Discussion followed.
e afternoon session was con-
ducted by Rabbi Louis Mann, of New
Haven, Conn., on Normal Class Work.
Discussion followed by Miss Hattie
Goldstein, of Louisville, Ky.
T he evening program, which con-
sisted of educational talks, was held
at Central and East Fifty-fifth Street
Temple. Dr. Daniel llucket presided.
'The opening prayer was offered by
Rabbi Rudolph Coffee, of Toledo 0.
The speaker of the evening was Dr
George A. Coe, of New York City,
who spoke on "Edupstion and Demo-
(Continued On Page 5.)

NEW YORK.—During the recent
sessions of the League of Nations at
Geneva a number of noted Jewish
representatives speaking in the name
of the Committee of Jewish Delega-
tions in Paris, the Jewish Board of
Deputies and the Anglo-Jewish Asso•
dation, the Alliance Israelite Uni•
versalle and the Jewish Territorial
Organization appeared before the
officers of the Assembly and mem•
orandums with regard to the contin-
ued persecutions of the Jew's in East-
ern Europe and the failure of some
of the new and enlarged states to put
into effect the provisions of the
treaties guaranteeing the rights of
minorities in these lands, were pre-
Several cantles, with regard to these
representations, seeking the good
offices of the League of Nations in
securing just treatment for the Jews,
were then received by the Provisional
Organization for an American Jewgili
Congress and by the Jewish press in
this city.
The memorandum on pogroms, ac-
companies', as it was by important doc-
uments containing evidence of the
excesses against the Jews, then at-
tracted special attention. This mem-
orandum bearing the signatures of
Nahum Sokolow, Lucien Wolff and
Israel Zangwill for their respective or-
ganizations has now been received in
complete form by the Provisional
Congress Organization and has been
made public by the Executive Secre-
tary, Bernard G. Richards, at the
offices of the body, 1 Madison avenue.
The statement addressed to the
President of the Assembly of the
League of Nations is as follows:
"Your Excellency:
"The undersigned, on behalf of the
representative Jewish organizations
whose names are appended, have the
honour to invite Your Excellency's at•
tension and the attention of the High
Assembly over which Your Excel-
lency presides, to the present terrible
situation of the great Jewish masses
inhabiting the countries of Eastern
"A cry of panic and distress reaches
us front large tracts of that immense
region. After the appalling trials ex-
perienced by the Jewish population, in
common with their non-Jewish fellow
countrymen during the world war, in
which they bore their part of sacri-
fices, of sorrows and of hopes for a
happier future, a fresh and even more
frightful storm bust upon them in
the shape of a new war—a war of
extermination directed exclusively
against them—the War of Pogroms.
During the past two years the most
thickly populated centres of Jewish
life have been swept by an endless
succession of Pogroms. The heca-
tombs of Proskurov, the massacres of
Unman, the carnage of Fastov, the
funeral pyres and devastation in hun-
dreds of towns, the seats of ancient
Jewish communities, the atrocities and
cruelties inflicted, the disasters and
agonies suffered, constitute a catas-
trophe which has no parallel in the
troubled history of the Eastern Jews
during recent centuries. Brutalized
hordes, with no thought but to kill, to
dishonour, to burn and destroy, have
descended in masses on the Jewish
communities, devastating their homes
and maltreating and murdering their
peaceful and innocent inmates with a
beastiality and fury which defy de-
scription. Everywhere men and wo-
men, old and young; the aged, the
infirm and the helpless, mutilated, tor-
tured, outraged, burnt, buried alive;
scores of communities overwhelmed
or decimated, their hearths, their
cemeteries, their sanctuaries destroyed
or desecrated, every house either a
ruin or a wailing place; thousands of
emaciated fugitives wandering in the
forests and hiding in caverns, and—
most pitiable of all—many thousands

(Continued on page roar)

With the Infant Prodigies

NEW YORK.—Leading Jewish re-
form congregations of the city and
its environs held a mass meeting at
Temple F.mantii El, Fifth avenue and
Forty-third street, last week for the
purpose of considering Jewish re-
ligious conditions here and elsewhere.
The meeting was also in the nature
of a celebration of the tour of the
"flying squadron" of prominent lay-
men who conducted meetings through-
out the country in the interests of the
Union of American Hebrew Congre-
prominent rabbis and members of
the laity stressed the importance of
an awakening of the Jews to their
religious obligations. They deplored
the lack of church affiliations of thou-
sands of their coreligionists and as-
serted that a Jewry mindful of its faith
would be an unchallenged answer to
the anti-Semitic agitation. Daniel I'.
Hays presided, and the speakers in-
cluded the Rev. Dr. Samuel Schulman,
the Rev. Dr. Joseph Silverman, Louis
Marshall, Mrs. %Valiant D. Sporborg
and Mrs. Sallie Kubor Glauber.

Cantor is Host to Youthful Marvels



Page Flee.)

By Leopold Spero.

(fit•ff Correspondent. The Detroit /Mb&

LONDON.—The position of the .
Jew in England today is not, in fact
very different from what it was be-
fore the war. But it presents a num-
ber of outward manifettations which
are not pleasant to contemplate. All
the anti-Semitism there ever was has
come to the surface and is having
rare old time. The Jew, like the teat
of the community, is in a state of
nervous overstrain, and is apt to
magnify appearances into realities
and to suspect as a national move-
ment wliat is ill fact nothing more
than a combination of crank bigotry
and "ragging."
Fundamentally, the
races of Great Britain have not
changed; they all take their time still
from the stubborn, , hard-headed Eng-
lish determination to judge each man
by personal results and not by any
other standard. And the Jew is still
judged in the eyes of his fellow-citi-
zens by and large by what he con-
tributes to the general progress and

Press Campaign Develops

It is true that the press campaign
against individual members of the
Jewish race has developed bitterly
since the Armistice, and has become
under the cloak of anti-Bolshevism an
attack on Jews as a whole. But even
so, all the papers of repute which join
in it excuse themselves in advance
from the charge of- indiscriminate
prejudice, and claim to be our best
friends in warning us of the smell
of the bad eggs. amongst' us. But
after very careful study I have come
to the conclusion that the man in the

street does not really take much no-
tice of what is stated in newspapers
unless it is what he already thinks.

Lord Northcliffe's press, from the

Times and Daily Maul down to Comic
Cuts and }Ionic Chat, has the very

art of journalism as it sells here. He

contrives to make articulate a week or
a month in advance what everybody
is trying to say but cannot get out,
partly because they are busy with
other things and partly because they
lack the gifts of ready speech and
pen. The Daily Mail is very fond of
saying 'I' told you so' to the public,
and at times almost convinces the
public that it did tell thetn so. The
facts always are, of course, that the
public told the Daily Mail so. We
are a stubborn people; we think what
we will, and good-naturedly allow
newspaper proprietors to make money
by pretending they think for us. The
application of this great principle to
our present instance is simply this,
that no newspaper or group of news-
papers can possibly create anti-Semit-
ism in England. The best they cap
do is to draw attention to it, and the
sooner they realize the fact the less
ink and paper will they waste.
Anti-Semitism will have to exist in
fact before an anti-Semitic Press can
make capital out of it. Does it exist
in fact? The answer must be, no,

with a qualification.
Might Create Anti-Semitism.
It might.
It can be created. Be-
ginnings of it are already created by
the Jews themselves. Back again we
come to the old and abiding char-
acteristic of the Englishman, to take
people as he finds them. How does
he find us? Ile funds as English Jews
with no authority where we claim its

exercise. We cannot control our own.
While all civilized Europe gazes with
apprehension at the mystery which is
Russia, and without passing final
judgment determines that such things
as Bolshevism are hest confined to

the area of their native activity, all
the centripetal forces are at work to
unite and combine British traditional
and conservative characteristics in
strengthening the commonwealth
against what is foreign and, feared.'
And though there has been no immi-
gration from Eastern Europe sinee.
the war, and will be none, we have
still in our midst a vast and undefined
mass of foreigners, who in their sud-
den transplantation from the Ghetto
to freedom have not yet had time to
feel their responsibilities as free citi-
zens. They mistake by its very con-
trast their new-found liberty for a
license which their own merits would
seem to have won for them. And
though Russia and Russia's affairs are
distrusted and disliked, the talk of
them is on every lip, and those who
come from Russia, who have recent
memories of Russia, even though it
be but of the old. black persecution,
are now specialists and claim
to speak
of what the rest do not know and to
shine in the reflected glory of an in-
ternational advertisement which they
(Continued on page four)


World's Masterpieces Subject of
dress by Chicago Critic.

Must Keep Spiritual Legacy.

iu his introductory address hl r.
Hays said that there never was a
greater need of preserving the spirit-
ual legacy of the Jews than today.
A back-to-the-synagogue movement
should be pursued with intensive vigor
and an effort should be made to
awaken the Jew without synagogue
affiliations to the seriousness of the
situation as effecting his race, Mr.
Hays said.
"Other nations have been laid deso-
late in bygone days," he said. "The
Jewish nation had been made desolate
and his temple destroyed by the Ro-
mans. Yet the Jew has lived and
why? Because he had within him a
spiritual consciousness, a profound be-
lief in God, because he was the mes-
senger of those great moral principles

Attributes the Beginnings of Anti-
Semitism to Newer Genera-
tion of Jews.

—Wide World Moto..

before were there no many prodigies in one room u wan gathered
recently at the New York home of Cantor Rosenblatt, world famous singer.
The children, many of them of Jewish parentage, were brought together
to display their wonderful talents before each other. None of the children
assembled were over twelve yearn of age, yet every one has already become
famous for his or her prowess. In the photo, left to right, are Miss E. Ha-
ger, 'cello-soloist, Miss Locus, pianist, Miss A. abler, pianist, Miss B. Hager,
violinist. (The two Hilger sisters, have just arrived from Bohemia and are
already giving concerts.) Next, little Ruth Stern is a well known dancer and
singer. Miss F. Stern is a violinist, Sammy Crammer, a violinist, who has
already given concerts, Cantor Rosenblatt, himself, Samuel Rxechewski, the
chess expert, D. Mockey a pianist Sitting, in front are C. Mockey a pianist
and Miss Locus a dancer.



Charles Harvey Burkholder, Cura-
tor of Exhibitions of the Art Studio
of Chicago, will appear before the
Jewish Woman's Club at their next
meeting, Monday, Jan. 3, at 2:30 p.

at Temple Beth El.
Mr. Burkholder will lecture

"The World's Master Paintings," il-
lustrating his talk with colored lan-
tern slide reproductions. His audi-,
ence will he entertained by glimpses .
of many of the noted paintings of
Europe, as well as works in the Chi-
cago Art Institute.
Mr. Burkholder, who is considered
an authority on his subject, is said
to be a,very interesting speaker, treat-
ing his themes in a popular vein that

.s both pleasing and instructive.

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