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December 17, 1920 - Image 4

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The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1920-12-17

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PIE PcrRon;



Published Weekly by

Ils< Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc.

Joseph J. Cummins, President.

Entered se second-clam matter March 3, 1916, at the Postoffice at Detroit,

Mich., under the Act of March 3, 1879.

General Offices and Publication Building
206 High Street West

Telephone s :

Cable Address:

mit (A Komaz

larly contemporary history, severely alone.
Of course, The Detroit Saturday Night like hosts of Detroiters
who know the Keena family and their staunch loyalty to the
Catholic Church, have found a world of amusement in this faux pas
of the editor of the Dearborn scandalmonger. But really, the
of the editorial above (muted has missed the point. For he fails to
point out to his readers the fact that the Keena reference is only
typical of hundreds of similar references in the pages of the Dear-
born Independent. When it happens to suit the convenience of
gentleman in charge of the anti-Jewish screeds that fill two pages of
his paper each week, he dubs the first man who comes into his mind,
a Jcw. Whenever to prove his point that the Jews are seeking world
dominion, it becomes necessary for him lit find a Jew or any number
of them in high governmental positions, without a qualm of con-
science and by a stroke of his pen, he converts the requisite number
of good Christians into faithful Jews. Whenever it becomes essen-
tial for him to prove the criminality of the Jews, he takes a selected
bunch from wherever he may find them and marks them Jews and
criminals in ipse dixit fashion. That they are not Jews and that they
are not criminals, does not matter at all to him.
We know that it has always been easy for certain Christian
clergymen to claim tremendous success in their campaigns to con-
vert the Jew to Christianity, but so far as we know, this is the first
instance on record where one reputed to have been a clergyman at
one period of life, finds it to his interest to convert by the wholesale
Christians into Jews. But w h en a man like the editor of the Dear-
born Independent is willing to prostitute his abilities as this man is
doing, why should he hesitate at a perversion of the truth ? The
Keena incident is as we have pointed out, only one example of hun-
dreds of such perversions that till the columns of the anti-Semitic
Dearborn sheet. Practically every accusation that is made against
the Jew in its columns is made of wh o le cloth. There is a short and
ugly word that some are accustomed to apply to one who regards the
truth so lightly. But then after all, one must make a living and it is
not every newspaper that pays its scribblers more than eight thou-
sand dollars a year.




Giving While Living.

An Indictment.

real self-sacrifice to share what he has with others. Are we over-
optimistic in believing that more and more, this fact is dawning
upon men's minds and that an increasing number 1)f human beings
are coming to recognize the fact that wealth is of value only insofar
as it becomes a medium of human service? When one appreciates
the stupendous sums of money that in these last years, have been
distributed to relieve suffering in all its manifold forms, sums beside
which the wealth of a Croesus is but a bagatelle; when, moreover,
one realizes that continued calls upon the purse of the people during
these last times, have not soured the great majority or made them
unwilling to give sums that entail great self-sacrifice, lid must be
brought to feel that after all, the hearts of men and women are for
the most part right and easily touched by the appeal of suffering
It•is for this reason that we have faith that coming as it does,
even upon the very heels of the Community Fund Drive, the I louver
campaign for funds for the three and one-half million suffering chil-
dren of Europe will meet with a. ready and generous response at the
hands of the people. There is no cause perhaps that so touches the
heart of humanity as the cause of childhood that suffers. It is in
the name of the innocent children of decrepit and starving Europe.
that Mr. Hoover addresses his plea to the people.
Surely they will be glad to give to such a cause. Better for them
to give now than to leave it to their heirs. I.et us know the joy
of giving while living.

themselves—"tens of thousands are selling their birthright for
a mess of pottage." But the synagogue itself is also guilty—
guilty, as the church is guilty, of compromising with evil, toy-
ing with tradition, and surrendering to the enticements of
wealth. Dr. Wise's own great following, not only in New
York City but throughout the country, is all the evidence we
need of what would happen to American Jewry, if he and his
Free Synagogue were multiplied an hundred fold. Let the
synagogue and its leaders be faithful to its prophetic inheritance,
and it will not languish."

Dr. \Vise has made a severe indictment of the synagog. Rut the
western paper, it scents to us, has clearly indicted Dr. \Vise.
are as concerned as anyone can be at the fact that there are some
Jews, indeed, all t(so many of them, who stand beyond the influence
of the synagogue. But we do not believe that Dr. Wise or any-
body else has the statistics available to justify him in saying that
less than ten per cent of the Jews in any community. or in any
district are unaffiliated with the synagogue. In making such a
statement, we fear that the learned and somewhat aggressive rabbi
has not taken the pains to verify his facts. Such a statement as
he made can be justified only after a careful house to house census
has been taken, a thing which to the best of our knowledge, has
not been (lone.

Benefit to British Empire.

The men who are running the Brit-
ish empire are not insensible to the
appeal of high emotion and moral ar-
gument. No material cause was ever
any worse off for such support. If it
is going to strengthen the hand of
Great Britain in the near east to have
a wealthy:, intelligent, progressive
Jewish European population express-
ing in word and deed its gratitude for
the (Walsh, so (moth the better for the
British empire. At the same time, if
is not to be expected that the British
government is going to antagonize
deliberately the large Arab popula-
tion, Christian and Mohammedan
alike, which has been settled in the
Holy Land for many centuries.
The moderate Zionists recognize
this. I was talking. to one yesterday,
a brilliant Oxford man who did well
in the war, and who has sacrificed
much of his private career since to
serve the Zionist cause in London. He
said to me:
"Of course we don't expect to make
Palestine pay in a decade. It might
pay, but it probably won't. When you
are dealing with a national ideal, why
should you think a hundred years long
to wait for your realization? 1Ve
know that there are among us those
who will say that Palestine can al-
ready support a huge population and
pour out its wealth into the markets
of Europe. These men served their
turn in working for the achievement
of the mandate, but they are only gas
bags. and no one takes them seriously
now. Palestine is a high adventure
demanding a patient, silent enthusi-
asm and involving the necessity for a
philosophy which shall accept disap-
pointment as part of the day's work.
"'here are parts of the country which
are fertile, ot her part s which are arid.
You cannot make a desert into a gar-
den by calling it pleasant names. On
the other hand, the greatest of all
Russian engineers has worked out a
plan whereby the Jordan, with its
steep fall front the mountains to the
Dead sea, can be harnessed into the
provision of water power to supply
Palestine with the comforts and roll-
VellillICCS of modern social life. This
will take time and money, and we
shall not see any return for it just yet.
NVIty not accept the situation and wait
for the return? Haifa can be made
into a great modern port, but only by
the aid of money and patient labor.
Let us count up its harbor dues when
tie get them and sot before. 'four-
ists will bring revenues to the Holy
Land when there are enough houses
and hotels to accommodate them as
well as the residents. At present
there are not enough houses for any-
body. Let us fall to building."

And if the situation is as Dr. \Vise describes it, then is he not
as much to blame for the condition as anyone else? Ile is a man
second to none in the ministry in the ability to inspire, to persuade,
and to cajole people into doing his will. Than he, there is no man
"The New Menace."
in America, perhaps, gifted with greater natural gifts as an ora-
We can conceive of no name more appropriate than this for the tor. Than he there is surely no man in the ministry of any
sheet published under that title in a little Nlissouri town that reached nomination more constantly in the public eye. If he has not suc-
our desk this week. We presume that it is the heir and successor ceeded in reducing the 90i/o of the unaffiliated in his community,
to the "Menace," an organ that in our opinion should never have sylio then shall succeed? May it be that he has spread out his
seen the light of day, much less have been permittvd circulation efforts over too wide an area so that the influence in any one
through the United States mails.
listrict is after all very thin?
"The New Menace" is just what its name implies. a new menace
It requires courage to speak as Dr. \Vise does, and yet he must
to civilization and to humanity. It is conceived in malice and nur• ',ear in mind that the "mess of pottage fur which tens of thousands
tured upon bigotry. Its whole and sole purpose is to paint Catholics Ire selling their birthright" may take other forms than wealth.
and Catholicism in the blackest colors and in its effort to do so, it Panic, applause, jorpularity,mre always forms of "pottage." We
appeals to the vilest and the basest passions of the non-Catholic not believe, howtver, that the writer of the editorial quoted had
this in mind when he wrote his rather bitter words about Dr. \Vise
• As Jews who have themselves so often been the victims of mali- and his Free Synagogue.
cious attacks of this same sort, we can deeply sympathize with our
Hut whatever may have been in his mind, be certainly pro-
Catholic friends against whom such miserable and unscrupulous claimed a pregnant truth when he said ''I.et the synagogue and its
assailants are accustomed to array themselves. But let its in all leaders be faithful to its prophetic inheritance, and it will not
earnestness say to our Catholic friends, that they need have no fear languish."
of the ultimate results of a campaign of vituperation such as this.
If as Jews we may judge by the effects that such base methods of
The Printed Word.
attack have had upon ourselves, we may say that not only will
Scarce a day goes by but WC reeelee through the newspapers
Catholics and the great religious cause they represent not be
hurt by them, but they will be strengthened by them and a new and more particularly in pamphlet form, reprints of One or more
determination will be born in them to go steadfastly and straight- sermons delivered by preachers of all denominations to their con-
gregations. Perhaps we may as well confess that 11111St of them
forwardly ahead in the pursuit of their ideals.
There can be no question about it but that since ignorance and remain unread. And for good reason. Comparatively fete of the
bigotry and falsehood and malignity have recently arrayed them: men who speak several times a week to their congregations give
selves against the Jew, there has come to us a new sense of self- utterance to thoughts so inspiring or t0 sentiments SO worth while
respect and our purpose to realize our right ideals has been Intensi- every time they speak that they are worthy of preservation in
fied in the great majority of our people. Bigotry always re-acts printed form. Only now and then does any man in addressing his
upon the bigot. Falseho o d eventually uncovers the liar. There- pethde, rise to the heights. Even the greatest of orators . repeat
fore, let those who are attacked have 111/ fear. "The New Nlenace" themselves constantly in one form or another.
It is therefore we believe, ill advised for any preacher to pub- FORM PRESS AGENCY
will do no harm to those against whom with its poisoned weapons
it arrays itself. But it is a pity that in free America and in this lish all of his pulpit discourses. Ile nay interest, he may instruct,
The Board of Deputies, which dis-
twentieth century, it should be possible to spread broadcast senti- he may even inspire the people who sit b•fore him week by week, cussed last Sunday the details of for-
ments so subversive of the :\merican spirit and which by that but hack of his address is the personality of the man who delivers rnation of a press agency to fight anti-
token, do constitute a real menace to our country's well tieing as it. This is lacking when the message is reduced to cold print and Semitisni, expected what they got,
do those contained in the sheet bearing the title of this editorial. so cannot carry with it the same weight or the sa ute inspiration as some strong opposition to the inclu-
sion of the League of British Jest's 011
it does when spoken from the pulpit.
the representation of the press com-
Still, we may conceive that Men mature 111 experience whose
mittee. The league, which was formed
The "Jew"—Leo Keena.
intellectual reslources due to reading and studying are very great, more than a year ago on lines not
The Detroit Saturday Night, commenting upon the Dearborn may frequently give utterance through their pulpits to sentiments very tactfully devised, took upon its
shoulders the duty of explaining that
well worthy of reSeeVali(m. But these
are seldom the ones who there were "Jews and Jews," and
Independent's reference to Leo Keena, American Consul at War-
rush into print week after week. What strikes us rather grotesquely
saw, as a Jew, writes as follows:
hinting that the voluble and some-
is that :1111011g the See111011S that come to Ile from
week to week with times mischievous foreign-born ele-
It will surprise anybody who has ever enjoyed the Irish wit
unbroken regularity, are those of men fresh from their college halls, ment (lid not express the typical Jew-
and humor that is the inheritance of Mr. James T. Keena of
men who have never had the opportunity of delving very deep into ish attitude towards the duties of
this city to learn that his son, Mr. Leo Keena, is a Jew. We
the real problems of life and whose discourses are naturally super- citizenship. Ten of its hailers, arro-
know it"Ivas a surprise to Keena, Sr. We heard him say so;
gating to themselves, with perhaps
ficial when they are nut entirely encyclopedic.
an inkulicious alacrity, the right to
and ••e might add that anybody else who would like to hear
Happy the man who once in a long time call produce a
him say so will find it worth while. We have reason to believe
sermon speak for the community as a whole.
or alt essay or a poem that is worthy of putting into print. It
wrote a now-famous signed letter to
that it will be a surprise to Keena, Jr. Neither of them has
its as rare conceit on the part 1.f any man to believe that everything the !doming Post in which they ac-
ever suspected it. But there they are. right in the middle of
cepted that engaging journal's Ma-
he says is worthy of perpetuation in printed form.
the great Jewish conspiracy for world domination that Mr.
chiavellian invitation that, in order to

Henry Ford discovers every week in the columns of The Dear-
born Independent. The Semitic role that Editor Ford assigns
to Keena, Jr., is this:
Thanks to Jewish influence at Washington, Leo Keena, a
• Jew, has replaced Mr. Rankin as American consul-general at
Warsaw. Keena says he is ready to vise 1,000 passports a day
if necessary. His predecessor apparently did not vise Jewish
passports rapidly enough to suit Mr. Warburg and Mr. Baruch.
Editor Ford apparently has not yet heard that Mr. I.eo
Keena is a fello•-townsman of his who has for ten years served
with distinction with the consular department in the Argentine,
Chile, Italy, Switzerland and Washington. fl it present appoint-
ment is amply warranted by his exceptional record.

Editor Ford apparently has not yet learned also that Mr.
Keena came of South Irish ancestors, and is inclined to think
he does yet. If Mr. Keena is a Jew, then by the same kind of
genealogy, Mr. Ford himself is a Jew, for Mr. Ford's father
came•from Cork. But this conclusion, as Mr. Euclid would say,
is absurd.
\Vhat becomes of the great Jiwish conspiracy when its
coverer can't tell a
Jew from an Irishman? Every time we read
his paper we
think how much more useful Mr. Ford would be
if he followed his original resolution, and left history, particu-

correct a wide and unfortunate public
misapprehension. it was necessary fur ♦ .

NE \V YORK—The convention of

Jewish harmers which is to meet lucre
next Sunday will deal with quite a
number of vital topics, apart from
those immediately effecting the farm-
ers interests.
The Federation of Jewish Farmers
which is calling the convention an-
nounces that it expects close to 200
delegates who will represent no lets
than 10.000 Jewish farmers who arc
scattered throughout the Eastern and
Midwestern states. Mr. Louis Mar-
shall will preside at the opening ses-
sion of the convention and the speak-
ers will include Congressman Isaac
Siegel, the lion. Cyrus Sultzer, Dr.
Nathan Krass, N. Phillips, president
of the League of Foreign-Born Citi-
zens, B. Zuckerman of the Peoples

Relief and others.




YORK—In the course of a
statement issued by Felix N. War-
burg, chairman of the Joint Distribu-
tion Committee, he declared that the
committee "faces a deficit of nearly
$3.030000 with which to meet the ap-
propriations it had already made." Mr.
‘Varburg added:
"Unless this deficit is at once made
up and additional contributions are
speedily made by the Jews of the
United States, the committee's entire
future work will stop and demands
received from all parts of Europe for
the aid of war orphans, pogrom vic-
tims and for relief in general will have
to be refused. The funds in hand to-
tal $7,677,000."

(Fidei Defensor)

AM a Jew! These words I write with pride.
I To
me they are the badge of supreme worth,

For they denote God's Chosen upon earth,
Though some who follow Christ that name deride,
Forgetting Christ was Jew and nought beside.
Jew was He from the day which gave Him birth
Until He died; and in that time, no dearth
Of Jewish teaching does His Life provide.

England's Position in Egypt.

Let us be practical minded. Great
Britain has for some years past felt
her position in Egypt to be dependent
too much upon force, and too little
upon good will. The immense bene-
laffiich her government, under
Subscription, in Advance
$3.00 Per Year
great pro-consuls like Cromer and
Kitchener have brought to the
To insure publication, all correspondence and news matter must reach this
Egyptian peasant, are forgotten by
office by Tuesday evening of each week.
that stnnewhat ungrateful gentleman
Editorial Contributor
in these (lays of his prosperity, espe-
cially when Ile is led by- the use by
native extremists who want him to
The Jewish Chronicle invites correspondence on subject. of interest to
vote them into administrative jobs to
the Jewish people, but disclaim. responsibility for an indorsement of the views
which no British administration would
expressed by the writer..
ever appoint them. There will always
be trouble in the Nile Delta, and trou-
December 17, 1920
Tebet 8, 5681
ble means expense. If the British
army is to hold the Suez canal, it is
going to be a very difficult -matter
when a hostile and sullen population
stands at its back. But the Suez
There are some men who are always gener(ms with other people's
canal, like all other questions, has two
money. One must have a very limited experience in dealing with
sides. \\'hat about holding it from
the other side, with au army stationed
men not to understand this. Whether one gives with lavish hands
in Palestine for the purpose of pro-
of public funds of which he happens to be the administrator or
tecting a new, progressive and int-
whether out of the fortune that should go to his heirs, one bequeaths
mensely powerful European popula-
to charitable and educational causes, the treasure to which in his
tion which is pro-British all the time?
Surely that is a better proposition al-
life he has clung tenaciously, the principle is very much the same.
The Jews, for their own
To be sure, we do not say this in disparagement of large bequests

sakes, will see to it that the British
to public causes. Very often it happens that a man in his lifetime is
Dr. Stephen S. \Vise of the New )(fork Free Synagog is reported army in Palestine is not endangered
not able to give to the support of public institutions what he believes to have said recently in the course of an address: "There
or weakened by sedition. Nay, more;
can be spared from his estate. All honor to those who out of their more Reform synagogs in New York in my youth than there are they Will not see the slightest objec-
life's accumulation are willing even at the last to share with the today. There are :i0,000 Jewish families between r)Oth and 120th tion to paying for the maintenance of
that army as a business proposition.
unfortunates 14 earth rather than merely hand down to their lineal Streets and I dare say not In% of them are
supporters of synagogs." If part of the duty of the British army
descendants, the fortunes they have gathered.
Commenting upon this statement of Dr. \Vise, a Chicago non- in Palestine is the protection of its
But far finer is the spirit of him who gives while he lives, who sectarian contemporary writes as billows:
nearest southwestern frontier, the
Suez canal, who will begrudge the bill
knows not only the joy of giving but who is moved by a spirit of
"Dr: Wise is right in laying much of the blame on the Jews
of costs? Certainly not the Jews.

Glendale 8326


(COW/lilted from Page One)

But what about Lord Milner, that stiff.
unyielding construction engineer of
empire? Ile, feu, reported in favor
of Egyptiadindependence. Excellent:
except that no man in his sane senses
would ever believe that Lord Milner
would say or do anything that could
possibly imperil the British control of
the Suez canal.

)/ I


Christ returned to earth, both He and I
I F Would
worship the same God in the same place,

For He and I are sons of that great race
Which God has sealed to immortality.
Then why should any Christian hate the Jew
Unless he is prepared to hate Christ, too?


I em to dissociate Judaism from Bol-
hevism. The foreign Jews never for-
got either the pretentiousness or the
oily of this letter, which certainly did
accept by implication the suggested
consonance of Jewish and Bolshevist
ideals., To have induced their repre-
sentatisses at the Board of Deputies
to consent to working hand-in-hand
with the league in the common cause
of fighting the anti-Semites of the
Press here and in the rest of Europe,
is indeed a victory for common sense
and an augury of future good.

port. There would be no tra.o..b in
history so sweeping or so
of those who can deserve no ,11
"England, France. Italy and other
western countries of Europe not only
do not ask for our help, but arc th•m-
selves helping in these regions to the
cast, making sacrifices far beyond
what we call 1111011 Americans to mike.
U. S. Must Not Fail.

"America has not failed in the past
in great heartedness. She had never had
a more poignant call than this. And it
Note—The article by Israel Zang- must not be forgotten that it is to out
will, which appeared in the London interest to establish order throughout
Jewish Chronicle and which is alluded the world and win the good %nil of
to by Mr. Spero, will be found on an. these nations with whom we niu.t lie`
in close intercourse in the future. Con-
other page of this issue.
tributions should be turned over to th e
local committees which are now being
formed for this national collection, or
sent to Franklin K. Lane, Treasurer,
Guaranty Trust Co., New York City.




((Continued from

Page One)

and Central Europe.

Children Suffering.

"W'inter is closing down. The money
of many nations is valueless outside
their own boundaries. Economic and
crop conditions, aggravated over con-
siderable areas by actual warfare last
summer, make famine, with its ter-
rible train of disease, a certain visitor
moil next harvest. Inevitably the
helpless children will suffer most. No
child can grow to health and sanity
on the pitiful make-shifts for food
with which millions of European
adults must content themselves this
winter. It is obvious that the remedy
can come only from outside.
"America saved 6,000•000 European
children winter before last. Normal
recuperation cut the need nearly in
half list year, but unusual conditions
have resulted in scant shrinkage of
child destitution during the twelve
months just past. ,The response of
America must now decide whether
3,500,000 of these charges, in acute
distress, shall begin to he turned away
in January from more than 17,000 asy-
lums, hospitals, clinics and feeding-
stations dependent on American sup-


NEW YORK—The National Com-
mittee for Constructive Immigration
Legislation at its session yesterday
listened to addresses by Rabbi Dr.
Stephen S. Wise, the lion. II. W.
Welty of Ohio and others. Dr. Wise
is reported to have said in the course
of his address:

",There can be no brotherliness un-
less native Americans root out of their
hearts every prejudice, every antagon-
ism, every ill will, all those tendencies
of the spirit which raise barriers be-
tween man and man. City govern-
ment must he kept clean and straight
and an incorruptible police force is
an eff icient agency of Americanization.
The foreign-born Americans whose
first acquaintance with America is
through the medium of corrupt city
government is wronged by his new

A message received from Intoner:1-
tion Commissioner Wallis stated that
he estimated 1,300,000 immigrants had
already made application to come to
this country and were only held back
by lack of shipping facilities.


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