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December 17, 1920 - Image 14

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The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1920-12-17

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Palestine Irredenta

achieve the Rlsorgimento, whereas
mend preference only If It were a real times it Is mere exclusion from Cul.
Palestine is still Irredenta.
An oppor- national Redemption.
Where as not versifies or Civil Services, sometimes are slaying the mothers and fathers,
tu n
tsin which does not even grasp Ito only is there no Jewish State w
what shall we do with the children?"
, opportunity is doubly damnable—It is view, but Palestine is nut even permit- a straightforward massacre. This, be The soldiers made sport of this appeal
the bungling of Sancho Panza added, ted, or able to receive the wretched It marked, is by no means a bad page and then deliberately shot seventy of
to the collapse of Don Quixote. To hordes streaming to beat desperately of Jewish news of the week. There Is the childasn. Later, the heads of these
I sell One's birthright and not even get at her gates, many of whom perish, no atrocity on a collosal scale, 81101 as innocents, separated front their ladles,
the mess of pottage!
ensanguines the record in other weeks.
TI he tragic Irony of the situation is perhaps fortunately, under the hard- It 18 an average example of the con- were placed In a huge barrel mei sent
"1- IFE caricatures our concepts,'
as a "present" to the remaining !nem.
own trumpet witch they are a hat remitin8 of ancient antipathies' enhanced by the fact that the state of ships of the route or In the wretched tinuous pogrom in action, the vast ma- bars of the Jewish Colunilitlity The
1-/ complained Dr. Ilerzl to me In ' their
seine smack
y try to jority of the episodes in which !lever
the Jewish people
a whole
and evidently this assimilation would measurably
blacker as
et any is time
the early days of his movement, and
, cross the Black Sea or the Mediter- even find their way into print, and detail Is here too Incredible to 1,- in.
"A Scrap of Paper."
vented, and the reporter, Dr. Hera-
Indeed, history has few grimmer Iron ., Mr. Frederic Harrison has urged be promoted by giving them that I even In Its own tenebrous history.
ranean. The same number of the
The Jewish Chronicle that contained the more than counterbalance any possible stein-Kohn, of KishIneff, is of inmee•
les to show than that his noble an • upon the government that "too many which all other nations possess:,e, , world's nerves are now HO
local habitation and II national home.
blunted by 'news of the incorporation of the Pal- exaggeration in those recorded.
authority and veracity. He tells
pacific vision of the Jewish Stet e rash promises were made In the stress
Some of these records are indeed so us, too, of forty Jews found
A World-Question. the horrors in which it has wallowed ' estine project In the Turkish Peace
should draw its hopes of realizatlo n of war." Evidently, according to this
gruesome that one could wish there
It Is almost futile to draw atten-
walking on all fours. And
from the bloodiest war In history, o r casuist—a religious leader to boot- its Finally,
he regards
the problem In lion to a series of masnacres. expel-
lois exaggeration. Take, for example,
ue light,
not merely
perhaps even worse than the discsatie
that, on the embodiment of Mr. Bal - the Prussian doctrine was correct, and proble
m, but also as a world a Jewish Mons, boycotts, menaces and other items, all with out exception devoted the story of the pogrom that took detonation of persecution is the no.
four's promise in the Turkish condi - now that the advantages, the impon-
place near Fitchin. In the Ukraine
problem. persecutions that outdo in their total-
But the cloven hoof of the antis;emite,
lifting fog of repression, the creeping
to persecution. Persecution In Poland,
tions, a Zionist leader In Jerusalem derabilla as well as the ponderubilla which was displayed in his sontribu- the
ity Armemiseries
of any other people persecution in Austria, persecution in The orgies were beyond description, terror or anticipation. That si
should have ordered the Shofar to be of the Balfour Declaration have been lion to t he East Africa controversy,
not a Single (ciliate WWI left alive or
nians not excluded. Yet vast t
the Ukraine, persecution in Hungary, unoutraged, the old men were singled situation in Poland, the probs., .
SUM that ought to have been used
sounded as at the coming of the hies - reaped, It can become "a scrap of peeps out again. ZioniH
m rece i ve
persecution in France, persecution in out, their beards cut off and then their the Allied Powers, aneut whin,
slab; and have thus officially identi- paper." But why fall back on so bru- su pport
rt as a "serious endeavor to
Algeria. Sometimes young Jewesses heads. The Rabbi gathered a hundred Stuart Samuel, after his recent
fied a dubious political transaction tal a doctrine when the race to which mitigate lime age-long miseries created twenty-flue
pounds 8 — are di-
lax made a statement worthy
with the "one far-off divine meet" for you pay a shilling in the pound de- for Western civilization by the pres- verted to a protect, which could de- are raped, sometimes old Jews are and twenty-five children of the dis-
made to swallow their beards, Borne- trict and said to the murderers, "You
which Jewish mysticieni has waited dares rapturtioualy that you have ence in Its midst of a boil
(Continued on page I
y whi h it
nigh two thousand years. It lo only honored your obligation to the full? ILO long regarded as alien and even
another proof of the demoralising ef• Why devote effort and brain work to hoetile, but which it woo equally un-
recta of racial egotism sad political
the tough problem of creating a real able to expel or absorb." Unless by
"Jewish National Home" In Palestine age-long miseries" Mr. Balfour means
It is true that the dispossession of when you give such boundless satis- the spiritual miseries of hating, per-
the Turk, the assassin of the Armen'. faction by shutting the homeless secuting, and massacreing, by which
ans, the despoiler of Palestine, is a fiord" of Jewry out of it? The na. "Western civilization" afflicted its
process that makes for righteousness, lives are agitated and aggressive. own soul, this is a very reprehensible
and the yearning of the Jewish soul Why embroil yourself with them to statement. The Jews have brought
to which Jebuda !Mimi gave such give the land to the Jews, especially "Western civilization" not miseries,
touching expression is an emotion of when the Arabs are utterly ungrate- but untold blessings. But if Mr. Bal.
no small spiritual potency. But, un- ful for your liberating them from the four's Zionism Is an attempt to assist
fortunately, the disingenuous handling Turks, while the Jews will bedew "Western civilization" to rid itself of
of the newfangled mandatory system, with tears of gratitude the hands that its unwelcome foreign body, still more
clearly must he have intended offer-
the cynical flouting of the League of binds them?
ing that body the maximum of ter-
Nations on which it professes to de-
We behold in fact the curious phe-
pend, reduces the world again from a nomenon that at a moment when Ilin- ritory and opportunity in Palestine.
But in the project as it now ma-
commonwealth to a cockpit, and in does, Egyptians, and Irishmen vie
such a welter there can be for Jewry with one another to shake off the terializes, a mere fraction of this body
neither spiritual nor physical salve- British yoke, the Jews are equally Is simply to change its place of exile,
and new miseries of race-friction are
frenzied to put their necks in it. They
At first, indeed, It seemed as If the are like castaways at sea, rejoicing to to be created. "Now you have got a
start," ran Mr. Lloyd George's hiatoric
ancient belief that associated the re-
be picked up even by a slaver. It is
turn of the Jews to l'alestine with a a pathetic testimony to twenty cen- message from San Remo. "And it Is
tip to you to make it good." It can-
millennial order would be realized by
turies of tossing on a pitiless ocean.
the triumph of the WilsonIan prin. Ilut it Is equidly a proof that twenty not be too emphatically recorded that
start has been given except for col-
Melee. But these high-flown dreams
years of Zionism have not availed to onization and immigration, and that,
have proved to be only the outcome
restore the sapped notional diginity. whatever the measure of success
lilliiinillM1111111.1111 ■ 11011 .1 •I
of the opium with which humanity
The Immemorial Passover aspiration reached, the gain will be more to the
Consider how marked anti
was drugged to continue its mutual
"Next year In Jerusalem!" is followed British Empire than to Jewry. For
butchery, and the awakening has
universally recognized must
in the ritual by "Next year sons of while that Empire will be safeguarded
found the patient paying as usual for
Freedom!" England's dole of Free- by a new barrier for the defense of
intoxication by depression and Kat-
be its musical superiority
dom was meager enough, but the Jew- Egypt, and enriched by a loyal and in-
zenjammer. That the Jews should
over all other reproducing
ish Oliver Twists actually ask for less, dustrious population that may be used

nevertheless sing liosannas might at
not more. The very leaders of Zion- for Its battles, and while its derelict
first seem a welcome exception to the
pianos when almost all the
tem have failed it. Children of the acquisition will be converted Into a
prevailing pessimism; as welcome an
master pianists of the world
Russian I'ale, unaccustomed to an at- comparatively fruitful and self-sup-
exception as the Institution of a Jew.
mosphere of freedom, and overawed porting colony, the Jewish problem
Ish State would be to the prevailing
record their playing for it—
by an alien officialdom, they have not will remain not merely untransformed
materialism. Unhappily, it le again
the opitimism of the opium-eater. varied from the Shladlonim, the °bee- but largely unalleviated. There wiU
elliOUS emissaries of Jewry throughout be neither quantity of salvation nor
The Oriental emotionalism of the race
has been exploited, and rejoicings the Ghetto ages. Dr. Weizmnnn, des- quality of status. A wanton task uni-
Among the great pianists
and rhapsodies, processions and eyn• pite his frequent visits to Palestine, fies the workers, and them the com-
whose late, authentic re-
agogical thanksgivings which might brought never a word to London of mon concentration on Palestine will
have seemed faintly In order at the the contemptuous attitude of the mili- strengthen and perpetuate the Dias-
corded interpretations can
authorities towards the Jews, or pora on Its present lines—a (1111)1011a
opening of the first Jewish parliament tary
be heard only on the DUO-
In a Palstine Regained, have been , s f their iniquitous attempt to burke blessing indeed. In the deal with
ART arc:
lavished throughout the Ghettos and '" e Balfour Declaration; bad ho done Christendom the Jew, as usual, has
Judengassen of the world at the mere 8, o, English meetings of protest might got the worse of the bargain.
verbal prospect that England ae a
Parterewsst, (mace
inundatory would establish "a Jewish Jeruttalem averted. Of him it may he
HOIBIaaa, Joliet
What will be the status of a Jew
Baser, Harold
National Home" there, though all that said, as Macaulay said of Admiral Tor- who becomes a citizen of the new (or
Gans, BudolyB
was clear was that French Imperial• rington in the old French war: "Ile nursing)
ing) British-Arab State in Pale s.
Grainger, Percy
ism had been docked of part at least
tine? Is he by nationality British,
Oortot, Alfred
of the southern section of Syria, and the responsibility of fighting, and from
the British empire had been corre. the responsibility of not fighting; and
become Paleatinian, it appears. But
BabrIlovraseB, Ozalp
spondingly extended and fortified by he succeeded in finding out a middle
Dambole, Maurice
by a strange ukase of the Supreme
a new buffer-province. Of the prom- W ay which united all the inconven-
Goodeon, Katherine
Council of the Allies, he may also re-
Ise to the Jews nothing was definite l e aces which he wished to avoid."
Rubinstein, Arthur
lain his original nationality; an ar•
It is urged, of course. that politics
except Its negative clauses, and noth-
rangement which on the day—if ever
Hutobeeon, Bureau
ing explicit save Ile limitations. Yet la the art of the practicable, and that
it dawns—when the State reaches full-
Gown w. August
the nebulous news from San Remo in accommodating Been to British
fledged independence, will produce a
Shattuck, Arthur
sufficed to turn Jeruealem from a city Po
rare chaos in its Constitution. In the
Bogulawski, Koluaye
of fasting and lamentations over the ha shown a sensible taateeraft. But
meantime, eine° Palestine is supposed
Is neither
recent pogrom Into a city hailing the th
Powell, John
to be training for self-government as a
the path of true , etatemmanship nor
Messiah with tumult of trumpet.
Lerineka, Ethel
ward of the League of Nations, and
the road of national salvation.
Hughes, Edwin
"Dreamers of the Ghetto."
Britain is merely the transitory vice-
Under General I4er, Dindoos had
Priedhalm, Arthur
There is indeed tnuch In common
guardian—Palestine citizenship, ex-
to crawl. Ilut under General Allenby,
Adler. Clarence
between these hysteric and hyperbolic
the Zionist leaders, with the redeem-
Cadman, Chu. Wakadeld
ries no rights in the British Empire,
manifestations and the popular frenzy
Denton, Oliver
ing exception of Jahotinskv, have
conveys no claim to the Paltnerstonlan
that attended the career of the seven-
Gabbard, Heinrich
needed no crawling order. Monett
('iris ropIIIIIIIIS NII))1, TIOr any right to
teenth century Sabbatai Zevi, "the
Moral, Aurelio
Turkish Messiah" of my "Dreamers said of O'Connell that he had cont. land in Melbourne, Montreal, or Lon-
Beard, Mardeleine
Jonas, Alberto
of the Ghetto." The jubilance le even mItted every crime that did not re- dun, except as an alien, or even as an
quire courage. Dr. Wei/mann has dis •
Wolff, Albert
more pathetic in its prematurity and
Vecsel, Dealder
more unmanly in its abandonment played eVery virtue that does not re- Jews of Palestine from being regarded
quire It.
Lambert, Aluander
as British by the rest of the world,
than those grotesque ululations and
Baldwin, Carolyn. Coss
grovelIngs on the floor witnessed at
Hemmen, Ernesto
the Zionist Congress In 1903, when the Zionism always apprehended has come from all of which energies and finan-
Byrd, Winifred
Boa, Conrad V.
Mere resolution of the majority to In- to pass. The great moment has amend Iles will he streaming towards Pales.
vestigate the British offer of a terri- a small Deonle. tine. can scarcely escape being re-
tory In East Africa was taken by the
such a situation for non-British Jews
Henry, Harold
fanatical minority as equivalent to the
Nothing could slow the fiasco of
}Lenard, Zoete,
"surrender" of Palestine.
political Zionism more clearly than in the event of a war between Eng.
Neuter, Budolph
And this epidemic of ecstasy is im- the eagerness of anti Zionisists to
measurably more wide-spreqd than take part in the work. Now Plat the ish populations needs no accentuation.
Spencer, Eleanor
that delirium of grief; its ravages national incitement upon which so After our recent experience of the
Sutra, }Lou end China
temper anti temperature of peoples at
Wadrirueram, Paquita
spare neither age nor experience. The
much enthusiasm, eloquence, and war, we know that the Jews will be
teaching faith in British benevolence money have been expended. and for
and world-philanthropy is unalloyed which Captain Trumpeldor died cry- fortunate if they escape with simple
Interment. The Jews of England Mist
by recollection of the pogrom which ing. "it is good to die for one's min.
Jabotinsky accused the British mill. try," has dwindled to the familiar ened to form a League of British Jews
to emphasize that they accepted no po-
tarp authorities of having incited, and philanthropic task of Immigration and
litical loyalty to the Jewish State that
which at the best they allowed to rage colonization under alien authority and
seemed to he looming But the danger
for three days among a scrupulously responsibility, the communal leaders
to them is nonexhaent; It is Leagues
disarmed Jewry. Let us hope this in- throw themselves into the work with tot' French or German or American
corrigible belief in Britain will melt their wonted beneficence. The danger Jews that the situation calls for. Still
the hearts of her politicians, and in• is over, and the Messiah will not come more dubious is the position of the
duce theta to take the task of Jewish in their time. They know better than Palestine Jews themselves in the
Restoration seriously in hand. It to believe that trumpet. In vain the
event of the mandatory becoming in-
must indeed be a hard parliamentary Zionists pretend that the times of
vowed in war. Would Palestine as a
heart that is left untouched by this Ezra and Nehemiah are returned. and ward of the League of Nations be nets
flowery exuberance of gratitude from the day' of the Third Temple i s at tral, or would England expect the Pal-
every land of the Exile, or unshamed hand. A profound instinct, if not a estinians to rally to her defense?
We invite your inspection of our Christmas stock.
by this unearned increment of bene- reasoned analysis, reassures the pil- Would they, protected by the British
Evening demonstration gladly arranged—Phone
lars of the synagogue. In truth. not Empire. but enjoying no privileges In
Though Cromwell, when he re- even the appointment of Sir Herbert it. be expected to share in its Mani.
Cherry 360o.
admitted the Jews to England in 1656, Samuel provides Judah with a Zertib- fold risks? Very probably, though the
was swayed by mIllennarlan notions, babel. There is no parallel between dictionary defines a manintory as one
What great pleasure mould be yours—and
these would have had little force over he two historic moments. If by the who does service without compensa.
his policy had he not perceived the grace of Cyrus the Jewish State arose lion. And in the unhappy contingency
"theirs"—in letting a matchless DUO-ART Re-
value of the Jews as Intelllgencers and f rem its ashes and maintained itself of war with France, would the nitre-
producing Piano express your love and Christmas
promoters of Ills commercial designs. for six centuries longer. though under ling Stales he expected to embrace the
And similarly, though Mr. Lloyd a succession of suzerains, it was
as be- feud of their respective mandatories,
George is not lacking In sentimental cause the new order started under a and British Palestine be involved In
sympathy with the Zionist aspiration, governor whose function WA 1,1 not to combat with the adjoining French
Among sound-reproducing instruments, the VICTROLA
we should have heard little of the k eep a balance between the various Syria? Would not, in such a crisis,
holds first place. In such selection you're absolutely sure you
"Jewish National Home" had not Pal- I nhabitente but to restore the Jewish the Arabs of both countries join forces
have the best!
"fine euliserved British political aims. a upreinacy, and who was not carefully against both belligerents, and Jewry
It was as n military barrier for the I libelled Persian to soothe the non- be slaughtered between the Moslem
The Model Illustrated-
defense of Egypt that the acquisition J ewe. Cyrus did not talk high moral- and the Christian? In truth the rela-
of Palestine and its garrisoning by a I ty anti political idealism, he did not tions of mandatorie8 to their wards
Jewish seitgoverning population was
nderstand that the same petty ter- seem ae shadowy as their own rela•
long urged by the Manchester Guard. 'tory could afford a net tonal home ti
an I nttlatei 1 League of e
nsy. No
fan, and this mutual interest—do ut o two peoples. Ile did not Make a
f seems yet
—is the Choice of a Very Great Number for Christmas
des—would have constituted a sound magniloquent promise to the Jew's and have been done upon the whole sub-
political borealis had not England, by hen impose Persian law. Nor did he ject But perhaps fundamental brain.
Price alone is $150. Complete outfit consisting of Victrola
a doubleedged stroke of diplomacy. make the promise during the war be work
• XI.. "Ready File," $8.50 (right record-filing sections), and
what a flimsy foundation political
contrived to par-mark Palestine for
selections (six. double-faced, 85c Records or any others to the
een the Persian and Babylonian Em., structures have been reared. and poll
herself and gain the sympathies of
ires, so as to seduce the Babylonian woik would reveal too clearly upon
same amount)—all for $163.60.
fleliBIR, whether Christian or Hebrew,
world-wide Jewry without recognizing
ewe from their allegiance. With a
The great and permanent enjoyment it brings to each one
'"y'rr to grade
n a nebulosity
in Israel anything but a pauper bene- m agnanimous gesture. Pa l
of your family, makes it a splendid Christmas gift.
estine was which covers the ong
of their con-
ficiary of her idealism. tier stratgey I r estored when "Those who go to Pales- cepts, and conceals nullity
the precipices
No question almut their being pleased with your choice!
was the more wonderful Inasmuch as ine will not be like those who now which they career. The mandatory
Victrolas, Standard Designs,
this grandiose gesture was made at a m igrate to London or New
York. They Idea in fact belongs to the concept of
dark moment of the war, a moment
111 be animated merely by the desire the world as commonwealth. It can.



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Besides the wealth of musical delight thus
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when every little counted, and when t
lead in happier surroundings the not be applied to the world as cock
even France had secretly instructed k Ind of life they formerly led in East-
The Jewish Position.
M. Picot to dangle before Jewry "the e rn Europe. They will go in order to The risks that will arise
to foreign
largest possible hopes of Palestine:' .I in a civil community which tom- Jewries from their supposed pro-Brit.
The sole credit attaching to the Brit- P letely harmonizes with their hi s toti. lehism and to Palestine Jews from
ish government Is that of political c al and religious sent iments: a coit
ne their
residence In the unholy land of
the land
it inhab s
sagacity—no small virtue indeed In n melts
riv al rtes would
y something deeper even than Pus- have
these days of purblind politics, and by
been worth ical
runni ng, had Israel
no means to be credited to the Zionist , t ore: a community whose members really achieved, or could he really
leaders who, from beginning to end. w
ltv, achieve, Independence there. But the
have played the passive and impotent , u or any temptation to hate the laws artonomy that lies In numbers Is
role of British political agents, and
nder which they are forced to live. dubious and distant goal, and for gen-
have now seen the much-trumpeted g o them the material gain should be erations Israel falls between two
"Jewish National !tome" whittled
reat. but surely the spiritual gain stools. neither British nor non-British,
ill be greater still." And answering neither bond nor free. At best it was
down to a British-Jewish High Com-
missioner, who will, "Welly, be as b t he fears of anti-Zionists that (the doubtful whether in view of the pro-
Is mine) "their ancient home heti I
British • governor In Palestine as he
er ang
acing been restored to them, they Israel'', national life, the
was a Home Secretary In England.
on could
Mount Zion in labour has produced a hould he expected to reside there." afford to owe its resurrection to op-
mouse, and of the Lion Judah there alter clan". He
adds (and again blockade and the
Is no sign. This does not prevent
tie boldface Is 'mine).
them—as we have seen—from continn•
"Everything Peace. Mantni, with his flaming Re-
hick assimilates the national and
log to blow the trumpet. It must be
publican faith, obstinately refused to
status of the Jews to lend himself to the monarchial
remembered In extenuation that It Is nternational
hat of
of other
races ought to mitigate oeuvres of Cavour. But Carour did

$25 to $480

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Payments Arranged to Suit Your Requirements
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