PAGE TEN 7 i1 EVentortfrwisooR07/41cLe In Detroit everyone want MacDiarmid's for the holiday season. There are never enough to go 'round. Order now and be sure of a fresh packed box when you want it. "The Religion of Jesus of Naza- reth" will be the subject of Rabbi Franklin's sermon on Sunday morning of this week. Services begin at 11 a clock. All are cordially invited. Mr. Berkowitz to Officiate: Owing to the absence front the city of Rabbi Franklin, from Dec. 24th until Jan. 2nd, his place in the pulpit will be taken by Mr. Henry J. Berko- witz, of Cincinnati, who may he called upon for amyl congregational func- tions during that week. He may be called at the Temple—Glendale 345-- er at the Addison Hotel—Cadillac 790. I.I anJjerale New Chocolate !louse 32 Broadway Woodward ut Clifford G. & R. McMillan Co. Woodward at Broadway Market Boulevard Woodward at Alexandrine Woodward at Collingwood• Phone Main 4547 (All Stores) 49 I. 1 t .at CXX. hI Special Dinner Former $125 Values Last Tuesday Mrs S. Goldlinger, 330 Euclid avenue, entertained the NVitiona Sewing Circle. The ladies are planning a Channuka entertain- ment to be held at the home of Mrs. Ed. Gold•tein next Thursday after- noon. $75.00 Exquisite types in Satin, Crepe Meteors, Chiffon Taffetas and Tel- collies; embroidered and beaded, Mr. and Mrs. 1Vtit. Cohen. 459 Ku- I slid avenue, spent the week-end with friends in Toledo. The confirmation class for the sea- Little Miss Selma Wax, who had son has been organized and will for been visiting her grandparent r. the present meet at the Temple On and Mrs. I. Wax, 2206 Michigan ave- Friday afternoons at 4 o'clock. All nue, for the last two months, has re- children of confirmation age and who tuned to her home in Chicago. have completed the course of the sev- enth class in the Religious school The Misses Helen and Rose Unbar, should register without delay. 99 Wilsonavenue, were hostesses at a Change of Address. miscellaneous shower given Tuesday The new directory of the Temple night in honor of Miss Mildred membership is about to appear in the Nurko whose marriage to Mr. Dan iorthcoming Year Book. It is there- I-ewis will take place this month. The fore of the utmost importance that bride-elect was the recipient of many members of the Temple who may pretty gifts. have changed their residence in re- cent times should send their correct The \hisses' Belle and Mollie Silber- address to the Secretary, care Temple blatt entertained 12 guests Thursday Beth El. without delay. last at a theat•r-party at the Tem- Young People's Society: The Voting People's Society of the Temple announces a dance and enter- tainment for Sunday night of this week—Dec. 19th, and an elaborate en- 2t t f.,r, thainment for the evening of Dec. for Xmas and New Years Day III II $1.50 per plate lave trimmed, bugle trimmed and fancy embroidered. Every one pos. BIG NEW YEAR'S EVE. Reservations Now Being Made SPECIAL ENTERTAINMENT Finzel's Orchestra—Singers—Favors—Delectable Dishes. Beginning January 1, 1921 We Will Commence a General Reduction of Price in Keeping With The Time, On All Our Prices. Oriental Cafe GEORGE POY, Manager 63 Michigan Ave. Cherry 2766-6144 •i Whether You Give Her JEWELRY OR FURS Why not Insure her peace of mind and your own protection under A SPECIAL FLOATER POLICY which protects against ALL RISKS—Including Fire, Theft, Burglary ; and loss of stones front settings? This' Polley eovera against loss at home or while traveling. CREED & COMPANY Phone Main 1936 INSURANCE BROKERS FORD BUILDING "Say it with Flowers" Send Flowers from Breitmeyer's! Flowers sent by wire anywhere in a //Iv hours John Breitmeyer's Sans Main 4260 David Whitney Bldg. Greenhouses-721 Mack Ave. ple, complimenting Miss Etta Mar- golis, a bride-elect. After the the- ater the guests were entertained at the VS'ontan's Exchange. SOWS an exclusiveness that women of discernment Immediately appre- ciate. Such fashionable dresses as these at these prices makes a happy opportunity indeed. MRS. HENRY SIROTTA. (Dorothy Barnett) Whose marriage took place at tit- home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Barnett, Windsor, Ont., Sunday, Dec. 5. Mr. and Mrs. Strotta are spending the winter In California. Mrs. Jacob M. Jaffe (Mabel Botsky) is visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs. A. E. Dorsky of Sibley. The North Woodward Branch of the European Jewish Women Welfare Friends of Mr. Charles Rosenthal Organization will hold their next will he glad to hear that he Is re- meeting. Wednesday afternoon at 2 Junior Young People's Society: covering from his recent hitless. 0. M. at the home of Mrs. Sophie Th, ming People's Society Epstein, 197 Mt. Vernon avenue. All will hold a meeting on Sunday after- On Wednesday evening, Dec-ether members are urgently requested ht noon, Dee. 2O. Mr. Goldberg, presi- 8, NIL and Morris N. Goodman att end. Non-members who are Inter dent of the Temple Beth El, will ad- gave a small dinner party at their eated Jn the work of the organization dress the s 0 eIop, and many new plans home. 121 Belmont, in honor Ili their SIT cordially Invited are to be announced. The meeting niece, Mks Rose tiowrnsky, who is will start promptly at 2:1(1 p. m. and visiting here from Louisville. Ks.. Mr. will be followed by a dance in the Zelik Katz, Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Ber- Mts. Max Schorurg. of Rochester. gymnasium. Members and their kowitz, Mr. and Mrs. Nlaurice II. N. Y., Is the guest of lair sister. Men. friends arc cordially invited. J. It Goldman. -- Sjore, and \I r. and ND, I. Katz were The social committees of the Junior among the guests. Young People's Society have plans Miss Lilly Louring, of Saginaw. under way for a program and dance Arrangements are being made fur Mich. Is a guest of Mrs. Chas. Levy to be given for the members of the a First Anniversary Dance by Jericho for a few days. congregation of Temple Beth El. The Rebekah Lodge No. 328, 1. 0. O. F. --- 1 exact date will be announced later. on Thursday evenine. January 13th, at Miss !Attie Hill, of Detroit, is a the Hotel Slather ballrooms. An effi- guest of Mrs. Ed. Lletig. cient committee is in charge of the A WORD OF THANKS. Delightful Menu Arranged for the occasion. 26-28 Broadway , The Jewish Old Folks' thine, at Edmund I'lace and Brush Street, take this means of thanking Cantor A. inkowsky and choir of Sltaarey Zedek Congregation, consisting of J. I,. Brensky, I. M. hertz and the fol- lowing list of boys—Seymour Horo- witz, Kalmon Sachse, David Smith, Samuel Glinter, Abraham Schreiber. Boris Raphael, Israel Poliot,. Harold Biller, Eugene Rosenberg, Milton Rosenberg—for' the splendid enter- tainment they provided last Thursday evening at the home in the nature of A Channuka service. The yemem- braise.. of the fine music tendered will be lasting. affair and it is planned to make the dance a memorable affair for all who attend. Miss Bertha hi. Lexer is chairman of the committee. Before the lighted candelabra. sym- bolic of the festive week of Chan- nuka, Cantor blinko•sky of Shaarey Zedek ,assisted by Mr. I. I.. Brinkley and. Mr. 1. M. Hertz, and his choir of young boys, appeared before the inmates . of . the Jewish Old Folks' Home on the evening of December 9, in a beautiful and impressive service appropriately arranged for the occa• stem. This program is the first of a series of entertainments that are to be given throughout the winter months under the auspices of the Jewish NVoman's Club as part of the work of the Educational Department of the Federation of Vs'omen's Clubs 'I he pleasure of the evening was aug- mented by the presentation of a pair of warm bed-room slippers to each Mr. and Mrs. N. Silverstone are re of the 311 inmates, by Miss Sadie wing congratualtions on the birth Finley, in memory of her father. Mr. Joseph Finley. Mrs. Morris Zack if a daughter, Shirley Frances. heim furnished the refreshments that Mr. and Mrs. Max Solovich wish to followed. announce the birth of a son, Warren The Hebrew Ladies' Aid Society Earl. will hold a Channukah entertainment and dance Sunday, December 19. at the 11'nai Moshe Synagogue, Garfield and Beatibien street. JEWISH WOMEN WELFARE SOCIETY GIVE CONCERT The European Jewish N1'omen Wel. fare Organization gave a successful concert at the Beth David Synagogue Sunday night, Dec. 12. The society is grateful to Rev. A. Bloom, Rabbi AisHskin and Isle. Chagi for their services. Donations of $265 were collected during the meeting. Five transpor- tation tickets were pledged by Mr. and Mrs. Braver, 101 Hendrie; Mr. and Mes. B. Levin, 238 Kenilworth: Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone, 290 Erskine; SD. and Mrs. Utclienick, 100 Med bury, and Schurtatz Bros., Oakland and Philadelphia. Mirtlits Has Birthday Party \ w. CONCERTS SARA D I V I 'N 0 F F VIOLIN 101 East Willis INSTRUCTION PIANO Glerdale 3770-W 7,2er011oelo.Aripi * C SIEBEL 0 COMILWOOD••••• • STAtl .04,4:04 E \\ GORH AM SHOP TH MERCHANDISE OF CHARACTER AT REDUCED PRICES SPECIAL PRE-XMAS SELLING EVENT NOW IN PROGRESS JEWELRY DIAMONDS PEARLS WATCHES SILVERWARE LEATHER GOODS GOLDSMITHS 6 SILVERSMITHS, INC. \ GoLDSMITHS. SILVERSMITHS AND JEWELERS 37-4 W ASIIINGTON liOULLVARD. 13110K BUILDING DETROIT it Rh 111111111tItt 1111111.111.111 IN MEMORIAM In lov ing memory of our deaf hus- band and father. Phillip Joseph Greenblatt. who died Dec. 20. Gorr but not forgotten. His loving wife and children. Dora E. Vidaver Mrs. Harry B. Dizik entertained 20 guests at a luncheon at her home on Virginia ('ark Saturday in honor of In loving memory of our mother, her sister. bliss Etta Nargolis. whose Dora K. Vidaver, who died suddenly marriage to Mr. Jos. I. Palistrant will at her home, 79 31st street, 4:34 p. take place Sunday, December 19. na. Wednesday, Dee. 8, 1920, at the age of 63. Survived by twelve (laugh- Mr. and Mrs. I. Berry, 2206 Michi- ters and one son. gan avenue, entertained at the Temple theater last Saturday afternoon iii In losiing memory of Mrs. Joseph honor of Mr. and Mrs. E. Singer, who leavc soon for Los Angeles. where Saltzstein (Henrietta Marks) of Mil. waukee, Wis., who departed from this they will make their hinter home. earth one year ago, Dec. 21. Gone bliss Rose Rodin. of 127 Belmont, but not ,forgotten. and bliss Caroline Goodman. of 121 Her husband, children, father, Belmont, were given medals for their sisters and brothers. work in the Flag Day campaign held Sunday. December 12. They can- Mr. Rudolph Tauher, of Chicago, vas,.I the downtown district. Miss passed away suth:enly at the Roehe was awarded a gold medal and home of his (laughter, Mrs. Ira Fried. Nits. Gyodinan a silver medal. enberg. of :icy Virginia Park, on t.),- ADD. -LOCAL. NOTES- - cenib..r the ninth. 110 is survived by Mrs, Harry Milian and Miss Helen his wife, Venn, three sons. Gustav , Schultz entertained eighteen friends ant Joseph of Chicago. and Sidney, at a box-party on Wednesday, Dec. of Detroit, and one daughter. Mrs. 1 7, bt honor of Miss Evelyn Sehultz. Ira Eriedenberg. lie was 56 years a bride of the month. The theatre- old. Burial tool: place In chicago. , party was followed by a luncheon at the Hotel Steller. SEEKS T0 EXCUSE POGROMS. Complimenting bliss Evelyn Schultz, a December bride elect, and Mrs. Sol Mildred Dormice, charming little M. Lehmann (Jeanette Schultz) of daughter of N1r, and Mrs. Mande New York City. Mrs. Samuel Schaf. Meyers. 220 Westminster ave., who lander, of Leicester Court. entertained ,.lebrated her 12th birthday tveently with a prettily-appointed luncheon on with a delightful party for 16 of her , Tuesday. Dee. 14. Covers were laid little friends. for twelve. DANZIG—According to a report from Warsaw, General Balakhowitrb, in the course of a conference with Polish journalists declared that re sponsibility- for the pogroms which his soldiers committed rests with members of the Red force, who de- serted the Bolshevist army and joined his ranks. For a Beautiful Christmas Gift buy her the one that every woman appreciates A HANDSOME FUR WRAP The gift that lasts for years * KALLEN BROS. IDA ■ ci=77:t Lower Prices Confirmation Class: Aul+vi 145g61 1 1220 1KDA1l V,44 j&S at Miss I,ois Roth, whose marriage to Mr. Louis Witt will be :tti event of January, was honor-guest at a luncheon and miscellaneous shower Wednesday given by Mrs. Charles Luther Severy, of Atkinson avenue. Sabbath Services: Sabbath services will take place this week as usual at 10:30. The sermon will he preached by Rabbi Franklin. P:F Gowns Sunday Services: acArrmak .preialini or A Recent Bride irrutplr 4,11rtll El Hates Order MacDiarmid's Candies Now! FURRIERS Talk of the Town New Hotel Cadillac Merrie Palm Garden 15—STARS OF VAUDEVILLE--15 GREENVILLE VILLAGE FROLIC FAMOUS BEAUTY SINGING CHORUS A MUSICAL COMEDY CARNIVAL PERFORMANCE 6:30 P. M.—AT 10:00 P. M.—AT 11:10 P. M. Dine—Dance—Be Entertained Go To-Night and Every Night SEE SAM MOORE ONE YEAR AT THE ZIEGFELD ROOF 76 Adams Ave. East Cherry 7233 MERRIE PALM GARDEN HOTEL CADILLAC