4 ,4111CliaIN 5cwisk PerlaCad Carter currom ATINUI • CINCINNATI 30, OHIO TifEb.ETROITJEW ► SH efRONICLE SECTION TWO MICHIGAN'S JEWISH I IOME PUBLICATION DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY DECEMBER 17, 1920. ' octal and Qrsonal All Society Items and other local notes should he communicated to the office of the Chronicle by S o'clock each Wednesday •fternoon in order to appear in the current week's issue. Phone Glendale 8326, Society Editor. Mail notices so as to be received not later than Wednesday. Wishes you a Merry, Merry Christmas and Trusts that the Part It Has Played in the Supplying of Christ- mas Gifts and the Spreading of Christ- mas Happiness, Will Bear Fond Remem- brance. N1r. and Mrs Herbert Bienenstock (Fannie StrassIdirger), of New Turk, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Enggass, 1138 Second boulevard, en route to Chicago. Nlrs. Harry Starr (Virginia Morse). of Pittsburgh. is the guest of her mother, NIrs. Hannah Morse, of Glynn ing Effort to Serve You and to Merit Your Patronage. bfrom Zflio Stop of Ifig11 ilepufr nub Eoftg Orals Christmastide is nigh upon us. Here are the brightest, the loveliest and the sweetest Tokens and Trinkets for the Fairest Gifts for use in busy work-a-day hours Gifts for those who love the Open For the Festivities of Even-tide For dreamy, pensive moments Mr. II. J. Ilieberstrin. of 292 Elm- hurst avenue, has returned from a trip to New York. Mr. and Mrs. D. Goldman, of 193 East Kirby avenue, have returned front a trip to New York. Sir. and NIrs. Irving Goldman, of Toledo, (3., who were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Bloom, 95 -Tennyson ?venue, have returned Mrs. Benj. Lambert, of 150 West Hancock, entertained her reading home. club on Friday afternoon. Mrs. Jack Art, of Virginia Park, Mrs. Samuel T. Gilbert, of 112 was pleasantly surprised by several Delaware avenue, is spending some of her friends on Sunday night, in honor of her birthday anniversary. time in New York. --- Nit'. Mayer Sulzberger, of 221 Dela- Rabbi Leo M. Franklin had the honor of responding to Mr. Herbert ware avenue, left on Monday night for New York, where he was called by Hoover in behalf of the city of De- troit at the great meeting !add at the serious illness of his mother. S1 r. and Sirs. Alexander Friedman, 109 Medbury boulevard, have re- turned from a trip to Chicago. Mrs. Avery Ginsburg, 74 Massachns setts, entertained on Friday afternoon at luncheon and cards. Mrs. Phil G. Gleichman, 54 Massa- chusetts avenue, entertained at Mr. 11. Horwitz, of 1101 Second ave- luncheon and cards on Thursday last nue, has returned from a trip to New at the l'hoenix Club. York, Boston, and Newbury I'ort, Mr. and Mrs. J. Greenthal, 358 Mass. Tuxedo avenue, visited with their son, Rabbi and Sirs. Leo Nf. Franklin Dr. Roy Greenthal, at Ann Arbor last plan to leave for a ten days' Eastern week. trip next Friday. 1 Dr. and Mrs. N. Ginsberg, 1117 On Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Second boulevard, entertained at din- ner on Wednesday evening last in Sherman E. Grosslight entertained in honor of Miss Sybil Goodman, of honor of out-of-town guests. Chicago, who is the guest of Mrs. Sidney Allen, of Dexter boulevard. Mrs. J. NVerhe (Etta Schlesinger) of THE KERN STORE Kansas City, Mn , is visiting her mother, Mrs. Esther Schlesinger. Mr. William Brown, of 120 Vir- ginia Park, has returned from a trip to Cleveland. Miss Miriam Iffarientlial, of 1577 West Grand boulevard, entertained her sewing club at a tea party at her home on Wednesday last. Most Good Homes Will Provide Nliss Elizabeth Schott, who is a student at the University of Wiscon- sin at Madison, is spending the holi- day vacation at her home, 215 Chand- ler avenue. Mrs. Moe Weil, of 25 Delaware aVe- nue, has returned from a visit with relatives and friends in St. Louis. Mr. Joseph J. Cummins has re- turned from a trip to St. Louis, Mo. Mr. Harry R. Solomon, of 364 Tux- edo avenue, spent a few days in Oscoda, Mich., during the week. WICIcre& OLDTI ME-HOME MADE Sirs. Mark Fleischman, 995 Second avenue, has returned from a visit with rcbtives and friends in St. Louis, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Field (Helen Spertner) have returned from an extended wedding trip. SHOP 311 Woodward Cor. Columbia STUDIO 46 Macomb St. Main 8583 Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell L. Cohen Miss Virginia Ilanauer, who has Chantal Aedaetny, Wheeling, West Va., will return to Detroit, December 22, to spend the holidays with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hanauer, of 346 Tuxedo aventte. She will bring with her a cousin, Miss Esther Marie Wolfe, as her house-guest. At the Yuletide Festival Mary Lee Candies Are All Eighty Cent; the Pound Mr. and Mrs. Alexander NI. Hertz- berg, 244 E. Kirby avenue, entertained Mr. I. Meyers and his fiancee, Miss Hattie Netzorg, Sunday night. Rabbi Leo 51. Franklin addressed the Vortex Club last Wednesday. His subject was "Making Citizenship Effi- Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Breitenhaell and daughter, Judith, of 140 Putnam ave- nue, visited with bliss Ruth Breiten- back, at Ann Arbor last week and were guests at Betsy-Barbour House. Home Cooking In honor of Miss Lois Roth, whose marriage takes place in January, a beautifully appointed luncheon was given at the "Dixieland" followed by a theater-party by Miss Rose Lieber- man. and daughter, Ruth Lee, hive left for Mrs. Morris Rice, of Cleveland, 0., is the guest of her children, Dr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Rice, 170 Putnam avenue. These delicious sweets are all made in our own Studio under the most delightful home-like condi- tions, from the purest and most wholesome ma- terials obtainable, blended by experts in the art of Miss Isabella \Verbe, of the faculty of the Detroit Conservatory of Music, will give a musicale-tea for younger members of her class on Friday, December 17, at the Conser- vatory Hall. Those who will par- ticipate are: Jack Steyskal, Law- rence Steyskal, Deborah Siegrist, Minnie Turner, Ruth Carp, Bernard Epstein, Henry August, Bessie Freed- man, Lena Freedman, !'earl Goldman, Leonard Goldman, Jerome Afosko- witz, Aubrey Cherkose, Lawrence Kaplan, Rebecca Ostrow. Yetta Os- trow, Nettie Roseman, Alan Green- berg, Jennie Zitomer, Hilda Rosen- field, Margaret Rosenfield, Lillian Adel, Ilarold Baum, Nance Rosen- thal, Rosaline Goldstein, Hilda Seldes, Harry Ginsberg, Saul Modell, Ruth Zachem, Elsie Zachem, Mil- dred Meyers, Mildred Rothenberg, Jeannette Blair, Evelyn Taper, Ber- nice Kull. Mrs. Clifford Jacobs, of 370 Coiling- wood, entertained 65 ladies at luncheon and cards at the Phoenix Club on Wednesday. Candies For Little Folks and Their Elders iuing ft C01111. Mr. and Mrs. M. Fruhoff, 15 Law- rence avenue, entertained at dinner on Thursday evening last, in honor of out-of-town guests. Let Us Assure You That We IFistmas Mrs. Joseph M. Weiss, Mrs. Isidore Mr. and Mrs. Jacob IL Davis, 648 Slesinger and Mrs. Samuel B. Rice Chicago boulevard, have returned were hostesses at an exquisitely ap- from a visit to Cincinnati. pointe.1 luncheon Tueschy last at the Hotel Statle. Covers were laid for Mrs. Joseph Wetsman, 44 Virginia 145 guests at beautifully decorated Park, is spending some lime in Des tables. Baskets of roses, Bebe chry- Moines, la., and Oscaloosa, la. santhemums and fernery, intertwined with tulle, formed effective center Mr. alp' Mrs. Ilarry Lippman, 90 decorations. screened orchestra entertained the guests with a splen- East 1Varren, have as their guest, Mrs. Leslie E, %emit and daughter of did musical program. A reception Newark, N. J. followed the luncheon. the Hotel Statler last Saturday. Shall Continue With Ever-Increas- Per Year, $3.00; Copy, 10 Cenb Mr. Joseph Folz, of Kalamazoo. spent a few days in the city visiting with friends. Cleveland, 0., where they will make their home for the present. been attending Mount De Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Goldsmith and Nosily, of 1072 Beaubien street, have moved to 590 Hazelwood avenue. Mrs. J. M. Jaffe, of Brooklyn, N. T.. is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bofsky, Silbey, Mich, Many delightful social functions have been given in honor of Miss Sarah Jane Greenberg, whose mar- Sirs. Felix Lambrecht. of Grand Rapids, who visited with relatives and riage to Dr. Nathan G. Goldberg waa an event of November 30. Among friends in the city, has returned home. the hostesses who entertained for the bride-elect were Mrs. Harry El. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Heavenrich en- !Unger. and Mrs. Charles Hamburger. tertained at a family dinner on Wed- nesday last in honor of their fifth Mrs. Joe Horwitz (Sadye Kamin) wedding anniversary at their home, has left for an extended trip to Ot- 115 East Forest avenue. tawa, Montreal and Toronto, where Mrs. Charles Cheney, of 31 Ed- she will visit her husband's parents mund Place, have left for Kansas and other relatives. Mr. Horwita City, where she will join her husband. will join her later. Mr. Herman Kolodkin, member of the Detroit Symphony orchestra, has returned from New York City. Mr. and Mrs. A. Lapin-Cohen, of Burlingame avenue, have returned rom a trip to Chicago and Nfilvvau- Cf. Mrs. Harry Simons. of Burlin- game avenue, entertained at a luncheon on Tuesday for Miss Lois Roth, who has chosen January 25 as her wedding day. Mrs. 1. Berry entertained at a luncheon at the English Tea Rooms in honor of Mrs. E. Singer, who leaves shortly to make her home in Los Angeles, Cal. Miss Selda Stocker will return from Simmons college, December 19, to pend the holiday season with her Mrs. Sam Marwil and son, Melvin. arents, Mr. and Mrs. David R. of 1889 West Grand boulevard, have S tocker, of 336 Longfellow avenue. left to spend the holidays in Chicago. WATATAWATITill,/ ifinielh 0 a 9 5 180-182 Woodward Azimut VATAT AWVOIATI Greatest Ever! 20 91 ° Discount Shoe Sale On our entire stock of high grade Footwear for men and women. This offers you an op- portunity to secure Detroit's finest shoes at pre-war prices. ALFRED J. RUBY, Inc. One-O-One Washington Boulevard