PAGE FOUR litEVentorr,Awon tilKOAKLE ILE AWISII etRON ICU MICHIGAN'S JLWISH HOME PUBLICATION Published Weekly by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc. Joseph J. Cummins, President. Entered as second•clus matter Much 3, 1916, at the Postoffice at Detroit, Mich., under the Act of Much 3, 1879. General Offices and Publication Building 206 High Street West Cable Address: Telephones: Glendale 8326 LONDON OFFICE 14 STRATFORD PLACE LONDON, E. C. 2, ENGLAND Chronicle $3.00 Per Year Subscription, in Advance To insure publication, all correspondence and news matter must reach this office by Tuesday evening of each week. Editorial Contributor RABBI LEO M. FRANKLIN The Jewish Chronicle invite. correspondence on subject. of interest to the Jewish people, but disclaims responsibility for an indorsement of the v.ews exprened by the writer.. KISLEV 22, 5681 DECEMBER 3, 1920 Chanukah Never in Jewish history was there greater need for the revival of that Maccabean spirit of valiant heroism which is celebrated in the Chanukah narrative than there is today. Judah, the Maccabee s and his little host of compatriots who put to rout the mighty bands of the oppressors of their people and their faith occupies a worthy place among the heroes whom history has enshrined. But it is not chiefly for his military' prowess that he shall be remembered. It is as a soldier of faith that his name shall be re- corded among the undying names of history. His it was to prepare the way for the re-dedication of the Temple of the living God after it had been polluted by the idolatries of the heathens. His it was to save that faith which then as now, represented the dearest treas- ure that Israel possessed. And it is in his spirit that the modern Jew must face Ills problems. The form of attack against the Jew and Judaism has indeed changed. But the end that the oppressors have in view remains the same. They would drive the Jew into a denial of that faith which through the centuries has kept him strong. And failing in that, they would wipe him out of existence. Today, there stand arrayed against the Jew, all the forces that ignorance allied with fabulous wealth can muster. He is today the victim of a world conspiracy, the agents of which are to be found in practically every country of the world. The charges made against him based upon forged docu- ments, the fictitious character of which have been shown time and time again, are in themselves so stupid and ridiculous that they carry no weight with thinking men. But unfortunately, the masses of the people are not always thoughtful. And they are all too ready to believe charges—no matter how ridiculous—that may be made against those who by virtue of their thrift, their industry, their ambi- tion, their sobriety, their intelligence, and their honesty, have in many fields of endeavor become their most successful competitors. Besides, the charges made against the Jew—themselves wholly false —arc so wrapped around with the mantle of subtle half truths, that they themselves are in the eyes of the undiscerning given the appear- ance of truth. A current paper reports that a Methodist minister is sent to the penitentiary for embezzlement but nobody draws the inference from that that all members of the Methodist Church are thieves. The same paper tells Its that a high official of another denomination is a wife heater but svho would be so foolish as to draw the conclusion that all 'members of that particular religions denomination mistreat their wives and families? Yet so subtly do the writers of the Anti- Semitic articles, through which they are attempting to poison the minds of the people, suggest just such inferer.ce in re-ard to the Jews that many of their ignorant readers at once draw 1:1;:n!:et con- clusions. And so it happens that the chief enemies against which the Jew must stand today are the ignoramus and the liar. Oa the one hand, there are those who through their stupidity :ire mi.ded into sponsor- ing theories of the full import of which they have not the sligliteA inkling and on the other, those who having absolutely no retard f truth and decency, are willing for may at the hands of their oast to spread these libels. This Chanukah season which reminds us of the heroic exploits of a Judah Maccabee should awaken in every Jew the will to stand against these modern foes with that same unflinching heroism and with that sante dauntless devotion to a great cause as did our fore- bears. The temple of our life has been mdluted by hands as truly heathen as those whose vile practices had desecrated the ancient altar. But like unto them, the godless of our times shall work their own undoing. Let Israel have no fear. Let him kindle the lights of Chanukah in his homes and as their number grows from eve to eve, let them symbolize that growing light of knowledge, of faith, and of love, which in God's (ism time shall dissipate the darkness of igno- rance, of irreligion, and of Mitred which in these days, enshrouds the hearts of millions of men in sorrow and in suffering. A Delayed Appeal. During the month of November, practically every Jewish com- munity in America made an appeal to its people in behalf of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations and its campaign for funds for the upbuilding of the religious life of Israel in America. Here in Detroit, it is true, we heard eloquent addresses bearing upon this subject but no campaign for funds to further the movement was undertaken. This was in no wise due to a lack of appreciation of the tremendous importance of the movement itself but the appeal was delayed in recognition of the fact that all the energies of the people were demanded at this time to make the drive of the Detroit Community Fund that complete success which in virtue of its tre- mendous interests it had to be. Now that the Community Fund Drive is practically at an end, we feel it a duty that we owe to our people in this community to say to them that in the Back-to-the-Synagog movement, we also have a duty to perform. Because of our purposed delay in address- ing this appeal to the people, Detroit according to word received from the President the Union of American Hebrew Congrega- tions, is one of the comparatively few cities in the country that dur- ing the month of November, has not "gone over the top." But Detroit Jewry may be depended upon in this as in other matters, to do its duty. Among those who contributed to the maintenance of the Union and its educational and philanthropic in- stitutions last year, there are quite a few who have not yet paid their subscriptions for the current year. A most urgent appeal is addressed to these people to send in their checks without delay. And there are hundreds who have not given to this great cause at all. They will give to charity but they will not give as generously as they should to the support of our religious and educational insti- tutions. Let them remember that when the Jew ceases to he in- spired by the ideals of his religion, to all intents and purposes, he ceases to be a Jew at all. Trite, he will be called a Jew by his ene- mies and will suffer with his fellow Jews all the petty annoyances to which our people are subjected but he will lose for himself and his children, that inspiration, that hope, that spiritual strength which is the portion of those to whom Judaism is a living faith. Now, it is the function of the Union of American Hebrew Con- gregations to foster that faith and to keep it alive. To this end, it maintains the Hebrew Union College where rabbis and teachers are prepared for their sacred calling. It has established and sup- ports the Department of Synagog and School Extension, through which the message of the Jew is brought to our co-religionists in the scattered communities throughout the land; through which the Jewish students in our colleges and universities are given the oppor- tunity of maintaining their religious integrity while away from their home influences and out of touch with great Jewish communities; through which text books for the guidance of teachers and pupils in our religious schools are prepared and other religious literature disseminated; through which in fact, a dozen forms of activity are carried on, all of which tend to strengthen the religious conscious- ness of the modern Jew. Surely, it cannot be that any of our people shall be so callous to the permanence of Judaism in America that they will willingly resign the privilege of assisting that great organization in whose name this appeal is sent forth. Contributions to the Union for the maintenance of its splendid work may be sent to the local officers of the Union by whom they will be promptly forwarded to the proper officers at headquarters. Why Do They Want Us? Despite the advance of knowledge and the spread of the liberal spirit and the growth of the brotherhood ideal, it is by no means unusual for teachers and preachers of the more Orthodox Christian denominations to sound the doom of the Jew in no uncertain terms. The hell fires which are to receive him for his rejection of their Saviour burn for him as brightly as ever. Nothing, nothing but the acceptance of his salvation can save him from the horrible fate that inevitably awaits hint. Neither his morality nor his good citizenship nor his respect for law and order nor the human service he renders, nor his domestic virtues, nor his sponsorship of right- eousness nor his care for the poor and the needy, nor in fact any of the timings that exalt men can in the eyes "f these good.Orthodox Christians save the Jew. It is therefore no doubt out of their love and their pits' for him that they are eternally attempting to win us from the Thora to the cross. It is only in this wise that can be explained the new cam- paign of conversion that according to official announcement is to be made by the Presbyterian brethren in New York. Why else should they seek to spend millions of dollars to convert the Jew to Christianity? Were they not so kindly disposed to us , and did they not so earnestly wish to save us front impending doom, surely they would begin their work of salvation with those benighted ones WilQ ought to have a nearer claim upon them. They would go into the jails and the penitentiaries where surely they would find many thousands of nominal Presbyterians who need to be brought back to their Christ. The would go into the :elms houses and the elee- mosynary institutions that abound in the land. And there, they would find plenty of their own reaching out their hands to them for succor. They would go into the sanitoria for the cure of venereal diseases and there they would find the wrecks of human beings born and reared in the Presbyterian Church who really are entitled to their spiritual sympathies and their help. They would go through the slums of the great cities and they would pick out of the gutters the drunkards, the thieves, the gamblers, the prostitutes sprung from their own loins and who surely are in need of the salvation that they bring. But, no, in their great charity of spirit and to show their great for the Jew, they are willing to neglect their own to take out of their homes where they are enjoying those comforts and those privileges which decent and unselfish parental love can bestow, the little children of the household of Israel and with sweetmeats and toys, entice them away from their people. Isn't it grand? Isn't it noble? Isn't it Christian on the part of our Presbyterian friends to think so much of the Jew and to be willing to make such wondrous sacrifices in his behalf? love But then, the prize perhaps is worth the effort. They want to quench the fires of hell that are awaiting to consume the Jew for his stubbornness of heart. To accomplish this end, the expenditure of a few hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars is none too much. It explains why they want to convert us. Surely they deserve to prosper in so noble anti unselfish an undertaking. NEWLY RICH TYPE CREATING PROBLEM FOR BRITISH JEWS (Continued From Page 1.) where all the notabilities conic for canine advice sooner or later, Is part and parcel of old London, as his father was before blur. Ile knows a little about human nature as well as about dogs, and I talked to hint on Jewish subjects and found them near static, and he is already regarded hie heart. lie saw no problem in with suspicion because it is felt that being a Jew and an Englishman; but In hie heart he despises and rejects then his mind was thirty years back, the way of the world. What is the when he was a boy, and when we had few of today that he should despise no such uncontrollable, wishful, self- the nations as he was Meld to do asserthe immigration as now claims in the Old Testament days?" to speak for Jewry, and by its be- No Leaders Left. haviour, with no need of spoken Ile paused for a reply. As I looked words, sets itself apart from its fel- al hint, and could frame no answer low citizens. One fears that the gen- that would convince him, I thought to eration of Mr. Cecil Isaacs is passing, myself that here was a man endowed or will soon be swamped in the youth with the youth and all the qualities of the war-wealthy, half-educated, all that make for leadership, and deter- assertive, neither religious Jews nor mined that none of it should go to the quiet Englishmen; an element which service of any Jewish cause. not even one's friends ask to be explained, a purely religious cause. I knew hint which one could not for very self- to be no less proud than myself of his pride disclaim or disavow, and must origin. but anxious as a sheer matter therefore support and try as far as of principle to keep It out of court. possible to Justify. I reflected that Ills tinJewish n1111080- How Explain New Type? phy was at leant superior to the rem how are We, who understand ignorance and apathy that prevails our fellow countrymen, who confide elsewhere amongst our young people. in their friendship and sense of fair For he had formed his own opinion play, who can strive for nothing bet• which c intained a definite policy; he ter than to emulate their social stan- held to it; and he woo therefore en- dard, to explain these other Jews, tithd to respect. I could have counted who make up in volubility, impatience upon the fingers of my two hands the and vulgarity the comparative small- young men of Jewry capable, by rea- ness of their numbers to those of the son of their intellect, their character general population? Time Was, not so long ago. when and their business capacity, of com- bating in debate or in action such a we lived our lives within that of the man as this. I could not find enough nation, unmolested and unmoiesting, to fill the fingers of one hand of Englishmen upholding an ancient e01111111111R1 leaders who by their work faith, but claiming proudly our share today, by their constructive. effective in English traditions. What are we work in the pioneer task of re-estab- to do when the crowd from Central lishing a helpful Judaism which alien Europe tries to sweep UN into its own command at once the adherence of arrogant and obtrusive advance, ourselves NMI the reverence of our flaunting the good-fortune which It neighbors. can lay claim to the offer- enjoys by virtue of that very English tion and trust which is the reward of tradition of freedom which Is denied genuine leadership. elsewhere and only too often abused Last Thursday. at eleven o'clock In here? Mr. Isaacs did not shrug his the morning. there Was in London a shoulders nor spread his hands wide. reverent stillness. a noble emotion, a That would have been en-English. passionate patriotism which might But he and I both gave up the prob. well cause foreign visitors to wonder Lem. at the reserve of strength and feeling which is the hidden power of the British people. Jews In more than statistical proportion mourned their dead on Armistice Day around White- hall when the Unknown Soldier was DANZIG—A delegation of repre• borne to hisgrave in Westminster sentative Jews called on General Abbey. For all any of those hun- Balakhowitch and Boris Savinkoff, dreds of thousands of Englishmen appealing to them to stop the po- knew. the Unknown Soldier might groms now bring made by their fol- have been a Jew. lowers. By way of reply General • • • Balakhowitch reproached the Jewish AN OLD FASHIONED communities for their unfriendly re- ENGLISH JEW ception of his soldiers. Nevertheless. Burly of frame, with grey hair and the delegation obtained the promise a round open face like a winter apple, that measures would be taken to stop the greatest commercial expert on all further' pogroms. The report, how- living things furred and winged and ever, adds that the work of murder, finned and feathered, a real old fash- assault and pillage continues as here- ioned type of English Jew, Mr. Cecil tofore. Isaacs barred my path and said. "Good-afternoon." as I was thinking of these problems of which I write. Mr. Isaacs belongs to this generation, but he comes from the stock which WARSAW.—The A'oyevoda (chief made Jewry half a century ago, the of police) of Bialystok directed a let • type of Anglo-Jewry which has Its ter to the Jewish Kehillah in Warsaw roots in this country two centuries requesting to be furnished the entire back, which by Its sturdy qualities material and all data in its posses- earned the respect of Britain and sion relating to Jewish employment made emancipation possible, and in agriculture. which now looks with resentment The letter has caused great interest upon the influx of the noisy, preten- among the Jews of Warsaw and ex- tious new-arrived and newly-rich, planation is freely made that is be- whose vociferous clamour sounds Melt tokens only good. It is generally not only in the counsel. of the com- predicted that the Voyevoda will munity. but in the streets and every- urge Jews to go into agriculture. where you go. bringing discredit upon its betters, and creating that very Jewish problem which exercises not only the anti-Semite but the philtre Semite. LONDON.—Joseph Morgenstern for many years the chief cantor of Of the Old School. Vienna, arrived here and will give a Mr. Isaacs, among his dog kennels In the two tumbled-down little shops moldier of concerts. He is originally from Odessa. APPEAL TO GENERALS TO STOP POGROMS JEWS TURN AGRICULTUR. ISTS. CANTOR GOES ON STAGE AMERICAN JEWISH COMMITTEE AVERS PROTOCOLS FALSE GOLDEN LIGHTS FOR CHANUKAH (('”ntinued from Page One) 0 golden lights, shine out anew, Say Books Are Discredited. Shine out with radiance bright and true, "These assaults on the honor of the Jewish people ore all founded on the While gazing on your golden glow 'Protocols' and on the discredited You speak to me of long ago. literature of Russian and German anti- Of patriots who shed their blood Semitism, Inspired by the minions of autocracy. Parrot-like they repeat the For Israel's cause, for faith, for God, abominable charges that can only ap- Did not they sacrifice their all peal to the cerdulity of a stunted In- When clarion-like there came the call? telligence—charges long since con- "Who's on the Lord's side, come to me, ceded to be unfounded by all fair-mind- ed men. Lord among the gods, who is like thee?" -. "Speaking as representatives of the Jewish people, familiar with the his- JANIE JACOBSON: tory of Judaism in its various phases and with the movements, past and present, in Jewish life, we say with time, the committee's hands fi r all solemnity: tied, and it is financially imp,. "The Protocols are a base forgery. to increase the amount already pri- There has never been an organization ated for immediate relief pure a , of Jews known as the Elders of Zion. I heia leaco fo o r fe c reo ri n cti e natsk iai ;g ce. from Page One) or the Zionist Men of Wisdotn, or the Wise Mee of Zion, or bearing any "'The -the lion of Distribution COI' glitter' our relief activities is Mewl- other similar name. There has never realizes the justice of the if- lands existed a secret or other Jewish body made by its Regional Direetoi- .it the organized for any purpose such as that C"vabI Lcas Makes Statement, In giving this cable out to the Jew- Vienna conference; but it is compi•lled implied in the Protocols. The Jewish to refer these demands to the J,s, s of people have never dreamed of a Jew- ish public, the Joint Distribution Committee, through its secretary, America. in the hope that tlgi, who Iish dictatorship. of a destruction of re- during the last sir years gave each I Haien, or on interference with Indus- Albert Lucas, made the following for their afflicted brethren, will again trial property, or of an overthrow of statement: "The cable from the Vienna con. tesponfl to their cry, now that their leivilization. The Jews have never con- plight is worse than ever het., and fcrence came in response to one sent spired with the Freemasons, or with to the conference by the Joint Dis- through their committees well con- any other body, for any purpose. tribution Committee, requesting that tribute sufficiently to enable t1,- Joint Traced to Russian Mystic. the budget of the relief work for the Distribution Committee to erect th "Whence come these pretended demands of its European reps s ,nta. 'Protocols?' There have been various eight months ending July 1, 1921, be reduced to $3,000,000. This request lives and enlarge the rel.l work versions. One Serge NIlue, a Russian w as rendered necessary by the finan- where it is so urgently needed Above mystic and ardent supporter of czar- all, it urges all those who I, - not Ism, claims to have received them in cial condition of the committee. "On Nov. 17 the conunittee had in yet paid their pledges to du SO at Russia, in 1901, in manuscript form, its treasury $2,159,000; with the Cen- front a Russian officeholder, who stated that the manuscript had been original- tral Relief Committee, $300.051 Isinee ly obtained by a lady, whose name is then turned over to the J. D. C.); with the People's Relief Committee $500,-1 not given, and who, he said, obtained 000; with the New York Campaign them In a mysterious way. LONDON—The Jewish colonists of "Niles asserts that he submitted the Committee, $2,030,000; in all, $7,877,- Telhi and Gilead who were driven 'Protocols' to one of the Russian grand 155). .Cs against this, the committee from their homes by an attacking has made thd folloWing appropria- party of Bedouins a number of dukes, who after examination, return- NI them with the despairing message: tions: For reconstruction, $5,000Op; months back, have now returned to for immediate relief and special of, their old habitations, according to 'Too late.' a penditures, $3,675.000; for the cam- dispatch received from Jerusalem "In 1905 Niles incorporated the . paign against typhus, as well as for The French officials 'Protocols' in a second edition of a welcomed the medical work in general, $2,000,000; returning Jew's offering to assist them mystical book entitled, 'The Great in total, $10,675,000. This does not in- with provisions while the representa- the Little.' In January, 1917, he pub- clude the work in behalf of the war tive of the J. C. A. (Jewish Coloniza- lished another book under the title, 'It . and pogrom orphans, which will re- tion Associa tion) have undertaken bs is Near, at the Door.' purporting to c.Pre millions, nor unforseen emerg- rebuild those homes which were de- foretell 'the coming of the anti-Christ and the Kingdom of the Devil on encies, which may call for immediate stroyed in the course of the fighting. aid. In other words, even without the At the time of the clash between the Earth.' orphans' relief work, the cummittee is Bedouins and the Jewish colonists, "In this book he announces that he 113 (1C0.000 short. This sum, it is ex- Captain Trumpeldor, one of the most had only then learned authoritatively pected, will be covered by pledges heroic figures that served with the from Jewish sources (what they were already made hut as yet unpaid. But British forces, was killed in an effort is not explained) that those 'Protocols' even if the $3,000,000 are received in to defend his Jewish brethren. were nothing other than a strategic plan for the conquest of the world, of putting it under the yoke of Israel, 'the struggle against God.' a plan worked out by the leaders of the Jewish peer. 16W, ple during the ninny centuries of their dispersion, and finally presented to the Council of Elders by the Prince of Exile, Theodor Iferzl, at the time of the first Zionist Congress, summoned by him at Basle, in August, 1597. Bolsheviki Are "Non-Jews." "Irrespective of this history, bristl- ing with suspicion," the statement said, "an analysis of the 'Protocols' shows that on their face they ore a fabrication and that they must have emanated from the bitter opponents of democracy." Later it characterizes the document as farcical in its absurdities, asserting that in the Russian original there is a passage. "significantly omitted from the translation, to the effect that the English are the descendents of the Lost Tribes of Israel and the British government is violently attacked for Its liberalism." Continuing, the statement said "the oontention that the genuineness of the 'Protocols' Is established by the out- break of bolshevism in Itussia 12 months after their publication and that bolshevism is a Jewish movement in absurd in theory and absolutely un- Established 1561 true in fact. "To say that the Jews ore resron- New Location — Woodward at John R. sible for bolshevism is a deliberate falsehood. The originators of bolshe- vism were exclusively non-Jews. "The Boisheviak cabinet, known as the people's commissars, consists of 20 members, of whom Trotsky and Sverdlov are the only Jews, and they are Jews merely by birth. Of the cent- ral committee of the Communist fts IER.JEMERIESISIDES7 MEIREIEV. Party. Including Trotzky, there are four Jews out of 13. The no-called extraordinary commission, whose func- tion it is to suppress opposition to the Bolshevik regime from within, Is di- We Operate Our rected by a triumvirate consisting of Own Finish Mill a Pole and two Letts, none of whom is of Jewish origin. Although Trotzky Is the head of the war department, his general staff Is composed exclusively of non-Jews. Mensheviki Led by Jews, "On the other hand, the leaders of We carry in stock We can deliver to the Mensheviki. who are the sworn foes of Bolshevism • are to a large at all times a large you the proper extent Jews. quantity of doors "If the Jew's are to be condemned selection of floor- in a variety of because of a Trotzky, who has never in the slightest degree concerned him- ing to give the styles, built to har- self with Judaism or the welfare of best finish, appear- monize with al- the Jews, then there is not a people that has ever lived that might not most every in- ance and service with equal right be condemned be- terior. cause in its membership there were to your building. men who are alleged to have advo- cated hateful doctrines. The Jew has traditionally stood for religion, law, order, the family, and the right of property. It is. therefore, the height of cruelty to charge hint with respote eibility for bolshevism, when itsdoe- trines, should they prevail, would In- evitably lead to the destruction of Judaism." In conclusion, the statement said: "We have an abiding confidence in the spirit of Justice and fairness that permeates the true American. and we are satisfied that our fellow-citizens will not permit the campaign of elan. der and libel that has been launched against us to go unreproved." JJJ J J ∎NJJ J J n. ,, a CUT BUDGET—JEWS OF EUROPE SUFFER (('one lined GREET JEWISH COLONISTS. lt,14-4421; Christmas Opening Announcing the completion of our New Establishment, one of the finest Jewelry Shops in America DOORS FLOORS M Storm Doors now Storm Sash too AC Miler Con Vinewood Ave. nd and G. T. any R. IL NITED FUEL &SUPPLY El i . BUILDING SUPPLIES & COAL FOR TODAY OR TOMORROW -- BUT BUILD FOR THE AGES.— WITH/ IWO SUPPLIES LEADING ARCHITECTS SPECIFY THEM — BEST BUILDERS USE THEM 'fir...