MEDErgoroxisn (ARON ICLE MIZ NI IN FINANCIAL DETROIT Examination of Business DEATH COMES TO LUMBER 27 PER CENT MRS. KAPP, WELL CHEAPER; ACTIVITY IN KNOWN IN CITY BUILDING PREDICTED The periodical review of the bust. fleas accounts is of Just as vital an An active building program which import to the buetnees as the medical is in prospect will operate to tremen- examination to the individual. dous advantage in furnishing employ- Many a wrong tendency can be nipped In the bud and corrected as a result of an Intelligent examination of the business system. ment to labor and maintaining the strength of Detroit's population and earning power. It will be possible from now on to make every advan- tageous contracts for all kinds of building construction. Practically all Detroit lumber deal- ers have been lowering their retail prices on every material decline pro- portionate to wholesale price reces- sions since the market turned several ago. Accountants and Auditors months In support of this statement the Main 1041 fact is submitted that on May I, 1920, Penobscot Bldg. Woolworth Bldg., New York the average retail price for general loll stuff was $75 per thousand. July 1, the average price was $65 and a s careful F survey of all lumber yards to- Maloney-Campbell [ day in the city reveals that recent re- ductions have brought the average to Realty Co., Inc. $56, making a reduction in all of 27 504 FREE PRESS BLDG. per cent in the last five months. General Real Estate, Insurance, Lumbermen have always been in Choice Homes, Two.Flats, In- the front ranks of those who are vestments and Store Property anxious to give a boost to the move PHONE CHERRY 1195. for conservatism and market stability. For the New Common Stock of the General Necessities Corporation Owning and Operating: General Ice Delivery Company General Coal & Coke Company General Cold Storage Company General Refrigerating Sales Co. General Building Company General Ice Cream Company Absopure Products Company Detroit Arena Company Saginaw Pure Ice Company Schuller Ice & Coal Co., Toledo, 0. Salient Points 1. Over twenty years of successful business growth. 2. Company has paid 8% cash dividends for a number of years as well as large stock dividends. 3. Book value of stock, based on conservating appraisal in excess of present selling price. 4. Free from all taxation, excepting Federal Surtax. 5. Application will be made for listing on the Detroit Stock Exchange. 6. Subscriptions accepted upon partial payment basis, if desired. Price $11.00 Per Share GEORGE M. WEST & COMPANY Established 1893 Members Detroit Stock Exchange Telephone Main 1118 Union Trust Building FLAT OWNERS! Place Your Orders Now for Cronin's New Coal Bituminous for Steam or Domestic CRONIN COAL COMPANY 318 Woodward Avenue Telephone Cherry 8538 "Get Acquainted With Us" Hartwick Lumber Co. The Yom Girls Literary Society, a6 In making price reductions since the ter a few months of summer Inactivi- peak in the wholesale market was ty met recently at the home of ite turned this summer, they, of course, BATTLE CREEK—To the many president, Mies Kate Friedman, 429 have sustained a loss on the stocks friends of Mrs. August Kapp, and to they are carrying and now have on the community at large, there came a Chicago boulevard, to outline Its pro- hand, but they appreciate that prices distinct shock and a deep sorrow gram for the coming year. The past season having been de- forced by war conditions cannot be when news of her death, at 1 he Sani- permanent and have voluntarily fol- tarium, was disseminated. Mrs. Kapp voted to the study of old masters, It lowed the downward trend of the had been in ill health for many months was decided for the ensuing year to wholesale market during the past and only recently an operation was make a coo prehensive study of cur- several months. performed, to prolong her the as long rent literature. A well-selected read- Because the fact that retail lumber as possible, but a few days ago her ing list, culled from the approved lists prices in Detroit began to recede sev- condition began to change for the of the leading book.reviewers In the eral months ago has so far been lost worse and the death summons came country was chosen. Each member is sight of, lumber merchants have not this noon. assigned a specified number of books generally been given the credit they Mrs. Kapp was formerly Miss for the entire season on which de- deserve. But the lumber men, and Minnie VanPraagh, second daughter the builders, are about *to reap a fair of one of the city's well known early tailed reports are given at the meet- reward, and obtain their full share of residents, the VanPraagh home hav- Inge. the advancing prosperity, that all ing been located on West Main street, The Society meets every two weeks signs point to. between MeCalmly and Carlyle streets. at the homes of Its members. The "If the almost unanimous verdict She received her education in the next meeting will be held Sunday, registered at the .polls election day local public schools and upon reach- Nov. 21, at the home of Miss Helen means anything," says "Lumber," the ing womanhood became the wife of Huber, secretary, 99 Wilson avenue. trade magazine, "it means that the August Kapp, then a young clothing Other members of the organization men and women of this country have merchant who had chosen Battle tired of the period of uncertainty Creek as his new home and place of are Miss Rose Huber, Mills Mildred through which the country has been business, after many travels. To Nadle, Miss Rote Semler, Miss Mil- drifting for sonic months; that the Mr. and Mrs. Kapp were born two dred Nurko, Mrs. Abraham Cooper, time has come to end it and that the daughters, Mrs. Sol Kositchek, of Mrs. N. Siegel, Miss Kate Friedman best way to end it is by "beginning at Chicago, and Miss Elsa Kapp. and Miss Ilelen Huber. Mrs. Alan the top." The verdict was not so Aside front her immediate family Kopelson, another member of the so- much a political verdict as it was a Mrs. Kapp is survived by her brother, ciety, is at present traveling In Italy business verdict; which is to say, that Lon Vanl'raagh of Winnipeg, and with her husband. never before in the history of this four sisters, Miss Esther VanPraagh It Is the custom of the society, one country has an election been so little and Mrs. Henry Kapp, of this city, influenced by prejudiced partisan poli- Mrs. Eva Frankel, of Detroit, and of the best-known communal organi- nations in the city, to give one big so- tics—a fact overwhelmingly evidenced Mrs. Mattie Desenberg, of Lawton. dal affair a season, the proceeds of by the overturning of usual party ma- Only those who knew Mrs. Kapp jorities in cities, states and sections intimately had a deep realization of which are turned over to some worthy throughout the country; in short, a her fine womanly nature and her charitable cause. Plans for the affair complete reversal of 'political form.' worth in the community. Gifted with of the present season have not as yet "What the men and women of the a rare understanding of men and wo- been formulated. country voted for was a return to men, she was able to wield a quiet normal business conditions with all influence for good that might have REFINED COUPLE to share fiat with that such a return can and will mean escaped notice outside the circle of young couple. Home privileges, 508 —the restoration of confidence in her friends. Her hand, heart and Hazelwool Ave. general business conditions through purse were alike responsive to wortny the restoration of confidence in our calls for service. Never was this WARSAW.—"Dwagrosze," the well country and confidence in the whole generally realized than during the world." war when her leadership in Jewish known anti-Semitic newspaper pub- Predicting an era of lower prices welfare work was evident even be- lished here, says in a leading article and prosperity to follow the election, yond the confines of the organization. that the Jews are responsible for the it quotes a prominent banker: The Kapp home was ever open to recent trouble between Poland and "Huge food crops, as well as a rite boys in khaki and the scores who the free city of Danzig. The news- large cotton and wool outlook, pre- embraced the opportunity found in paper says that the existence of the clude any possibility of business de- Mrs. Kapp the qualities of a motherly free state of Danzig is favorable only pression. There have been many re- advisor, as well as a gracious hostess. to England and the League of Na- ports of wages cut, but investigation Knowledge that her well spent life tions, which is "the firm name of the has failed to reveal any general reduc- has ended will cause keen sorrow in Jewish Internationale." "Putting its hand upon Danzig," tion in wages. On the contrary, while many a former service man's home, prices have come down substantially where the memory of her work will continues the paper, "international judgment is trying the economic en- wages have remained about the same, long he remembered. The dollar which five months ago was Mrs. Meyer Frank. Dr. S. S. Dan- slavement of Poland." worth 37 cents in purchasing power, zinger, Mr. Edward Frohlich, and as compared with its former pur- Mr. Louis Frankel of this city, at • chasing value, is steadily advancing tended the funeral. Rabbi Waterman I to its old 100-cent purchasing value. of Kalamazoo officiated. The situation is optimistically summed up: Theatres, Dry Cleaning Plants, "Yes, better business is coming for BRAZIL INVITES JEWS. Tailor Shops, ContertIoneries, Ciro- the lumber merchant and for every other kind of merchant. It is com- series, Hotel, Rooming Houses, Offers Free Land to 2,500 ing through stabilization of condi- Of Ukrainian Refugees. Restaurants, Etc. tions, through restoration of confi- dence. through natural, conservative VIENNA, Nov. 14 (Jewish Tele- WAGSTAFF & CO. sources because, having one big thing off our minds, we can now tackle graphic C,Agency).—The committee Cherrf 65 311 MajeetIc Bldg. caringir Ukrainian Jewish refu- another." • And certainly that means the gees- Bessarabia has received builder and all the allied industries as an offi I order from the Brazilian well. The more lumber sold, the more governnient to settle 2,500 Jewish houses constructed, people employed, families', at Government expense, and conditions made comfortable, and says a report from Kishinev. The committee accepted the offer, and the bigger and better city for all. is sending out a commission to in- vestigate the conditions of the land. Rabbi Martin Zielonka, (11. U. C, The situation of the Jewish refugees '99) recently celebrated his twentieth in Bessarabia is very serious. The anniversary with Mt. Sinai Congrega- funds of the Relief Committee are tion, of El Paso, Texas. During this exhausted, and M. Bernstein Kahan, he has built up the congrega- the leader of Rumanian jewry, has • period tion wonderfully and made it one of been asked to go to America to seek the most important in the state. He aid from the American Jews to save established the Institutional Syna. their Ukrainian brethren from total 875 Gratiot Ave. MeL 245 Rogue in El Paso. Lin. 235 VanDyke & D. T. Ry. extermination. We Sell Arthur L Holmes Lumber Company Warren & P. M. Ry. BERLIN.— Following out their threat that they would call out their children in strike against the appoint- ment of Dr. Lowenstein, as l'ublic Clemons Knight, Mehard Co. School Inspector, the pupils of the secondary schools in this city are now 727 FARWELL BLDG, refusing to go to school. They are being upheld in their strike by the LONGFELLOW AVE. teachers. The only objection the A BEAUTIFUL KELLYSTONE strikers have to Dr. Lowenstein is NEW MODEL HOME AT A SACRA- the fact that he is a Jew. FICE Owner Leaving the City LONDON—Dr. Leon Reich, the This Property Can Be Bought At well known Jewish leader of Galicia, is now in this country for the pur- Cost With Terms Special Price For Cash-$6000 Handles pose of pleading the cause of Galician Jews. Ile hopes to interest local of- (Lot 45033 Ft.) Between LaSalle and Linwood— fiCial circles and has been sent here for that purpose by the Jews of East- Eight rooms and bath with shower, ern Galicia. Austrian cloth washable shades, spe- cial tIctures, :3 sets French doors. (2 sliding), 4 large bedrooms, finished In mahogany and old Ivory, parlor creme electrical fIctures, model steam North Woodward at Seven Mile Road Hemlock 38 Grand River at Penn. R. R. Garfield 940 heating plant, 7%x28 ft. front porch, front and side entrance, reinforced cement drive and turning space, 2-car garage, trout and rear entrance, (fur- niture can be bought.) This DIstict Restricted to Single Clay Ave. at G. T. R. It Market 686 • Wal. 247 HOME FOR SALE Hickory 3970 Homes Call Mr. Cowherr, Phone Cadillac I. Bonds of Current Literature. --- Battle Creek Community Grieved at Lou; Will Be Remembered for Work During War Jefferson Ave. East at Terminal R. R. MAIN OFFICE, YARD AND MILL YOM GIRLS LITERARY SOCIETY MEET AGAIN --- Organization to Make Thorough Study Bonds prod , tense ; veil' tercet ti t i nt Dansard-Hull-Bumpus HAVANA CIGAR Karr Investment Bankers 47 Congress St. W. Brith vend) tary the I and t 'Jews estin Detroit Stocks Stocks 2nd Blvd. and Terminal Ry. Waterloo and Terminal Ry. We Deliver SINCLAIR COAI Quick Phone the Order All Yards 1 Commercial Accounts Savings Accounts Foreign Exchange A high-grade soft coal—better heating effi- ciency—unusually low in ash—and ; CHARLES A. STONEHAM & CO. Real Estate Exchange Bldg., Detroit TELEPHONE CADILLAC 6150 (Established 1903) Direct Private Wires 41 Broad Street, New York Weekly Market Letter Bent rree 0 "No Promotions" oc=roero=ocio==tocro In Times of Unrest People with Savings Ac- counts to draw upon arc the least disturbed. Start a Savings Account in this bank. Your money earns interest from the day it is deposited until the day you draw it out. 2599 Woodward Avenue UNDER CONSTRUCTION: Oakland an dTennyson Geneva and Woodward John R and Manchester STOCK ON ABOVE EXCHANGES Second Floor Majestic Bldg. CADILLAC 650 1 What Do You Know About Lumber? If you prefer coke—we recommend Solvay Coke—the fuel without a fault 43 FORT STREET WEST QUICK—CLEAN—HEAT Branches: Main 2570 J. T. SINCLAIR CO. OTIS & COMPANY (Members of New York, Detroit, Cleveland, Chicago Stock Exchange•) ORDERS EXECUTED IN MOTOR, RAILROAD AND INDUSTRIAL ITS SMOKELESS! 2260 West Jefferson Ave. 2150 West Fort Street 479 Hastings Street 435 Woodward Avenue 1150 Russell Street 2148 Michigan Avenue 2852 East Jeffers° Avenue 1307 Grand River Avenue 1125 Chene Street 851 Dix Avenue F yo o=rocao=o=toc=to=o=toirros Motors, Oils, Mining and Curb Industrials for Cash II or on Moderate Margins 7268 For Inspection. SINCLAIR SMOKELESS establ gang; estine rachi }law of the of at Auck dor a %TOO CI11 111 Th HIGHLTND PARK, MICH. 5NEWY,A,r.d.s coogr∎ fullest 3030 Woodward Avenue Member Federal Reserve System agricu launch lions; the c( 011li0 rs Bank of Detroit 0 1,‘N , 4 resolte Highland Park State Bank THE A-I MILD The the NI' lea In , eighth Mega' States When you want information concerning the proper material to use for building, talk to the lumberman In your neighborhood. Visit the lumber exhibit on display at the office of the DETROIT LUMBER DEALERS ASS'N. TOO Vinton Bldg. 114 Woodward th Cot fir ti( ar in Y( it bt