America 5arish Periodical Cotter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 30, OHIO PAGE NINE RON icir. LIV Apperwrr LAkel SERVICE and PARTS For ALL MAKES of KING CARS Axle Shafts, Piston Pins, and Rings for all makes of care—Wholesale and Retail. High grade light car. AMERICAN BE :" C. C. CAR MARKET JAMES H. FOSTER Authorized Ford Service and Parts 416 to 22 Jos. Campau 650 WOODWARD AVENUE Glendale 4896 DOYLE FORCES GET A NEW DISTINCTION General Motors Trucks OWEN & GRAHAM CO. PADEREWSKI'S NEWSPAPERS PRAISE, DENOUNCE JEWS. Brothers shows that Thomas J. Doyle, Detroit dealer, has the largest sales organization of all the Dodge Broth- ers dealers. Considering the fact that Glendale 7975 these dealers another approximately Glendale 2646 4000, the distinction is one of no small invariance and indicates a de- termination on Mr. Doyle's part to maintain his reputation as one of the most aggressive merchandisers in the PHONE—MELROSE 6238 country. 4 and 6 Cylinders "It is gratifying 10 V. " said C. \V. Power, Beauty, Economy, Comfort Matheson, acting general sales man- ager of Dodge Brothers, in a letter to Mr. Doyle, "to know that we call Tel, Glendale 7118 point to you, when other dealers come 1287 Woodward Ave. 10 the ditY, as a splendid example of what we believe a Dodge Brothers 20 miles to gallon of gas dealer should be. Your enlarged sales Instead of 10. force, your dignified but energetic 20,000 miles to set of tires In. promotion plans. your carefully de- stead of 10,000 veloped charting systems and the 50°. Slower Depreciation various other methods you employ W. J. DOUGHTY, 649 CASS. T I. Glendale 4669. Tel. Glendale 5585. to sustain the interest of your organi- zation arc commendable to a higk de- gree " Mr. Matheson also took occasion to compliment Mr. Doyle on his ef- --All Sizes- forts to provide the best possible serv- ice for Dodge Brothers car owners. "I realize," the letter said, that your service problem has become tremen- dously large, with so many owners East Grand Boulevard At Oakland now in your territory. but I also feel that you are doing everything in your power to preserve the good will of these owners by providing adequate service facilities and courteous con- sideration of their wants. \'our ap- pointment of numerous outlying serv- ice stations as branches, to assist you in carrying out our wishes in this re, Bain HU C'116 and Peterhoro spect have obviously done much to re- "AMERICA'S FIRST e111" SIXES AND TWELVES lieve the pressure of your central sta- tion: . The entire Doyle organization, con- sisting of 72 salesmen, associate deal- ers and branch service station heads, —T- visited Dodge Brothers plant recently. The object of the visit, Mr. Doyle 1299 Woodward Avenue said, was to show the men that the factory was not only running on a Northway 760 normal basis, but that a great expan- sion program was under way, indicat- ing that the present production capac• ity of more than 600 cars a day would be considerably increased by spring. MOTOR SALES CO. JORDAN-COLE SALES CO. 742.750 Canfield Ave. E. BREED, SPEICHER COMPANY G. M. C• Distributors TRUCKS H A YNE POTTS MOTOR SALES CO. CHARACTER CARS LaFayette Distributing Co. La Fayette An Eight Liberty Six MILLER-JUDD CO. 972-4 Woodward Ave. At Warren Glendale 427.428 NI A ST ER TRUCKS N AS H Master Truck Sales, of Michigan NASH DISTRIBUTING COMPANY GORDON MOTOR SALES CO., DISTRIBUTORS. Northway 4712 1000 Woodward Avenue PIERCE-ARROW WM. F. V. NEUMANN & SONS NORTHWAY 2436 1342 WOODWARD AVE. R. & V. KNIGHT SIX KNIGHT MOTORS, Inc. 1187.89 WOODWARD AVENUE Direction Thos. H. Walker Market 3907 AMERICA'S ONLY KNIGHT SIX "The Car Incomparable" KETTENRING SALES CO. Phone Northway 4412 USL USL S U U S L L USL 13RESLAIJ.—The Jewish veteri- nary surgeon, Dr. Tucher a resident THE. HAGUE.—Professor Ein- of this city, went on a short trip to a chair stein, who recently accepted Danzig to visit relatives. During his in Leyden Un.versity, gave his open- journey he was arrested by the l'olish ing lecture in the aula of the univer- authorities and brought to Poland, sity on his favorite theme, the ether where he was confined in jail without and the theory of relativity. trial. The Breslau city council and Dr. Einstein spoke in German. He other officials of the local govern- was greeted with tremendous applause ment have taken steps to secure the by the students. release of the unfortunate victim. Walter S. Rosenbaum of the J. Rosenbaum Grain Company, who had been ill for two years, died at his home in Chicago on Tuesday. Mr. Rosenbaum was a another of the Board of Trade and a number of Chicago clubs, and at one time was a famous athlete. Ile was 39 years of age Mr. Rosenbaum is survived by his mother, Nf rs. Helen Rosenbaum, and his wife, Mrs. Blanche Rosen haunt. BUDAPEST.—The Hungarian gov- ernment has ordered the internment of all alien Jews perparatory for their expulsion, according to a dispatch. The order has created a panic among foreign Jews. The "Pester Lloyd" questions the government as to whether this order is also to apply to Jews who have since been son- AUTO SERVICE REPAIR STATION BLANC'S 3087 East Grand Boulevard ' (Two Doors from Woodward Avenue) MARKET 4091 Experts on All Makes of Cars. give outside service without additional charge. WEST WARREN FRONTAGE .. We Specialize In West Warren Business Property. and Homes at moderate prices. SONNTAG REALTY . CO. WALNUT 692 1349 WARREN AVE. W. ♦ •a-• • -4 We Deliver All Orders! Hygeia Kosher Beef Sausages AND ALL KINDS OF DELICATESSEN M. BUCHALTER HEMLOCK 3418-W 735 Oakland Ave. ARE MADE IN THE FOLLOWING FLAVORS ORANGE CHERRY LEMON ROOT BEER RASPBERRY STRAWBERRY CREAM SODA BIRCH BEER GRAPE GINGER-ALE COLA APPLE CIDER HAVE A CASE DELIVERED TO YOUR HOME FEIGENSON BROTHERS CO. FOR QUICK RESULTS TRY OUR WANT AU COLUMN verted. Big Values in Big Tires Throughout this week, and until our mammoth stock is reduced to normal, we will continue our big sale of Barney Oldfield Tires at prices hitherto unknown in history. Already we have cut many thousands of dollars off the motoring bill of Detroit and Michigan. But we ca nstill fit any car built with wrapped tread, two-cured, maximum oversize, speed-tested, endurance champion Oldfield Tires—fabric or cord, plain, ribbed or non-skid, every one a first and carrying full guarantee. Naturally, our biggest cuts have been in the bigger sizes. In some of these sizes we can actually offer you Barney Oldfield 1 / TIRES at A/2 PRICE! Cadillac Owners Those big new 35x5 Oldfield Cords are just the thing for you. Our special price brings them clear down to $62.85. Also we can fit, in standard or oversize, any model Cadillac ever built, Packard Owners You will be surprised at the easy riding qualities of Oldfield Tires in Packard well rounded treads. And just look at sizes. For these tires are all built in the savings shown in the table to the right. Marmon Owners Speedster in which he paced the start of every 1920 Speedway race! . The best buy on the market at regular list, what can you do but grab at our tremendous cut ? Buy Your Tires NOW! Remember, these are tires known to all motordom as "The Most Trustworthy Tires Built." Unti 'this sale they have been justly among the highest priced on the market. They have won every big race of the year. This is just a square out-and-out sale of high quality tires which offers you a cor- respondingly big cut in your bill for transportation. Prompt attention will also be given to mail orders. All Smaller Sizes Correspondingly Reduced in Price! U Phones Glendale 3276-4983 y5308. Detroit Branches: Int 1°°;,1 r,T o te. x Wletn 7040. FREE 798 WOODWARD AVENUE, BETWEEN CANFIELD AND WILLIS Gives you closed car comfort, protection, vision at our reduced open used car prices. 43-45 Brady St. arsad PAWN liraseh, 233 Waehing - tons St. Phone /lint Branch, 1303 IlortA Mutual, It. Phone 3891. H. T. THURBER CO. A Custom Built Winter-Top on Every Used Car CostingAbove $500 rr6-2t Michigan Distributors Act Now Get Your Choice of These: U — usL, VSL VSL. USL USL: usL USL usL. Hudson Ewa Paok•rd STEPHENS — McFARLAN Buick "NINETY" Market SMITH-GLINES SALES CO . 350-351 Zenith Carburetors Used wherever power, speed. economy and reliability are essential. AUTO ELECTRIC & SERVICE CORP. 45-53 Seldon Ave. LONDON.—Considerable space is devoted by the Palestine press to the pending settlement of the l'alestine frontiers, our Jerusalem correspon- dent informs tie. Most of the writers assert, that the frontiers as at pres- ent suggested, would deprive Pales - tine of some of the most fruitful colonies in the north of Galillee and the most fertile portions on the East- ern Jordan. The press suggests that the matter be brought to the notice of European public opinion. Glendale 2201 Ulehlg•n lulatributor4. Now is your time to equip with tires like those on Barney Oldfield's Marmon k S "SALIENT SIX" ANOTHER JEWISH VICTIM. 111.1.1butors 4710 Won4w4,1 1.• 11..mInch *It!. UNITED ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. 1., Salesroom and Service Station, 1231-35 Woodward PRESS CONCERNED OVER PALESTINE FRONTIERS HUGHES & WALDNER, INC. 682 Woodward Ave. Buy from us, or from any one of the 125 Oldfield dealers in Detroit territory uS L t: sL us. We Giro USL Golden Rule Service ea AU Batteries VIENNA.—Dr. Rappaport, chief of a section to Minister Renner, has been deprived of his position. Dr. Rappaport is a well-known scholar and held office during the Socialist regime even though not a Socialist himself. He was dismissed just be- fore the approaching general elec- tions, as a concession to anti-Semitic agitation. EINSTEIN OPENS AT LEYDEN GEORGE H. ZUVER CO. US L PARIS.—At a conference held here between the Lithuanian delegation and the committee of Jewish delega- tions of this city, the Lithuanian rep- resentatives assured the committee that under the Lithuanian government the Jews would be enabled to realize the fullest measure of autonomy. A similar assurance, the committee learned, was given Dr. Rosenbaum, president of the Lithuanian Jewish National Council, by Foreign Min- ister Purizki and the leaders of the three parties in Lithuania. WORKERS GO TO WARSAW. 813 CASS AVE — Glendale 4605 US L EST. — The Roumanian BUCHAREST. government has finally granted offi- cial recognition to the Jewish religion. A committee for social aid was organ- ized by law, to consist of members chosen from the official representa- tives of the various religious denom- inations in the country. As the:Jew- ish representative, Dr. Nemirover, of Bucharest, was selected. The other tnembers of the committee are the Greek Orthodox Nfetropolitan Bishop and the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Roumania. Lr2) STORAGE SATIEMES GIVE JEWS AUTONOMY. every month by the company for the four best suggestions turned in by employes. From its inception, the suggestion contest idea has been a success. Dur- ing the month of September upward of 100 suggestions were turned in to the contest committee. Some of these suggestions were valuable and 'were adopted at once by the factory. PARIS.—M. Salzman, the repre- The winning suggestion was for a sentative of the Federation of Ukrain- more effective inspection system, the ian Jews in Canada, left for Moscow, second for a more effective way of taking with him clothing and medica- handling chassis assembly, the third ments to the value of 7,500 pounds. related to Iron shop production, and Koldowsky, another Canadian repre- the fourth concerned car refinement sentative, is also reported as being on his way to Moscow. Dr. Martini, head of the International Relief Com- mittee, also left for Moscow, accord- ing to a Copenhagen dispatch. Gives His First Lecture There an Tito- ory of Relativity. JEWISH RELIGION OFFICIALLY RECOGNIZED BY ROUMANIA Highland Auto Sales Co. _enara:::13:s Sleraa-lest Car' WINTON 1VARSAW.—A strong anti-Semitic propaganda has been launched in the local press. The statement is freely made that but for the large Jewish population in Vilna, the city would become Polish territory. Paderewski's newspaper seems to form an exception to the rule. One of its correspondents interviewed Abramovitch, \ideas prime minister, who stated concerning the Jews of the city as follows: it is true that the Jews arc not fond of the Poles, but individual Jewish merchants would prefers to deal with Warsaw rather than' Kovno." 'Otherwise. the correspondent claims that the Jews of the city do not favor their annexa- n from d, as may be ' tion the fact that they arc sending their children to Russian schools in pref- erence to Polish. Day and Night Service OAME 7tx In order to stimulate interest in Northway 760 this plan, four cash prizes are offered 1299.1305 Woodward Ave. National - Elgin Six - Premier 1168 Cass Ave. Haynes "Suggestion" Plan. Following out its policy of doing I everything possible to raise its ao ready high standard of manufacture, the Haynes Automobile company, Kokomo, Ind., has inaugurated a plan '.Master of the Load on Any Road" whereby the brain of every Haynes 1 1/ 2 , 2 1/ 2 , 3 1/2 and 5•Ton Models. employe is working towards this end The plan consists of placing a sug- gestion box in every department of Glendale 6240 the Haynes factory where the em- 23 W. Hancock ployes of that department can place any suggestion they may have and which they think will increase depart- mental efficiency or be of value from VALUE CARS AT VOLUME PRICES the point of view of car betterment. Re Vere Triple Line of Knights. 1Vith three makes of Knight.rno- toted cars now aligned under its ban- ner, Knight Motors, Inc., is embark- ing upon a protnotion campaign that will concentrate on the idea of a var- iety of choice in chassis and body equipment with the outstanding quali- ties of the Knight motor as the stand- ard of value. "Based..upon the exclusive, reputa- tion that the Knight "motor , lias won for itself," declares Thomas H. Wal- ker, general manager, "we are xmleav oring to create a new range of selec- tion for those seeking cars of the best grade. To that end we arc displaying and demonstrating the Willys-Knight, R. & V. Knight six and the the Handley-Knight and we have organized a sales force of picked men, all of whom are thoroughly schooled in handling these cars." This will be the first time, ac- cording to Mr. Walker, that any deal- distributor in America has been or er able to secure three lines of cars manufactured under Knight license for distribution over a given territory and indicates a distinct trend that no other engine made in the world has been able to develop. A survey just completed by Dodge 14-16 [ ttylp ICAT Glendale 7460 CASE " SIX " WEI biXIE FLYER ELCAR FRANKLIN Edgewood 3112 0 turantord for two years Detroit Bal. a Service Auburn Beauty Su' 788 Woodward Ave. ...,„„„ FOSTER SALES & SERVICE Proved by Inspection. Phone Glendale 41214122 Col. Chandler Liberty Paige Oldsmobile atic.," Maxwell Bight Dodge HurmobIle Overland Heaters also put in higher grade used can without charge—Others at cost. THE BEMB-ROBINSON COMPANY 286 E. JEFFERSON AVENUE PHONE CHERRY 2447 Asooth« thed Car Itrwoch as IV••awera amlCadiell open Sandaya and Evenings I Cords 10,000 Mils. Mil I Glendale 911 Glendale 41 37 I And at All Bona Fide Oldfield Dealers Fabrics 8,000 Miles