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November 05, 1920 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1920-11-05

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PEPentonlmsne. RON




Jerusalem Library
BE SOLOISTS NOV. 5 Outgrows 'Quarters
Forget-Me-Nets Arrange for Fin. Ban-
-- --
quet and Entertainment at
and First Cellist To
Plan to Make Institution Repos-
Appear at Second Palr of Detroit





The Forget-Mc-Noss of Zion will
celebrate the lirst anniversary of their
organization Sunday evening at the
Farnsworth synagogue. This cele-
bration is being looked forward to by
leaders in Young Judea as the leading
event of the week in the ranks of
junior Zionism.
Under the leadership of Mr. Samuel
Ileyman, the Forget-Me-Not, of Zion
have during the past year built one of
the finest literary Jewish study cir-
cles in the Detroit Jewish community.
In addition to the weekly lectures de-
livered by Mr. Heyman at their regu-
lar meetings, held at the Division
street Talmud Torah, the Forget-Me-
Note were always ready to lend a
helping hand in promoting the cause
of the Jewish nationalist movement.
On Flower and Flag days the girls
have raised large sums of tnoney. At
Young Judea entertainments they
have taken commendable parts.
When a sum of money was being
raised last year in the Young Judea
rattles for Jewish relief, the Forget-
Me-Nots of Zion were the ones to
head the list with the highest dona-
tion. The latest accomplishment of
this circle was the establishment of a
library for the members.
Mr. Heyman has prepared an inter-
esting program for this celebration.
All the leaders in Young Judea and
others prominent in the ranks of
Zionism were invited. Mr. J. V.
Ariel, one of the local Hebrew teach-
ers, will deliver an address, in addition
to talks by Messrs. Heyman and Slo-
movitz. Mr. Herbert l'arzen will in-
stall the officers.


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Ilya Sehkolnik, violinist and Philipp
Abbas, violoncellist, will be the solo-
ists of the second pair of subscription
It ought to be generally known
concerts of the Detroit Symphony or-
chestra, Friday and Saturday even- that the library in Jerusalem was first
founded by the Jerusalem Lodge of
ings at 8:30 o'clock, In Orchestra
the Order of linai Brith in 1892, un-
der the name of Midrash Abarbanel.
Mr. Schkolnlk Is concertmaster of For the larger portion of its books it
the orchestra and Mr, Abbas Is first is indebted to a man who dedicated
'cellist, Both are widely known as his whole life to the accumulation
concert soloists. They will play of books for this library; namely, Dr.
Brehm' Concerto In A Minor for Vi- Joseph Hasanovitch of Biolostock.
"The Genizeh Joseph" includes the
olin and Violoncello which composi-
larger portion of the books in the
tion will have its Bret hearing on a library. The number of books is com-
Detroit concert platform. The or- paratively tun a small one. There
chestral accompaniment for the Con- are about 35,000 volumes, among them
certo Is said to he very lovely.
not a few rare editions and more
Under Mr. Cabrilowitsch's baton the than half a dozen Hebrew books of
orchestra will play Beethoven's Sec- the oldest Hebrew imprint, and also
a few manuscripts.
ond Symphony In D Mayor and Mo-
After the collection of Joseph
zart's "Magic Flute" overture.
flasanovitch come the large accumu-
A series of five concerts for young lations of the founder of the Jewish
people will be given by the orchestra National Fund, Professor Shapiro,
on Saturday mornings from December and of the Russian Zionist Plaskow.
,u evpr.1 wctusis e, beginning saiuruay, In addition, there have always been
December 18, at 10:30 o'clock, in Or- people who have worked for the li-
chestra Hall.- .These concerts will be brary. For instance, shortly before
the war broke out a Christian Eng-
directed by Victor Ko,ar, assistant
lishwoman presented to the library a
conductor of the orchestra, and there fine collection of English books. A
will he an explanatory talk about the few months ago the library received
instruments and the compositions by by bequest the library of the late
Mr. Greenhut.
Henry Booster.
Anybody who would finger the
At the first concert the string choir
will be taken up; at the second the catalogue of the library or look over
the books on the shelves (which come
wood winds; at the third the brasses;
from all parts of the world. althou g h
at the fourth the percussion instru-
we do not agitate for the library)
ments. Toe final number at each con. will admit that the library, like every-
cart will be a composition for full thing else that has been created in
l'alestine, has great possibilities that
The complete dates for the young have hitherto, alas, not been availed
of Only Professor Heinrich Loewe
Preparations for the debate be- people's concerts are: December 18;
of Berlin has for years worked un-
tween tile I ikvas Zion and the Mac- January 22; February 19; March 19;
tiringly for the library, Thanks to
cabees of Judaea have slackened dur- April 16.
his efforts there are now in Berlin
ing the past week due to the arrange-
large accumulations of gifts which it
ments that are being made for the
is hoped shortly to forward to book-
nest anniversary celebration of the
hungry Eretz Yisroel.
Forget-Me-Nots of Zion. This, how-
Hungry for Books.
ever, wdl not detract from the inter-
Yes, , Eretz Yisroel is hungry for
est of the entertainment to be given Rise Against Reds in Districts Sur.
books, hungry for influence from
on Nov. 21 at the El Mosche syna-
rounding Odessa.
without, for contact with the world.
gogue, 29th street and Michigan ave-
The library as it has been thus far
nue. Due to the fact that the Tikvas
CONSTANTINOI'LE. — (Jewish cannot satisfy this hunger. It is
Zion has not yet been beaten in a Telegraphic Agency).—Reports of se-
lodged in a building which even be-
debate, the Young Judaeans are look- rious peasant risings in the district fore the war was already inadequate.
ing forward with greater interest to surrounding Odessa have been re- Thin is its present condition: About
this debate than they have to pre- ceived here. The risings, according to half of the books
are catalogued.
vious ones. Other numbers on the the reports, were accomplished by the Some of these books have been
program will be equally as interesting slaughter of many Jews, and the Jews loaned out, but during the war the
as the debate.
of the entire district are fleeing panic- Turks scattered the records so a por-
tion of these books will have to be
Knights of Judaea.
however, the Jews considered lost. But half of all the
since the Bol- hooks are not even catalogued. Some
The Knights are on a campaign to a,_
increase titer library. A raffle is the shevist authorities have partially evac- of these arc in bookcases and some
means that is being used to secure the uated the town, as a matter of mili- are ,packed away in boxes. The li-
brary as a whole is in sore need of
necessary funds. The Knights have tary expediency.
more room.
had a line literary program at their
The question of space, however,
last meeting, which included the read-
soon be settled, and the library,
ing of an essay written by Ifarry
it is hoped, will shortly he removed
Seligson, a member of the club. '1 he Lack
of Meat, Grain and Vegetables to a beautiful building and the books
Knights elected the following new
Causes Concern.
properly catalogued. The next task

officers at a recent meeting: Julius
wit he to transport 'to Jerusalem the
habatsky. president; Harry Seligson,
London—The scarcity of livestock, books that have been collected for
vice-president; Abe Torgow, secre-
cereals and vegetables in Palestine is the library now kept in Berlin, New
tary; Sam Firestone, treasurer. Sant
resolving itself into a serious prob- York, Odessa, London and Brussels.
Lipshitz is to be literary editor of the
At the same time the Zionist Or-
lem, says a Jaffa dispatch. To meet
the situation an agreement was ar- ganizations of the different countries
begin an effective campaign for
U. of M. I. Z. A. Greets iodating.
rived at with the Egyptian and Sudan
governments for a monthly importa- the collection of books. It ought to
Mr. W. Abraham Goldberg, repre-
for granted, as Professor
tion of 500 head of cattle, but the
senting the University of Nt.chigan
price was found prohibitive. Efforts Loewe declared before the war. that
Intercollegiate Zionist chapter, last
should send. a compli-
are now being made to purchase live-
Sunday extended the greetings of his
stock from the natives in the Eastern mentary copy of his book to the Na-
association to Young Judaea through
in Jerusalem. But that
Jardan, and the importation of Aus-
Mr. P. Slontovitz. *lhe University
is not enough—the Zionist Organiza-
trailian frozen meat is resorted to.
Zionists have watched the. activities of
tions must undertake the collection
The embargo placed by the High
the local Young Judaeans, and ex-
of books on a large scale. This ap-
Commission on the export of wheat
plies particularly to the Organizations
press their gratification at the success
and barley helps the situation consid-
in Middle and Western Europe where
which has met their efforts.
erably, but resentment at the restraint collections of money, owing to pre-
Defenders of Zion.
is being voiced by the grain growers, vailing rates of exchange, are of less
who are in a position to realize better value than the collection of neces-
Mr. Sol Lipshitz, who was the latest prices outside of the country.
sary materials for Palestine. Com-
to join the Young Judaea movement
mittees ought to be formed in every
as leader, deserves touch credit for
land composed of men experienced
the work he has done in reorganizing
bibliography, and these commit-
the Defenders of Lon. The Defenders
WARSAW. — Jewish newspapers tees should bend every effort to make
were first directed by Ste. Bennett
collections of books for the li-
Kaminsky, who is now located at print an appeal to America from the
Jewish inhalStants of l'Iotnitz near brary. First of all, it behooves every
to send to the library if pos-
Pinsk. It is signed by Rabbi Itzchok
Stars of Judea.
and a committee. The appeal reads sible, a complete collection of all the
books and of Judaica that
Young Judaea wt leonies back into as follows:
"Dear children, brothers, sisters and has been published in that country.
its ranks SI r. Samuel Lehrman. leader
example, we had from
of the Stars of Judaea. Mr. Lehrman friends in America:
"On Saturday, Choi-ha-Meted Suk- Czecho-Slovakia a collection of all the
has proved one of the most sucess-
oiie minium ol the Hebrew press in
fill of Detroit's leaders as evidenced koth.
l'rague, how rich we would now be.
by the affection of the boys for him. Balachovitch made
Need Technical Books.
Pressing business has kept Mr. Lehr- eity, ktling forty petit, , so. ro00.•ss
Furthermore, we suffer a woeful
man from the meetings during the the rest of the population. No words lack of books on natural history,
past few months, but, happily for can describe our misfortune. Have mechanics, sociology and philosophy.
♦ Young Judaea, he is back to stay. Mr
pity, help! We are all at Pinsk. Take When not long ago
a group of peo-
- • nr help is 'here. Fol- ple in Jerusalem got together
Lehrman has done much to promote
to study
lowing are the names of some killed: philosophy and decided to begin with
athletics in Young Judaea.
, ...0 isoint, Loeser l'erlmutter, the Metaphysics of Aristotle, they
Leader Joins Zion Commonwealth.
Joseph Cohn Aaron Shinn] Ossovetz- could hardly find a single copy of
z e i Ploinle. his son Nahum, Aaron that work
Mr. Herbert l'arzen, leader of the
in the whole country. Simi-
Defenders of the White and Blue, is Osher Plotnik, Moshe Chaim, son of lar instances might be cited concern-
at present touring Ohio state in the Osher Aaron, Efraim l'ollak, Osher ing hooks in other branches; and
interest of the Zion Commonwealth. Vorsiner, Joseph l'ivovoz. Sarah, wife everybody can understand what it
of Pinellas Bergman. Communicate means to need a book and to be com-
with Itzchok, Pereploshik, Pinsk, pelled to write for it to Europe with-
Krivaya 2."
out knowing even the title, the au-
thor, or the price, and to wait four
months for a reply. In all Jerusalem
or Jaffa there is not a place where
Mass Meeting for Students Planned to
many intellectuals. teachers, pub-
Promote Zionist Cattier. in De.
formed in this city, consisting of rep- lic officers, laborers (for our laborers
troit Coles. Center s.
resentatives of both the "liund" and are intellectuals) can find an Euro-
the l'oale-Zion organization to take pean newspaper. The National Li-
An Intercollegiate Zionist Associa-
care .of Jewish workmen from Vilna. brary will have to provide the whole
tion chapter composed of local col-
country, but we have got to see to
lege men and women is now assured. arriving here by the hundreds. The it that the budget of the Zionist Cen-
clubrooms of both parties have been
At a recent meeting which was at-
tral Organization shall not be bur-
given up for homes for the refugees,
tended by a number of representa-
dened with new taxes. For this pur-
tive Jewish college men and women, four hundred having been housed in pose we must have voluntary con-
such manner. A free citizens' laun- tributions.
it was agreed that a chapter of the
I. Z. A. he formed at once and that dry was formed and free medical aid
Our next task ought to be to get
is given to the refugees. An attempt our National University Library into
a meeting of college students be
called within two weeks for the for. was made to give workmen jobs and a beautiful building, to catalogue the
he work of the committee is gener- books, to provide room for period-
mai affiliation of such an organization
ally considered splendid. Mr. Kauf- icals, and to get the accumulations
with the local Zionist movement.
of the Joint Distribution Com- in Europe and America to Palestine
After Mr. Philip Slomovitz, repre-
senting the Midwest Committee of mittee, assigned ten thousand marks and as soon as possible make them
accessible to the public. The Dias-
the national organization, outlined the for the purposes of the committee.
pora most help. It must cease send-
purposes and objects of such an or-
ing us old worthless volumes that
ganization, those present elected Miss
nobody reads any more; it must send
Zelda Medvedov temporary president
LONDON.—The Poles have again its books that can help to reawaken
and Miss Esther Holtzman, tempor-
spirit of Frets Yisroel.
isk^n en the persecution of Jews on
ary secretary.
The committee chosen to arrange railroads and stations as a pastime.
for the students' mass meeting con- On the Liaburg-Pomeran line. Yec-
sists of Mr. Harold Baiter and Miss liel Shulman and Shloine Kleinitz
Ethel Shetzer. The following mem- were abused by a group of Poles, and
BERLIN —Demands for the sup-
bership committee was appointed at other instances are being made pub- pression of Jewish influence in Ger-
the same meeting: Miss Esther Book- lic.
many, and their total exclusion from
stein, from Detroit Normal College;
economic life were formulated at a
Mrs. Joseph Erman, from the Medical
congress of the German Peoples'
College. and Miss Esther Holtzman,
party, which just met in Weimar, ac-
from Junior College.
KOVN0.—A special labor regi- cording to a dispatch from that city.
Plans for the coming mass meeting ment to protect Lithuania against Po-
The report covering the party's anti-
will be completed at a meeting to be lish invasiOn was organized by the
Semitic activity showed that during
held Monday evening at the Shaarey local l'oale-Zion organization. Three
the first six months of 1920. four and
Zedek. All students interested are i•iindred men have already enlisted
a half million anti-Semitic leaflets had
asked to attend this meeting, which and are leaving for the front next
been distributed throughout the MID-
is to be held at 8 p. m. sharp.

By Hugo Bergmann.



Main 1823



Wednesday. November 10, F. C.
gree, 7:00 p. m. look-Out Committee
7:00 P.

Members of the Jewish Woman's
Club are urgently requested to re-
turn immediately, if they have not
alreatly done so, the return post-
cards recently mailed them, con-
taining tentative classes to be con-
ducted this year under the auspices
of the Club.
Cards should be returned at once
whether or not members are in-
terested in any of the courses of-
fered so as to enable the commit-
tee in charge to formulate definite
plans for the season.

itory of World's Jewish

Symphony Concerts.




JEWS RAISE $1,000,000



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change for room and board. Hood
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TO RAISE $3,500,000.

Of the $3,500,000 fund sought by
the Union of American Hebrew Con-
gregations $1,000,000 has been sub-
scribed, according to announcement
made yesterday by Manny Strauss,
Chairman of the Advisory Committee,
at the office of the union, 24 East
Twenty-first street. The fund is be-
hug raised for a ten years' expansion
program. The money has been con-
by sixtv-nine cities. Two

hundred communities were participat.
tue campaign. Mrs. Strauss

A "flying squadron" of prominent
Jews will start on Nov 4 for a na-
tion-wide campaign in the interest of
the movement. This will be headed
by Julius Rosenwald. Representative
lobos Kahn and Mr. Strauss. The
fund will be devoted to extension
work of synagogues and schools in
rural districts and congested cont.
1111.111iliCS, a rabbis' pension fund and
a synagogue loan fund. Local cam-
paigns arc being conducted through
mass meetings and personal solicita-


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WARSAW.—The trial of a Bolshe-
Tailor Shops, Confertioneries, Gro-
vik Revolutionary Committer, which
series, lintel, Rooming Houses,
was formed in Lublin during the
threatened invasion of that town by
Restaurants, Etc.
the Bolshevik armies, started today.
The Jewish members of the commit-
tee are expected to raise the question
of Jewish participation in the Itolshe- 311 Majestic Bldg.
Cherrf 65
vik movement in Poland.



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