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September 10, 1920 - Image 4

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The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1920-09-10

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ntl War Gurtings

their prayers and praises before Him from Whom all blessings flow.
As a result of this tendency, there is scarcely a synagog anywhere
that on Rosh I lashono and Yom Kippur is not crowded to its capac-
ity. Indeed, in all the great cities, temporary synagogs are to be
found in large numbers catering to those who for one reason or an-
other have not affiliated themselves with permanently established
Eabeire4 as second clam matter March 3, 1916, at the Postoffice at Detroit, religious organizations.
Mich . , under the Act of March 3, 1879.
Much may be said in criticism of these temporary synagogs and
yet it must be conceded that they answer'a real need and until some
Offices, 1334 Book Building
other means is found of giving even to those Jews who come to
Cable Address:
Telephones: :
worship only on these special occasions proper accommodations in
Chronicle, U. S. A. the established houses
Cherry 3381.2689
of worship, one is scarcely justified in raising
13.00 per year his voice against these makeshift places of worship.
IlubscriptIon, In Advance

"And would it not be most pleasing
and appropriate for a diligent phy-
sician carefully to search out these
things everywhere? And yet who will
search them out if he is unskilled in
languages? Has not this art, like all
others, been learned first of all by
the Jews and thence written down in
, /1
the Jewish language? There lies hid-
den in the libraries of the Jews a
treasure of medical lore so great that
12th of August, 1920.
it seems incapable of being surpassed
by the books of any other language.
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle:
This (treasure) no one without a
knowledge of Hebrew grammar could
bring forth into the light.
"And I am mistaken if the most
I gladly respond to your request fora sentiment on
In this and other cities, an attempt has been made in past years
reverend men and those among the
To lows publication, all correspondence and news matter mast mock and is again being repeated this year by Temple Beth El, to meet Christians who are most skilled in
the eve of your high holy days for your Rosh•Hashonah
We Mice by Tuesday evening of each week.
(New Year) number,
the needs of those of our co-religionists who for good reason, not languages do not concur in my opin-
Editorial Coattails* yet officially affiliated, still desire to worship on the high Holy days. ion, and if the chief men, as they are
My intimate association and my friendship for so
To accommodate them. Auxiliary Services have been established in all very great and very prudent, do
many of the noble men of your race, and my deep con-
The Jewish Chronicle invites correspondence on subjects of interest So nearby edifices well •adapted to the purpose. To these services, all not receive Jewish physicians unto
Ys Jewish people, but disclaims responsibility for an indorsement of dm
cern for theproper religious training of the young men of
id our co-religionists not affiliated with existing synagog are most
"Who is ignorant of the fact that
Mews expressed by the writers.
America, gives me interest in your celebration. The
cordially incited. Services held in these auxiliary sviiiig..gs are in Frederick, Emperor of the Romans,
need of America is for young men who live clean and
Ellul 27, 5680. every way identical with the service conducted in Temple Meth El. the third of that name, ruled the em-
Friday, September I 0, 1920.
pire more than fifty years by virtue
think clean, and my belief is that only out of a religious
Experience Nis proved in past years that many of those attend- of the service rendered to him by
life and faith in a Supreme Being can we expect to find the
ing these services find a new desire to fellowship religiously with Jewish medical skill? And also that
fruits of virtue.
their brethren in faith and so become regular members of the syn- famous Jewish doctor, by his skill,
agog. Even though it were the ultimate purpose of a congregation prolonged life for l'ope Julius II. after
Sincerely yours,
people had almost begun to mourn
merely thus to seek the co - operation of those who presently stand for him? Nay, more, not without
outside its ranks, the institution of these Auxiliary Services would shame to the Latin and indeed to the
be justified. But this is not the prime purpose for which they have Christian name, people appeal to Jews
been established. No congregation can feel that it is doing its full after trying our physicians.
"It is shameful, indeed shameful ,
duty if it serves the religious wants only of those who in a material that there should be expectel of Jews
way contribute to its support. The doors of the synagog must stand what is lacking in Christians. Where-
The conditions upon which the New Year opens are not such open to all who shall even for an hour in the year seek the inspira- fore, will not a Christian very much
more willingly entrust his health to
as to hearten men who look below the surface of existing things. tion that may conic to them from communion with their God. And a Christian doctor if that doctor tias
The optimistic prophecies that were generally made by preachers so on occasions when the usual facilities are inadequate to acciinuno- only learned the same method of
a year ago have in no great measure been fulfilled. The world is date those who would share in the worship, it is the bounden duty treatment from Jewish sources? And
as much today in a state of chaos as it was a year ago, Class of great, progressive congregations to temporarily add to their facil- what prevents our Christian youths of Delegations From All Parts of United States Attend Demonstration
quick intelligence, who are destined
hatreds arc as deep, religious prejudices arc as widespread, political ities just in the manner that Temple'lleth El is presently doing. It for this profession, from learning this
Planned By Joint Distribution Committee.
inequalities arc as general as they have ever been. The \Vorld War is gratifying to note that the example of this congregation has been language, in a few years, or if they
is a year further removed from us but the ideals for which it was followed by some of the leading congregations in other cities in this have a horning desire for study, in a
NEW YORK—Announcement has mittee has called. with its constituent
fought are no nearer realization. Indeed, students of present-day country and wherever the experiment has been undertaken, it has few months, tip to a point necessary been made by the Joint Distribution committees, a memorial meeting, to
for comprehending and understand- Committee, of which Felix M. War-
be held at Carnegie Ilall, New York
conditions have a right, perhaps, to be less optimistic than they met with noteworthy. success.
ing it?
burg is chairman, of the details of the
were a year ago.
"That most learned man. Origen, great Memorial meeting held by Car- City, at 8 o'clock, on the evening of
and the blessed St. Jerome, although negie Hall on Thursday evening. Sep- September 9, in which the co-oper-
• What is true in the world at large is notably true in Jewry.
the books of the Old Testament had tember 9, in memory of I'rof. Israel ation and participation of Jewish or-
It serves no purpose to close our eyes to the true state of affairs.
been translated into Latin some ten Friedlaender and Dr. Bernard Cantor, ganizations, educational, religious and
Whatever the basic cause of the rampant prejudice may be, it is a
times, nevertheless, for the purpose who met their deaths at the hands of fraternal, throughout the United
fact that today the Jew is being attacked front many quarters where
of acquiring a better knowledge of assassins last July, while engaged in States, is invited."
There was a hearty response to the
Theology, these two men, the one an relief work in the Ukraine.
a..year ago he had a right to look at least for fair treatment. Ile
call and delegations attended the
old Man, the other a mature young
is being accused of fomenting a conspiracy to assert his power as a
More than ISO organizations, with meeting from all parts of the United
man, were not ashamed to learn the which the two men were affiliated, co-
supernation while the truth is just the reverse. Evidence is at hand
Hebrew language, nor did these men operated in the meeting, the chairman States. The desire was expressed that
to prove that the Jew is today the victim of a world conspiracy on
despair of this, and we. young men of which was Dr. Cyrus Adler. Ad- the meeting should embody the united
boys that we are, do we hesitate dresses were delivered by Louis Mar- action of American Jewry and should
the part of men who would undo hint.
"Nil Desperandum"
to do the same thing in order better shall, Judge Julian VV. Mack, Judge show the sentiment and sorrow of
' The causes for this new outbreak of Anti-Semitism in this and
Oft the medical art, in which Abram I. Elkus, the Rev. H. Alas- Jews all over the land over the deaths
By Leon Zolotkoff.
other countries are many and varied. Perhaps the economic success
no knowledge is neglected without liansky, who addressed the audience of these men.
of the Jew, though it is no greater than his habitual thrift and
danger? . . .
in Yiddish and Dr. Judah L. Magoes.
The Jewish calendar year which is than five or six square miles, bounded
"Therefore, if it is base for a Chris- Cantor Josef Rosenblatt chanted Jew- KALICH, INHERITOR OF
industry and honesty and decent ambition merit, is basic to all
to terminate next Sunday evening by Hebron, Beth El. Jericho and Lud.
to yield precedence to the Jews ish religious anthems and Dr. Elias
the rest. Politics, too, plays its part in the shaping of the .pro- will for all times to come be known Jerusalem was in ruins and abandoned. tian
in his own art, if it is shameful not
gram of Anti-Semitism. Religious hatreds likewise have their in Jewish history as an epoch-making There was no security for life or prop- to understand the leaders of his own L. Solomon delivered Alichtam Le
year, replete with historic events erty. The poor people had to mortgage profession, if it is unseemly to ap- David.
share in working it out.
of dark and brooding
The meeting was. perhaps, the larg-
But the greatest enemy against which the Jew at present has which completely changed the politi- not alone their acres, but permit the pear uncouth in his own metier, what est ever held in Carnegie Hall and
cal status of the Jew in the world. enslavement of their sons and daughters remains, oh noble youths, as many of
by birthright of
to work is ignorance. At least one man famous for' his ignorance Only unimaginative minds devoid of by the overbearing rich. The people you as have dedicated your lives to one of the most impressive in point
hat become a menace to the Jew just because he has in his hands vision and deficient in historical per- were demoralized. The Torah was this profession, what remains, I say, of character in the history of the audi- The sorrow's of uncounted years arise
torium. It was intended as a national
the power which a fabulous accumulation of wealth gives him to spective can fail to appreciate the far- completely forgotten. Intermarriages but to devote yourselves to the study tribute upon the part of American And plead for utterance in thy mourn-
in abundance. The young genera- of languages by means of which you
ful eyes,
carry on unhindered a campaign of vituperation. Counting upon the reaching effect of the San Remo de- were
cision which wrote the Balfour Decla- tion was unable to speak the language may avoid all those things?"—Jewish Jewry to the two New York men, And on thy lips, so poignant sweet
whose lives were sacrificed.
ignorance of the masses to when they are catering, his paid min- ration into the post-bellum interna- of Judea and spoke the languages of Quarterly Review.
with pain,
Some of the organizations which
ions spread their lies week by week and find an unholy joy in at- tional law, recognizing Palestine as the surrounding nations.
participated were: American Academy God's stamp of suffering marks thy
tempting to prepare American soil for the same sort of massacres Eretz Israel—the Homeland of the
And yet. what followed this period
calling plain.
and pogroms that have disgraced the name of Christianity in other Jewish people. The effect of this of miserably small beginnings?
Committee, American Oriental So-
recognition can no more be undone
There came the period of rebuilding
ciety, Bureau of Education, Central So stood Rachel, of thy blood, in her
lands. It passes imagination that a man who has declared himself or deleted than the effect of the under
Ezra and Nehemiah. Then the
Conference American Rabbis, Congre-
an enemy of bloodshed should permit himself to become the victim French Revolution which proclaimed days of the Afaccabaeans. The people
gation Rodef Sholem, Wabash, Ind., So Bernhardt, of that blood, holds
of an unscrupulous company whose lust for Jewish blood will not the principle of "Liberty, Fraternity began to cultivate their fields and gard-
now her sway.
Deutsche Morgenlandische Gesell-
be satisfied until America shall have repeated the bloody scenes of and Equality." One wave of reaction ens with more energy, heaping upon
schaft, Leipzig, Germany, Educational And thou, full sister of these mighty
after another arose against that slo- the lazy and the slothful all the epi-
Alliance, Federation of Galician Jews,
Roumania and Russia and Poland.
gan of the French Revolution only to thets of approbrom and reproach which
The same blood heritage claimeth as
Because of the conspiracy against the Jew in which the articles be relied back in impotent fury. Re- we now read in the Proverbs. The vir- Jewish Workmen Make Generous Federation of Polish Jews of Amer-
thy due.
Contribution to Building
referred to represent only an incident, the heart of the Jew is sore action against the principle of self- tuous and efficient woman wisely man-
America, Free Synagogue of New
of nations born with aging her household was praised. Gradu-
Valid they claim. The centuries' seal
at the beginning of this New Year. But the Jew is not fearful of determination
such pain and travail out of the
the people freed themselves from
is set
N. Y., Hebrew Union College, Cin-
what shall happen as a result of this villainous campaign that is world's war could meet with no great- ally
the shackles of abject poverty. They
cinnati, 0., Henry Street Settlement, Upon its warrant. Tears and blood
being directed against hint. His heart bleeds, however, for two er success. No human effort could spread in all directions. The country
have wet
NEW YORK—The Hebrew Shel- Histadruth Ivrith, Independent Order
reasons: first, because he had believed that in America where Free- prevail in an attempt to undo the San grew comparatively rich.
tering and Immigrant Aid Society of Brith Abraham, Independent Order Its ancient and its modern counter-
Remo decision in its most telling im-
Likewise the people underwent a
dom and Justice and Humanity are no empty phrases, there would plications, coining as it does within
Free Sons of Israel, Indian Research
spiritual rebirth. All the apocripha were of $10,000 to the Building Fund from Club of Calcutta, Intercollegiate Me- Sorrow unspeakable breathes between
be immunity for him and other minority groups from the attacks of the purview of that principle.
its lines,
compiled during the period between
norah Society, Invincible Judeans,
bigoted and heartless Anti-Semites and their ilk. To the upbuilding
The saying "Comparison is no rea- Zeruliabel, Ezra and liasmoneans. The cle), Mr. Albert Rosenblatt, Chairman Jewish Center. Jewish Emigrant Aid Where, down to Kishinev's cruel days,
of the institutions of this land which he loves with his whole heart son" is a truism which may apply to Torah was re-established and published. of the Building Fund Committee, an- Office of Constantinople, Turkey,
is told
and soul, the Jew has given freely of life and treasure in every historical comparisons as well as to The Hebrew language was revived and nounces. The Arbeiter Ring at its Jewish l'ublic Committee of Russia A nation's woe that dates (rem Egypt
many others. History does not re- found its rejuvenated expression in the last convention unanimously decided for the Aid of Pogrom Victims, Mos-
' period in which danger has threatened.
peat itself, for conditions are never exact and flexible language of the Mish- to tax its membership to the extent
Russia; Jewish Publication So-
But it is not chiefly for himself that the Jew is disheartened the same. And yet one cannot help na. The National Jewish religion be- of $10,000. In accordance with the cow,
ciety of America, Philadelphia, Pa.; To thee descended—Lol how dread
the cry
today. He laments that the tremendoues sacrifices which men of all noticing the striking similarity be- came solidified to an extent that it was constitution of the organization, all Jewish Reform Temple of Lafayette,
faiths have unitedly made in these last years remain unrewarded. tween the San Remo decision and the able to resist the onslaughts of Antio- resolutions of the convention must be Ind.; Jewish Reform Temple of Port That rises from thy throat! How
and high,
He is sick at heart to realize that the brotherhood for which Chris- proclamation of Cyrus, King of Per- chus and untold storms even since. membership. The decision was unani- Gibson, Miss.; Jewish Theological With strain of agony! Not alone the
sia, some 2200 years ago: ''Whosoever Within
century the people had re-
Seminary of America, Jewish Young
tian and Jew fought side by side has proved itself an empty phrase there is among you of all his people, claimed one
nearly all its former territory.
Men's Association, Buffalo, N. Y.:
Although the tax has not yet been seventeen Jewish Organizations of That now thou playest thus doth
upon men's lips. He is saddened beyond words at the thought that Jehovah, his God, he with him and let
There can be no comparisons between
wring thy heart,
Christianity—the religion of the majority in this country—should hint go up!"
the conditions which prevailed in Pales- collected, the Executive Committee of Warsaw, Poland, League of Jewish
There followed, after the Cyrus tine during the Babylonian return with the Arbeiter Ring forwarded the check Youth of America, Legal Aid Bureau But all they people's grief accumu-
'so utterly have failed to impress its teachings upon some of its nom-
the conditions of today. The return because it recognized the urgent need of Wichita, Kan.; Mizrachi Organiza-
inal devotees that there should be any considerable number among proclamation, a short period of jubi- now is not the caprice of a despot, but of the money and the great import- tion, the Order of Brith Abraham, Sounds in thy voice, till, with race
lation which found expression in the
them who would be willing to turn the hands of time backward and inspired soul-stirring exclamations of decreed by a principle in international ance of the work being done by the Order Sons of Zion, the Oriental Club
anguish great,
to plunge humanity again into the darkness of medieval brutalism. Dentro-Isaiah beginning with: "Com- law. The Jewish population in the Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant of New York, J. L. Perez Writer's As- Thou speakest not even one little
Aid Society of America.
broken word,
sociation, the Rabbinical Assembly of
The Jew, we say, does not fear for himself. It is not the first fort ye, comfort ye. my people" and country is much larger, more secure
In view of the increased cost of the Seminary, Society of Biblical Lit- But Tragedy's supremest note is
and not helpless. And there is the
time that all the forces of prejudice and bigotry, of cruelty and closing that period with the great call: moral and material support of many building material and labor, a country. erature and Exegesis
of New Haven,
"Go ye forth from Babylon. flee ye
hate, have arrayed themselves against him. But history proves as from Chaldeal Jubilant, declare ye— millions of Jews residing in other coun- wide campaign for the Building Fund Conn.; Student Body Jewish Theolog-
our enemies ought to know, that even 'out of the depths of his af- Jehovah had redeemed his srevant tries. Jewish agricultural colonies are will begin on September 12th, Erev ical Seminary of America, Teachers This, then, the price of glory to thy
Rosh Hashonah.
Institute, Temple Emanuel, Wichita,
fliction. he cried to a God of Salvation Who heard him. In that Jacob!" The period of rejoicing ap- dotting the country. The Hebrew lang-
Rabbis and National Directors in Kan.; United Synagogue of America. How dire the cost, how bitter high
did not last very long for uage is again made a living tongue. In-
same God of Righteousness and Mercy and Justice and Love, the parently
the game;
University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati,
later we hear the prophet exclaim in dustry is slowly but surely growing.
Jew puts his trust today. But he has confidence also in the sense sadness: "Wherefore, when I came, The eyes of multitudes ass well as those already signified their willingness to O.; West Side Community House, 0, Kalich, on whose soul the forfeit
of fair play of American men and women. Ile cannot believe that was there no man? When 1 called of wealthy and powerful are turned to- co-operate in this very laudable pur- Young Israel, Young Judeans, Zionist
Organizations of America, Bajs- Of genius born from world-old sacri-
any considerable number of true Americans will he misled by the was there none to answer?" and he ward the Palestine, with a view of re-
It is imperative that the new build- Lechem, Warsaw.
wonders: "Ye are not going in haste! building and restoring her as the na-
noisy rantings of a band of fanatic Anti-Semites whose failure to Ye are not going by flight!"
ing be opened at the very earliest mo-
In issuing a call for the meeting, We yield us to the magic of thy spell,
tional home for the Jewish people.
sense the American ideal has proved itself before in other ways and
What then, is necessary to bring about ment. Jewish immigrants are arriving the Friedlaender-Cantor Memorial With our applause the playhouse
But there really was no wonder.
echoes swell;
now again in their attempt to set class against class and sect against Those who left Babylon found the land the upbuilding of our historic home and in large numbers, and the present Committee of the Joint Distribution
of Israel in a horrible condition. Most re-dedicating it to the life and ideals home at 229 East Broadway is uncom- Committee, which consists of Felix AL We sound the praises of thy tragic
sect in this country.
Warburg, Dr. Cyrus Adler, Dr. Judah
our people? Only energetic and con-
Such tactics may succeed in lands where darkness reigns but of the land was in the hands of strang- of
ers—Samaritans of the north, Edomites tinuous work, devotion and liberal help. must be prepared to meet the new- I.. Magnes, Judge Otto A. Rosalsky, Yet still how bare, how empty they
full hour]
never in America. Therefore, the Jew faces his New Year with in the south, Asilialites in the west and
Samuel C. Lamport. Sholem Asch and
Therefore, let our paramount Rosh
sorrow that conditions so untoward prevail, but none the less, with Amonites in the east. The entire Jew- Hashanah resolution be: "Nil Desper- the past six years in a proper manner Stanley Bero, as secretary, signified
wonder, then, that even at
the importance of the occasion by
an unshaken faith that victory shall come to righteousness and sal- ish settlement did not occupuy more andum I"
which has always actuated American saying:
Fame's full flood
vation to those whose hands are clean and whose hearts are pure in
Jewry towards Jewish immigrants.
"American Jewry has been profoundly Thy eyes still bear mute witness to
thy blood,
Mr. Harry Fische!, Chairman of the stirred and sorrowfully impressed by
the sight of God and men.
Building Committee, says that the the tragic deaths in the Ukraine of Sombre with persecution—its wan
work of remodeling the Astor Library l'rofessor Israel Friedlaender and Dr.
building should not be delayed, as de- Bernard Cantor who, without thought Still resting on those piteous lips of
gprominence of the Jews in
penditures. He hoped that the Build- and only thought of the needs of their 0, Kalich, thou in whom all Israel's
The death of Col. Harry Cutler in the prime of his manhood
the practice of medicine during Christians in the future and (it is)
Fund Committee would raise in suffering co-religionists in that un-
came as a distinct shock even to those of his friends who knew of his the Middle Ages is well known. As not (to be understood as relating) to ing
the coming fall campaign, all the fortunate country, went forth to min- Concentrate, makes the Genius-Gift
recent serious illness. Mr. Cutler, who at the time of his death medical teachers, as translators and
Another reference. bearing even
ister to those needs and in the name
authors, they took high rank. Their
was but forty-six years of age, began life at the lowest rung and by as
The Hebrew Sheltering and Immi- of American Jewry, and with funds
—Ripley D. Saunders.
literary work is chiefly associated with more striking evidence of the import
placed at their disposal by the Joint
dint of energy, hard work. native ability, and scrupulous honesty, the Arabic School. Yet a large part ante of Hebrew medical writings is
forged his Way upward until he had become in more senses than of their medical writings were written
days to generously supply the funds constituent committees, sought to al- UNTERMEYER SWELLS
in Hebrew or were translated into otherwise known as Petrus Mosel-
one, a national figure.
for the opening of the national center leviate suffering, to give bread to the
that language. The best evidence of lanus. This address was entitled for Jewish immigrant aid work.
Honored more than once by the citizens of his state and city, this is to be found in the works of ()ratio de variarum linguarum cogni-
starving, clothes to the naked, and
spiritual and mental comfort and hope
he served them both with integrity and zeal. But Mr. Cutler will Steinschneider, in his catalogues of
NEW YORK.—Stating that he was
to the hopeless.
be longest remembered for the signal sacrifices which through a the Hehrew MSS. in the libraries of Leipzig in August, 1518. Mosellanus RABBI J. L. LEVIN
was born in 1493 in Bruittig on the
"These men, as is true of all the not a Socialist and did not believe in
long period of years Ile had made for his fellow Jews. Knowing Berlin, Munich, and Oxford. and espe- Mosel river. Ile studied in Cologne
men who have gone forth front Amer- the organization's principles, Mr,
cially in the chapter on Medicine in
through bitter experience in his youth the sufferings that many his Ilebraische Uebersetzungen.
and Erfurt and later in Leipzig. In
ica to lend the helping hand of Amer- Samuel Untermeyer, the noted law-
1517 he became professor of Greek
HOLYDAY LECTURES ican Jewry to the sufferers from the yer of this city, sent a contribution
Jews born in the lands of darkness have to endure. he early devoted
The relatively large number of He-
tsar, whether Jew or non - Jew, gave of $200.00 to the Campaign Fund es-
himself to the amelioration of the lot of his co-religionists. Un- brew medical writings in themselves and Latin at the last-named univer-
tablished for
re-election of the
sity and subsequently its rector. Ile
Levitt will speak no thought to the element of per- five Socialists the
stintedly, he gave to them of his time, his talents, and his money. furnish the proof of the important was a prolific writer and must have
ousted from the New
the first day of Rosh-Hashonah at sonal danger, gave no thought to the
As chairman of the Jewish 1Velfare Board during the war period, part which Hehrew played in the dif- been a remarkable man to have be- the Beth Jacob Synagogue, Montcalm sacrifice they were compelled to make, York Assembly some time ago. In
fusion of medical knowledge. There
he did Muth to make that organization the efficient agency that it are other facts, however, which hear come as distinguished as he was in street. at 9:30 A. M.; the second day to the separation from their family his letter Mr. Untermeyer writes that
hoped the five Socialist Assembly-
was, not only in serving the material wants of the soldiers but in similar testimony in a striking man- but a few years; for he died when Rosh-Hashonah, at the Congregation and home, but gave thought only to he
only thirty-one years of age. The 113'nai Israel, Ferry avenue, at 9:30 the great objective, that of comfort, men will be re-elected as "a vindica-
lifting the morale of the boys during their time of trial.
copy in my possession was published A. M and Shabbes Schuvo, at the help and succor to those whose mis- tion of the crime against representa-
At the time of his death, he had but recently landed on the Hebrew Medical Books Permitted for in August, 1519. On p. 49 there is a Mogen Abraham Synagogue, Farns- ery and distress passes utterly the tive government."
Study in Old Spain
statement of which the following is worth avenue . at 4 P. M.
Other side on a mission of mercy to which he • had been commis-
comprehension of those of us here,
In his decree published May 30, an English rendition:
who have never witnessed anything TO BUILD HAIFA HARBOR
sioned by this government. We can ill afford to lose a man of Mr.
1497, King Manuel of Portugal gave
to equal it.
"Now let us proceed to that salutary
Cutler's calibre. His passing will be sincerely mourned by a very permission to Jewish physicians and
"In order that fitting honor be done
- large circle of men and women in every part of this land.
PARIS—It is learned that Baron
surgeons to study Hebrew medical speak. acts as advisor of nature her-
to these men, in order that there may Edmund de Rothschild Who has for
books under certain conditions: "And self. This profession, as it is the most
a realization in the minds of all of some time past shown a practical in-
furthermore it is our pleasure that useful of all. and necessary to mor-
us of the sacrifice they made in be-
such physicians and surgeons as have tals, so it depends entirely on a
Rabbi Joseph Thumin will lecture half of humanity and of the great and terest in the work of the Zionists,
been and as shall be converted and knowledge of languages. For, since the first day of Rosh-Hashonah, overwhelming disaster which occa- will actively participate in the con•
struction of the new Haifa harbor
However seemingly indifferent Jews may be at other times to do not know Latin, may keep Hebrew diseases are common to men of all na- Monday. September 13, at the B'nai
sioned this sacrifice, and in order that
the call of the synagog, on the High Holy days they are moved by books relating to their profession and tions, remedies for these have been Moshe (Hungarian) Congregation, we may pause for a. few hours to give which is to be erected at an estimated
a feeling which they would often find it difficult to explain to them- this is to be understood as relating handed down in various fashions ac- Garfield and Beaubien. The subject thought to these men, to their heroic cost of thirty million dollars. Prep-
aratory work on this harbor which
those who are at present surgeons cording to the different nature of lan- of Rabbi Thumim's talk will be "The
, selves, to turn back to the house of God and reverently to pour out to
accomplishments and to their untime- It is said will he the finest in the
and physicians and have not yet be-guages.
Spirit of the New Year."
ly end, the Joint Distribution Com- Near-East, is already underway.

Published Weekly by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co- lac.
Joseph J. Cummins, President.

-:- TO ALL -:-


Meeting in Memory of Rabbis Cantor
and Friedlaender Is Historic Event

A Paramount New Year's Resolution

Immigrant Aid
Society Given
Check for $10,00(1

Hebrew Medical Books.

Col. Harry Cutler

The Open Synagog


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