JR Sst A titerkam 'elvish PerlaSeal Carter CLIFTON AVINUI • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO THE DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE PAGE SEVEN PREJUDICE—HOW TO MEET IT. sole the problem of prejudice. But it is a matter of thousands of years. It is not of tomorrow nor of the day after. Democracy—would that help? Yes, Cleveland, Ohio. a certain kind of democracy—and ul- timately. Do you realize that the FTER every social upheaval there de, and his intrusion is resented. It democracy which France possessed follows a wave of anti-Semi- is only in America that this passion twenty years ago did not save France tism. When the fine fittings of so- for racial homogeneity does not exist, from that iniqpitous scandal of the cial life are wrenched apart, there became no one single race alone en- Dreyfus affair: And that democracy inevitably results a certain amount of tered into the early composition of here or in other lands may not save friction. The latent and submerged America. But in Europe that i3 the its from these recurring waves of prejudices and antipathies of races common and accepted standard of na- anti-Jewish prejudice? Public opin- surge to the top. And where there tionalities—race. And the Jew is re- son may become a terrible menace, is a storm there is a great deal of garded therein as a foreigner. terrible tyrant. Democracy that scum; where there is fever there are To be sure, the religious element means loone license; democracy that b ver sores. And these sporadic out- enters. It is folly to think that all feeds on mass sentiment and :sts, breaks of anti-Jewish propaganda are the religious contentions and wars psychology; democracy that is ill- the direct results of social unrest have passed beyond recall. 11'e insist formed by rumor is just as dangs r o t: , not pernyt ourselves to live in a and unheaval. as autocracy and frequently more Su. The terrible black plague of the antic state of a fool's paradise. 'file I recall that state,,, io of Thomas thirteenth century was followed and monster of religious intolerance is lefferson in a letter which he wrote was attended by persecution. The only slumbering, and may be stirred So Nlordecai Immanuel Noah. lie crusades, which stirred the whole into action at any moment. There is said, "Public opinion sometimes of Europe, left trails of exterminated su'dls a thing as r d 'giu"' erects itself site an inquisition and Jewish communities behind them. :old religious autocracy just as nuncio syrcists its offices with as much The Cossack rebellions in the seven- Is there is political imperialism; and fat,,ttie,sat as fan , the flame , of au teenth century destroyed close onto :list as political imperialism and at, oida t . t.... Iliere must be a develop- , , • three hundred thousand Jews; the tocracy found its symbol in the meat along the right lines of demos:- rise of nationalism in the Balkan —lows, and revolutionary aut°c "O' racy—democracy which teaches tol- states in the early and middle half iound its NY mbol in the guillotine, and cranes- and sympathy and apprecia- of the last century stirred the ember; I .eial intolerance found its symbol in, than o f ,t11 tht, diverse dements that of tribalism in the souls of these the lynchings, so religious intoler- ,, gt, into the duke-up of a people or stm11 nationalities of Europe and re- Nice and autocracy and imperialism of a nation—democracy that is en - I their svm sulted in anti-Jewish legislation and hol in the .!ake and lightened. Enlightened democracy 3.2.010210, UalarEISIP.2.1E2P.10.12- 0,..F.PLE22131, ffEralar disabilities. And so has this last an I ateodaf• and in persection. w.11 help to solve the problem of anti - greatest of wars reulted in opening To he sure, cultural elements enter Sctnitism ultimately. But that, too, up the sluices of vile all;, -Jessi•h pro- loo the makeup of ami-Semitism. is a matter of generations and cen- paganda the world over, especially in • v Jew is distinct culturally. That turies, and not a question of a day eastern Europe and among the de-, .1h-conscious deposit in his soul, that or a year. bested powers—in Russia and Poland., m (regate of centuries of a unique ex- For all practical purposes, my in Hungary, in Austria and in Ger- perience, that accumulation of the friends, anti - Semitism, in some form many. I understand that organiza- have given to the Jew a cultural or another, is here to stay for a good, tints% have been formed in Ger- litteness, and which is frequently long while, because anti-Semitism is many with vast capital whose por- out of harmony with the culture of co-extensive with wiry form of in- no, is principally to disseminate vile t he people among whom he lives. tolerance and intolerance dies hard. libels and slanders against the Jews .\ lid to be sure economic causes Do not fool yourselves. One year of iiniont the children of Germany so as enter w into anti-Semitism. 'I'M Jew glowing sentiments of brotherhood 1,, poison the minds from infancy. A II most lands of Europe is a mer- and one tine phrase and one fine Clay hardly passes but that sonic new chant and a small tradesman, and he hook will not scotch forever the ser- crime against the Jews is committee(' s, therefore, looked upon with sus- pent of intolerance. It is a slow pro- in Hungary, where the Jew: had here- picion by the farmer and by the cess of attrition, of corrosion, of un- tofore held a position exalted and workingman. And aristocracy always dermining. of education, of democracy sates the merchant and the burgeoise. —Ilse work of ages. Ind an echo of that same anti-Jew- 'hat is why, when the working class If my conclusions are true how ish propaganda has been heard upon n c,ines restive, they turfs against the are we to 111,1 it How are we to our own shores here its America. j ev and that is why the farming meet prejudice? Why, in exactly the riti Seinitism here does not, form- c lass. almost the world over, is anti- rame manner as we have met it for slate h. express itself in legislation. in Jewish. I two thousand years. We have evolved political discrimination, but you find And to be sure the spiritual ele-a strategy we have evolved a cats- occasionally traces of it in press and meat enters into anti-Semitism. Thelpaign of defense and offense. We pulpit, and in social relations. Now Jew has been, fortunately or unfor- succeeded in meeting it in its most Olen often ask: what is the cause of tunately, the leaven of European civi- loathsoine and hurtful form for two it ? And men often give various ex- Ezation. Costsing irons a civilization thousand years, and we shall be able planations for anti-Sensitism. There that was older than any civilization to continue to meet it if we remain is no one single explanation of anti- in Europe, that was rich and ripe true to our program and to our strat Semitiem extant—one that would ex- when Europe seas in a state of semi- egy. What is it? VCIIUCS , plain it all. It is too complex and in- barbarism, and having a tradition that First of all conies vigilance. Or- volved a phenomenon to be explained fostered intellect, inquiry and criti- ganize for defense. NVe most not, by one fact. we dare not, permit prejudice to make cism, and possessing a sort of de- be sure, the racial element en- tacisment its every land in Europe, invasions upon our legal, political tors into it. You most remember the Jew was by tradition and by po-, rights; we must safeguard these with that the nations of Europe pride sition able to he the pioneer in in-!all the power that is within us. ''Eter- themselves upon their racial homo- tellectual emancipation, in scientific' nal vigilance is the price of liberty." geneity, upon their racial purity, their investigation, in religious criticism We must be organized and sufficiently racial self-identity. The Jew consti- and in economic reforms its Europe. alert to defend our rights in fists mat- , totes a distinft and alien racial unit Because the Jew Was scattered all ter. unsung most of them. lie is like an over Europe and traveled extensively, And secondly, we must scoch lies intruder and stranger in a family tits- Ile could become the channel through and beard falsehoods and pocket no o=0. '0=0. which new' ideas passed from one slurs and swallow no gratuitous in- O land into another. And so the Jew sults. NVe must be ready for a digni- became the intellectual pioneer and fied but a determined defense of our O this land as everywhere pathfinder its Europe; and because of position, that he invited the hostility of the else. An attitude of indifference, or privileged classes, that hate new ideas, of cringing, or of mute submission and that still hate new ideas and inno- will yield its no beneficent results. vations. Because of his intellectual Organize for life, for liberty—vigi- individuality, his very life, his very (Continued On Page 8.1 existence in Europe was a constant challenge to religions orthodox; his very presence in Europe disturbed the neace and the slumbering quiet of Europe. And Ile was hated for that. So that no one single explanation can adequately and confpletely ex- plain anti•Semitism. it is rather fool( ish to think as some of the more timid among us think that the Jews themselves are responsible for anti- Semitism—or at least some of the Jews. Some Jews, they say, are vul- gar and dishonest and climbing, and therefore anti-Semitism. Well. to be sure, we have our rascals and fools. I know a goodly number myself. Every nation deserees to have some. Whets a nation begins to speak of its unparalleled and unexcelled in- tegrity, like Germany before the war, then you may be sure that it has something up its sleeve. When a city adtninistration begins to speak H. FREEDMAN, Pres. of the wonderful cleanness of the city, and of its remarkable efficient administration, you may know that election titne is near. The prophets or Israel never gave the pes.sle a O 0 clean bill of health; they never white- washed the people of Israel; and the saints of Christendom and the re- formers of Christendom never claimed perfection for Christendom. We strike a pretty close average—we Jews and 0 Christians—just enough virtue to ke -p us out of hell and just enough vice to keep us out of heaven. No, it is not the shortcomings of the Jew that are in the main responsi- ble for prejudice. Were we of the majority our shortcomings would not West Yard—Walnut 247 North Yard -Lincoln 235 II be noticed. West Warren & Pere Mar- Dyke & lbst. Terminal Vail O \Ahab then. is the solution for anti- 0 quetto It. It. It. It. Semitism; The first one who triesF l] a solution was our old friend, Hainan 0 —the first interesting anti-Semite. re Haman had a very simple solution— kill theni off) For a Haman that wit. quite a solution. L'nfortunately, or fortunately, it did not work. But Hainan has his Jewish disciples to - day. There is a group of Jewish Hamanites itinong us who have some- ' how stumbled across a similar solu- tion, and these liamanitish disciples are rather on a high social plane among us—away up in our social life. The Jew, they say, is responsible for anti-Semitism; the solution is there- forr very simple. Let us cease t o be Jews. Our friend A has a tooth- ache; it irritates him excessively . A Double Service For The Price Of One. %Ally, the solution is very simple—off with his head! . . . Broken Lenses Duplicated The troubh• with that solution is that it does not work. The world re- 165 fuses to take these men seriously. The world, that is unaccustomed to (Next to Rinses) O such lightening change transforma- TELEPHONE MAIN 2813 tions, and which does not relish the idea of self-denial and self-annihila- M. B. Benyas Opt. D. Murray Jackson Opt. D. tion. refuses to take them at their O word and to credit them. 0=0==1 0 0=0 .Assimilation has never worked. As- • similation has been experimented with I to the largest extent in Germany, and Germany today is a veritible cos- se I of anti-Jewish iniquity. What is the solution? Education? Ye • ultimately—and the right kind of education. Do you realize that anti-Semitism very frequently finds its strongest champions amongst the most educated classes of Europe?, That prejudice finds its house among Manufacturer and Contractor for the intellectual as well as, and some- All Kinds of Window Shades and times snore so, among the ignorant? Draperies, Brass Rods, Rubber A certain type of education, a human- Stair Treads. Linoleum istic type of education, an education that trains the soul. that refines and purifies human affections and senti- ments and emotions; an education that purges a man of all the dross WINDOW SHADE CO. and narrowness and bigotry and self- ishness and intolerance—the educa- 350 Hastings St. Cadillac 1650 L. SIDERMAN, Proprietor. tion that broadens—that is the du- • I ci.ticn that WI ultimately help to Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver A Harry W. Watson Says the Fellow Who Comes Out of the Company FINE NEW STORE OF NATHAN EPSTEIN 461 Hastings St. Wholesale Cigars Between Adelaide and Division Sts. A SUPERB LINE OF MEN'S FURNISHINGS AND CLOTHING Greetings of the Season Ben Kramer Iron Co. Jefferson at Woodward Order Dept. Cherry 2941 Phone Melrose 5171 The J. G. Keywell Iron Co., Inc. Iron and Steel Third and Bolden A -- SCRAP -- To Northway 2968-2171 OFFICE AND YARD: THEODORE & G. T. RY. mama FiREEMA Private Siding Greetings of Season from Iron and Steel Scrap RI Retail Dept. Cadillac 1626 DETROIT, MICH. ll We Give You SEASON'S GREETINGS Archie Moscowitz J. G. Keywell FROM What You \Vant When You \Vant It At the Right Price pl Krawitz&Wacheer Season's Greetings Mfg. Jewelers Lumber Shingles, Laths, Posts, Inside Finish House Blocks .Arthur L. Holmes Lumber and Fuel Co. 503 Liggett Bldg. Woodmere Scrap Iron and Metal Co. Factory Trade a Specialty 2388-96 Fort, West Phone Cedar 2395 Jones and Itose 128 Gratiot Ave. and Phone Melrose 245 17 Clinton St. • O ncu=soneu=ionoi=ionoi=omo on0=lonr0u=20=01==1012011 Co. %rise—Br t i PANTS MANUFACTURERS • Cherry 1774 Shoe Store And Shoemakers' Supplies East Yard and Gen. Office: 875 Gratiot Best Wishes for a Happy New fear SEASON'S GREETINGS 124 East Jefferson— The Season's Greetings Main 3076 Detroit, Mich. SAMUEL FELDMAN REAL ESTATE 1206 Penobscot Bldg. Cherry 5278 Compliments of S GREETINGS OF THE SEASON MURRAY'S Occulists - Optometrists Opticians Griswold Street 4 Colonial Laundry Co. SEASON'S GREETINGS FRANK BROS. L. Loewenstein 180 Congress 'Street East 14 Broadway Market WINDOW SHADES SEASONS GREETINGS FINE GROCERIES AND DELICATESSEN Cherry 2771 320 Woodward Ave. In Their New Location Established 1872 John Blessed & Son The Family Store William W. Blessed Grocers, Meat Dealers 911.913 Woodward Ave. 8-10 Forest Ave. West M. Freedman 196 GRATIOT AVE. EVERYTHING IN ESTATE .— r tioNK A13° ° REAL Ai t i. D Apit P ool-t's 1141-4 * 14/41EST1C BLDG AL. .//...n , -- DETROIT- --^ UMW. TORONTO. MONO./ crow.. 1140 11111DGMAIT, (-wormy. AMC Mn room arc REAL ESTATE INVESTMBENTS MANAGEMENT INSURANCE " All For The Family" If you wish to buy or sell, see us