A merica ffewish PerlaSeal Coder CLIFTON AVINUI • CINC1hNATI 20, OHIO THE DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION B'NAI BR1TH TO RECEIVE CLASS OF 350 ON SEPT. 5 nuidates Entering Pisgah Lodge Swell Membership Roster to 2,500 Mark SIMPLICITY WILL MARK INITIATION CEREMONY Per Year, $3.00; Copy, 10 Cents DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 3, 1920. VOL VIII. NO. 15. CANTOR'S BE- TROTHED CON- TINUES HIS WORK Mission of Mercy Carried On By Fiancee of Slain Rabbi NE‘v vs I: --Miss Irma Abram- engaged to Dr. Ber- owica, who nard Cantor, the young New York rabbi, murdered by bandits in the Ukraine while engaged in relief work with Dr. Israel Friedlaender, is to continue the work started h• her fiance. Miss .NI,ramowiez arrived in New York recently on the Nieuw Amsterdam. She met Rabbi Cantor while the latter was engaged in relief work in Poland. It is due to a pre- moon i011 felt by her pother that Miss Abramomicz escaped the same fate as Dr. fatter and Dr. Fried- . laeuller. She Was to join the party on this relief expedition, but at the last moment her mother begged her not is, go, a. slit - had a premonition of danger. Both 1/r. Cantor and ""r' til l ed. Pr " i • NEWS OF RELATIVES IN UKRAINIA GIVEN TO NEW YORK JEWS Returned Worker With American Relief Commission Brings Tidings From Abroad HAIL SAN REMO DECREE AS MESSIAH'S ARRIVAL POLES AND JEWS TRY TO CHECK OUTBREAKS Anti-Semitism. Combating Discuss Plan for Better Relations NEN1' YORK.—The Polish Infor- mation Bureau here recently gave out several reports of information from Poland upon conferences held there to consider means of abating the uoiti-Jewish campaign. Jews and Poles took part in the discussions of ways to promote more friendly re- lations between the two racial ele- ments and one of the delegates "de- clared that the orthodox Jew's are the innoc'ent victims of the hatred aroused by Jewish nationalists." The account of the conference continues: "The president of the cabinet stat- ed that the Council of State De- fense had ordered investigatios to lie made, and has issued a proclama- lion to the people, calling attention to the needs of the present moment and for the cessation of excesses against the Jews." The Idol of Eastern Jewry SIR HERBERT SAMUEL IS FETED BY HOLY LAND JAFEA.—The h wish colonies of Palestine have recently been the hosts of Sir Herbert Samuel, British Illgh Commissioner. Among these are Rishon-Le-Zion, where. on July 27th, he participated in the ceremony of opening the vintage. This ceremony which, owing to the exigencies of the war was not cele- brated in seven years, presented a brilliant spectacle. There were assem- ed his gratification at having been me h• the first man in First of Zion, ut tering these last words in Hebrew. Inspecting the guard of honor, eons posed of Maccabees and Boy and Gir Scouts, the Commissioner proceede( to the fatuous wine-cellar by way o the great "Baron's Grove," Mounting with Mr. Gluskin the draped plat form °upraised on the lower floor of the Cellar. Sir Ilerbert, after re- plying to the greetings, was accorded the 'honor of blessing the wine cup. He then threw three large baskets of grapes into the l'ress and the huge machines of .the Rishon %Vine-Cellar commenced grinding. He was followed by Mr. Heil of the I. C. A., Sheikh Tufik El Dajani, who brought the greetings of the Arab inhabitants. Mr. Krause of Mikvah Israel, Mr. Isen- berg, and Mr. Grasovsky, Mr. Ronald Storrs, acting Civil Secretary and Mr, l'ostelwaite, Governor of Jaffa. Sir Herber) said he was glad that the guard of honor was composed of chil- dren of Palestine. "The intertwining of the British Flag and the Zionist harmer—he continued—is symbolic of the future of this country, but do not forget . that you must work in the in- terest of all the inhabitants Without distinction of race or creed." Received by Jaffa Officials, RELIEF COMMISSION CONTINUES LABORS IN WAR-TORN AREA --- — J. D. C. Workers Stay to Minister to Jews of Warsaw When Menaced by Foe CONFLICT SUFFERERS NOW NUMBER MILLIONS NEW YORK.—Armies may come and armies may go, but the far-flung activities of the Joint Distribution Committee go on apace, alike in ‘1'arsaw and Moscow, in Danzig and Constantinople, in Siberia and Ru- mania. 'f he momentous events in Poland and Lithuania, while they have profundly affected its work, have not halted it. When the Red Army swept across Poland, occupying province after province. the J. D. C. relief workers remained at their posts, liquidating chairman n( the office affairs, removing valuable sup- Joseph Committ, Gam."' e, has arranged a Initiation plies and funds, ministering to the pingram. The , press' simple and im refugees that flocked to the cities, . tar es degree team. coinpo,ed and leaving only when in imminent Rosenthal, Morris Garrett, Maurice danger of capture. And in no case Klein, Harold Rosenthal, Joseph Gar- Wealthy Mt. Clemens Man Sails For did they leave without providing the Surprised With Gift of Congregation vett and Louis Bass, will officiate at Old Home to Bring Back various welfare institutions with on Return from Sum- the ritualistic ceremonies. The Pis- Starving Family. money and provisions for a period of gah Lodge Glee Club will reinter a mer's Outing. sixty days. special musical program. 'f he prin- The High Commissioner then Ivo- Samuel Elkins, proprietor of the Face Coming Foe. cipal address of the evening will In ceelled In Jaffa where he was received Elkins' hotel of Mt. Clemens, left Viio n their return last Friday from Of those stationed in Warsaw, delivered by Rabbi Mayerberg. by the Mayor, Asim Bey El Said and Detroit Nlonday night for New York. \e vs le ruse. where As a further tribute to its retiring Point members of tha. Jaffa Municipality in most left the city wlvm the Soviet There he has passage booked on president, arrangements have been ihs" spoutIhrir vauu unit Ifabbiand the Municipal offices. After this visit forces were at its gates. A few, the Intperator for Lodz, Poland. Mrs Leo. NI. branklin iimud await• he paid a short visit to the office of however, decided to remain until the completed by the binge for a fare- Mg them at their door a Paige Silan. Ile goes to find his mother and the \Vakf Administration where he last possible moment. But fearing well gathering to be given at the club- the gift of friends and monbc, nt father, four sisters and all kinsfolk, was welcomed by the Kadi, Abdul that the city would eventually be rooms, 25 Broadway. NIonday, Scp. who have been reduced to depriva- Trni l de Huth I I Raman Effendi Ariz, the Director of captured, they organized a non-parti- ?ember 6. tion and poverty as a result of the a letter u the car was ■ 111 ,11 1 • 1AI."1 the 1A'alds, Yaeoli Elf, Abu El Iluda, san relief committee, consisting of Russian-Polish war. me gathering will tal(e the form use k •six ation of the iipprer 110 . Sheikh Issa Abu, El Jibain and oth- rarbstein and Eumel i(Zinhists), I(Ikins has not seen his relatives of a stag party and is limited to meat- donors c.f 1(illibi Franklin's work in Gerdansky and Rundstein (Assimila- ers. for MI years. He came to this coun- hers only. Thr prosiram of entertain- At Tel-Aviv where a festive spirit tionists), Eirschenbaum and Kahan ment will Mart iininedately following the community and wishing him best try a poor boy. Today, as the owner po•sible fortune in Ale years to come. prevailed all day in anticipation of (Orthodox), Tannenbaum and Hel- of one of the leading hotels in the the Lodge meeting, in charge of the The gift ass an entire surprise to the High Commissioner's visit, Sir ler (Workingmen's Group), Prilucky Michigan health resort, he is con- The committee Folksist), and Schereschefsky (neu- Herbert was received with loud cheers 1 '111 ' 6 ' Frank " a '" I servatively estimated to he worth event is headv d by Leon tioldsmith . Rabbi During fits absence on the New by a great crowd as he made his way tral), and turned over to it money considerably more than a quarter of Assisting him are Bernard Ginsburg, and supplies sufficient for two to the Municipal office. There he was Louis has Samuel Rhodes and Simon I, t sey coast, Rabbi Franklin ad- a million dollars. dressed the congregation at Long received by the Mayor, Mr. Dizingoff months. And now that the Bolshe- Rosenzweig. Story. Tells His that viki have been forced to retreat, Branch speaking to an amhetic, and members of the Tel-Aviv Council who presented an address containing these J. I). C. men in Warsaw have Concert Tickets Sell Rapidly. tilled 'temple to capacity, II, """ on Ile told this story Monday: an increasingly large field for their several requests and suggestions. f pis. spoke twice to ( 'mount all.lielsees, "I have tried to induce mama and O. W. Gutwillig, ,,,,.t a r) o The princ',;val function of the (lay activities. papa and my sisters to come here, gall Lodge, reported a recur.] sal,. . on one occasion. at Point Pleasalii. Malty of the J. I). C. men who left were the graduation exercises of the . conducting a server from the VIM., but they wanted to remain in the old on munity c om 0 1 t ic k e ts for bum C Ths• nine ('hri.t , lin eighth class at the lierzlia Gymnasi- Congress Poland proceeded to Dan- home Papa was a well known bank- curl Course at the regular I.inl.n I'mycr loud:. um. A large audience consisting of zig. Here they were confronted ,Iiiromination , participating in the er, doing a business of store than a meeting Monday night. graduates of former years, the faculty with a most critical situation calling "Members have shown a gtalify. • server were enthusiastic in their ap million rubles a year. Now they are this year's graduates and their par- for immediate relief. This city, Po- f precise inn of the Jewish ritual as reit- without a home or food. ins eagerness to take advantage o ents and distinguished members of land's only port, was crowded with "During the war with Germany I the opportunity of hearing a distill- tiered Lt Rabbi Franklin. the Yishub filled to its capacity the thousands of emigrants awaiting sent repeatedly cases of good food. Rahlti Franklin expects to lease guished group of artists in a series , Sir Herbert L. Samuel. assembly hall of the t()ninasium passage to America, and with refu- Save for the single exception of being ill concerts at popular prices," Nlr , Saturday for Chicago where he has building which was tastefully draped. gees who had fled at the approach g:ven just a 1-4 pound of sugar from Owing to the. In-en called to meet some of the nat lititwillig declared. bled the founders and pioneers of the A large portrait of the High Commis- of the Red Army. Most of the new- all I sent, they were deprived of even rs of Jewish life in Amer- limited capacity of Orchestra Hall.. t,..,1 leaden Judean colonies, members and staff of sioner in uniform was suspended from comers had few or no means. Worse this help. The German soldiers took N1r. Gutwillig urged that subscriptions i, a iii discuss matters of present in- the Zionist Commission, Dr, Shama- the wall facing the entrance. The yet, their presence in the city caused leontInued On Page Two.) the food for themselves. I. le-t and importance. be sent in without delay. • ria Levin and a large, interested Jewish and British colors were every- prices to soar skyward, thereby "There are Nachman Elkins, my The concert course which will he- crowd of spectators. where in evidence. As the hall began arousing the hostility of the na- father, and Rosie, my mother. Then gin on Oct. 6th and extended to Nlar. i Sir Herbert, accompanied by the there are my sisters, Anna, Ilelena, acting Civil Secretary, A. D. C., and to full Mr. Jabotmsky entered and was tives. 'file J. 1). C. men at once l, has been mane possible by arrange• accorded in stirring ovation. Sir Her- buckled down to work. They pro- Sonia and Sarah. carat) was only mem; concluded between the hitch- i assistant Private Secretary were met hem at the request of the Director, vided food and shelter, they cabled six months old when ! left for Am- Irctnal Advatieennint ( oinnotter of by the representatives at the Rishon was received by an impressive si- 600 appeals for funds front emigrants erica. Anna and Sonia are married. Synagogue vvhere the crowd had col- lence, the whole audience rising and to relatives in America, they paid the lodge and the \Volyminv Lyceum Sister Sonia has a baby son. I will Seven recital, lected to greet him. Several buildings remaining standing until he indicated out individual remittances intended Bureau of Ifiitron. “I Harry mond employ nom in the calming fac- bring them all hack—my sister's were draped with British and Jewish R. PRO \ WEN( his wish for them to be seated. The for those marooned in Danzig, they will be given at rlrchr,tra 11,11 by! child and my brother-in-law. tory at Farnham. colors. NIr. Freiman, the oldest resi- pupils' chorus sang out a welcome as expedited the granting of vises. A Eddy Brown, violinist; Leo Ornstein. i Cutler of this city. proton, io in "I sentsseveral hankers' checks for The boy at once began to earn what Metropolitan I world-wide Jewish affairs, and a for- dent, welcomed the High Commis- pianist: Mary Kent, special office for emigrants has been (Continued On Page Four,) money he could, running errands. 1,000 marks to papa after I learned sioner. Sir Herbert, replying, express- Opera Co., contralto; Lana, nanseuse• rater memberOi Rhode Island l irneral opened in Danzig„ to which the Joint carry jag papers and in other ways of the attack on their town. They and her company: Christine Lange- Assembly. (lied suddenly in London Distribution Committee has already received only one. Sister Helena contributing to the livelihood of the ban, soprano, and NVilliam Rabe n. at o oclock Saturday martins. A sent 150,000 marks as well as a con- family. When but 12 ) errs old he was so overjoyed when the money tenor; liana-Zucca, the Jewish Mau• cablegram with this announcement signment of provisions worth $10.000. came that she danced for joy—and made his way to New York city, ist-composer and Hans Hess, cellist: was received at the office of the Cut- Two J. D. C. men have gone to where he obtained employment of then she tripped and fell. A rut, and Rosa Raisa. dramatic soprano and ler Jewelry Company, of which he Posen, where there arc likewise many was 'broken. And poor papa in his Reese & Reese, &stranding circulars her husband, Giacomo 16111111i, twills 01 was nroprivtor. The cal vie of death Jewi,h refugees, and organized a re- lie \\slide there he learned of an open- excitement, lost the check, so it the Chicago Opera Company. to which m'ai, not slated in the message there, Deposed King of Syria Asks Jewish Members Needed to Assist Women To lief committee ing in the mills at Fall River where never did them any good. 25.000 marks have already been Further information about the con - was in Ott 40111 year. Serve Lunches at Pub- Mice Went, becoming a duffer Mother Injured. Leaders to Aid Independence Cutler sailed for VAITOlo . Oil he at cert course may be obtained from Mr turned over. lie Schools, in the mill of an .Ninerican Linen Campaign "And when Lodz was attacked a Ilutwillig who can be reached at the Aug. 12 as a member of the Seer, Situation in Lithuania. Company. Ile advanced to the posi- club-rooms est ry day from 12 to 3 p. tare of NVar'sNlemorial Commission stray htillet more mama's left eye out, The Jewish M'oinan's Club has is- A situation similar to that in Dan- tion of boss doffer, but seeing no NEW' YORK.—Emir Feisal, de- of the and a personal representalite "I have had the aid of the state , telephone, Cherry 3070. assist 10 zig, but un a vastly. larger scale, has further opportunity there he came posed king of Syria, now on his way ^lied a call for voluteers Nlassa- department at M'ashington in an ef- MelliOrial tbnnn i ss i nnins Orphans Guests of Theater . (luring arisen in Lithuania. A large part of chosen. Dead of the World \Vat' in to Providence, entering the employ fort to locate my parents. I have to England, has appealed to the Zion- with the Penny Lunch work work The it, formerly held by the Poles, has ist leaders in London to aid hint in the coming school year. Nathaniel tiolilstick, chairman of Foreign Como sirs. The object of the had the co-operation of the Red preventing Arabia from losing its in- requires but one or two hoes a wee. been the scene of fighting, and the the Social Ser, C010111 . 0 I re, an- Memorial Commission was to con- Cross. And last week I received an dependence, according to an inter- on the part of each volunteer and it devastation of a city like Minsk, the nounced at the Islonilai meeting that centrate into three in for cemetaries English postal card from papa. view he gave to the Arabic newspa• is hoped by the committee that there serious losses sustained by the city through the efforts oi Julnl, Hor in broke bodies of the men who They had found their way back to per "Kaffir." published in Cairo, just will be many responses to the call. of Vilna, the destruction of the wit', the Madison l'heater has es- (ought and died Under the AllieriCall Lodz. They have been persecuted This phase of the many activities crops and of the whole economic t. ioled an invitation to the children hag thin " d o • wor ld war. and prosecuted—racked and grilled received by the Zionist organization by the Jewish Woman's Chili has re- have mechanism in the war zone and harassed. I hate just cabled of America. of the widely known , (1 tahg ee en cus o fini t ieir ho id a, of social caused many to seek refuge in that ,ri, stuis,T 7 11.. ' 25 , Col. , littler was •11 Feisal, who declares in the inter- e ("han Broauaway, to oe guests of the man- inrotignotti the United States as a another sum of money and the word igli) li o n ut tli part of Lithuania which comprises agernent at a performance any after- business man :rid a manufacturing I am coming for them—coming to view' that the rabid pan-Arabs, whom he was powerless to resist are re- and state. The Penny Lunch, as the the Lithuanian republic and which noon during the week. bring them all back here. on es jeweler Ile was prominent' ill relief has enjoyed comparative peace for sponsible for all the agitation against "'There is just one note of sorrow. work during the NVorld War, being 1 1 17nTle lesu a n t Pic ic os s.t tPor°t'hied children of the several years. The result is that the Nip grandma, Mrs. Eva Elkins, who Zionism. He says that the opposi- East Jade in the schools during recess. chairman of the Jewish ‘N'elfare rice of necessaries has arisen seven- lion of Arah extremists to Great resided at Grodno, Poland, cannot be Board. During the 1'ersailles peace Sandwiches, fruit, milk, sweet pota- and threatens to rise higher yet, located. I hate to think what her Britain's Zionist policy, is responsible toes and other notirishing foodstuffs fold confrieme Col. Cutler was (lute of 10 Throughout Lithuania, according to for the downfall of the Arab govern- fate has probably been, " delegate, representing Jewish inter- ment at Damascus. 'The Emir ex• are sold by the members of the club a recent cable from the J. D. C's rep- Mr. Elkins left on the Michigan of the to the children at the cost of a penny resentative an Kovno, there is an ests. During the operation Central flyer at 7:30 o'clock Monday presses the hope that the Zionist for each article. To children who acute shortage of food, clothing, Selective Service act Inc was chairman 011 His friends in eight automo- leaders in London will intervene night. WASHINGTON—The cost of the of Selective Service Board No. 5 of come break fastles, to school and for :nedicines, and wood, which is the behalf of Arabia, so that it will not biles, trimmed with American flags, European war in real and potential Prosidenee. other little ones to whom the long chief fuel in that country. Five mil- conveyed him from his hotel to the lose its independence. Upon leaving for Europe Aug. 12, it lives was equal to one-third the pres- school hours are irksome, the penny lion marks are needed immediately 'rim interview clarifies publicly a station. Ills wife and five children, ent jismulation of the United States, was the intention of Col. Cutler, . if . lunches are a healthful and diverting for fuel for the welfare institutions Cecile, aged 6; Evelyn, the baby; sit nation which Zonit leaders have factor. hr the his health permitted, not only to rest according to a ',Pill in the Vilna district alone. Fortun- Joe, William and Max, the last nam- known for some time. that Emir Scotland, American Red Criss, today from the England. France, hilt Nlembers of the Jewish NVomait's ately, the districts hardest hit are Feisal. who publicly expressed his ed served as sergeant in the United Society for Studying the Social Con- Siximirland, Italy, tzecho-Slovakia Club who wish to volunteer their see- provided for two months with funds States forces, were there to see him friendship for Zionism at the l'eace dee,: to this worthy work are re- and provisions left there by the J. se(mences of the War."( t'openhagen. and Palestine. He Wai earlinilarly Conference, particularly to American off. This organiration reports the lin- Mir reoed in the conditions of the quested to communicate with Mrs. D. C. workers. Minsk, for example. "Have the spare rooms all ready," Zionists there, was not expressing Harry L. Jacobs, 252 Longfellow, !nail loss of 35.520.000 persons. follow- Jews in Europe. Col. Cutler was was left with six million marks. And he called as the train began to move his real view's in his recent opposition Hemlock 6340, or with Mrs. D. M'. ' • '1),:s• 'ilig statistical researches made on a deeplv interested in the work out- before the two months are over. it is eastward, "for when I return I'll to the movement, but that his hand Davis, Stevenson Hotel. scientific basis. ing .1 for the Memorial Commission. hoped that ways and means will have have mama and papa, and the girls was luring forced by Arab extremists, Of the loss, q,8lo,f1n0 are listed as and Ill'clarml Vi hell sailing that th, been found to meet the special con- and their husbands and the little who do not represent the views of COL. HARRY CUTLER "killed in war." commission hoped to make the ditions that have arisen in Lithuania. the MASS of Arabs in Palestine. batty and all with me." When the war started, in 1914, the lyric. in which American soldiers and Moscow Workers Face Task. Zionist leaders here emphasize that fighting nations had a total popnlation sailors are buried in Europe. "fitting of George F. Cole, proprietor of a of Arabs in Pale,- the great majority The occupation by the Soviet picture-framing establishment. REINHARDT TO WITHDRAW tine are friendly to Zionism and web of 400,000,000. Under lovrtnal condi- monuments to our men, unassuming Although he became proficient in troops of the Ukraine, White Russia, tions, it was said, this population in life and glorious in death, who FROM THEATRE GAME come it in Palestine, because it means this line of business, it did not Meet Zionist re-union gathering will and parts of Lithuania and Galicia would have increased (luring the war have made the soil of France hallowed an improvement in their economic his natural liking and did not afford has suddenly expanded the field of take place, Sunday evening. at 8 period to 424,210.000. Instead, there in the hearts of all Americans." and political condition. The anti- h'm the opportunities for advance- the relief committer recently organ- LONDON.—The latest Berlin pub- was a decrease resulting from the o'clock, at the Shaarey Zedek syna- ment which he sought. so lie picked lications received state that Max Zionist feeling in Palestine, they Active Welfare Worker. ized in Nloseow by Messrs. Fisher war, so that the total at the end was point out, js engendered by a few gogue. The meeting marks the for- an Pine. The ranks of Jewish war During the war Col. Cutler was 0 111 the jewelry business as the ladder Reinhardt is retiring from theatrical agitators, representing not the mass mal beginning of Zionist activities for 30,030,000. and pogrom sufferers, it is estimated, upon WIliell to Clitilli to success. management in Berlin because of the In addition to those who died as the very active in welfare work as chair- of the people. but the rich, absentee the fall season. have been increased by 1,500,000 as a financial burden imposed by the the• direct result of the war, 5,901,13($1 addi- man of the Jewish Welfare Board and Showed Application. landlords, whose exploitation of the "Events In connection with tho result of recent events. An idea of tional deaths were due to war epi- made a trip to Europe to conduct a ater lax. - Arab peasant would naturally cease unhanding of Palestine as Homeland the colossal task confronting the Ile entered the employ of a jewelry Max Reinhardt first came to Lon• demics and economic blockades. The personal inspection. While there he later became a manufac- don, 1910, "to demonstrate the Ger- with the establishment of the Jewish for the Jew have followed upon each Moscow committee may be obtained fall in the birth rate, due to the received word of the critical condi- jobber W110 National Homeland in Palestine. turer and he soon advanced to the ether in such rapid succession within from the budget which one of its man art of stage production and mobifizatMn of 56.000,000 men be- tion of his wife, who had been in Now' that Emir Frisal, who is very t•een the ages of .20 and 45, was 20.- poor health for several months, lie position of foreman, applying him- scenic effectiveness." He had hail •a the laid few months, that the taking representatives submitted to Dr. popular with the Arab people and the J. D. C:s self so steadily that he was later made remarkable career from the tale 0(0,0(10. The three totals of those hastened back and arrived A few days th f a art 3t,e he ar tg, in oti mie n s g aoirFrank their recognited leader, has virtually o Regional Director for Soviet Russia. 11894) when. at the age of 21, he un killed, of those (lying in war epidemics previous to her death. The shock of general manager of the business. thrown himself upon the good offices According to this budget, the Mos- During this time he attended night dertook the management of the and the fall in birth rate make the this, together with overwork and pre- most a necessity, Mr. Leon Zolotkof.', 'Zionist leaders in England and ill health caused a collapse shooh adding to his vmeagre educa- Ikutsches Theater, Berlin. of has (Continued On Pere 4.) grand total of 5,520,000. publicly admitted that the pan- secretary of the local Zionist district. d on hi s Lon e f ore iiierra t b i The countries included in the in- while in New York and he was tion, and after convincing himself n the i dee 1 ared I n di ttellS13 I ng t h e propose( vestigation were Great Britain. Ger- brought to this city and was at St. that the jewelry business was his successes—the production of "Oedi- Arabic agitation against Zionism has ANSWERS CALL IN many, France, Austria-Hungary, Italy. Joseph's Hospital for treatment for held of activity he sought an oppor- pa" at Covent Garden in January, caused the downfall of his govern- meeting. tunny for independent action. 1912, still remains his greatest err met and threatens its independence, Mr. Fred M. Butzel. Mr. lolotkoff Belgium. Bulgaria, Roumania, Serbia several weeks. It was believed that NEW YORK.—Announcement was lie bought the old factory of WA- uniph—he had been called "the Na- it Is expecte!! here in Zionist circles and others will discuss the latest de- and Russia in Europe. he had sufficiently recovered to allow the Free Synagogue is call- the theater in his energy, that much it not all of this inspired made velopments In the Jewish world as ing nto the service Rabbi J. Max his present trip abroad, although he liam Walton. borrowing the money poheon into COURT - MARTIAL 300 JEWS was accompanied on the voyage by with which to make the purchase. fearlessness, and conquests—a rare anti-Zionism will cease in Arab affecting Zionism. Weis of Temple Israel, Gary, Indiana. combination of idealist and man of circles in Palestine. his persolial physician, Ds. William and started in business. The bill of Rabbi Weis will help in the work of sale for the property Was one of Col. action. LONDON.—At the speical order F. Flanagan, of this city. the Free Synagogue in the Greater JEW AT BALTIC MEET Last November Reinhardt embark- Col. Cutler was born in Yelisavet- Cutler's most cherished possessions ALLENBY BACK IN EGYPT city in association with Rabbi Dr. of General I'ilsudsky 300 Jews of — ed on what is apparently to be his S'edlice are to be court martialed. grad, Russia, May I, 1075, his father and hung in a frame in his office, Stephen S. Wise and Drs. Goldstein PARIS.—Information has been re- last great enterprise—the new Berlin They are charged with having fired bring a merchant in that city. Young where is was regarded as one of the Das Grosse Schauspielhaus, which ceived here from Riga to the effect LONDON—Despite various rum- and Newman. milestones of his career. on Polish military forces. Accord- Cutler was but seven *Tars old, when, Rabbi Weis who is a graduate of ors to the contrary we are authori- was built with a stage of unusual that the representatives of the Baltic The business thus established de- ing to a report appearing in today's in 1882, the pogroms broke in that depth and prolonged in addition well states are at present meeting at a tatively informed that Field Mar- the Hebrew Union College was called "Morning Post" the court martial region which resulted in the death veloped under his guidance until it into the auditorium itself, so that the conference there. One of the leading shall General Allenby will worn to to the pulpit of Temple Israel in Gary has already condemned 10 of these of his father. became the present Cutler Jewelry stay of two action of plays might he carried on in figures of the conference is Professor Egypt within the next few clays to in 1918, and during his His mother. one sister and Col. Cut- Company, one of the best known -- Jews to death. Five of these were the very midst of the auditorium it- Frankfort of Kiev who represents resume his position as head of the years has rendered the community ex- reprieved on account of their en- ler escaped to the United States, land- cellent service. British forces in the near East. l'etlura's government. (Continued On Page 8.) self. jag in New York, where the mother ri me youth. Simplicity will mark the initiation ,eremonies of the 3511 candidates who will lit come members of Pisgah Lodge, No. 34, I. O. B. It.. Sunday, Sept. 5, at Temple Beth El. The new group of candidates, swell- ing the membership lists of l'isgali Lodge to the 2.500 mark. will go on record as the "Rabbi Samuel S. Inayerberg" class. in tribute to its retiring president whn leaves for lby- ton, 0., within few weeks. Rabbi Franklin Is Given Automobile 'Death NIVNN' PORK.—When a repre- sentative of the Jewish Correspond- ence Iturcan located S. Blattinan, in the home of his relatives, he found the house packed with "landsleit' who regards from their had come to dear oars in l'krainia. For some time NIT% lilaitman continued answering personal questions of the various visitors Finally, however, the in- terviewer so:reviled in leading the (tont ersation into illore general chan- er•011e present found hint- nels s( If lisiellitig intently and feeling as if trail-ported to the ruined little towns of des astated_Ukrainia. Illaitinan is a brilliant conver- sationist Alin story teller and no one isper baps better in a position to sp, :II, of the sufferings of l'krainian . 1, w ri and to relate the comical epi- ...,I, s which intrude themselves un- (on ioasly into the great tragedy of I, III-11 hie in Russia. NIr. Illattman I, ii kme, net,Podolsk on July 6tli of -Si'- I 5ril.;inally a student in l'n.vvrsity, he became see r.ms to the American Relief Cononission in Ukrainia which was chiefly oniposell of Professor Israel l'rii .11,11 ■ 115, Dr. Lev and NIr. Kate Toyet her with these gentle- men .i• us, 11 as 1)r. Bernard Canter. In, hoer joined the American Relief who work, l'krainia, he went about from i«wii to town and from city the vin ihr.omh the provinces of l'o- doh,. Volilin and others. Often, erre often, he says. they were right alongside of the battle front and :yell within reach of cannon shot. soh places they flew the white flag. that ill-bated day when Professor Fro Blander and Dr. Cantor were so brutally murdered, Or. Lev and Mr, 'Bauman should have accompanied them and were prevented from doing so by the merest circumstance. All of them. XI r. Mailman included. con- teninlated leaving for the United Sfittes within a few (lays of the un- fortunate occoratice. Americans Bring Joy. f the Am- Speaking of the tvo r. Mailman M o mean Relief workers rk get Would Rescue Kin From Polish Fear of Col. Harry Cutler Shock to Jews of America ASK VOLUNTEERS FEISAL APPEALS TO HELP WORTHY TO ZIONISTS IN ARABIA'S BEHALF CHILDREN'S WORK 35,000,000 Lives Lost in Late War t I Detroit Zionists to Hold Reunion Sunday A N. Y.