PAGE TEN THE DETROIT EWISH CHRONICLE PONTIAC NOTES iI BICUR CHOLEM, JRS. Mr. Sidney Netzorg is in New York city. ! PROTEST SABBATH WORK 'ZIONIST ST UDENTS UNITE: A REACTIONARY VICTIM — The next meeting of the Bicur JERUSALEEM—The administra• LONDON—In conjunction with Cholem, Jrs., will be held on Toes- tors of "Mikvall Israel," the Jew- BRESLAU—Bernhard Schottland- On Tuesday, August 10, a delight- the Zionist World Conference recent- day, August 24, at 8:31) p. in. at ish agricultural college near Jaffa er, the editor of the Breslau Arbeiter Next year the Jews of beitn,ark ful party was given by Mrs. Benj. recently received a number of ly concluded here representatives of Shaarey Zedek. Zeitung, and one of the victims of the will celebrate the tercentenar Netzorg and Mrs. Joseph Barnett at letters protesting at the fact that Zionist students organizations also y of German reactionary revolution, was the lattee's summer home at Cass Joseph Sanders will deliver a mes• some of the students at the college their stay in that country. The first Lake. The afternoon was spent in sage of importance. The musical pro- are reported to be working on Satur- met in conference and decided upon buried with great honor by the Jew Jewish settlers in Denmark mad,: cards, high score being won by Mrs. gram will be headed by Sam Kutsin, days. In acknowledging these pro• some important treasures. A union ish community of this city. Although Morris Fine; second, Mrs. Feldman; violinist; David Krieger, singer, and tests, the administrators explained of Zionist students all over the world the date and hour of the funeral serv- their appearance in 1622. Thirty-tire ices were not officially announced, consolation, Miss Mollie Kroffield. Samuel L. Weller. Bob Miller will t that it is true that a Jointed number was established and it will be the thousands of people gathered to do years later Copenhagen saw the Covers were lard for 26 guests. The introduce a new song hit written by of Oleir students are employed on founding of the first and fort.nio•t out-of-town visitors at the party were local talent. Dancing will conclude Saturdays, but this is inevitable as task of the central body to initiate him final honor. All the factories in Jewish Kehillalt in Denmark. Since Mrs. Harold Van flatten, Detroit; the program, with Miss Helen Krause; their principle not to employ any and direct the intellectual student the cities were shut down because the Miss Mollie Kroffield, Mrs. Feldman at the piano. non-Jewish help is also applied on forces in a Zionist direction. In workers wished to take final leave of 1814 the Jews in that country have their great leader and teacher. and Mrs. L. Kramer, Brooklyn; Mrs. been enjoying equal rights with the Saturdays and holidays, and since live recognition of its effective activities M. Jacobs, New York city, and Mrs. At his grave panegyrics were de• stock must be cared for five students in the past, executive power has been rest of the population and contribut- L. Meyers, Peoria, Ill. of the college are generally picked to vested in the Zionist Students Union livered by Rabbi Sanger, the heads of ing their share to the economic, in. the city administration, the leaders of — do all the work (to Saturdays. 01 of t•e Netherlands. dustrial and cultural development of Miss Mollie Kroffield, of Brooklyn, Reports submitted before the con- the Socialists, and other labor organ lime LONDON—Ten thousand fresh; course those students who are re- izations. N. V., returned to her home after Jewish, refugees are reported to have! ligiously opposed are exempt from ference show that due to the difficul- l'hkeIrnegIakrIcIL about 8,000 Jews in During the period of the Kapp attending several weeks as a guest of ties of the prevailing situation in reached Danzig, which is now so! doing any duties on the Sabbath. Copenhagen at present, -.rid about a: Mrs. H. L. Thumin. Europe and the serious anti-Semitic Revolution in Germany, Bernhard overcrowded that all camps and public! many in other parts of the country Dr. Israel J. Biskind and Dr. Jo- attitude adopted towards the Jewish Schlottlander, suddenly disappeared. . buildings are being utilized for the Half of them immigrated to Denmark Mrs. Ed. Rosenberg, Mrs. Samuel accommodation of refugees, The new ; seph Sufrin, of the American Zionist students there was a distinct spiritual Witnesses testified that they saw him during the war. dragged away by the reactionary sof deterioration which seriously threat- Magdisohn and Miss Dorothy Bar- arrivals arc said to be on their way !Medical Unit, have brought their The hest known lows nett spent Tuesday as guests of Mrs. to America. familiics to Palestine from America, ened to undermine the psychological diem But recently his bod • tinhirk are George Brandes, the Harold Van Baffin], of Detroit. background of the Jewish Student found floating on the Oder. Appar- in order to settle there definitely. world- body. ently he was murdered by the reac•I famous literary critic, and his broth- er. Edward Brandes, who is a me tionary kidnappers. n ,. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Buckner and her of the Cabinet. their guest, Mrs. I.. Meyer, of Peoria, Ill., spent Sunday in Detroit. Jews in Denmark 300 Years. REFUGEES REACH DANZIG I The branch Temple Beth El Club arc planning a picnic for Thursday, August 19, at the cottage of Celia Fine, Watkins Lake. One of the most delightful affairs of the season was given by Mesdames Julius Levitt, Louis Solomon and Benjamin Goldstein, Thursday, Au- gust 12, at the cottage, Keego liar-, hor, in compliment to several out-of- town guests. The afternoon was spent pleasantiy in cards. Mrs. L. Klein. Miss Alma Buckner, Mrs. Nor- man Buckner and Mrs. L. Kramer were prize winners. Covers were laid for 28 guests at a beautifully ap- pointed table. The out-of-town guests were Mrs. Louis Meyers, l'eoria, Ill.; Mrs. Feldman and Mrs. f... Kramer, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Mrs. Max Jacobs. New •York city: Mrs. Ed. Rosenberg and Mrs. Samuel Magdisohn, Flint. E Se] 3t So3a4nN7eF w rancisco iyleosrk 4 Miss Fritzi Weinstein, of Peoria. Ill., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Nor- man Buckner. Lowers Transcontinental Record by 12 Hours 48 Min. Another Essex Going From New York to San Francisco Broke the Record For That Direction by 22 Hours 13 Min., Completing the Trip In 4 Days 19 Hours 17 Minutes SHAAREY ZEDEK Y. P. A. MOONLIGHT SUCCESS Young People Swarm Decks of Y. P. A. Moonlight Boat—Song Scores Hit. 4D143 ay11 4 1 7::;s Minutes , DOW So Essex Holds the Transcontinental Record Both Ways Two thousand young people attend- ed the Shaarey Zedek Y. P. A. moon- light, Tuesday, August 17, on the steamer Put-in-Bay. Splendid weath- er, an excellent orchestra and a musi- .s..noram of merit contributed to • •1.. ”sidslim- Two Essex touring cars, carrying U. S. Mail, each one making the entire trip between San Francisco and New York, have set the time records for their respective directions across the American continent. And thus comes to Essex another distinc- tion for reliability and endurance. Except for one airplane record, these two Essex cars have crossed the continent in less time than was ever recorded by any travelling machine The fastest time possible between San Francisco and New York by train is slightly less than the time taken by the light weight economical Essex. But in the case of the railroad train, many different locomotives are used, each pulling the train only a few hundred miles. From Cheyenne to Omaha the route taken by the Essex was 43 miles longer than the 550 mile route of the famous Overland Limited yet the Essex time was but one hour longer than the express train time. kin is a singer of emelt, •. has won favorable recognition in ama- teur theatrical circles in the city. Chairman Harry Satovsky, Treas- urer Harry Rabinowitz, President Abe Levin and the committee com- posed of Misses Bessye Barnett. Celia Meyers. Sadie Keidan, Belle Silver- luau, Milton Gordon and Julian Ze- mon, in charge of the affair, succeeded in providing an evening's entertain- ment that will long remain a pleasant memory with the members of the Young People's Auxiliary and their friends. OBITUARY GEORGE LEVIN George Levine, 15 years old, son of Mr. and Ides. Nathan Levine of 295 East Kirby avenue, was drowned at noon Monday while swimming on the Canadian side of the river, near the Walkerville ferry dock. The boy had gone to Walkerville to visit with an uncle and was swimming with several other boys. The World's Most Coveted Records Pioneer Resident of Detroit Dies Aug. 13 In the death of NIrs. Elizabeth De Young, widow of the late Samuel Dc Young, Friday, August 13, Detroit has lost one of its pioneer Jewish resi• dents. From the days of the Prairie Schooner, the Pony Express and the completion of the rail- roads men have sought to establish new trans- continental time records between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. It has called for the highest development of skill and courage. And it has, as in the case of the motor car, blazed the way to mechanical reliability. The purpose of this Essex test was to prove its reliability. In the period of 114 hours was, crowded more strains, more calls for endurance and mechanical strength than the average owner demands in a life time Every requirement of motor car perform- ance was met by these two cars. And the fact that they so consistently met their tasks proves Essex uniformity Young came to this country with her husband shortly after their marriage. After a brief period spent in New York, Philadelphia and Chicago, they came to Detroit, where they spent almost half a century. Mrs. De Young lived to celebrate her fiftieth wed- ding anniversary and witnessed the raising of the fourth generation. De- spite her advanced years, she took a keen interest in world events, read the papers religiously and was ever ready to visit with relatives and friends. She enjoyed good health to Within an hour of her 'heath, when she was stricken with a stroke of apoplexy. Since the death of her husband in January, 1917. Mrs. De Young had made her home with her daughter, Mrs. D. Goldsmith. 333 East Kielty avenue, from which place the funeral was conducted. Rabbi Samuel S. Ilayerberg officiated. Interment took place at Woodmere cemetery. The survivors are Mrs. George Wuelfing. Mrs. David Goldsmith. Sol, David. Joseph and Lewis De Young, all of Detroit. Sales Dept. 286 E. Jefferson Ave. Main 3786 TO RETURN TO EGYPT LONDON—Field Marshall General Allenby, who has lust reached this city for a visit, will remain in Eng- land only until the beginning of October, when he will return to his headquarters in Cairo as commander of the British forces in the Near. East. It was previously understood that Allenby would give up that com- mand. (ml a The speeds at which they traveled were not so unusual, for another Essex stock car had on a speedway track gone 3037 miles in 50 hours. But in the transcontinental runs, some 350 cities and towns had to be crossed. Crowded traffic imposed its obstacles to con- sistent going. Mountain ranges in the East and West with grades such as the average driver never encounters, called for the utmost of hill climbing ability. Few will ever motor all the way across America and therefore cannot know the extreme varieties of conditions encountered. But let each reader apply to his consideration of what Essex has done, every experience he has ever met in his own driving. It will give some appreciation of Essex reliability. Light Weight Now Establishes Reliability How gradual have men come to a realiza- tion that a light weight car can also offer reliance and performance. Essex has led the way for that was its purpose from the very first. Economy is of growing importance. Men want to save in fuel and in first costs. But they want no sacrifice in performance and they demand unquestioned reliability. Essex offered itself to the public without claim. Now more than 40,000 owners know and praise its worth. Owner cars that had been driven upwards of 25,000 miles were used in the recent nation wide Essex week to establish reliability, eco- nomy, speed and hill climbing records. To Essex owners the winning of the trans- continental records is not a surprise. But those who do not know Essex performance and reliability must regard that these two trips across the continent are as important in marking mechanical advancement as any similar event in the history of the motor car. The Bemb-Robinson Companp Service and Parts Station 157 E. Lamed OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS Cherry 8261 Members D. A. D. A.—Responsible Automobile Kennon & Jansen( Mt. Clemens, Michigan Dealers Who Sell Only Reliable Cars. Murphy & Masonvlile, Wyandotte, Michigan Standard Garage Company, Pontiac, Michigan Squires & Goldsmith, 17 Huron St., Ypsilanti, Michigan Tnompson Auto Co, 99 Pitt St.. West Win dsor , Oct. Andrew Hunter, Ann Arbor, Michigan. L 1 97 2 N G 134: 1