I 'elvish Periodical Carter c12720t4 antcUlt • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO re THE DETROIT JEWISH HRONICLE MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION VOL. VIII. NO. 13. HOLIDAYS CONFLICT WITH DATE SET FOR BAR EXAMINATIONS DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY AUGUST 20, 1920. First Jewish Artist To Illustrate Bible Works in Palestine I HOMELAND FUTURE LIES IN HANDS OF !PRESENCE AMERICAN JEWRY OF JEWS IN GERMANY SHOWS STATE NOT HARMED Per Year, $3.00; Copy, 10 Cents WELFARE BOARD TO IN REMOVAL OF DECEASED SOLDIERSI 'POLAND'S MINISTRY TO ALLOW JEWS TO COME TO AMERICA NEW TURK —The 11'orld Zionist Conference, held recently in London, NEW' YORK—As a means of re- was declared b}• Louis Lipsky, one of plying to the thousands of requests the delegates from the American or- coming from Jewish homes, relative Anti-Defamation League Asks ganizations, to have furthered greatly to the circumstances under which the • State Examiners to Make American soldier dead are to be re- BE I. PA NN, the Jew ish artist the plan for the reconstruction of Palestine as a Jewish homeland. lie Not Enough in Whole Country to turned from overseas, the Jewish 1‘'el- Change for Jews whose paintings of the violation of Belgium attracted world-wide at- declared that the British Government Constitute Menace Pictured fare Board has issued the following Leon Kaimaky Says Hebrew Aid statement: tention during the war and were had promised to aid in the develop- PREVENTS OBSERVANCE Society Has Gained Immi- by Press. bought by the French Government, ment of the state and continued: The Ceructerial Division of the OF YOM KIPPUR BY 16 gration Concessions. "Owing to the economic conditions and who has exhibited in the leading 1N'ar Department has ruled that the NEW TYPE IMMIGRATES — - --- gsll•ries of Europe and America, is of the countries in Eastern Europe, bodies of those soldiers buried in Pub which are still in a state of war and Enrollment Set for on his way to join the Zionist colony WHEN BADLY TREATED Germany, Luxembourg or Northern COMMISSION WILL HELP in Palestine, Ne whose money is practically worthle•s Russia Cody Allows writes Dorothy Thomp- are to be brought back to the 1,000 TO LEAVE WEEKLY son, London correspondent for the outside their own national boundanirs, Political and Economic Causes United States with or without the •• of Grace. consent of relatives. International News Service, who in- the greatest responsibility for the cre- Brings May Prevent it Becoming Stories of Privations and terviewed Patin during his attendance ation of the Jewish Homeland will "In other countries except France, Following Immigration Center . Suffering—Condition s Re- made to the at the International Zionist Confer- rest upon American Jews until such they are to be brought beck for burial Anti-Defamatim. le of the It inai !neer time as Europe reverts to more non in this country unless relatives spe- ported Terrible. Brith, that organ. oral conditions. BERLIN— \Vith Jewish immigra- cifically ask that they be allowed to has written l'ann will devote the next 12 years to Charles \V. Niel s, s. ncretary of of his life to painting a series of illus- "The British Government will, nat- tion we in Europe have been but lit- remain abroad. NEW YORN—Ope of the commis- the alichigan Slate • ;ad of Law trations of the Bible. urally, exercise complete authwity tle taken up. In not a single party "The dead are to he brought back sion•rs of the Hebrew Sheltering and Examiners regarding to dates of the over all inunigration into Palestolle. program was it stated how the Jewish "The Ili ii which is the product of from France only at the request of Immigrant Aid Society of America, proposed bar examinan The policy of the Government has riot immigration may now be accomplish- the nearest relative. the Jewish soul, has never been illus- Leon Kaimaky, publisher of The Sixteen Jewish men in Detroit who yet been announced, but it is obvious ed. 1Ve have simply let our masses trated by a Jew," he says. "Such requests must he sent to the Jewish Daily News of this city, re have planned to take the dxamination that it will be guided by the interests w ander wherever their eyes might , "The two great illustrators of the Chief of Cemeterial Division, %Vat turned recently from Europe, where for admission to the Bar may be pre- Bible were Tissot and Dore. One of the whole country, libe influx of lead them. That is the tragic chapter Department, IVashington, 0. C., at a he went, together with Jacob Mussel, vented from doing so by the fact that was a Protestant, the other a Cath- new citizens will depend upon the in the history of Jewish immigration date not later than Sept. 15, 1920." to bring about the reunion of the the examinations are scheduled for olic, numbers who can lie taken care of and the worst showing for the Jewish YOM thousand's of Jewish families who Kippur, aVednesday, September through the creative works of the parties, which get lost in their theories "Tissot's types are accurate eno ugh, were separated ditrittg the war. Mr. Zionist Organization and the British and do not wish to take account of his costumes are true. lint he has Government." Kaimaky has been abroad since last Mr. Milton M. Alexander, chair- every day life. lost the poetry and mysticism of the February and visited the following man Of the Anti-Defamation League, Germany is the country to which Bible. He illustrates a contemporary cities: Warsaw. Wilna, Lodz, Grod- in requesting that the date he but a small number of Jews went story. Dore teas a great artist in no, Suwalki, Kutno, Wlatlawek, Wol- changed, pointed out that to take the either before or during the war, al- imagination and execution. But a Jew. kowisk. afarianpol, Kalwaria, Aishi- examinations on the date, set will though they believed that it would of- would never paint God with a knife stook, Zesmir, Aron Suchawolia. Os- necessitate a sacrifice of ideals and a fer them greater range, freedom of in his hand as he cut the rib of Adam failure to observe a day deeply sig. to create Eve! movement and a freer life. pres- Present Condition Far Cry F rom trowiec and all the smaller places contiguous to these cities. nificant to those of the Jewish faith ent anti-Semitic Wagons which rages Ancient Regirmis of he legend says tha God created In an article in The Jewish Daily In part, M r. Alexander's letter so furiously in Germany is trying to Persecution, the world with light. Wt hen I painted reads: News describing conditions in eastern pull the wool over the eyes of the the birth of Eve I showed Adam, not Europe Sir, Kaimaky declared that "I think that you will agree with world, and is spreading everywhere BUENOS AIRES.—There e a thing of flesh, but a dim mass and Nation-Wide Campaign Started xis) me that the true American spirit does the report that all Germany is flooded many historical data in support of "if there were in existence a shin that outline, and issuing noon his side a could hold 3,0110,001) human beings, to Enable Continuance of not only demand that religions lib- with millions of Jews who deprive the fact that a large number of the the 3,0(800) radiance that melted into the form of Jew's of Poland would erty be made general but that it also a yeoman." Educational Program. the Christian population of its live- first immigrants to South Amen ca, board it end escape to America." be as free from 'difficulties as possi- lihood and even seek to establish especially the region watered by the Mr. Pann made his first visit to Discussing the work of the com- ble. Under the circumstances, may Plata river, were Jew's or descenda Palestine a few years ago. lie • had Without malice, without anger, in their own Jewish venters here. I take the liberty of requesting you of Jew's. Many of the Jew's who ti nts mission, Mr. Kaionaky said: Few Immigrants Before 1900 then reached the height of his Janie the sane spirit, striving ever for eel to bring this communication to the "We made it possible for all Jews from the Spanish Inquisition it l'aris, although he is still a young calmness and sanity, that has hitherto Ito of Poland who want to come to Whoever seriously studies Jewish attention of the hoard and secure a man. In speech, manners, appearance characterized its work, the Anti-De- immigration and wishes to look into Portugal were banished by Ki ng change in the proposed dates?" America to he able to do so. Up to and style lie was a Parisian. famation League of the Independent the Eastern Jewish problem in Ger- Emanual of Portugal to Brazil, in The note was sent to Lansing late our coming to \Varsaw it was highly "But when I came into Palestine I Order of 13rith announces( a many objectively, will see that until order to isolate them brain the P or- Tuesday. Mr. Alexander stated he difficult to secure passports from the felt for the first time in my life that continuat:on and a broadening in 1900 only 41,133 Jews came into the tuguese Morannos and force Chr is- had little doubt that the matter would Polish government. We succeeded tianity on them. I was at home." he said. "I seemed slope of its policy of education, and whole of Germany, and of these be acted on favorably by the state 21,(A3 in inducing the Polish Minister of to have seen it all before in some for the purpose has sent to every settled in Berlin. Germany surely has There was an extensive immigr board of examiners and that either happy, long-forgotten past. lion of Morranos and Dutch Jews 0 Labor to grant a passport to every- member of the Order an appeal for not lost anything on these few thou the proposed date would he changed body without requiring any docu- "1 do not wonder that Palestine is funds. sand Jews for they carried on a for- Brazil in the years 1630 and afte r, ments except a characteti certificate. or that special provision would be the cradle of rich legends. There Officers of Pisgah Lodge, No. 34, eign trade in leather, fish, eggs, hors, when the country was under the ru In made for those Jewish law students "We also succeeded in obtaining a everything is magnified. The blue of are in receipt of a communicatipan machinery and chemicals, and greatly of Holland. Later when Draz tl in Detroit and other cities of the ruling whereby the American consul the sky is too blue; the moon to from District Grand Lodge No3 , 6, raised the economic and cultural passed again into the hands of I'ort u- grants a vise to parents and wives slate, to stand the examinations at a silvery, The shadow s are deep and asking that the lodge make a con- gal, the Jews were compelled to m values of Germany abroad. Here also later date. gloomy and the sunlight blinding in certed and energetic effort to follow the Jewish immigrants followed the grate to Argentine en mass. Bi Il and children without having to pre- • • • sent affidavits from their relatives its radiance. \\lien you walk on the up the appeal and to raise funds from Sallie process as in New York, Chi- here, too, many of the Jews we re here, A letter stating that they are CODY TO PERMIT JEWISH Olive Mountains a deep melancholy both members and non-members rest- cago and London. Not great prosecuted for heresy by the inquis i- a CWLDREN a TO,,,E.N in ROLL, 5EPT,, econuutic ,co asked to Atnerica and will be taken dent in its community. thou and were sent to Lima, Peru, t rD successes, or resulting good fortunes, o care of is sufficient." mintiation sffia; be burned. Despite the cruel prise • ated in Palestine. .And it was there titi•io Lira, hirwhc stall dressed to frank IV. Cody, Superior Conditions in Poland, er*Le*7 1h414:.t cotton the Iew's survived, y r .y r, the lodge and the PlItil irsolt!S., 1:•!"., su tlg"e'rtsnonelcallleatilelilidlYesei'YliounSli'teal•dtrh°::er tendent of Schools, by Councilman on the /live Mountains that I con- it re-ri trifire ' Shared troubles are lialf froublos !ors of thin tyre>enl David \V. Simons, a change has been ceived what is to lie my lifework— the communication adopted. A cony and the Polish government has de- miner consisting of five members of No philosophies and no theories of effected in the date set for the en- (Continued On Page 2.1 A omen Wore active part in the eco the lodge, with the president acting our great learned men, not eVell the - creed so many restrictions that it is rollment of Jewish children (or the notnic life of Argentine is played In 3' impossible for them to earn a liveli- as chairman, will he appointed for the various committees organized in the fall tent of the Detroit public purpose of making a survey of the aiVestern European countries for the the more recent Jewish immigrant. s. hood in a legal manner. schools. The Board of Education The great majority of these are cit field, and empowered to appoint as purpose of diffusing and scattering "We have made arrangements with had previously set September 13, un- many teams as may be necessary to• the incoming Eastern Jewish popula- dwellers. They are represented it the Cunard ;Ind White Star lines to mindful of the fact that it was the practically every walk in life. Them effect a thorough canvass of the coin, non so that it may not arouse so transport immigrants from Danzig to first day of the New Year. moody. Other committees will he much opposition will avail Ii is an are among them rich and inthientia England, whence they are to go di- Superintendent Cody has promised merchants, manufacturers, physicians appointed to work in communities in old category that the Jew 111110 rect to America," Mr. Kaimaky pro-• live to arrange at all schools to reserve lawyers, professors in the unit rest Long Term Credits to Promote Com • outlying portions of the state where ammig his "w". ceeth•tl. "We have also trade similar seats occupied or to be occupied by ties, authors, workers, and to forth merce and Agriculture, Samuel's no !nut Brith lodge as yet exists. Besides other economic causes, that arrangements wit h the French com- Jewish children and to permit their Scheme. An effort will be made to raise an there is no real Jewish life in tier- Most of the immigrants came iron panies, but because of their bad treat- enrollment to begin September 15. average of $10 for every Jewish cite- many is perhaps the greatest reason Russia and Poland. There are also ment of immigrants broke that agree- JAFF.A—Eslablisliment of banks to zeit within the campaign period of 30 why Germany may never become a a few from France, England and Ger- ment. grant long-term credits to fanners days, beginning about September 1 center for Jewish immigration, as for many. The farmer element among "Due to the number of ships that and business men for the promotiol, The communication, bearing the instance London, where 92 per cent the Jew's is very prosperous and is we can now get, a thousand immi- of agriculture and commerce is one signatures of Eugene Mannheimer of the Jewish immigrants live in co- very much attached to tine land in grants leave every week with the help of the first reconstructive measure president, and A. B. Seelenfreund cal union in wily two sections. In its possession. of our commission. Several hundred Argentine is the first country in Jewish families are arriving with our planned in the Holy Land by Sir " secretary, calls attention tern the work London the newly arrived Jews bring To Act as Hosts for Delightful Family II erbert I,. Samuel, British High of the League as contained in the re. over their relatives, neighbors and which an all Jewish 'Congress was assistance on the Aquitania. Indi- Outing, Sunday, August 29, ne to Palestine, he au port submitted at the recent conven• friends. They live together, share held about two years ago, at which rectly, the commission has made it Commissior Dinh! Brown's farm near Water- nounced shortly after assuming his tion of the Order in Cleveland, and their lot in e0111111011, laugh and weep the conditions of the Jew's were dis- possible for thousands of other im- ford, Mich.. will he the scene of all post under Great Britain's mandate cites specific instances of anti-Sem. together, and suffer in partnership- cussed and relief work was started. migrants to come via the ports that all-day outing to be given by the over the Holy Land. This Congress was a very significant are now open." itic propaganda which have since (continued On Page 2I. Men's Temple Club for mention's of event with the Argentine Jews, since "The railroads will be taken over arisen and which, the letter says, nos' Mr. Kaimaky explained that in it was their first successful effort of Temple Beth El and their, families, shortly by the civil administration and be combatted by a program of sane Danzig a camp formerly used for war Sunday, August 29. organization, and gave them an op- necessary work carried out to pre- education. prisoners was at the disposal of im- portunity openly to discuss their A sprightly program which includes vent a repetition of the interruptions migrants, with accommodations for problems. swimming, races, athletics, corn- on lines which caused losses and in- 2,500 persons. This camp has all mod- roasts and other forms of entertain- conveniences last winter." he said ern improvements. There is a hos- ment is being arranged by Dr. M. D "The railway from Jaffa to Ludd hill pital, disinfecting room and every- - --- Silver, chairman of the picnic com- be widened, while other railway de- thing necessary for the immigrants. MENACE Children of Fresh Air Camp Give mittee. Jacob Mazer is planning a velopments are contemplated for the In Danzig immigrants have to remain future. series of field MOWS!, for which Pageant Sunday; Other. Given 12 days in quarantine because of the prizes will be given. Drinks. ice Island Outing, "There is under consideration a Brooklyn Lad's Presence of Mind Re- ow Device for Reading Invented by typhus epidemic raging in Poland. sults in Rescue of Eight In recant, w.aternielon and other light larg• program of public works, in- The cost of maintenance is $1 a day. Jew Who Is Blind Himself, refreshifients will he served free. cluding the construction and improve- Night Fire. During the coming week two events Asked as to the transmission of Guests are advised to bring their ment of roads, the development of of prime importance to the little Dr. Max I [net z of Vienna, who last funds to those desiring to come here, swimming suits and fishing tackle. telegraphic and s elephonic communi- NEW YORK—Samuel Fein, 16 dwellers in Detroit's east side arc to oath came to New York on the in- Mr. Kaimaky said: m Excellent roads to Mr. Brown's cation, the provision of electric power years old, of 576 Cleveland street, in take place. tailor' of many organizations inter- "The only and best way is to send farm lead out from 11'oodward ave- throughout the country, construction the Brownsville section of Brooklyn, Out at the Fresh Air Camp, at Stop ,e5 ted in the welfare of the blind, it through the Hebrew Sheltering and nue, through Pontiac, by the Oak of a harbor at Haifa, the drainage of recently rescued his two little broth. 22 on the lake Shore electric " ought with Ifni a new invention, linfingrant Aid Society of America. s r land automobile plant, and continue swamps and afforestation on suitable ers, his parents and a family living he children for weeks have been look- 1 " e result of his own ingenuity and We cable the money to our commis- along the Flint road. Arrowheads have lands." on the third floor at that address n g forward to the presentation of lac nor, which makes it possible for the sion and it is paid out in American been placed to direct the visitors. The measures designated to pro- when a fire started in the house. Sam their pageant and entertainment which IS" net to "see" with their cars. The dollars. And let me utter this warn- A dditional information about the mote the establishment of the Jewish uel, who was sleeping on a conch in is finally to take place Sunday after- ill .ention is based on the electric ing: no one should leave Poland un- roads may be obtained from Edward national home will greatly assist the the dining room, awoke and saw noon. The affair is by wav of show- und system and affords the unfor- less fully supplied with traveling ex- Frank, 520 Dint, Bank building, in economic development of the e01311- flames in the kitchen. ng their appreciation to those Mein- 1 " nate ones who have been deprived penses, Iltherivise there will he lots charge of the .itttonobile transporta- try, Sir Herbert declared. Large ad, He thought of his brothers, Ber- hers of the Detroit Jewish common- 01 sight to read sound instead of of trouble. The cost of transporta- tion. i dotional numbers of people will be nard, 8 years old, and Rubin, 7, sleep. cy, and incidentally the Detroit let tens. The reader for the blind is tion is higher now. A vise costs $10, able to secure a livelihood froth the ing on the back porch and ran through Patriotic Fund supporters, who have a sort of phonograph record which and when asfamily of five persons HEBREW- GIVEN RECOGNI- development of the • country, he the flames, seized them and carried lade a few weeks in the open coun- re produces swim', each of which rep- travels it means $50 for vises alone !minted out. them through the house to the street. try possible. It is expected that TION many roes ents a letter in the alphabet. It besides there is a quarantine of from - Historic buildings which help to Then he dashed back and aroused Ilk will avail themselves of the spin-n- tak es about two weeks to master the 12 to 13 days, entailing a cost of $1 render Jerusalem an object of pro- mother and later, Mr. and Mrs. Abra• did automobile roads that wind along lie JERUSALEaf—"The Voad Haz- found interest to visitors from all over w system. a day per person. ham Fein. the lake shore and assure the chil- mani" has been informed by Sir Her- the world will be reverently pre- At the present time the blind are Profiteer Landlords in Warsaw. aVhen they had reached the street dren a large and appreciative audi- bert Samuel that at an early date legal served," he continued, "and measures taught to read by means t the touch - Floe main bureau is in Warsaw, Samuel remembered that Robert ence. provision will be made for the official will be taken to improve the aspect system. In this system the impres- Canto and his wife, with their two As for those children who have (Continued On rage ?.) recognition of the Hebrew language. of the ancient city. Archeological re- children, lived on the top floor. He made the best of doings, seeking their sion of type is made in relief on In a letter received by Vladimir search will he promoted and steps entered their apartment by the real r ecreation and an escape from the coarse texture paper; the blind pass LABOR their fingers over LEADERS HELD Jabotinsky. the Palestine High Commis- will be taken to secure the proper fire escape, carried out the two chit the inipression and sweltering heat of the city during the IN MINSK APPEAL TO noner writes that he will do everything planning of the new quarters which dren, who were overcome, and the summer by attendance at t he Bishop are thus able to read., This met hod possible to help him obtain a revision may be expected to rise in many parents followed. Then Samuel School playground, an all-day outing of reading is extremely difficult as it AMERICAN RELATIVES parts of Palestine. of his case. turned in the alarm. The damage is to Belle Isle has been planned by Pis- takes about a year to learn it, and in "Unsightly advertisements will be estimated at $40,000. The police said gah Lodge, assisted by the Recreation addition is very expensive. 1 ne Bible . . .—The greater number of prohibited and every effort will be the fire was probably caused by a Commission. for example, if printed in relief type, HUNGARIAN RABBI the Jt•wish labor leaders in Minsk made to encourage pilgrims and trav- mouse nibbling a hole in a box of The event will take place Wednes- would take up a large room and have been interned in Camp Ottibie ARRESTED elers to the Holy Land." matches. day, when more than 500 children are would cost a fortune. According to near Crascow and find themselves in Sir Herbert said that the ports and expected to assemble at 9 a. m. at the Dr. Hertz's system, the Bible could a starving condition. They are ap- BUCHAREST.—The grand Rabbi frontiers would be opened shortly to school. They are to he taken to the he reproduced for about thirty cents pealing to their relatives in America of the city of Nagyvad has been ar- limited immigration, which will be INVESTIGATING RAVAGES and would require only six records. to send them immediate help through rested by order of the Rumanian gov- apportioned according to the housing BY RETREATING POLES island in motor cars, where games and Dr. Hertz himself lost the gift of contests, for which many prizes are the office of the Joint Distribution ernment for preaching loyalty to and employment accommodations in offered, will be the feature of the day sight three years ago and since then Committee. The interned include Hungary. Nagyvad is one of the the country. He announced that he svill be returned to the school has been working assiduously ona de- the following: Samuel Wolfson, former Hungarian cities now under would appoint a land commission to i PARIS—At a suggestion of the Jew- They at 4 p. m . Members of the lodge vice which finally took the shape of Ifoi•he Ruhr, Zoilik Posnack, Moishe Rumanian rule. It is charged that determine what lands were available sh representatives. the Lithuanian his present invention. In addition to Keylin, l'essach Aliker, Millie !tacit:, in an address at a Jewish meeting for closer settlement in order to pro- constituent assembly appointed a coms have been requested by Nathaniel H. Goldstick, chairman of the social serv- that Dr. Hertz has made other not- Isak Orlin, Jacob Litvin, Abraham mission to investigate the acts of ter- the grand Rabbi urged his followers mote the development of the country r able inventions in the field of surgi- Gdaliever. Zalmon Shenderay, Hirshel to remain loyal to their former and insure that ho injustice is suffered b or reported to have been committed ice committee to volunteer their aid cal med.cine. lie wishes to donate fatherland, Hungary. He is soon to by existing cultivators, graziers or c y the retreating Polish forces. The in conveying the children to and from Gorebensky, Michael Rubenstein, ommission includes a number of for- the island. Such volunteers are his blind-reading system free for the ZA k Haberman, Chaie Esterowa, he courtmartialed. owners. eign representatives. asked to communicate with Mr. Gold- use of mankind on the condition that Freida Kapakow a, Shimon Krall, the blind shall obtain his readers stkk, 670 Penobscot building. Ephraim Kubiez and Michael Akre- free or at cost price. czylis. Abel Penn Seek. Cradle of Re- ligious Legends •s Scene for Workshop. tool Anti-Defamation • League Asks for Supporting Fund Jews, Farmers In Argentine, Happy In Surroundings FLf2L)...9.: ,, ,Ya-UNIVV,V70A47 RAILROADS AND BANKS PLANNED FOR HOLY LAND 1 MEN'S TEMPLE CLUB FETES CONGREGATION AT DAVE BROWN FARM TWO EVENTS OF IMPORT TO EAST JEWISH BOY PROVES SIDERS IN WEEK TO MAKE BLIND HERO WHEN FLAMES HIS HOME SEE BY HEARING • •