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June 11, 1920 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1920-06-11

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.oci al and

Table Service De Luxe

Opening MacDiarmid's
"Store Beautiful"

Mrs. Max Heavenrich, of Saginaw,
is the guest of her mother, Sirs. A.
Engass of 141 l'allister avenue.

Featuring a highly specialized service in
Frozen Dainties, Light Lunches, Salads,
Pastries, and complete assortments of de-
licious freshly cooked MacDiarmid's

Sir. and Sirs. Sian May, of 33 West-
minister ave nue, are spending a few
weeks in Atlantic City.

Specialists at Candycraft


Phone Main 4548—All Detroit Stores

Arrange your Parties


"Odd Things Not Seen Elsewhere"

Fine China and
Crystal for Gifts

When you select a present at King's ,it is as if
you shopped all over the world to find the most de-
sirable suggestions—and then decided upon the one
which best suited your taste and pocketbook.
For that is exactly what we have done—shopped
in the markets of the world to make shopping
easier for you.
Of especial interest is our showing of fine china
plates (by the dozen) in the following famous
makes of china:



L. B. King & Co.




The Gift Supreme


Netting lamps are different
from other lamps in the per-
mancy of design and structure.
The Metal work, beautifully fin-
ished like rare old bronze which

adds dignity to the whole lamp.

We are offering a few num-

bers at special prices.

$1 0.00

You may also find a large fresh stock
of Fireplace, Furnishings very reason-
ably priced.




We are now in the new location--
37-39 Washington Blvd.








Furniture, Rugs & Stoves

It Don't Make Any Difference Where You Buy

If You Don't Care What You Pay

Mrs. Nellie Fineberg, 235 Josephine
avenue, announces the engagement of
her daughter, Pearl, to Mr. Robert
S. Fenkel.

Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bofsky, of
Sibley, Mich., announce the engage-
ment of their daughter, Mabel, to Mr.
M. Jaffe of New York City.

Mr. and Mrs. Win. Berman and son,
Myron, of 489 West Boston boulevard,
and Miss Bess Lowenberg, sof 94
Brainard street, motored to Battle
Creek Saturday, and were the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Lowenberg over
Decoration Day.

week was that of Miss Sarah Shapiro,
daughter of Sir. and Mrs. David Shap-
iro, of 313 Alfred Street to Mr. Wil-
liam Becker, son of Mr. Morris Beck-
er of New York City. The wedding
was held at the Knights of Pythias
Castle Hall, Cass avenue, Sunday
evening, June 6, 1920. at 8 p. m. Rabbi
E. Aishislikin officiated. The Maid of
Honor was the Bride's sister, Miss
Ida Shapiro.
Following the cermony there was
a reception and supper after which
the guests spent the evening in dan-
cing. Finzel's Orchestra furninshed
the music. Among the out-of-town
guests were Sir. Morris Becker,
New York City; Mr. Benjamin Beck-
er, New York City and Colonel II. A.
Pickert, U. S. Army.

Mr. and Mrs. Miller, of 188 East
Ferry avenue, had as their guestts
over the week-end, Sir. and Sirs. H.
Kaufman and family, of Cleveland O.

Trinktin (CP-

The Fashion Shop of Detroit

In Effect Thursday
June 10th, Our


on Our Entire Stock

Suits, Dresses, Wraps

The superb tailoring, smart lines and ex-
clusive features of "CONKLIN" garments
Insure a decidedly advantageous selection.

Enroute to Los Angeles, where lie
will remain for an extended period.'
Mr. Frank R. Hamburger and. wife - a guest at the Rosslyn Hotel. Mr.
left Wednesday for New York, Herman Battling visited the Grand
whence they sailed Saturday for', 3. Canyon and other points of interest.
three-months tour through Europe, re-
turning to Detroit about September 1.
An interesting wedding of the past

Miss Dorothy Jacobs was a guest
at the Martha Cook Dormitory, Anti
Arbor, over the week-end.



Shop have implicit faith in our in-
tegrity and sound judgment as
diamond merchants. That is why
the purchase of a diamond or other
rare jewel here is doubly satisfac-
tory to you. The stone makes instant
appeal to your sense of beauty—
and satisfies you thoroughly from
the standpoint of good investment.

Miss Molly Goldman, Miss Dora
Goldman and Miss Kate Aronson.

80 Library Ave., Cor...-E.-Grancf-River-


Nil. . and Mrs, H. Danuloff, of 184
Cardoni, announce the engagement of
their daughter, Edith, to Sir. Rubin
Goodman of this city. A reception
will be held Sunday evening, June
1.1, beginning at 6 o'clock.

Mr. and Sirs. J. Rubenstein, of 901
Mrs. S. Samuels, of St. Louis, Mo., Belvidere avenue, spent Memorial Day
who was a guest at the I'ark Hotel. with their inimendiate family. Fol-
Nit. Clemens, spent a few days with lowing a drive to Mt. Clemens, din-
her sister, Mrs. I. Simons, of this ner was served at their home to the
following guests, \Ir. amid Mrs. J.
Feinberg, Mr. and Sirs. I.. Goldman.
Sirs. and Sirs. Samuel Goldberg Sir. and Sirs. NI. Kahn. Mr. Jos.
and Sirs. A. I. Wolf have moved from Feinberg entertained the guests with
122 East Hancock avenue to k,3 Tux- songs and stories.
edo avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. I). Cutler announce
Mrs. and Mrs. Clarence Enggass, of the marriage of their daughter, Sarah,
Mr, Isidore Freeman, on June 6th.
1136 Second avenue, have returned
from an extended trip to New York,
Atlantic City and Lakewood, N. J.
In honor of Miss Molly Blusinsky
of Cleveland, Ohio, who was visiting
over Decoration Day, Miss Ber-
Mrs. and Sirs. I. J. Frank, of Akron,
0.. are the house-guests of Mr. and tha Schenberg, daughter of Rev.
Sirs. Chas. Goldberg, of 1430 West Selienberg, held a reception at her
residence on Sunday evening, May
Grand Blvd.
30th. The following guests were
Miss Helen Morris, of 29 Pilgrim present: The Nlisses Tillie Halper-
avenue, is filling concert engagements in, Ida Greenwald, Belle Altman, S.
in Youngstown, 0., and Rochester, Bernice Lipnick, Josephine Leiter,
Jeanette D. Sandler. also Miss Bertie
N. Y.
Harris and Miss Myrtle Abrams of
Cleveland. Ohio; and Sfessrs.. Jack
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Loch spent a
W'olf, Jack Halperin, Roy Chefets,
few days in Cleveland and Pittsburgh.
Joseph Karhnoff, Ralph Neidletnan,
W. Diamond, II. Roses, N. flatter,
Mrs. Sidney Newman and Miss Car- Morris Freidman, Joseph Platt, Her-
ohne Wolenburgh arrived home from
man Sandler, Harry Sfagilevsky and
a several weeks' visit in Pittsburgh.
Sir. Phillips. During the evening,
very pretty selections were rendered
Mr. Joseph Solomon, of Glennie, by Miss Halperin at the piano, Mr. J.
Mich., who attended the Slystic Karhnoff at the violin and Sir. Dia-
Shriner's initiation last Friday at Bob mond at the drum.
Lo Island, spent a few days in the city
before returning home.
Mr. and Sirs. 1. I.. Weisman, of 386
Commonwealth avenue, announce the
Mrs. Emil Jackson, of 475 Taylor engagement of their daughter, Slyvia,
avenue, is visiting Sir. and Mrs. Saul
to Mr. Manuel Wolner of this city.
Jackson, of Croswell, Mich.
Mr. Wolner is at present a student
at the University of Niichigan.
Mr. David E. Levyn, of 2008 West
Grand boulevard, has returned from
Miss Isabella Werbe, of the Detroit
a trip to Sioux City, Ia.
Conservatory. of Music, gave a pupil's
piano recital at tke Conservatory
Complimenting Miss Rose Krause,
Hall, Tuesday, June 8. She was as-
whose marriage to Sir. Carl Scjiller
sisted by violin students of Miss Edna
will take place out June 20, Miss Dor-
othy Taylor, of 270 E. Ferry avenue,
entertained twelve young ladies at the
Mr. and Mrs. John Inlet- man, of 40
Garrick Theatre on Saturday after-
noon, June 5. After the theatre, Miss McLean avenue, left for Chicago to
the commencement exercises
Taylor took her guests to the Cadillac
where a delightful luncheon was of the University of Chicago, from
their daughter, Del-
served. Among the guests were Miss
Anna Golding of Toledo, Miss Julia ia, is to receive her degree this June.
Barit, Miss Sadie Hertzberg, Mrs.
Mr Seymour Simons is in New York
Arthur Barit, Mrs. H. Kalinsky, Miss
Sarah Taylor, Miss Jean Yarrows, City.

d s r i

arg);eir i

in Diamonds
E deeply appreciate the fact
W that
customers of the Gorham

current week's Issue. Phone, Cherry 3551 Society Editor. Mall notices no as to be
received not later than Wednesday.




All Society Items and other local notes should he communicated to the (dike
Of the Ch.-Miele by 5 o'clock each Wednesday afternoon in order to appear in the

Woodward at Collingwood



Summer Sale

of 300 Fine Summertime Frocks



A Small Lot Spring Coats


While They Last

No Charges or Exchanges


Largest and Finest Jewelry Store on the East Side

Sirs. David A. Levine, of 812 Brush
street, accompanied by her little
daughter, Beverly Deane, has left for
Sirs. Lena Clinofstine, of Saginaw,
Ionia, Mich., where she will be the
ter iie,s i tz he
osemat rortaNf r e . ol.o h,i;r is
guest of her sister-in-law, Sirs. Ed-
ward Pivowitz during the summer
of this city. Rabbi I.eo M. Franklin
performed the ceremony on June 3rd
in the vestry rooms of the Temple.
Mr. and Mrs. Seymour H. Franklin
and daughter, Isabel Jane, of Vir-
Miss Jean Adelson, of liendrie
ginia I'ark, have returned home after street, entertained thirty guests at her
a three months' stay in California.
ome, Friday evening. June 4, in honor

of Miss Zelda Gross of Bay City.

The Amika Literary Club will give
a lawn entertainment at their next
open meeting, Saturday evening, June
12, at 7:30 p. m., at 194 E. Forest
avenue. Several debates will be held
and an interesting program of enter-
tainment will be given. Visitors are

Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Shupbiner,
(nee Miss Bessie Gitlin) of Ottawa,
Ont., are receiving congratulations on
the birth of a son, Maurice.

Mr. and Sirs. A. Si. Raclin, of Lake-
view, Mich., formerly of Detroit, en-
tertained 65 friends and relatives at a
dinner-dance, Tuesday, May 25, at the
Tuller Hotel on the occasion of the
fifteenth wedding anniversary.

Announcement is made of the
marriage of Miss Charlotte Cohen of
Saginaw to Mr. Harry Lenick of the
saute city.

John R. Sullivan & Co.

Dr. Emil Amberg has returned from
Boston where he amended a medical

134 - 138 Michigan Ave., Near First St.

Sir. and Mrs. David Tuchman, of 262
East Ilancock, are receiving congratu-
lations on the birth of a son, Lester,
Saturday, June 5.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wohl. of 255
Delaware avenue, announce the birth
of a daughter, Marion Patricia, May

Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Friedman
spent last week in New York at the
Hotel Astor.

A Moe Ehrlich Ring
Brings Them Happiness

Held dr Call of IA.



New Clothes Now

Ncw Shop

New Celori•gr,
New Wn•ee

Platinum Engagement Rings

A selection of new, up-to-date mountings that will delight any

young lady; all marked at a saving from downtown prices that
will appeal to every young man. Only a small cash payment

New De.Ipes

t—ri, ,.



Men's Tailors

212.713 an.,. I•oildimi

•••• .....




'Busiest and Biggest East Side Jewelry Store"

EHRLICH BUILDING, Adams and Hastings.

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