THE DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE PAGE EIGHT PHILONIATHIC DEBATING CLUB. Call of t'te SPRING Neer Clo t hes NOW New gap New C010einet New WeiVe, New Deigns goonontrit Men's TnilorM 21:4 IS kreme •.. ■ PLAN HADASSAH CARD PARTY FOR BENEFIT OF PALESTINE HOSPITAL You can-now buy the finest furniture that is made in America on a simple, dignified sys- tem of easy payments! After listening to a comprehensive discussion of the merits and qualifica- tions of the leading Presidential can- didates, t he Philomathic Debating Arrangements have been completed Club at its !fleeting last Sunday even- for the Hadassah card party, to be ing indorsed Senator Hiram Johnson given Monday at 2 :30 p. nt., 111 ay 3, for the White House. The senator's at the home of M rs. J. Feldman, 40 candidacy was eloquently presented Rowena street. The proceeds will go in a speech by Harry Baiter. The to the purchase of hospital garments other speakers and their respective to be sent to the Hadassah Medical candidates were: J. Mandel, "A. Unit in Palestine. Nlembers and Mitchell Palmer," I). Koffman, "Wm. friends are invited. Mrs. M. II. Zackheim who is act- G. McAdoo," I. Singerman, "Eugene Delis." L. Gooze, "Herbert Hoover," • ing as chairman of arrangements, all- I. Palman. "Wm. I. Bryan," L. Kali- nounces that tickets may be obtained from the following members of the man, "Leonard 11'ood." At next Sunday evening's meeting ticket committee: Mrs. N. E. Aron - he program will consist of a debase stain, M rs. Joseph Sanders, M rs. MI the subject, "Resolved, That all Harry Blumenthal, Mrs. Joseph Er- I rnited States troops in Europe be re-' lich. Mrs. , Ralph Davidson, Mrs. , called" The affirmative will be pre-! Henry Veinstein, Mrs. I.. N. Halb-1 sented by Louis Gooze and Charles stein, Miss Jeanette Steinberg, Mrs. 'Ferris, and the negative by George S. Lavine. Mrs. B. D. Ilarris, Mrs.', Slutzky and Max Schuster. Nettie Wineman, Miss Julia NVine, Mrs. Ilarry Wetsman, Miss Anna Stoll, NI rs. S. S. Fishbeine, Mrs. Morse Cohen, Mrs. Harry Frank, and Miss Ruth Blumenthal. The hostesses for the afternoon will be: Mrs. J. Feldman. Mrs. N. E. I Aronstam, Mrs. Joseph Erlich, Mrs. • Ralph Davidson, Mrs. Henry Wine- 1 t stein, Mks Anna Stoll, Ruth Blumen- thal, Mrs. Hershman, Mrs. Harry I Blumenthal and Mrs. Joseph Sanders. ashi Prizes will be given at each table and refreshments will he served. ■ ..... in rACK- 5 elk \\T o n nUERS a Special Reduction on all Early Spring Wraps Suits Cloth Dresses Hats ELMAN TO GIVE LAST RECITAL; WILL SPEND NEXT 5 YEARS ABROAD Mischa Elman, the celebrated Jew- ish violinist, will make his farewell appearance for five years at Arcadia Auditorium Thursday evening, May 6th. Perhaps no other living violin- ist has such a host of friends and HIS store handles the furniture of such well - known makers as Berkey and Gay, Karpen Brothers, Luce Furniture Co., Royal Furniture Co., Sligh Furniture Co.etc. T It sells Whittall Rugs, Whitney Baby Carriages, Garland Ranges and other lines of equally high standing. OFF THE STANDARD PLAN offers you these quality products with 30 weeks to pay—no interest charges—no investigation fee. It is a dignified system, based on trade-acceptance procedure and adapted to retail furniture selling. ' I.IRKED PRICES Mischa Elman. The Season's Smartest Models Last appearance for five years MISCHA ELMAN World-renowned Violinist and his sister Liza as accompanist ARCADIA THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 6TH Tickets for sale now at GRINNELL'S MUSIC STORE Prices 75c to $2.00 Central Concert Co., management. ri -Cohen Co. admirers as the great Elman and it is regrettable to note that at the close of the present concert season he will leave for Europe and will devote much of his time for the next few years in the composition of light opera. The Central Concert Co., un- der whose auspices the recital will be given, are promising a novelty in I that they will bring Mr. Elman's sis- ter Liza, already a pianist of note, j who will accompany Mr. Elman in one of his groups. COMPLETE HOME FURNISHERS CORNER 9 HIGH and HASTINGS FIVE BLOCKS EAST!, WOODWARD WHILE THE IRON IS HOT WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF WHITE CEDAR SHINGLES ON WHICH WE WILL QUOTE VERY ATTRACTIVE PRICES "WE OPERATE OUR OWN FINISH MILL" W. A. C. Miller Company 10$0 Vinewood Ave. Phone Q9 Walnut V GRATIDT 200 Students At Ann Arbor to Attend Y. P. S. Entertainment, May 16 At least 201) Jevvish students, at- tending the University of Michigan are expected to avail themselves of the opportunity to spend Sunday, May ' lo, which has been designated "Stu- ' dents' Day," as guests of the Young People's Society of Temple Beth El. The Woman's Auxiliary of the Tem- ple is taking charge of arrangements for the placing of students fur Sun- ! day dinner. As has been the case in the past, there will be more in- citations extended than there are students to accept them. Following the dinner the guests will be driven about the city and ! taken to the Redford Country Club where the Men's Club will serve re- I freshments. A social hour at the Temple, from 5:30 to 6:30 p. in., will be followed 1 supper, an entertainment :old &inc. - _ ing until train time. harry Stocker, president of the Students' Congregation, a Detroiter, will speak at the banquet, following the address of welcome by Prvsident lanover of the Society. Members of the Society are asked to send in supper reservations to Francis Netzorg, 1693 Brush, before May 15. AVE AT Cards of Invitation will bring a distinguished crowd of Detroit motor car tans to the new showrooms of Knight Motors( Inc., 1187-89 Wood- ward avenue tonight to view for the THOMAS H. WALKER f rst time publicly various models of the new It. & V. Knight, the only Knight "Six" manufactured in Anted- ca. General Manager Thoma, H. Wal- ker will be on hand to welcome his Lost of friends and introduce them to one of the most attractive sho•-rooms that has ben installed on automobile row. The scheme of decoration has been specially devised for Mr. Walker by Lane Bishop of Stratemeyer & Teetzel cod curries out the idea of heraldry i.nd insignia suggested by the name "Knight." Walls are done in panels of Bruges tapestry, with which a Tu doe period cabinet, talent antique tables, h secured of high-hocked chairs and rare rugs coin- bine with splendid effect. In this set- Ong. three of the newest Knight Six models—touring car, sedan and coupei I VIRGINIA PARK GRAND OPENING OF DETROIT'S NEWEST THEATRE THURSDAY AND FRIDAY APRIL 29th and 30th SEATS II PARKING SPACE FOR SYMPHONY COMFORTABLE ORCHESTRA 500 CARS 2 000 OPENING PROGRAM "MALE and New Knight "Six" In "Open House" STRIKE FIVE BLOCKS NORTH NORTH-BOUND FOURTEENTH CARS PASS THE DOOR. LARRY II EDDIE McRATH and TOM PENFOLD FEMALE" II SEMON II , ---are exhibited to excellent advantage. One of the new sport models will be On call for those who wish to try the it. & V.'s riding qualities. celebrated because they "improve with age." Mr. Walker will continue to hold "open house" at 1187 -59 Woodward all next week. SUPER SPECIAL MUSICALE I3ICUR CHOLEM JUNIORS The next meeting of the organiza- tion will be held on Thursday, May Shaarey Zedck p n1, 6th, at A strolls strls itin s.eal evening has been arranged and the speaker has been excluded in order to allow the pro- gram to have its full course. The entertainment committee has rare ability and will be headed by Messrs. Walter Cook Bob winiams. I r i s h tenor ,. Saul Zuieback, distinguished young violin- 1 s t, will render numbers of merit. Miss Lea Vertaver, well known elo- cutionist, will offer readings. Miss Dorothy Drabkin. vocalist, will sing to our hearts content. Miss Mildred Drabkin will entertain with dancing worthy of note. Saul Sarnoff, :e- pitted singer, will submit songs a la Sarnoff, and same being possible only by the capable assistance of Miss Gertrude Sarnoff at the piano. Dancing will follow immediately after the program. All members are requested to bring their friends to enjoy this over- helming musicale. Announcement is made of the tenth annual excursion of Bicur Cholera Juniors, to he given Sunday, June 6, 1920. As usual, this will be the first out- ing of the season, and Daniel Shan ero, who heads a long committee on arrangements. predicts that it will surpass any previous affairs of its kind in magnitude. A more detailed announcement will be made later. ANTI-SEMITISM IN SWITZERLAND SCHOOLS zuRicit—In the local State As- sembly it was proposed by Hohn, a teacher, that Jewish children no longer be excused from writing on SaturdayS. lie contended that this special consideration of Jewish chil- dren was causing abnormal conditions in the schools. Meanwhile he at- tacked the many Galician Jews who recently moved into the province and whose children make use of the privi- lege not to write on the Sabbath. The anti-Semite was answered by Dr. Mousson, the Jewish Deputy, Dr. Farhstein and by Assembly President Dr. Ernst. The latter pointed out that the special concession granted the Jewish children until now has not hampered them in any way, and that they have been graduating on the same terms as the rest. He con- demned the whole proposal as black intolerance. and not in keeping with the spirit of Swiss liberty.