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April 30, 1920 - Image 6

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The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1920-04-30

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Published Weekly by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co.. Inc.

a few of them it bellOOVes the Jew to remember
that all of us are cictou of the misdoings of a few : that when one Jew

Innately, there are not


goes wrong. all Jewry inikt bear the brunt of blame for his misdoings;
that when a single Milk idual transgresses the laws of right living,


We never treasure rightly, the blessings that are ours:
We juggle far too lightly with all the precious hours—
With all the joy and laughter that only love can bring,
And follows closely after songs, only friends can sing,—

every Jell% be he Clef so upright and honorable, must sutler with the
(111(1141er at the hands of a large punkin of society.
There f ire, Jews who nice any self - respect sir ethic care for the well-
Entered as second-class matter March 3, 1916, at the Postoffice at Detroit, being of their co-religionists will set to themselves an even higher
standard of living than do the best men of other faiths. And again, all
Mich., under the Act of March 3, 1879.
of to, must for our self-protection unite in an effort to bring to the
Offices, 1334 Book Building
justice they desene, those of o u r own people who, though they lee no
worse than others, are guilty of those crimes that make for the under-
Telephone Cherry 3381
mining of the social organization. No Jew
criminal by instinct or
Subscription, in Advance
$3 00 per year
practice- must be protected because he is a Jew. Quite to the contrary,
his co-religionists must see to it that the full penalty of his iniquity is
To insure publication, all correspondence and news matter must reach
visited upon
this office by Tuesday evening of each week.



Editorial Contributor

Shall Religion Be Free?

Songs of comradship and cheer in the intervals of strife,
That tend to banish fear and the sordidness of life.
'Tis only after parting, good-bye and tender kissing,
We feel emotions starting to point out they are missing.

Then you find yourself alone amidst a jostling throng,

With their hearts that seem of stone and voices without song.
Then you know you've left a world that you have made your


For, in hearts that love, are curled the joys and pains you've

The World Church Movement

Jewish Chronicle invites correspondence on subjects of interest to
In cuory quarter of the land, there are being gathered this week,
the Jewish people, but disclaims responsibility for an indorsement of the
ctintriblitiim. to :t east fund for the great Interchurch Movement
views expressed by the writers.
through which it i. hoped the co - operation of all Christian churches is
lyar 12, 5680 to be brought about.
Friday April 30, 1920.
The undertaking on the stimendints scale that it 11;1, bruit concened
can only call forth our heartfelt admiration. It i, nn ,mall thing for the
leaders of the movement tee have succeeded in mining the efforts of so
We hear
11111C11 in these day's about freedom in connection with nialt church organizations in a \cork that after all is common to them
synagogs and the various phases of religious life. that the question all. Perhaps the united gathering of funds will be a first step in the
asked in the caption of this editorial may' not be without some measure direction of co-operative win: along spiritual lines. Certainly, this
of pertinence at this time. Of course, no one who is at all sympathetic would be highly desirable. There j. such an amount of wasted effort
to the spirit of a greater democracy which is sweeping this nation in all on the part of different clifirch orgointiations that tiny scheme to uipc
phases of its life will refuse to endorse the idea and the ideal of the out the ee astage must appeal strongly' to those who believe that efficiency
in church work is quite as desirable as it is in the domain of commerce
so-called Free Synagog.
But the terns is, we believe, wore or less misleading. It has been and of industry.
bantered about very much of late by certain of our leaders who have
In the spectacle of a nu we (ir less tinned Christianity, there is beyond
sought to give the impression to the people that once the doors of our question a lesson to us Jew s. The tremendous task which the Inter-
svnagogs woulC b e thrown open so wide to all w h o might wish to enter church Nlovement has set for itself could scarcely hat e been conceived
that the question of monetary obligation would be altogether secondary of had each of the churches independently undertaken to gather the
'to everything else, the whole problem of synagogal life would be imme- necessary funds . for its own particular propaganda. But working
together, men the tremendous sum of money that is set as the goal of
diately solved. Of course, such an attitude on its very face is foolish. together,
For our part, we believe that where possible, the taxation upon members the worker will not be difficult to obtain.
'fiat we Jews need to undertake some sort of a nun einem that w ill
of a religions institution should be reduced to an absolute minimum.
In fact, we have some sympathy with the idea of a voluntary contribu- bring our people who have slipped away, back to the synagog. is sit
tion on the part of all members of a congregation though we arc not at obvious as scarcely to require comment. However, to accomplish this
all unmindful of the fact that under such a system, there are some will require a huge stun of none}' and we are entirely convinced that
who—to use the favorite phrase of another--would be likely to give it can be successfully accomplished only if all the synagogs of the land
Reform and Orthodox—for once join their forces in gathering together
"not according to their means but to their meanness."
We are frankly convinced and . we I believe that no one in the ministry the necessary funds with which to carry (on such a campaign. \\bat a
has insisted in season and out of season upon this more than ourselves, magnificent object lesson it would let' to the non-Jews and to our fellow
that the privileges of the congregation should in no wise lit' conferred in Jews as %yell, if for once the whole household of Israel in this country
accordance with the actual amount of money which a man does or can could present a united front in carrying out a program of constructive
afford to contribute to the congregational exchequer. Indeed each, religious effort.
The time is here \obeli forgetting the differences between (nethodoxy
according to the spirit of the Biblical mandate, should give in accord-
ance with his powers. Not he who gives the greatest amount of money am! I eforin, we 'night to he' big enough to remember that tee are Jews,
but he who makes the greatest sacrifice should be the favored son of the and that Judaism is a compelling force in tom Hoes. \ campaign might i
Inc waged of s ufficient magnitude nn permit our I trtliodox friends to use
And yet, there is another side to the question of the financial obliga- the necessary amount of money to bring back to them, those' who right-
tion of members of a congregation. It is but in line with human nature fully belong to them while the 1:eforin Jews might still hate at their
that what we get for nothing, we esteem as being of n o thing worth. disposal enough to carry on tine' mon (molt that would hold to the
If religion is to play the part that we believe it ought to play in human Reforms synagog those who logicall sh o uld be a part of it.
Surely etc ought to learn something- from lone Christian brethren.
fife, then surely it is worth making some sacrifice for and every Mall,
who has means great or small, should contribute soodnething too the main- Sects whose differences are far greater than are these th a t di v id e J ew


from Jew are standing shoulder to ;boulder in tlik nation - wide move-
ment. \Ali/it Christians can do, Jews can do. Shall we leant the l•..011
sion and embodiment.
Religion ought not to be "free" in the usual sense of the word. It that is to be taken from the great Interchurch him enters and shall we
ought to inspire men to pay the price for the influence that it exerts rise to the opportunity which the line example if our Christ iall brethren
upon their own lives and 1111011 organized society. When we :peak of a sets before us at this time?

tenance of the congregation itn which the religious ideal linds its expres-

free synagog, ‘ve arc not inclined to think of the financial side (of our
religious (mg:wiz:166ns at all. We think of the pulpit, of the congrega-
tion as free and unhampered except by the limitations of decent con-
The death is announced at New York of NIr. Henry NI(1 , 1cr. one of
sideration for the proprieties. \\'e think of the pulpit message taking the most prominent artists whom the' last century load pr000loceol.
iorm without particular consideration of whom it may hurt
NI. osler, a native of New York but who with leis parents removed tel
long as it is just and reasonable and based in a consideration of the (*Inchon:1n when he was a mere lad, began his artistic career at a very
good of all.
early age. His student career cc;ts for the most part spent at Munich
Of course. there are nwn who are likely to abuse this freedom of and Paris. .1Ithough he excelled as a painter of portriii , , :
the pulpit and to use the opportunity which it affords them to air their
painted Manly' so-called "genre - pictures.
personal views which stay be SIII/VerSi e Of the best interests of society.
In 1511 he received a medal from the loyal Academy ;it
Such men, however, ileVOitl nef judgment as they must be, would mulct- and five years later, his picture "The 1:ettirti of the Prodigal Son -
:Inv circumstances be unfitted to stand in the pulpit and merely to receked honorable mention at the Paris Salon and was Later purchased
shackle them in their speech xvottld 110t verve ten solve the problem.
for the 1.1ixemberg lallery by the French government. This was the
The pulpit must be free to speak its word if possible in the old first work of an .Nritericati artist to be so honored.
Prophetic spirit. But this by no means implies that no obligation rests
Numerous honors came to Nlosler in his later life and his pictures
upon the members of a religi o us community. Even a free pulpit can be are now to be found in the foremost
o and .\ nter i ca
ost galleries of
maintained only Mien there is a %yell tilled exchequer back of it. It ill as well as in a number of prominent private ci illectii ins.
behooves men, therefore, to spread abroad the doctrine that religion
one of
In the passing of .N1r. Nlosler, the household of Israel
roust be free in the perverted setir. in which Some unfornmately se.m its faithful sons and one who through hi, work , always briilight honer
to have dune. Let us be done with cant and let us face situations as to the name tel Jew.
they actually exist. When own are willing to pay the price of the ideals
look forward
which the congregation sponsors, we may more hopefully
to a deepning and a heightening and a strengthening of their interest in

Henry Mosler

Enoch Mebs.

As you act, so is reflected each sympathetic ray.
And true love's undeflected by ruts along the way.
Oh, we never treasure rightly, the blessings that are ours.
We juggle far too lightly with all our precious hours.

terval. before the installation of I/r.
Coffee. Ile also participated in other
phases of the service.

Beautiful Tribute From Children.
.\ beautiful feature of the evening
fro m
Thy clo•ing prayer was offered up baskcl ,f tea,
the children of the Sabbath School of
by liabbi Charles Fr e mol, of Brand the
Itapids cc her was Rabbi of Temple 111. !miner congregation, 'temple
Sluan•r Emoonim for several years Judea. of Chicago. The presentation
Nliss Vary
two decades ago. The benediction address %vas made li
Plum, a teacher in the ...Imo!, and a
%%as pronounced by Mr. Harvey
\On hits distitignish,a!
sel. - a senior student ml the Iltdovss
herself as the leading intliience in op-
lilt had tilled the to
cant pulpit of the Temple during the posing the erection id
ools •
1/eligiitfill ninsfi
past three months.
NIrs. Charles Freund in clever yens
was furnished by the children's choir
ender the direction of Mr,. Herbert
;Wont the Toledo Jewish
Da% The pulpit etas traii.formed and the congregation of
into a v eritable garden of palms and t‘vent%. years ago. NIr. Nlark Freud
dowers lit - the iiisterhood of the con- sang in a delightful Manlier his nu\ II
composition of an acrostic forming
On Sunday morning. Dr. Coffee the word "Coffee."
Coffee had announced
met the children of the Sabbath
School. They accorded hint a re- his intention to makehis welcoming
of at t he Friday evening ser-
i r rk i. , o,hlter it rre ccp
t itielei; rus,.iol in address
a t i t o joino.it; puta
i f s
line.. of feeling for the little ones by mand of the diners that he he heard
forced him to acknowledge very ap-
the uric Rabbi.
propriately the wonderful expressions
Banquet Concludes Celebration.
of wind \sill and co-operation on the
The concluding event of the in- He art of the community.
stallation celebration %vas a magnifi- nouthed that he would mak his for- e
cent banquet held in the spacious and
beautiful banquet hall of the LaSalle on Friday, April 30th.


and Koch building. Over 41X1 guests,
representing the leading Je%vish men
and yeomen of TOledo, Members of
the congregation, non-members and
visitors from other cities, %Vette seated
at tables elaborately decorated with
baskets of roses and carnation.. NE .
(Continued front Page one.)
Nlannei Cidieti, President
gation Shnitier
Joseph NI ary mond Joseph
toastmaster, peiforming his duties in Cummins. Santini I.
a manner booting an afternlimii r
•peaker of more than local ninny-
Henry D. Nlark,. Nathaniel 11.
Goldstick, Benjamin Krell. Nlax
kabbi Leo NI. Franklin. of Detroit, M ichael


nkdrecril H‘nel ad dsL"D
itiegr( eedm Team

delivered the tgint iti;i1 address tit. the
evening, virtually , lectrif ing the au-
dience by the inspiring eloquence and
remarkable presentation enf his mes-
"I.eadership in

A specialls named degree team,
headed by \lino!' NI. :Nies:older, %rill
officiate at the initiation.
hint are Charles Ro•enthal, Rabbi
Salmi, I Nla erberg, Morri. Garrett,
Leon Gdilsinith and II. "I'. Rosenthal.
The Glee Club, under the direction of
I. Leonard Irmo, will sing the ritual.
Committee heads urge that all r•s-
ervations be sCill in 1111111e(hatCly.
Accommodations can be secured for
only 800 and it is expected that Min-
do•!. will have to be turned away.
No r••ervations can be accepted after



Dr. Franklin Speaks,

"This occasion is fraught with
memories and inspiration," said Dr.
Franklin, "Fifteen )ran ago it was
prirvilege to assist in the installa-

Coffer , and I :en
h appy to h e w ith ' you again „„ this



In part Dr. Franklin sail:



''If it had been the God-appointed
portion of the few to lead the woild
free material accomplishments and in
the speeding up of the whirring
wheels of industry; or had it been Ili.
to contrbiute a measurable portion to Was One of the Founders of the Na-
Lionel Jewish Hospital for
the %vorld's enlightenment, to seien.
tulle research. to literary and uni.ical
and other forms of artistic product,
ity and appreciation: or had hebert h
IC CITY.—Saiiiiiel Grab-
esPeriallY chosen to whet c,nmiiin feller. who amassed a large fortune
men's souls the passion for social as a ilt•tiller in Louisville, where for
righteousnes , mil to heighten tinning n an o tears prior to his retirement
men desire lit forward every right in 1 0 03 he was president of Grab-
civic and social ideal: or had his
Co., died suddenly ui heart
shin in Mc world interpreted itself in da..,..,s e last Saturday a t hi, hom e
terms of lute to the poor and the hl re, 134 State avenue. He was born
downtrodden of the earth, of 11, 4 41 11 - in
18-14 and same here as a
ors. hr lelluw 1111•11, of l o ve f o r neigh- poor b o
the things for which the congregation stands.
y of 13. entering business sin
bor, mine who knows the truth would Loui.iilly fur l unne lf ,„
have the temerity to SAY that in the s e
NI r t.r.ildelder nittintainvil an :IC-
things the Jew had failed. to i. -a in ,,tarn charities, and
"Itut greater and grander than all cm:I. , cute 111 the i ■■ 1111 , 1,S of Ilie Jewish
one of a series of pictures of homes belonging to rent gouger.
sivoke with particular emotional feel
these has been the task of the Jew Hospital in Louisville and of the
- .
NVIliCh a local newspaper published recently, there appeared four home
mg as was the first Itabbi of Con- in the world. To him, it was given National Jewish Ilii.oital for Fon-
gregation Sliiiiner Ettitntititil when it
three of which unfortunately were ow reed by Jews. On other occasion , ,
M raise up in every age, prophets of siiiiipti%e• in 1/eio•r, donating $•10.000
wAs organi.eil thirt% dive year. ago. righteousness. whose God-intoxicated in
the list of names of rent profiteers indicated just a reversal of this
14410 lo the latter institution, of
.\t that time was a very small words might lead a world to milder Wli
proportion and in numerous instances of even longer lists, the names of
t ell lie held the Presidency for
(ContinuedFrom Page 1.)
town and the Jewish community al-
%ears. Ile %%.as a nullifier of
no Jews at all appeared. This is entirely natural. Much sit the remind
(Signed) Dr. .N•clier II. C. Goldfine, most negligible. Dr. Shaniarber vice of Cud and of man. In this the order of HI:. and was a thirty-
traced the •111/Tt history Of the com-
property in a great city such as this is owned by Jews, among whom President Temple Judea.
sense, the Jeuv has been a chosen Imo- second degree Mason.
there is perhaps an average muncher of conscienceless landlords who,
A very cordial message of congrat- munity front that time, expres•ing hi s ply upon whom has been such the re-
Funeral service. were held Monday
like other landlords of non-Jewish faith, have no compunction in cntsh- ulation to the congregation was re- pleasni at the great growth of the sponsibility to bring num to those at his home here. the Rev. Henry M.
ceived front Rabbi David Alexander, city and congregation, and predicting living %eaters of faith and of right- Fisher ofliciating. this surviving
ing down the poor who happen to be their tenants in order that their
who occupied the pulpit of Colling- still greater flights in growth and in-
ry latives are the widow, who was
fluence under the able leadership of eousness whose fountain head is God.
own coffers may be unduly swollen.
wood Temple for fifteen years.
Dr. Gotthard Deutsch of Cincinnati Miss Delia Graff of Louisville; a son.
colleague and personal friend. Dr
Certainly, among the Jewish landlords, there are nil more of this Dr. Wise Makes Installation Address.
Coffee. The subject of Dr. Shatifar-' delivered an entertaining and instruc- Morrie, Grabfelder, and a daughter,
ilk in proporti o n to their total number than there are among non-Jews. took
principal installation service ber's sermon was "Religious Recon- tier talk
subject. "The Rabbi Mrs. Ilarbett• Lowenstein, of Brook-
run Friday „ en i ng. April
In fact, we believe that we are safe in saying that there are less. To
strliction." lie pleaded fur a return as Sr ,
a re-
1/r. Stephen S. m the situ de
markable reception.
entire andis
our OWIl knowledge, there are a considerable number of Jewish proper ty 23, at the Temple.
o f
Wise delivered the installation ad- the "old fashioned" religion as Ili, (lice rising out of respect to the great
holders in this city, echo to their loss, have refused to raise the rents of
dress. Ile said: "1 have come here
da! teacher of teachers in Judaism.
their tenants at all, even in these times when profiteering in one form as a long-time, old-time, all-time only solution to the present
Among the speakers of the evening,
and another has become the tide among all tradesmen. of whatsoever friend of Dr. Coffee. I do not say

ere: Charles K. Friedman, Nlose .
Rabbi Mayerberg Participates.
Irving Frank, Rabbi Charles
name or nature.
BERLIN—The Jewish attorney.
and finer than anything a fellow
The opening prayer at this service Freund of Grand Rapids, Nathan Her- , Dr. Wronker, has been invited to de-
NOM' the less, the few offenders among the Jews call down upon
Rabbi could say. Ile knows that he was rendered by Rabbi Samuel S. tog of Chicago, Harvey Wessel and fend Prince Joachim Frederick Holt-
the heads of all of us the hate and the calumination of many of those vomits to a people who welcome hint. Mayerberg. who endeared himself to
the two surviving charter menthers 1 enzollern, the son of the former
good Christians who are only too eager to find a new excuse for hating You have called him to be your the Toledo community by occupying of the congregation, Jacob La Salle I Kaiser, who was arrested for insult-
the pulpit of the congregation at in- and A. S. Cohen. i ing the French officers.
the Jew. Thus the case cited at the beginning of this editorial has
He does not speak in your behalf, but
brought to our office, a postal card which reads as follows:
he speaks to you. The only thing to
"Among four publicly mentioned rent gauge rs appear the names of three
ask of a teacher is: Is he earnest, is
Jews.• These people arc displaying the samc cruel selfishness here as do
he sincere, doe , : hespeak the truth
their brothers in Europe. And then they complain at and are surmised when
as he sees it? In Dr. Coffee you will
pogroms take place in Russia and anti-Semitism flourishes in Germany and
have a leader who will speak his own
elsewhere. How long will American fair play and patience jelStpone Jewish
mind. Nlay congregation Simmer
massacres right at home?"
Emoonim stand out as one in Nhich
The writer signs his name to the card, but it is not to be found in Rabbi and Congregation walk to-
the telephone direCtOry or the City directory. l'inlotildo.ollv the co riter gether and serve together."
\I r. Nathan Herzog. President of
is some time Christian gentleman who writes behind an assumed name
while he pours out the bile that gathers ‘vithin him upon the unotiending Isaiah 'rumple of Chicago, spoke on
behalf of the people of Chicago,
hosts of Jews who are as disgusted with their fellow l•o\ \oho are NNlici•e love am! esteem for Dr. Coffee
unscrupulous as the writer of the card could possibly he.
he expressed in clown lit term.. Rabbi
However, two things need to is' pointed out : in the first ' , lice. it is NN'aterman of Kalania,,, , pronounced
such judgment as the apparently anonymous w riter passes upon the the benediction. Especially beantonl
was the musical program rooter id,
Jews which indicates that despite all the efforts that are being made to direction of Herbert !Lute• llwrt
..1mericanize the native and the foreign-horn within our land, that there Director of the Temple.


A Judgment on the Jew







is still much to be accomplished along this line. Any man who could
write such a criticism with all its cruel implications as that above quoted,
is nn-American to the core and a menace to the permanency of our
But there is a second matter that needs to Ile here emphasized. Just
because there arc such men as the writer of this card—and ttaor-

First Toledo Rabbi Delivers Sermon.
The largc•I Sabbath morning at-

tendance in the history of the con-
gregation greeted Dr. Coffee on Sat-
urday. April 24th. An eloquent and
inspiring sermon was delivered by
Rabbi Tobias Shanfarber of K. A. NI.







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