THE DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION Per Year, $3.00; Copy, 10 Cents DETROiT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1920. VOIL. VII. No. 7. SUCCESSFUL YEAR AND FINE PROSPECTS SHOWN IN REPORTS HEARD AT ANNUAL MEETING OF UNITED JEWISH CHARITIES Elected President of the United Jewish Solomon Hurwitz Dies of New York Charities at Twentieth Annual Meeting NOTED RABBI EDITOR OF "THE LECTURER ON JEWISH SEMITIC LANGUAGES AT COLUM- BIA. ___ . 29000 JEWS SLAIN IN UKRAINE, SAYS GENERAL JADWIN NEW YORK—Solomon T. I). Hur- witz, lecturer on Semitic languages' at President Wilson sends U. S. Columbialbliversity, 'founder and editor General's Report on Pogroms of the Jewish Forum and professor of to Senate—Corroborates Pre- Hebrew and Aramaic Philology at the vious Reports. Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary, died Monday afternoon, aged 32 years, in the Beth ilospital of paralysis. BRANDS BOLSHEVISM Descended from an old rabbinical CHARGES AS FALSE family and himself a rabbi, he was an industrious student and teacher of Ile - Lraic subjects. Among the ninny posi- State Department Makes Great Efforts to Obtain Information— tions he held during his brief career were Principal of the Orach Chaim Sis- Admiral McCully Goes to terhood free school, librarian of the Ukraine, Says Laming. Department of Jew ish Literature at the Public Library, founder and Principal \VASIIINGT(IN —1 , ,,,ident Wilson gh Schont ol in of the first Jew ish As the culmination of more than transmitted to the Senate Monday ex- of America, edit or of the Hidepartme 20 years unselfish endeavor and de- cerpts from a report regarding pogroms orthodox Jewish affairs for the Ameri- votion to the interests of Detroit's in the Ukraine, made by Brig.-Gen. Jad- can Jewish Chronicle• Jewish community, the greatly re- win, U. S. A., who made a tour of that NE \N' YORK—Einigation from Po- modeled and enlarged Jewish Insti- country in the latter part of September. land to America is at present impos- tute building at 239 Iligh street re- his report General Jadwin said that sible, because of lack of transport ceived its formal dedication Wednes- one Jew ish committee gave him a list day evening. Present were Samuel facilities. The Joint I)istribution of 10,712-Jews who had been killed and Committee states that it had received Heavenrich, Henry A. Krolik and named the towns e the pogroms had Rabbi Leo M. Franklin, founders of hundreds of requests for information occurred, with t wheat` dates of these mas- the organization in the early '90's, and assistance from men and women sacres. Sonic totals supplied put the throughout this country who desire who in short addresses traced the killed up to September 9 at 29,000. to bring to America their wives, rise and growth of the Institute and its children and parents, who now reside Rabbi Silver Makes Eloquent Plea Another statement made by General auxiliary agencies. Judge Harry L in parts of Poland. Hundreds of fam- — Over a Million Dollars Jadwin was that some of the Jews felt Ilulbert, of the Detroit Juvenile that propaganda alleging that Jews ilies haul already sold their little be- Court, spoke of his duties, of the Pledged Toward Ten Million predominated in the Bolshevist moves longings, believing that they could problems which daily demanded sol- Palestine Restoration Fund. sail immediately for America, and ment, and the fact that Trotzky and ution, and of the aid given by such they had conic to Warsaw• where, Bela Run were Jews, had been respon- community centers as the Jewish In- destitute and disappointed, they had NATHAN STRAUSS, MRS. sible largely for the pogroms. Such stitute. been added to the burden of the FELS GIVE GENEROUSLY propaganda they denounced as false. Key Presented to Mr. Heavenrich. relief organization. The excerpts from the report were In orer to prevent greater suffer- New York.—Of 500 Zionist work- furnished to the President by Secretary Reports were read by the retiring ing from these sources, the following ers of Greater New York subscribed of State Lansing, who attached to the president, secretary and treasurer, bil- cable from Isidore Hershfield, who at lowed by the installation of officers the cunt of $1,090,000, or nearly one- report announcement of plans for fur- present represents the Joint Distri- third of New York's quota of $3,500,- Cher investigation of conditions by the for the ensuing year. As a tribute bution Committee in Poland, has been to his labors in behalf of the Insti- 000 of the "Fen Million Dollars ' ,a l es _ State Department. . made public: tute, the key to the new building was Sec'y Lansing States Plans. tine Restoration Fund at a remark- "Because the Treaty between Po- Julian H. Krolile, prominent civic worker, was unanimously able banquet at the Hotel Astor g lie"Istaii(niLay.t.h,e konf.wintit -irie,:st t presented to Samuel Heavenrich by land and Germany is not yet ratified Walter Fuchs, through whose instru- Monday evening, Jan. 5th. Anum tlt ( i e) t h D ee pSa er n t m a teen': and peace treaty establishing status elected President of the United Jewish Charities at its Twentieth mentality the new addition was com- largest pledges were $50,000 by of State has recently made a decided ef- of Danzig not yet fully operative, the Annual Meeting held Wednesday, Jan. He succeeds Joseph the pleted. Mr. Fuchs, said President Nathan Straus, honorary chairman of fort to obtain further and more recent Polish Government reports it is im- Selling had received the hearty sup- possible now because of railroad L. Selling, whose three year's leadership of the Charities was brought the National Committee for the Pal- first-hand information. kVith this in port of A. Schiffman in his Work. shortage to arrange transportation to to a successful conclusion with the dedication of a large addition to •stine Restoration Fund, $40,000 by view• it has sent Evan E. Young, an ex- In welcoming the officers and mem- Sirs. Mary Fels, and $25,000 by Peter periesiced Consul General in the Consu- Danzig Barracks fumigating stations. bers of the United Jewish Charities, Schweit zer, treasurer of the Zionist lar Service, to Odessa, and has obtained No competent Danzig authority can the building. Joseph L. Selling, president for 1919, Organization and his wife. from the navy the services of Rear act. Immigration is therefore im- said: The million dollar result, the larg- Admiral McCully, w110 has had a long possible now. \Vu' expect no diffi- "The enlargement of this building est sum ever subscribed at a Zionist experience of Russian affairs and is culties in passport visas. We can will add to our usefulness and will function in this city was only one of Cl110, ersant With the Russian language. probably arrange steamships but rail- help our program for the moral and the stirring incidents at this gather- "Admiral NIcCully has been desig- road transporation is lacking." people who are rightfully considering ing. The first thrill came when the nated as special agent of the Depart- this building more of a cheerful club .A., B.SC., Ph. D. president of the organization, Judge meat of State and instructed to proceed By SELIG BRODET house than anything else. The time Mack, as announced that to the south of Russia for general par-, Jacob IL toastmaster, Schiff had offered to buy Lecturer in Applied Mathense s t the University of Bristol. is rapidly coming when the word poses of observation. Both he and Mr. 'Charity' will receive less hard usage, Speaking at a joint meeting of the tions thru the ether, leading to the back from the German Ifilfsverein. Young are now en route; but it is feared for after all, assistance to the needy the buildings and ground, in Haifa, that the recent military advances of the Royal Society on Thursday. Nov. 6, conclusion that our view of this is a duty, not a form of charity. Palestine, of the Hebrew Polytech- Bolslieviki may prevent their penetrat- the president of the Royal Society, propagation is not dependent on our Melon, which the German organiza- Increase in Efficiency Shown. Sir J. J. Thomson, master of Trinity u , wn, perhaps undiscoverable, munition tiou had acquired at a forced sale into the Ukraine. "The situation in the Ukraine, espe- "SVe have increased our organiza- College, Cambridge, is reported as through the ether. just before the outbreak of the war. cially with respect to the condition of Noted Cleveland Rabbi to Occupy ,t merely in physical dimen- tion III Einstein's New Point of View, having said that he had listened to The Technicum had been the pride Dr. Franklin's Pulpit Sunday— one of the most momentous pro- In 1905, Einstein, then a very young the Jews there, is receiving the con- sions, but in efficiency as well After (if the Zionists--sa school with Ille - observing the work of our staff, I want Prominent Figure in Communal nouncements of human thought.' man, took up the subject from an- brew the language of instruction, scant attention of the Department of to say that I an proud of every mem• w here engineers and artisans and me- Suite, whose intention it is to do every. ti point of view. Ile laid down Scientific men of standing are not other Life of Forest City. . bur of it. The labor of the social given to laudatory exaggeration, and the principle that 'it is impossible by chanies were to be trained, and pre- thing practicable to keep in touch with service worker is difficult, butt in the Rabbi Louis Wolsey, of the Euclid it is, therefore, of profound interest any conceivable experiment to detect pared for the work of restoring Jew- developments in that quarter." In the extracts from General Jail wins case of this institution it has been Avenue Temple, ('leveland, Ohio, will to all who wish to follow the trend uniform motion Oro the ether,' and ish Palestine. Because the Jews of well done. In concluding my third report the following occur: speak in Temple Beth El, his subject of modern scientific thought, to un- , deduced by straightforward mathe- Palestine had refused to permit their and final year as your president, I matical reasoning Lorentz' conch'. Gen') Jadwin's Report. being "The Emil hath said in his heart, derstand what this pronouncement is I l schools to be teutonized, and teach- have only words of praise to the and what significance it deserves. To sinus from Michelson's experiments. crs and pupils had struck against the "They claim that besides these (the staff and to the executive board, who 'There is no God'." Jews the matter is of peculiar inter- But Einstein went further. Ile made sidistittition of German for Hebrew. 29,(X0 reported slain), there were doubt- Rabbi Wolsey is one of the foremost have given me their loyalty and sup- est, for the man chiefly concerned in our ideas of coincidence in space and a mortgage had been foreclosed. And less many others killed of whom they figures in the community life of Cleve- port. this pronouncement is 'a compara- simultaneity in time vary from body now the Technieum is to revert to have no record. Most of these killed "For my successor who goes into tively young Jew, Albert Einstein, to body, according to the uniform the Zionists—thanks to the generos- are reported to have been done away office well qualified with years of who is credited with the perpetration motion of each thru the ether, these ity of N1r. Schiff—at a time when with by bands, fait information avail- training and for the other new offi- of a 'Revolution in Science. and with various ideas being attuned in such a Great Britain is in military posses- able was to the effect that bands had cers, also men experienced in their the overthrow of the Newtonian way that no phenomenon results sion of Palestine and preparing to also killed about 450 l'oles, largely land- task, and for the new board in gener- ideas, from which the motion of any one of assume a mandate over the land sm.- owners and bourgeoisie. al, I bespeak your aid and co-opera• In accepting the invitation of The these bodies can be found. "When the Russian army broke tip lion. I pledge my time and my ef- Einstein's work at once attracted cifically for the establishment there Jewish Guardian to write an account of a Jewish National Homeland, even- many of the soldiers are said to have forts toward the advancement of this of Einstein and his work. I beg to wide attention, and numerous coin- wally to become an autonomous coin- taken their weapons home and to have noble cause. May we become more remind my readers of Sir J. J. Thom- ments were written on it. 'Elie most secreted them. In the absence of a gen- useful with each succeeding year." son's further remark that no one has far-reaching aspect was afforded by monwcalth. cral stable government throughout the Rabbi Silver's Eloquence. Mr. Krolik in his address praised yet succeeded in stating in clear Islinkowski, who showed that the full But the greatest enthusiasm of the country these weapons are brought out the work of his predecessor and allud- Einstein's theory significance of Einstein's results was what language evening was created by the address at times under different leaders. Those ing to the report of Blanche N. Hart, really is. One cannot in a brief arti- the extension of the rather obvious of Rabbi Abba Hilted Silver. of Cleve- especially mentioned include Petleira, executive secretary, emphasized the de explain a train of ideas that baffle 'relativity' of space to a relativity need for a greater number of volun• smote of the greatest of rontemporary of time. that just as the terms right land. Ohio, who in spite of his youth Gregorioff, Struck, Zylony, and Sokolow. is one of the commanding figures of There was nothing to show whether the minds. An understanding of the sub- and left can only refer to sonic given t eer workers. "We need the moral and individual ject is only possible to one who is object so the terms before and after the Reform Jewish Pulpit in this killing were with the knowledge of con- community," he said, "Don't wait um equipped for the appreciation of, and can only refer to an observer mov- country. Ile was in Palestine for scv- nivance of the leaders or had been done end months last year. Many who independently by some men who at other tit you are called upon. There are is prepared to brave, the formidable ing at a specified rate. many newcomers in the city whose In Nlinkowski's interpretation lay heard him last night—themselves vet- times were in their bands. Proof was mathematical analysis of Einstein's capabilities are unsuspected. Come investigations. !ray aim here will be the seed of the present 'revolution.' trans of the pulpit, rostrum and prop- not furnished that the actions were con- forward. We need you." to indicate the little than can be pre- If our experience of time and space aganda — platform — pronounced him certed or that any one man was re- bears reference to our motion thru as one of the greatest orators the sponsible for a large number of the wilted in non-technical terms. Brought Orthodox and Reformed. deaths. the ether, then if our motion ears Jews possess. - An officer of Petlura's army said that The necessity for co-operation and Here are some of the things hr Theory of Rest or Motion. without our being conscious of it, for united effort in the giving of re• The famous controversy as to the effect on our minds would be the said: (Continued On Page C..) lief, more than any other single the "Z'onisni today has become whether the earth or the sun is the suggestion of forces representing this agency, said Rabbi Franklin, had immovable centre of the Universe, variation. A person living on a passionate prayer, the hope, the RABBI LOUIS WOLSEY. brought together the Orthodox and pre-supposes the acceptance of the roundabout without knowing it would (Continue On rage 7.) Reformed elements of the community. land. There is nothing of a social or principle that we can appreciate also- live in the belief of the existence of Briefly he recounted the beginnings civic character of importance in which lute motion and absolute rest, and a permanent—centrifugal—force tend- of the work. he does not take a prominent part. lie ordinary mechanics, based on the ing to pull him away from a point, "If parents may be proud of the is known as a forceful and eloquent classical work of Galileo and New- which an outsider would recognize NEW YORK—Establishment of a Jew- achievements of their children," said ish national homeland in l'alestine was speaker. No doubt he will be heard hi ton, appears to be founded on this as the centre of the round-about. Rabbi Franklin, then perhaps 1 may approved today by Bishop Charles S. Detroit by a very large congregation. supposition. Yet careful thought NOW the great problem of modern be pardoned for my pride in the leads to the conviction that the sup- science is the mystery of gravitation. -Antagonism toward Burch of the Episcopal Church and 140 NEW l'ORK- The public is cordially invited. growth of an institution which was position is unjustified, and that the Newton enunciated the principle that the Executive Committee of the Ameri- other l'rotestant clergymen at a luncheon organized in the vestry rooms of the only conception see have of rest or all matter attracts, butt no satisfactory can Jewish Congress, held in Philadel- of time Zionist organization of America. old Temple on Washington Boulevard BUKOWINIAN JEWS motion is purely relative! physical view of this attraction has in December, 1918, was voiced at Addresses were made also by Dr. Arthur SUFFER POGROM SCARE This has long been a commonplace been discovered. Einstein hit on the phia and Clifford street in November, 1899. a meeting of 100 delegates to that body, C. McGiffert, president of Union Theo- "Coming here from the West where BUCHAREST.—As a result of the of scientific doctrine and astronomers brilliant and profound idea that gravi- because of delay in reconvening. The logical Seminary; Rabbi Stephen S. we were used to doing things in a distribution of anti-Semitic literature have ceased to search for the 'centre' cation itself might he our subjective Protestants, meeting at the Hotel Mc- Wise, and Judge Julian W. Mack, presi- united way, I was somewhat shocked and placards in Cernowitz. the capi- of the Universe. lint the question interpretation of the nature of the Alpin, deciared their patience exhausted dent of the organization. Letters of upon my arrival to find such a com- tol city of liukowina, the Jewish arises whether there may not be in pace in which we move. The work- and that if the committee did not call a approval w eye read from Luther B. Wil- petition in good works, and about population there has lived thru its the results of physical science sonic mg out of the idea was a mathemati- son, resident Bishop of the Methodist the first community task to which I first pogrom scare since the Rou- discoverable effect of our ignorance cal task of surpassing difficulty, but convention immediately they would act, Their chief complaint was that the Episcopal Church, New York, and Dr. set myself was the creating of a manian occupation. of actual absolute motions. The pin-- Einstein succeeded in evolving a committee, headed by Louis Marshall, Henry van Dyke, former Minister to the sentiment for the union of the vary It appears that the literature was nomena of electricity. magnetism, and consistent theory leading to the de- ions philanthropic agencies among the distributed with the encouragement optics arc recognized ss due to the duction of the force of gravitation. sent by the Congress to the Peace Con- Netherlands. Contributions and pledges amounting ference, had not reported. Jews of the city of Detroit. The of the son of the Roumanian general ,scillations in a so-called luminifer- This was in 1915. When Mr. M a r shall was told last to $400.000 were announced last night United Jewish Charities was the in command of the region, in spite outs ether, which prevades all space. (('ontinue On Page 7.) a dinner of about 500 workers of the night of the meeting he said: "It is so at fruitage of that sentiment. of the assurances of government offi- even the space between the earth and Restoration Fund drive, silly and childish that I don't care to Palestinian. "I remember the first years of our cials that no pogroms would be per- the sun, and between one star and BELGIAN QUEEN HONORS which was held at the Hotel Astor. The say anything." endeavors under the auspices of the mitted. mother. According to classical ideas, The resolution adopted at the meeting city's quota of the $10,000,003 campaign, MRS. ABRAHAM BERNHARD United Jewish Charities very clearly. In addition to the fact that the the motion of the eat th Oro the ether said that the delegates. believing that which begins on January 18. is $3,500,- Our first meeting place under the new Jewish National Council of Bukowina diould lead to certain well-defined regime was at 379 Brush St., cornet has been dissolved by order of the snd measurable consequences. Yet in NEW YORK—Nirs. Abraham Bern- there were earnest and pressing prob- 000. Judge Julian Vu'. Mack, president Montcalm. The place was previous- Roumanian government, which gave famous experiments cal rind out in hard, of the Hotel Gotham, has just re- hems facing the Congress were resolved of the Zionist Organization of America, ly occupied by our first self-help cir- as reason the statement that as Bo- I887 by :Michelson (a Jew) assisted ceh,ed from the Queen of the Belgians to call upon the officers of the Congress presided. The speakers were Rabbi cle which later became a branch of kowinian Jews were now Rouman- by Morley, no such consequence was the decoration of the Order of Queen 'n take immediate steps to reconvening Abba Hillel Silver of Cleveland and the United Jewish Charities. ians they no longer needed their own -Attained. And finally it was shown Elizabeth. The presentation was mad , 'he body on February 22. that if the Ex- Rabbi Stephen S. Wise. Some of the "At the meetings of the Board of National Council, Roumania has also by Lorentz that the negative result by Mrs. Pierre Mali, wife of the Belgian -eutive Committee decided not to call. larger donations were those of $50.000 • Directors we 'had very little oppor announced lie convention by that time, the chair- , from Nathan Straus, $50,000 from Mrs. announced that it will not recognize fM ichelson's experiments could be Consul. The decoration is for distin- tunny of thinking of the relief cases the authority of the Bukowinian Jew vorked into the generally accepted guislied services to the Belgian cause man of the meeting should send out a Mary Fels. and S25.003 from Mr. and ish delegation in Paris. view of the propagation of oscilla- during the war. call. I Mrs. Peter Schweitzer, Continued On Page 6.) Dedication of Large Addition to Institute Opens New and Greater Opportunities for Service— Judge Hulbert Addresses Large Gathering at Ceremonies. JULIAN H. KROLIK UNANIMOUSLY ELECTED PRESI- DENT—WALTER FUCHS, WILLIAM FRIEDMAN, MILTON M. ALEXANDER, VICE - PRESIDENTS. SOME CHANGES IN BOARD OF DIRECTORS. POLISH JEWS CANNOT LEAVE—NO RAILROADS in JACOB SCHIFF OFFERS TO REPURCHASE HEBREW POLYTECHNIC AT HAIFA JULIAN H. KROLIK 14. Albert Einstein nd His Work DR. WOLSEY TO SPEAK AT TEMPLE BETH EL SUNDAY, JAN. 18 COMPLAIN OF DELAY OF JEWISH CONGRESS PROTESTANTS BACK ZIONIST MOVEMENT