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September 19, 1919 - Image 12

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1919-09-19

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"The Kid conic Lack a hell of a lot
(Continued From Page Two.)
better'n he went. \\ his can read and
with DeutschIdnd. What did it matter? found him not. She scurried from cor- write now like odder people. Who
A preoccupied Kid waited for her one tier to corner of the massive depot. knows a guy can do more dam drive a
night. The sight of her radiant face She scanned every nook for the big, truck and play pool, lull, the Kid's
made him strangely at a loss for words. broad-shouldered, clear-eyed youth. She come back!"
There was a tremor its the low voice
The girl's heart beat tumultuously. He hurried about, puzzled, hurt, card in
would speak. Ile was speaking!
hand. She flourished it beneath the —a pause. The girl seemed paralyzed.
She stood clutching the rail, dumbly
"Say, kiddo, I just wanna shake your broad nostrils of the Negro porter.
mit and say good-by."
"See, mister, look, my card. What's listening to the soldier who was and
was nut her Moishele.
She repeated the phrase wonderingly. the matter he conies not?"
"You're afraid from me, Channele.
"Yep," he nodded. "1 got my invite
"The hun'red sebenty-four been come
today. l'in going to a real fight tumor- and gone," blustered brusquely the her- You stand away. 1 know. There ain't
row and I ain't goin' to sit outside the alder of trains, then relenting at the nu hard feelings in my heart. 1 saw
rope, eder." sight of the pain-stricken visage up- you in the station. 1 was in a Y hut.
ou passed me—close. 1 wanted to
She didn't understand. Ile grew ins- lifted to his own, he explained carefully
patient. that the 174th had come in at 7 o'clock, touch you, to call, but 1 didn't."
He stopped. "It was hard, Gosh, it
"Aw, can the weeps. They couldn't train time—that the soldiers had dis-
was hard, because Os erthere where guy s
kill me aid an ax. Look here." lie persed an Isom before.
She listened despairingly and blindly drop dead like flies, a fellow learns to I
stood up to his majestic five foot, ten.
Ile straightened his shoulders and drew groped her way through the labs riot's think. Overthere 1 found out what vs:::.
up a rigid right arm. She thrilled at of exits and entrat's7es. burning in my heart—that I need y ou-
the play of muscle.
'Glace Colt; she questioned dully, God, how 1 wanted you.
"But then it was too late. i swore I
The meaning of his words trickled "what sin did I do that I should
so? Tim black years I have wouldn't tell you. You're too young to
slowly into her consciousness. Her
heart seemed a dull, dead thing in her waited and ts sw where is he ?" The be tied to a guy like me. You got your

The Kern Store

Woodward at Gratiot

The Kern Store

New Fall Merchandise--
Attractively Priced

We are ready with new Fall :Merchandise. You will be agreeably surprised

at the practical savings you will be able to effect by shopping here, and by

coming down now with your shopping lists your choosing will be much

easier, as every department is at its best regarding completeness of stocks.

Kern's for Ready-to-Wear, Knit and Muslin Underwear, Corsets,

:Millinery, Waists, hosiery, Shoes, Gloves, Leather Goods, Silks and Dress

Goods, Linens and Domestics, House-furnishings, Infants' Wear, Boys' and

Girls' Apparel, Mens' Furnishings, Art Needlework, Laces and Trim-

mings and Notions—all await your selection.
breast. She waited for the word that fear that he h-il forgotten the unfinished life before you. A month, two months:.
would make the parting bearable. It sentence, "Ma due when I come back—,' j You'll forget. And I? Uncle Sans is
that he waffle I to forget, entered her ! sending me to school 14 here 1 can learn
did not come.
The Kid was finding it harder to heart like a uedge. She tore the card ' to draw machinery like 1 wanted to all
speak. The soft, near-silk collar was that brought o much happiness and so iii) life."
the peered closely at the silent girl.
choking him. He held out his hand much psies, I bits.
''Say something for God's sake! Any- i
Sornewher, s clock tolled eight. They
"So long, old kid. I'll be hack so w ou ld „,L. at Sam's m ace „. 1:), thing!"' The pain he could not hide
quick you won't know it. And say," Channele, the punctual, was not there— choked him.
"Say you're sorry—for the cripple!.
he struggled with an unprecedented de- on Rosh Ilaslionali. Itut she couldn't
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sire to kiss her then and there, "I ain't go Lack—nut is lie her heart was bleed- Say it! Quick!"
He walked forward. 1 he candlelight,
got a home nor nothin' like that, so I ing. Ilimpy New Year! they would say
give your address to Uncle Sammy. to her. Happy New :'ear! Haring fitfully, caught the glint of the
Nlechanically she alighted at her Distinguished Service medal, and re-
He'll send you a postal when they make
street, a narrow, stingy street, now fleeted it on the gold service stripes
me a general. Savvy, kiddo?"
The kiddo "savviest" so that the hot strangely quiet and empty. Gone were sewed—on an empty sleeve.
tears came to her eyes. She brushed the push carts that habitually lined both She saw suddenly and understood.
Her numbed faculties awoke. A love,
them away impatiently. Ile pretended sides of the street—the hucksters' wag-
ens, the squabbling, shawled women tenfold in its intensity, racked her heart.
not to notice. She placed her hot, work-
calloused hand in him. Iler voice was with fretful children at their heels— A new tenderness, born of his loss,'
the raucous-voiced newsboys—gone the strangled her. She felt as if a great
"When you come back, Nloishele, noise, the smells. A holiday quiet lay blood-vessel had broken in her heart.'
you'll come by my restaurant? You Jet like a mantle over the squalid thorough- There was a /pang of agony in her
fare, giving it, for the moment, a throat, an ache in her hands to seize
me know?"
and hol d
"Before me you'll know yet I'm coin- semblance of majesty and beauty.
She laughed brokenly. Aim unsteady
Never had Channele felt so much
in' back." Something goaded him on.
"And maybe when I come back—" alone, an outsider amongst her own. hand groped to find the empty sleeve
heid it tightly.
She Ns:Liked slowly, with lagging foot-
She hung breathlessly on his words.
Thus, Channele Rebel's told her lie,
"Gee, I'm goits' nuts." He broke off steps. 'Memories of her childhood, the
sharply. "So long, kiddo." He turned gleam of silver candlesticks, the cheer- quickly, unhesitatingly, gloriously.
"A hand, only a hand. Thank God!
suddenly and disappeared. ful hissing of a Samovar—faces of
So the Kid went to war. a little dazed friends. She had given all up—had left And they wrote me from the Govern-
at the sudden curtailing of his liberty. to find a lover. God was punishing her ment that the murderers took your feet,
your hands. But what do I care? I
C hannele for her brazenness. Had she married
but quite willing withal.
would be your hands and your feet and
watched him go, very straight in his ill- the widower, perhaps little children
our eyes. Only your heart I want,
fitting suit of khaki. and returned wear- would be calling her mamma. Maniac!
Magic word. She was alone now, with- Nloishele, lieber, only your heart.
ily to Sam's Place.
"A hand you lost, a left, too, and
It was a long, weary wait of two out hope, without life.
She paused involuntarily beside the you call yourself a cripple."
years, two endless years in which men
She laughed again, a short, scornful
lought and died and came back, glori- little synagogue. The door was closed
laugh that echoed in the silence.
ously victorious. Two dull years of sow and darkened. Only the glow from
cripple, toy Moishele, a cripple!
as an the candles beside the pulpit threw an
waiting and praying. There was
Oh, I shall die yet from laughing."
official notice to her that Moishele uncertain light through the small
Columbia talking machines and gra-
Her voice broke. She sobbed into the
Samuels had arrived safely in France. stained-glass window.
fonolas are sold at a standard price
An uncontrollable impulse urged her empty folds of the khaki sleeve.
That was all. The Kid didnt write
And because the Kid was young—and
up the worn, littered steps, into the dim
because he couldn't.
througout the country, but they are not
hall. To sit for a moment on the hard loved her very much—and believed, he
drew her very close with the arm that
all sold on the same convenient credit
Channele was hurrying home to wooden bench. To bury her head its the
was spared him, and stooping, kissed the
change her modest costume. It was the red velvet curtain that screened the
terms under which they can be purchased
twenty-fourth of September, the eye of women from the men below, to pray for
The candlelight flickered and was out. .
Rosh Hashonah. The unmistakable an end.
at this store.
She groped her way to the stairway The little hall was bathed in darkness.l
heralders of the Holy Day emphasized
We sell Columbia machines on exactly
her utter loneliness—the Youths:• ku- and sank down on the lowest step. The
standing there, in the dawn of a New
the same basis that we do our regular fur-
rho' in the bakery windows, blinds new velvet hat that she had trimmed Year, there was kindled a new light,
pulled low and doors carefully barred herself at night fell unheeded to the
steady, unwavering, glorious, born of au
niture. There are no extras or interests
on the dingy little shops for the two- floor. Her head sank.
"God," she questioned, "why do I inner radiance,
day respite—little girls in new hair-
charged. You can purchase a Columbia
ribbons leading very clean babies by the live when it wills itself in Illy heart to
machine here for exactly the same price
hand, boys in creakingly new shoes die? Why comes on me no consump-
proudly carrying Tate's velvet-encased tion, nn plague. no fever? I live for
• that these machine are sold elsewhere for cash.
There are few people who do not
Taller—windows that sparkler in the what, for when?" Lower and lower
like to go visiting and we know of
We maintain a complete record library where you can select any
September sunshine—the rich, poignant sank her bowed head.
"Moishele," she sobbed. "So long I nothing that is pleasanter than meet-
odors of holiday cookery.
the new records and will be glad to have you listen to any of these
She hurried by the open door of the have dreamed. So long I have waited.
One becomes tired of their own home
played on the Columbia machine in our music rooms.
already-illuminated synagogue with a Through stone walls I came to find you.
surroundings, no matter how con-
sharp intake of breath. Rosh liashonah. Why so quick you forget?"
genial the members of the family 'Islay
"Because, maybe, it's better like that,
A New Year! What did it mean to
be. .A change of surroundings amid
little one,"
her ?
pleasant company is essential to every
The answer to her query in tones un-
All unawares she came upon the card,
one. Those people who never make
protruding from the rusty mail box in
visits miss much of the pleasure of
the hall. The name printed in hold
living. Never to go visiting one's
letters was unquestionably hers. Breath- ears. She started forward. Her tear- friends shows a lack of desire to have'
lessly, unashamed, she accosted the first blinded eyes behold, silhouetted against friends. It shows a lack of hos-
the dimness, the tall, erect figure of a pitality.
school girl on the street.
When we arc visiting we have an
"Please, read for me," she pleaded. soldier. He was facing her and the
Slowly the context of the printed card candlelight, streaming through the win- opportunity to gain new ideas, and to
get away from ourselves to some ex-
was borne to her mind. She pressed
on a youth's face, deep-eyed. hollow- tent. Thinking too much of ourselves
the startled girl to her heart.
does a vast amount of harm. Visit-
"He's coming home today, today.
Corner Wayne and
ing different homes enables one to
Was it a figment of her frenzied im- gaits many ideas, which can frequently
It was 6:15. At seven the train was
agination? Or. God forbid, the spirit be used to great advantage in one's
due. She prayed it would be late as she
14 her dead Moishele sent by the Al- own bionic.
Plain Figure
hurried to her room. She donned her
Remembrance of a pleasant visit
Lest dress of dark red silk that mirrored
does much to inspire us with happy
Price Tickets
".Moishele," the girl's lips moved, but
a bit isf its color in her cheeks. She
drew her hair softly over her ears and no sound came from them. She rose
The visitor who is always welcome
knotted it loosely at the nape of her slowly to her feet. Ile must have heard. is the one who is cheerful and pleas-
and and feels at home. Such a visitor
"Yen. it's Moishele. the Kid himself, is a tonic for the most depressed per-
And thus, in the deepening twilight.
Channele went to greet her lover—and conic back aid an honorable discharge." son.

Buy Your Columbia on
Convenient Credit Terms
at the Standard Nation-
wide Price.




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prepared to take care of your needs in high-class Men's and Young Men's Clothing and Shoes,
YES, we claim that we are Vt'eli
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