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July 18, 1919 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1919-07-18

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Amami faith Pedaling! eater

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Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bronstein
and son, Edward, of St. Paul are mo-
toring to Detroit, where they will
spend two weeks.

H imelhoch

vuov,..“1 ...nu.

\I r. 11. Cohen is in New York City.

Mr. and Mrs. S. \\'ohl, Mrs. S.'
Wohl, and Miss Schwartz of this
city are registered at the Hotel Mar,
lingua, N. V.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Moses and their
mother, Mrs. 11. Mark of St. Paul, are
taking a six weeks' trip to Detroit,
NH. Clemens and Cleveland, O., and
will return by way of the Great Lakes.

and dive right into the water!

.\ good. old camping trip a care-free, out-in-
the-opt•ii time lieside woodland, lake or hay!



Mr. and Mrs. M. Samuels and son,
Jack, who had been visiting here and
in Toledo, have returned to their
Cleveland home.

Mr. Business Man, such memories will
make you ten years younger—such a va-
cation will give you a new lease on life.

Mr. and Mrs. Levy of Pittsburgh
spent Sunday in Cleveland enroute to
Detroit, to see their daughter, Doris,
who is in charge of Camp Wise this

Try it this summer. We'll tell you where
to go and what to take.

s 0 0101Ce.

Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Golberg and
son, Herbert, Mr. and Mrs. Bloom-
berg, Mr. and Mrs. A. Barit and Miss
Julia tiara, all of this city, attended
the marriage of Miss Tillie Klein,
daughter of Mr, and 91rs. Jacob Klein
and Mr. Frank Volk, Sunday evening,
July It at the Kensington Hotel,
Cleveland, U.


will fill the bill for the wife and kiddies.

We have camp outfits complete—from
the canvas water pail to the folding cot
—for parties of from 2 to 6—for rent or
for sale.




Advance Fall Models in

Mrs. Hyman H. Koffman.

Navy Blue Dresses
Taffetas and Georgettes

Mr. and Mrs. Hyman 11. Koffman
Mr. M. S. Morris and Mr. A. II.
Schwartz are at the Waldorf Hotel, (nee Esther Estelle Goldsmith), have
from an eastern weddin4
New York.
trip and are at home to their friends




Protect the Babies

Mr. S. Goldman of Pittsburgh is at at 333 E. Kirby avenue. Their mar-
Mt. Clemens, Mich., for an indefinite riage was an event of June 24th. 'tab-
stay. bi Judah L. Levin officiated. Mrs.
Koffman is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. S. Niundliciin and daughter, NIrs. 1)avid Goldsmith of this city.
Louise, of Pittsburgh, are spending
Mrs. I. B. Rosengarten and children
the SUMIllee at C harlevoix, Mich,
of 2989 East Grand Boulevard are vis-
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Solomon of iting with Mrs. Rosengarten 's parents
134 Cl a irm o nt avenu e, are re j o icing at their summer 110111e in Asbury Park,
in the return of their son, Sergi, N. J. Mr. Rosengarten will join them
Mark Solomon, U. S. Motor Trans- there next month.
port corps, from service overseas.
The Frolicers will give a moonlight
Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Kanter (Golda to Sugar Island, Thursday evening,
Nlendelsolin) are receiving congratu- July 17, on the steamer "City of To-
lations on the birth of a son, Allan kilo." There will be dancing and
other entertainments to make the
Sanford, June 27.
evening a pleasant and enjoyable one
Mr. and Mrs. NI. Cohen, NIr. and for all The boat leaves at foot of
s R. Zuieback and \t r, and Mrs. Griswold, 8 1'. NI. sharp.

A. L. Cohen are in New York city at
the Pennsylvania Hotel.

Mr. A. Greenbaum is at the NI c-
Alpin Hotel, N. Y. city.

Nothing is quite so smart, so new or so
practical as Navy Blue for present wear, es-
pecially in Taffeta and Georgette.






In this color are featured models which are
promised a great vogue for early fall—long
of waist, bouffant below the hips and nar-
row at the bottom.

This is achieved by inverted pleated ruf-
fles, by corded bands or skirts entirely of
narrow ruffles.


Mr. and Mrs. Mack I). Mitslikun of
Miss Sara A. Weinberg, talented
are motoring
80 Blaine avenue,
through New York state. pianist and accompanist, has left for
Muncie Cottage. Chautauqua, New
York, where she will study music.
\I r. and Mrs. Harry Bielierstein of
Miss May Sylvia Simons has also left
292 Elmhurst avenue are receiving
for Muncie Cottage.
congratulations on the birth of a
son, Robert.
Mrs. Simon Lachman of 99 West

Pure Food, Fresh Air, Sun-

shine and Suitable Clothing and

care makes the Happy, Content-
ed and Healthy Sables. Let us

all do our part to give the baby
these things.

Nirs. I.. \\'eiss, who was in Detroit Ferry avenue, has returned from an
to attend the wedding ceremonies of extended visit to Still Rock Spa,
her sister, Miss Nlinnette Baker, has \Vankeshai \ViSi
returned to her home in Cleveland.
Mr. Adolph \N'olfgang, of St. Paul,

Baby will enjoy riding in one

of the new style 1919 Heed Car-

riagc,t, Go-Carts or Sulkies
which we have on display in our
window. Come in and select

is expected this week for a visit with
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Karger are his son and daughter, Nit - . and Mrs.
included among the many Chicagoans Irving J. \Volfgang of 911 East Palmer
at present in Charlevoix, Nlich.

one. so Baby can be taken for

an airing.

Don't lilt it housed up daring the warm weather in a hot

stuffy rootn. All styles at all prices.




Mr. A. Greenbaum and Mr. L. Zie-
Mr. Jack Margolis and Mr. J. II.
Shakne of Pittsburgh, l'a., spent the man are in New York, guests at the
week-end in Detroit.

NIrs. Goldstick a n d daughter, Rosa-
Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Optner and Mr.
Nlorris Strainer of this city have re- lie, of 175 Frederick street, are spend-
turned from a three-weeks automobile ing several weeks at Nit. Clemens,
• tour in the east where they visited :dick
Boston, New York, Philadelphia and
Nliss Fannie Rosenberg is visiting
Atlantic City.
in New York city.



Mr. and Mrs. Max Moore (Miss
Mr. and Nirs. Will Slesinger have
Kate Cohen, of Chicago), are spend-
ing a few days in Detroit the guests returned from a brief visit to Mt.
,of Mrs. S. Sklar, 274 Nledbury . ace- "erne".
nue, enroute to their home in Hawk-
Nit's. H. Feigenbaum and children
insville, Ga.
of Cleveland, spent the week-end in

913-917 Hastings, At Crosstown

Miss Carrie Moses of Cleveland is
the guest of Mrs. M. Goldberg of
this city.

Comfort Footwear

Our Down Stairs Department offers a fine and varied assort-

ment of comfort footwear. Here are two of the styles featured:

Comfort Oxfords

They are comfortable as can he, and tho are
good looking.

Mr. and Mrs. L. Solomon and
daughter, Sadye, of 134 Clairmont
avenue, acompanied by Mrs. I. NI.
Jacobson of 26 E. Palmer avenue, are
motoring through the east and will
stop at Philadelphia, Atlantic City,
New York and \Vashington.

Mrs. E. Sloan of 11811 \Vest Grand
Ibitilevard, is spending several weeks
at ND, Clemens,

\I r. A. 1.. Bernstein is spending a
few days in New York City.

(Continued On Page Six.)

They ore made of black kid; With turned soles,
and military heels as illustrated.

They are priced very moderatel).


House Slippers

Black kid; with two straps, "'triad soles, alld
medium heels. They are designed for comfort.

Remarkable tallies at


Down Stairs Department

Piano Service

I Want You to Know
About My Complete

you know that I had the most complete Optical Department
in the City of Detroit? Well, I have! I have o graduate, registered
opototnetrist In charge who will examine your eyes and St your Glasses
properly. Everything that you could hope to find In an up-to-date
Optical Department is right here! This is a good time to have your
eyes examined! Come in!



I'll gladly extend all the credit terms that you could possibly desire
on the Glasses that you need! The same courteous treatment that you
get, 1u, my Jewelry Department! Don't put it off—get your Glasses



-n ee

208-.210 GRISWOLD ST.

Tuning $3.00

Free Estimates on

Detroit's Exclusive
Caterer and Decorator


All Work Guaranteed

Weddings, Banquets—
All Social Occasions

Grand Pianos a Specialty

E. C. Brink Co.

(AVER seventy-five per cent of the
leading Jewish Social Affairs of this
city have been catered out by us in the
last year.

Factory-215 Clinton St.

Cadillac 6436

No occasion too small—none too
large to receive our quotations.

Hair Removed

Woodward and Adams Avenues.


painlessly and per
manently by On
electric needle. Miss
Bose Kotok. special
I' , 607 1-2 Woodward Ave. Ttoom 17
C. near Eliot St. ['hon.

Glendale 5695-It.

Phone us.


M. A. Pereira, Mgr.

125 Richton Ave.

Hemlock 5654

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