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July 11, 1919 - Image 4

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The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1919-07-11

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who have frequent dealings with our poverty-stricken co-religionists
in the city. The plans mapped out by the committee haying charge
of the nest' cemetery indicate intelligent and far-sighted study of the
needs of a growing community. Not only will the new cemetery
Published Weekly by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co.. Inc.
be very beautiful in its landscape architecture, but it will serve a
President real community need of a character the importance of which has not


"Musical Leader" Cites the Many Jewish Geniuses Who Have Con-
Secretary-Treasurer always been recognized in Detroit.


tributed So Greatly to the World's Music and Asks Why They

Entered as second-class matter March 3, 1916, at the Postoffice at Detroit.
Mich., under the Act of March 3, 1879.

frohibtion and the Jew.

Do Not Assert Themselves as Jews.

will retain all the Jewish quality with
For almost two thousand years has
which it has been invested by sacred
Israel been wandering all over the
association. Even if we grant that
globe, being driven from one country
the larger part of our melodies were
to the other. During that time the
map of the world has fregeitenty been derived from different ages and peo-
ples, nevertheless, they are Jewish in
altered, but the Jew still remains in
the sense that they symbolize and ex-
the paradoxical position of being a
press the Jew's holiest sentiments,
citizen of the world and yet having
his saddest misfortunes and tribula-
no country of his own. While such is
tions, as well as his Jewish music re-
the case of the Jew's relation to the
cords the subtlest emotions which
political world, it is somewhat differ-
swayed the Jew's heart during his
ent in his relations to the musical
life-long struggle, and it was called
world. Admitting that music, al-
into being by Jewish tears, faith and
The Jewish Chronicle invites correspondence on subjects of interest to
though cosmopolitan in the larger
meditation. For centuries our music
the Jewish
sense, is divided into schools repre-
ardent advocates of prohibitive legislation. The causes for their attitude senting the different nations, the Jew has comforted the Jewish heart
views expressed by the writers.
have been variously stated. Certainly those who hold that Jews have has left a large and indelible mark through all the persecutions, and it
opposed prohibition because large numbers of them have been finan- upon the map of the musical world, still renders a similar service today
to the afflicted of our race, be it in
cially interested in the liquor traffic have not sensed the real situation. writes the ' 'Musical Leader."
So far the Jew, although he has the pale of Russia or the ghetto in
We hold firmly to the fact that the Jew has not very ardently sup-
New York.
One of the things that we Jews need to learn is that we must ported the prohibition movement because the evils of liquor have never contributed more than his share to
The sudden activity and enthusiasm
not be eternally going about itii,111 a chip on our shoulder. It has been brought home to him as they have to others. While among the the world's collective wealth of music, that the present Calamity in Europe
has rarely been bold enough to claim
become a habit with many of us find discriminatory motives at non-Jewish masses by far the greatest percentage of vice and immor- any part thereof as his own. On rare has stimulated among Jews makes
the buttons of every action on the :mrt of individuals and social ality is directly traceable to drunkenness, among Mt Jews liquor as a occasions some one takes the initia- one more hopeful than ever that the
day is not far off when a Jewish com-
groups that happen to affect Jews unpleasantly. These people arc cause of crime is so negligible a quantity that we may practically dis- tive of giving him credit for his con- poser. musician or singer will not
accustomed, whenever a Jew fails to win favor or preferment to regard it. If we trice the reason for this anomalous condition we shall, tribution, but immediately a number have to change his name to conceal
of self-style musical scholars appear
,which he thinks himself entitled, to rush to the conclusion that his we believe, find it in the fact that the Jew is essentially a temperate on the scene and attempt in the face his origin, in order to enhance his
failure to gain the goal of his seeking is due 4v prejudice. As a being who does not over-indulge his appetites and his passions. For of all irrefutable facts to deny the chances of recognition and ultimate
result, the editorial pages of our Jewish newspapers arc filled with another thing, liquor is seldom a prohibited article in the Jewish house- existence of Jewish music. However, success. The ostracism to which
some of our big lights, such as Robin•
stories of discrimination against the Jew, many of which, if traced hold, and just because of that fact it does not have the peculiar attrac- the Jew at last has become deter- stein, Mendelssohn, Nleyerbeer. Hale.
mined to assert himself in musical
to their source, are found to he entirely justified and in no sense the tion to the Jewish young man that is said to attach to stolen sweets.
by and Offenbach were subjected on
spheres and to establish his position
result of anti-Semitic prejudice.
It is, however, just in this fact that the prohibition movement entails in music among the nations of the account of their Mosaic descent is a
The sante is true of the harangues against anti-Semitism that a possible danger. Is it likely that when the bait is put upon all liquor, earth. Individual and collective at- matter of history. But their genii's
was so great that it fully overshad-
one frequently hears from the pulpit. They are the result, often, of that large classes of Americans will be all the more eager to obtain it tempts are being made both here and ow-n(1 all anti-Semitic prejudice and
ill-considered and impulsive judgments. Its many instances the If we are to believe sonic of the wild stories that are current about the in Europe to place Jewish music
their names remain to be honored by
the limelight and to familiarize the
discrhflination complained of has no relation whatsoever to the fact stores of liquor that till the cellars of some of "the best people" its these music-loving public with its beauty the very offspring of those who de
seised them.
that its victim
days, there would seem to be some basis for this apprehension. Time and originality.
However, in the different countries of
entirely justified by the unfitness of the particular individual Jew alone will tell. It cannot be very long after all Instil the present store
Petrograd Organization.
Europe, as well as in this country., our
.11:1 organization for the purpose of Jewish musical geniuses are claimed as
against NVI10111 it is directed.
of liquor is consumed and if no ntore is manufactured the question will
It cannot be said with too much emphasis that this proneness have soved itself. In any event, the average Jew will scarcely know the promoting Jewish music has been products of that particular country; the
on the part of some of our co-religionists to seek causes for protest difference. What lie has never greatly hankered for, he will not partic- organized in Petrograd, which con- Germans claim Islendelssohn; the Rus-
sists of some of the most renowned sians, Rubinstein; the French, Meyer-
when none exist tends greatly to weaken our cause when we have ularly miss when it is unobtainable.
musicians in Russia. As a result of beer, Halevy, Offenbach, Ravel and
just ground to complain. And !leaven knows, such occasions arc
their activity they have recently pub- others. because those men were born in
frequent enough. Nonetheless, see believe that when instances of
lished a volume of folk songs con- those countries. It is true that some of
taining some songs said to be at least them were converted Jews, but in those
this sort are met by us in a thoroughly dignified, manful fashion, the
two hundred years old. Another col- days conversion of a Jewish musician
wrong will, wherever possible, be corrected, for, in the last analysis,
lection of Jewish folk songs and na- simply meant a self-advancement on
the great majority of men and women do not belong to the tribe of
tional songs were recently published the material basis of life. but had noth-
by Ginsburg and Marek, in Warsaw, ing to do with the spiritual aspect.
Dr. Idelson, of Berlin, also published
An instance its point is the case mentioned in our editorial
Some Artists Proud of Origin.
a volume of Jewish folk songs and
columns last week concerning the publication in the efficiency maga-
The fact is that today since the world
classical compositions in Hebrew and
zine "10070" of an article by John II. Lyon, Industrial Engineer of
German. Leo Winz, of Berlin, the has grown broader and more tolerant. we
the Corticelli Silk Mill, in which, classing the Jews with Negroes,
famous librophil, has accumulated do not hear of any such conversions.
(Continued From Page
countless copies of rare old tradition- Men like de Packmann, Ravel, Jadlow-
Turks, cripples, consumptives and other social classes deemed by
as it may deem proper and effective
melodies and folk songs. Under ker, Elman. Zimbalist and many others
the author to be inefficient, he advised that employers of labor shut political rights. as for instance, ad- in the circumstances. Poland fur-
the auspices of the latter, concerts of arc proud of their nationality to the ex-
mission to public employments, func- ther agrees that any difference of
their doors against our co-religionists.
Jewish folk songs and Hebrew . tradi- tent that they declare themselves at all
The article was called to the attention of the Anti-Defamation tions and honors, or the exercise of opinion as to questions of law or ,
times loyal sons of Israel. It certainly
professions and industries. No re- fact arising out of these articles be- I tional melodies are arranged in t le takes some courage even in these days
League of the Independent Order of li'mti Brith by the local chair-
strictions shall be imposed on the tween the Polish Government andlbigger cities of Germany and are gen- for anti-Semitism is still rife in some
man, Mr. Milton W. Alexander. With commendable promptness free use by any Polish nationals of any one of the principal or asso - erally well patronized and receise a
friendly cr iticism at the hands of the quarters, to come out openly as a child
and energy the Anti-Defamation League took up the matter with all any language in private intercourse, dated powers, or any other power a G
of our much abused race., On the other
erman p.
parties concerned, and the results achieved were as prompt as they in commerce, religion, the press, or member of the I.eague of Nations.
hand. these men are so bug that they
he held to he a dispute of in-
are beyond injury at the hands of those
are gratifying. Briefly, the Industrial Engineer of the Corticelli Silk in publications of any kind, or public shall
meetings. Reasonable facilities shall ternational character, under article more scope and larger opportunities, who still cling to ideas which are rem-
Mills is looking for another position, and the magazine in which the lie given Polish nationals of non- 14 o f th e cove nant o f th e L eague o f the Jew's activity along this line is
nants of barbarism in this enlightened
objectionable article appeared is to publish in its forthcoming num- Polish speech for the use of their Nations. The Polish Government 1 spreading rapidly. Platon Brounott age.
ber a full apology for having given space in its columns to so unfair language either orally or in writ- hereby consents that any such dis. has collected more than three Im-
We often see certain artists billed as
pute shall, if the other party thereto dred folk songs, fifty of which he pub- . "The Irish Tenor," "The Belgian Violin-
ing before the courts.
an article.
demands, he referred to the perma.. lished in one volume. Cantor Cahan
5—Polish nationals who belong to
ist," "The l'olish Violinist." Why
This is all that could have been expected or desired under the
racial, religious or linguistic minor- vent court of international justice. has also published two volumes of shouldn't we also see "The Jewish Vio-
circumstances, and we point to this case as indicating what may. be ities, shall enjoy the same treatment The decision of the permanent court folk songs, and Henry L. Gideon, the linist, Pian;st, or Singer?" If those ar-
done by courageous and by intelligent action on the part of the and security in law and fact as other shall be final, and shall have the Boston organist, and Mary Amin are tists are proud of being advertised in
same force and effect as an award about to complete their collection of
Jews when their cause is just. It is a great thing to be able to Polish nationals. In particular they
folk songs. Furthermore, Mr. Gid- that manner by virtue of their respective
eon, with the assistance of his wife, countries being subjected to oppression
discriminate between a real wrong committed against our people and shall have equal rights to establish, under article 13 of the covenant."
manage and control at their own
freuently gives concerts of Jewish and tyranny, surely our people have been
Long Persecution Ends.
a supposed discrimination that upon analysis is found to be no
expense, charitable, religious and so-
folk songs at concert halls, churches Persecuted and tortured more than all
discrimination at all. Moreover, it is necessary, if our best interests cial institutions, schools and other
\Vhat the long suffering. patient. crud private musicales. I the rest combined. Again. if they pre-
are to lie served, for those who would speak in the name of Jewry educational establishments, with the steadfast millions of submerged mi-
Music. fer to be known as sons of their respec-
All Programs Have Jewish
lice countries because they hate given
to know when to speak and when to keep silent, for failure to make right to use their own language and norities dreamed during cruel cen-
The promoters of Jewish music in
turies of persecution. hatred and in-
the world a large number of musical
this distinction will inevitably lead to the wasting of our ammuni-
New York are so zealously active in
6—Poland will provide in the pub-
geniuses, surely we have given our
tion. Let us close our eyes to petty wrongs, but when real injustice lic educational system in towns and thing of the past. They are about presenting it that it is no rare thing
is done to the Jew, let us, tinder the guidance of intelhgent blders, districts, in which a considerable pro- to emerge from the shadows and to see two or three numbers on a
As long as our artists arc still com-
program of our city park bands. Yes,
portion of Polish nationals
pelled either for profcsional reasons
strike with all die force at our command. If this principle
it even finds its way once in a while
through their own lack of self-re-
lowed the results of our every protest are likely to be quite as
to the program of Carnegie and Aeol-
spect and national consciousness to con-
quate facilities insuring that in the those rights Of citizenship that have
effective and as gratifying as in the instance cited here.
ian halls, in NOV York. Not long
primary schools instructions shall be
ceal their nationality, it will be impos-
ago Alma Gluck sang a Jewish song
sible to obtain a complete list. When-
given the children of such Polish na- sume to perform the correlative du-
by Maurice Ravel at a Sunday es en-
ever one of our big artists appears at
tionals through the medium of their ties growing out of those rights
ing concert at the Metropolitan Opera
the Metropolitan or Carnegie halls, our
own language. This provision shall
House. Elfrem Zimbalist never tails
people turn out in large numbers to
not prevent the Polish Government ity. They are ready to forget the
Once again comes weighty evidence that the charge frequently from niaking the teaching of the horrible nightmare that has so long to include in his program his ' ,le- greet them, and, therefore. there is no
made that the Jews of Russia are the backbone of the Bolsheviki Polish language obligatory in these and unceasingly burdened their souls brew Melody and Dance," which he reason why these artists in return for
moventent is utterly unfounded.' We arc indebted to Mr. A. J. Sack, schools. In towns and districts and embittered their lives. They arc !milt on the thesis of an old folk seng. our patronage should not honor its by
Kurt Schindler is another lover of
Director of the Russian Information Bureau in the United States for where there is a considerable pro- desirous of clasping with the hand Jewish folk songs. Programs exclu- upholding their nationality and give the
for the publication of the complete text of a cable message received portion of Polish nationals belong- of brotherhood their fellow citizens. sively of Hebrew music have been fact of their Jewish origin due public-
ing to racial, religious, or linguistic pledging to their ,common country
presented Cantor Sirota at Carnegie ity.
by him this week from 'M. '.0..Vinaver, the recognized leader of
minorities, these minorities shall be that now bestows upon them the full
Russian Jewry, who asserts with the utmost positiveness that with assured an equitable share in the en- and absolute rights for which they Hall, New York. and Cantor Stein- COUNTER REVOLT USES
berg at Symphony hall, Boston. The
a very few exceptions, Russian Jewry is and has been opposed to joyment and application of sums have prayed and struggled, all that
l'eople's Music league has a number
which may be provided out of pub- loyalty, patriotism, intelligence and if artists on its staff who sing Jew-
the Bolshevik movement. His cable reads in part :
tic funds. under State, municipal or honest industry can bring to a na. ish folk songs and Hebrew traditional
"The entire Russian Jorrpreuggles against bolshe-
BUDAPEST.—Sensational reports
other budgets. for educational, reli- thin.
melodies in the concerts at the public were recently published in the Buda-
vism. This is trite with regard 'not only to the bourgeoisie,
gious and charitable purpose.
Personally, I am overcome with the schools. Besides, aiming the Jewish
pest papers regarding a counter-rev-
but to the democratic classes of the Russian Jewry as well.
ap- profoundest emotion at the prospect, people a feverish craving for Jewish
olutionary plan. led by Colonel Dor-
It is sufficient to say that not a single Jewish socialist fac-
pointed locally by the Jewish corn- I and rejoice that America, true to her music is now in vogue. In towns in
nandi. which was discovered by the
munities of Poland will, subject to traditions, has taken a leading part the United States, where there is a
tion has joined the bolsheviki. All political factions of Rus-
Hungarian Soviet Government. It
the control of the State, provide for lin building this noble structure of Jewish population, no matter how
sian Jewry are struggling against bolshevism.
appears that the plan was to inau-
the distribution of a 'proportional' lib erty , and in assuring as a lasting small, they are forming singing socie-
"The great majority of the Jewish population. includ-
gurate the counter-revolution by a
share of public minis allocated to! guaranty, its enforcement by the only ties and glee clubs, and concerts of
series of pogroms against the Jews.
ing many of the poor, are being classed by the bolsheviki
Jewish schools in accordance with effective sanction• the sacred coven- Jewish musk are always well patron•
Placards were discovered in all pub-
with the so-called bourgeoisiw, awl every place where the
the foregoing provision and for the, ant of the League of Nations.
lic places, bearing falsified signatures
organization and management of
liolsheriki rule, the Jewish population, not to speak of very
of the leaders of the Labor Party,
Jews Are Musical People.
these schools.
insignificant exceptions, is suffering and starving."
That the Jews are a musical people which called upon the people to
8—Jews shall not he compelled to TO PREVENT JEWS FROM
Ni words in defense of the Russian Jew's respect for law and perform any act which constitutes a
no one us-ill deny. The only objection commence pogroms against the Jews
GUYING LAND IN POLAND some of the antagonists in the Jew- who were accused as the leaders in
onto could lie stronger than this, and they could come from a no violation of their Sabbath, nor shall

- -
ish music have to offer is that they the Soviet movement. The govern-
more authoritative source. Of course we are not so foolish as to they be placed under any disability
ment immediately made a thorough
London.—The anti-Semitic deputies fail to find its ethnological origin.
believe that there are no Jews among the followers of Trotzk y, hut by reason of their refusal to attend
investigation and many of the lead-
all the facts that have come to us from reliable sources indicate courts or perform (real business on in the Polish Parliament introduced a But origins to not more affect our ers were placed under arrest. It was
1 hill giving the government the right music than they do our customs and
their Sabbath.
discovered that most of them belong-
that the majority of Jews in Russia are not affiliated with Bolshevism.
Poland declares her intention to I to control the purchase and sale of institutions.
It were well for those Christian ministers and other publicists refrain from ordering or permitting l land. The aim of this hill is to pre- 'trace our music to some non-Jewish ed to the antisemitic party and to the
source if he will. For us our music old reactionary group.
who have become fold of identifying Bolshevism with Russian an election, whether general or local. I vent Jews from buying land,

National prohibition has now become an established institution its
this country. For our part, we are glad of it. \\'e believe that the
complete cessation of the liquor traffic will make not merely for sobriety
Telephone Cherry 3381
but as well for greater thrift and morality among the great masses of
$2.00 per year the people. We are entirely aware that there are many who fear that
Subscription, in advance
national prohibition will make for new forms of lawlessness, especially
To insure publication, all correspondence and news matter must reach for illicit distilling and for the use of drugs. It is fair to presume,
this office by Tuesday evening of each week.
however, that the proper agencies of the national government Will
with any infringements of the law and that,
Editorial Contributor
generally speaking, the spirit as well as the letter of the law will be


An Effective Protest


Marshall on Polish Treaty

Russian Jewry and Bolshevism

Jewry to be fair enough to study their facts a little more closely
before spreading their nefarious doctrine. Trotzky, himself, though
born of Jewish prents, has repudiated his Jewish affiliation. As a
matter of fact, respect for law is so intimately a part of Jewish
doctrine that one cannot conceive of a real Bolshevist being a true
Jew. As for the majority of Jews in Russia belonging to the party,


it is unthinkable.
Mr. Vinaver has rendered a real service by stating the, true
situation as clearly as he has, and Mr. Sack has done well to give
the truth wide publicity.

Shaarey Zedek's New Cemetery

Congregation Shaarey Zedek is to be congratulated upon having
acquired for the burial of its dead the splendid tract of ground which
was consecrated to its sacred purposes last Sunday. Provision for
the burial of the dead has always been regatil«1 aiming Jews as a
pious duty and not infrequently the "Beth Chayint," as the cemetery
is euphoniously called, is the first institution to be provided when
Jews establish their community 914te;
Here in Detroit, the establishment of a new Jewish cemetery
under congregational auspices is particularly timely, as those know

on Saturday, nor will registration for
electoral or other purposes lie com-
pelled to be performed ins Saturday .

Remedy for Violations.

Finally, by article 12. there is al :
forded a remedy for any violation of
obligations created. This clause is
of such importance as to be quoted
substantially in full:
"Poland agrees that the obligations
in the foregoing articles, so far as
they affect persons belonging to ra-
cial, religious or linguistic minori-
ties, constitute obligations of inter-
national concern and shall lie placed
under the guaranty of the League of
Nations. They shall not be modi-
fied without the assent of a majority
of the Council of the League of Na-
tions. Poland agrees that any mem- .
her of the Council of the League of
Nations shall have the right to bring
to the attention of the Council any
infractions or any danger of infrac-
tion of any of these obligations, and
that the Council may thereupon take



For the Wife and Kiddies

NOM n l2.)t



Be Independent



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