A mterfram Pal ish Periodical Carter CLIFTON AVINUI - CINCINNATI 20, 01110 THE DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION 01. VOL V. NO. 26. U. A. H. C. PROTESTS POLISH POGROMS AT CONVENTION Cable Vigorous Resolutions to Wilson — Re-affirm "We Are Jews by Religion, American by Nationality." 1. GOLDBERG, DETROIT, ON EXECUTIVE BOARD National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods Convenes at Same Time—Show Growth in 26,000 Membership. Boston:—The Union of American Hebrew Congregations, comprising all elements of liberal Judaism in Am- erica, closed its 20th bi-ennial con- vention here on Thursday, May 22, after a four-day deliberation and dis- cussion of many vital problems. Held at the beginning of the period of re- construction in all human affairs it was the most important convention in the history of the organization. Chief among the definite actions taken by the convention was a res- olution protesting most vigorously against the outrages committed against the Jewish people of Poland and Roumania. The resolution was cabled to President Wilson at the Wednesday session. It concluded by calling upon the Peace Conference at once to put an end to these cruelties. The text of the resolution reads in part: Per Year, $2.00; Copy, 5 Cents DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 30, 1919. AMERICAN EMBASSY AIDS JEWISH REFUGEES Paris—The officials of the American Embassy in Switzerland have appeal- ed to the Peace Conference in Paris to save from expulsion the Galician Jewish refugees in Vienna. As a re- sult of this appeal, Baron Sonnino, foreign minister of Italy, who is him- self of Jewish origin, informed the Italian Commission, now in Vienna, that the Allied Powers will endeavor to alleviate the suffering of these Jew- ish refugees. This statement by Baron Sonnino came as a direct answer to an appeal made by the Chief Rabbi of Vienna, Dr. Chayes, who is himself a native of Italy. Baron Sonnino requested the Italian Commission in Vienna to inform Dr. Chayes that his appeal will be granted. At the same time Dr. Chayes was informed that Conunis- sion of the Allies will also help the refugees. Aaron Aaronsohn, Noted Agricultural Expert, Killed in Airplane Fall U. S. GOVERNMENT DEMANDS MASSACRE OF JEWS STOP Senate Passes Resolution Directing President Wilson to Act Through State Department and Peace Conference. WILSON WIRES OUTRAGES WILL CEASE State Department Cables American Minister to Poland to Declare 'Attitude of U. S.—Similar Instructions for Roumania. NO RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT TO BE RECOGNIZED UNLESS EQUAL RIGHTS ARE GRANTED TO JEWS PROMISES INDEMNITY TO POGROM VICTIMS LONDON.—The Ukrainian gov- ernment has asked the Jewish Coun- cil in Stanislav to inform all Jews that the government will indemnify all the pogrom victims. The Jewish press has also been asked not to give too much prominence to the news about the pogroms, since that stay. injure Ukrainia's reputation. Thel newspapers may only print brief re- ports about pogroms which have oc- curred. A pogrom has just occurred in Klatschow. Ukrainian soldiers start- ed to pillage Jewish houses and stores. But loyal soldiers soon ar- rived on the scene, and drove off the uniformed brigands. The loyal soldiers afterwards distributed in- demnities to the pogrom victims. POLISH TREATY TO GIVE EQUAL RIGHTS TO JEWS Judge Mack Assured by Supreme ' Council That Poland Must Guar- antee No Discrimination of Any Kind. "WESTWARD HO" SAILS AGAIN TO RELIEVE DISTRESS IN POLAND PACT TO CONTAIN CLAUSE ON "NATIONAL RIGHTS" League of Nations Will Supervise Execution of Provisions of Treaty—"Jewish Problem" May Be Settled, (By the Special Correspondent of the American Jewish News, in Paris). duced into congress condemning the Paris:—Judge Julian W. Mack, New York—On her second trip of pogroms tit l'oland and requesting the chairman of the American Jewish American government to take action, inertly to Poland since the signing of Congress, is returning to America Paris—Aaron Aaronsohn, of Haifa, for the purpose of putting a stop to the armistice, the freighter Westward Palestine, considered one of the Ho sailed from New York last week with assurances from the Supreme them. world's most notable agricultural ex- for the port of Danzig, under com- Council that Poland will have to rec- Action in the House. perts and the discoverer of wild mand of Lieutenant Commander ognize Jewish civil, religious and po- wheat, a friend of Roosevelt and Wil- One resolution introduced by Con- Charles Itoettger, with food, clothing litical rights. son, was killed in a fall of an aero- Below are the seven specific points gressman Henry N. Goldfogle reads and supplies—the gift of the Polish and plane last week near Boulogne while as follows: Jewish population of America to the of the treaty, six of which have been flying from London to Paris. "Resolved by the House of Repre- destitute people of Poland. The cargo agreed upon: Aaronsohn was one of the technical sentatives of the United States, that will be distributed through the Ameri- 1. All citizens shall have equal advisers of the United States Depart- we greatly deplore and express our can Relief Administration, of which civil, political and religious rights, ment of Agriculture. He was about horror and chagrin at the murderous Herbert Hoover is the director gen- without distinction of race, national- 40 years old, a graduate of the agri- and cruel treatment of innocent men, eral. ity, religion or language. No boy- cultural department of the University . women and children in Poland, Ron- The Westward llo carries 235 tons cotts or other discriminations shall be of Zurich and spoke English, Hebrew. mania and Galicia, and at the frequent of clothing, boots and shoes for the instigated on the score of birth or re- Arabic and German fluently. He was barbaric pogroms in those countries. I'oles: 1,300 tons of the same articles ligious belief. largely responsible for the rev ival of Washington—The United States Such actions justly deserve the .con- for the Polish Jews. and approxi- 2. Poland will assume the protec- agriculture by the Jews in Palestine. government on Monday demanded an denotation of the entire world. he mately 500 tons of supplies for the tion of the life, liberty and property In his experimental station, estab- end be put to the massacres of Jews president of the United States is re- Red Cross. In addition there are of all subjects, regardless of origin or lished and maintained by American in Europe. The senate, by unanimous spectfully requested to take such steps approximately 3,200 tons of rye. RESOLUTION OF PROTEST. creed. Jews. he discovered wild wheat. The Polish Relief Society and the vote, deplored the slaughter of inno- as in his opinion will help bring about WHEREAS, the Union of Ameri- 3. Poland will guarantee the free The United States Department of cent mem women and children and a condition which will, so far as pos- joint distribution committee of the can Hebrew Congregations is meet- Avriculture summoned Mr. Aaron- use of any language in commerce, in ing at a time when our beloved coun- sidin to Washington to learn from called upon President Wilson for ac- Bible, prevent a repetition of such American Fund for Jewish War Suf- the schools, in the press and in public try is rejoicing in the close of the him about his discovery of wild wheat, tion. massacres in the future and will as- ferers donated the supplies for Po- meetings. The state department, before adop- sure humane treatment to the peoples land, the money being raised through world war and in the triumph of the which, it was found, could be grown 4. National minorities must be tion of the senate resolution, had dis- against whom these persecutions are contributions from clubs and societies principle of democracy; and recognized as legal entities with the advantageously in the arid regions of all over the United States. patched another note to the Polish being conducted." WHEREAS, the complete eman- the northwest. During the war his right to establish, manage and con- Congressman Goldfogle will strain The Westward Ho was he first cipation of oppressed peoples has been sister and father-in-law .were killed by government. calling on it to desist trol cultural and philanthropic insti- the inspiring watchword of those who Turks on the trumped-up charge that from the terroristic tactics its citizens all his efforts to see that this resole- supply ship to pass through the Kiel tutions. have employed against Jews. The Lion is adopted. This step by Mr.' Canal after the signing of the armis- fought to make the world free; and they were spies of the Allies. 5. Every nationality must have a American government proposes tip Goldfogle is considered to be such as mice, and carried the first aid which WHEREAS, despite this solemn stop further massacres and will take will have the desired effect of stop- Poland received from the outland proportional share of state depart- promise in whose behalf so many TURKISH OPPRESSORS mental, municipal, and other budgets ping the massacres and persecutions world. drastic means if necessary. lives have been offered and so much for the maintenance of educational, BEING PUNISHED NOW One of the latter is the refusal to upon Jews in the above countries. sorrow endured, the position of Israel cultural and religious institutions. Congressman La Guardia has also grant offending nations either mate- in the world still remains a question introduced a similar resolution in 6. Each national minority shall of public controversy while Jews in The history of the sufferings of the rial or moral support. have the right to proportional repre- Senator Calder. New York, was the congress. Both resolutions were re- eastern lands continue to be deprived Jews of Palestine under Turkish rule sentation in all public elective bodies. of the fundamental human rights and now forms the topic of the day. Sev- author of the senate resolution which ferred to the committee on foreign affairs. A hearing on both resolutions (This is the clause which still finds was adopted without debate, as fol- to be denied civic, political and relig- eral of the former Turkish officials Evidence that many of Detroit's in- opposition on the part of the French will be held shortly by the committee. ious equality; and who took part in the cruel persecu- lows: dustrial leaders are heartily in sym- and British Jews, and some members WHEREAS, the appalling oppres- tion and brutal maltreatment of the Roumania Also Warned. SENATE RESOLUTION. pathy with our protest against the of the American Peace Delegation.) sion, persecution and slaughter of out Jews have after long searching been Frank l'olk, acting secretary of murder of our brethren in eastern "Resolved, by the senate of the people have persisted even during and arrested by the English military au- 7. Poland shall enact no law which state, cabled Hugh Gibson, American Europe is contained in a letter from since the close of the war; therefore, thorities. Thus the former Turkish United States of America that the de- minister to Poland, today to represent the superintendent of labor of Dodge shall conflict with the rights stip- BE IT RESOLVED, That the head physician of Nazareth, Hassan partment of state be, and hereby is further to the Polish government the Brothers, motor manufacturers. When ulated by the foregoing clauses. Union of American Hebrew Congre- Bey, has just been taken into cus- directed to communicate such reports attitude of the American government.. the decision was made to declare a Proportional Representation. gations in Council Assembled in the tody. Already the mere mention of to the president of the United States That attitude, as far as the state de- (lay of mourning on \Vednesday, May city of Boston, Mass., U. S. A., re- this execrable person awakens mem- and request that he confer with the partment is concerned, is one which 21, Mr. Charles C. Simons. chairman The fact that Poland will be called representatives at the peace confer- cords its profound sympathy with the ories of horror in our hearts. He calls for an immediate end to the out- of the Arcadia mass meeting, made a upon to sign, stipulates as obligations oppressed and suffering of the House was the chief initiator of the purpose ence of the countries where such out- rages. Similar ak.tton was taken with request of various plants in the city of l'oland to the League of Nations, of Israel; that we pledge our readiness of ill-treating and blackmailing moo- rages and massacres are reported to regard to the Roumania government. that the interests of Jewish employes that no citizens are to be discrimin- occur, and inform them that this body to extend to them every help in our cent people. Frightful things are re- and the American people very deeply The United States, it was made plain be not prejudiced by reason of their ated against, no matter what their race, nationality, religion or language. power; and that we herewith issue a lated of this monster's barbarous cru- deplore acts of violence and cruelty by officials today, will enter into no absence from work to take part in solemn protest against the wrongs elty. It was he who in i the spring committed against men, women and negotiations with any future Russian the mass protest. The following let- Poland must assume the protection inflicted upon them, and demand that of 1917 in Nazareth subjected the children because of race of the life, liberty and property of all or religion." government unless it is assured in ad- ter is a reply to this request: the powers of the world put an end to Jewish workman Schwartz to the her subjects without distinction of May 22nd, 1919. On Wednesday, \lay 21, while the vance of a policy which will prevent these horrors which serve to mock race or creed. National minorities Chas. C. Simons, Esq., most dreadful tortures until the un- great demonstration against the Po- pogroms. and defeat the righteous aims pro- are to be freely permitted to conduct The action of time senate is sure to happy man put an end to his intol- lisp pogroms was going on in New 32h Majestic Building, their own cultural institutions, and are claimed by the war. erable sufferings by committing sin- York and in other large cities of this he followed by similar action on the Detroit, Michigan. There was a burst of applause when to have a proportional of state and tide. It was also Hassan Bey who country, two resolutions were intro- mart of the house within a few days. Dear Mr. Simms: NVe have it was announced that the American municipal budgets for this purpose. had the teacher Ehrlich, Mendel your letter of May 20th. regarding Unitarian Association had sent a It may be stated that Colonel House m Chankin and the comunity presiden the observance of Wednesday af- cablegram to President Wilson pro- is ready to go further, and urge the or- in the mst bat Rosenberg, flogged it by the Jewish people in te D er tnr000n. testing against the Polish cruelty, provision that every national minority barons manner. Ile had boiling eggs and that this action had been taken shall have the right to proportional placed under the arms of the laborer You may be sure that any of by the Unitarians before the matter representation in all public elective Zwi Nadal) in order to extort a con- our Jewish employes who were had been called to their attention by bodies. Some of the other members Session from him. He was thor- absent on account of the meeting the delegates front any Hebrew body. of the American Peace Delegation, in question will not be censured oughly merciless. and tortured Jew- how ev er, oppose the latter proposal, Resolutions on "Nationalism." The following editorial appeared in the Detroit Free Press on Wednes- ish men, women and children. includ- in any way. and it is not yet sure that they can The convention went on record by ing the aged and the sick. The Eng- day, May 28. We have a large number of be won user. affirming the declaration of the Union lish authorities had been long search- Jew's, whom we count among our THE POGROMS IN POLAND. It was only after a gruelling three twenty-one years ago that "we arc ing in vain for him until the Jewish most competent and dependable weeks of the hardest kind of work The attempt of Captain S. A. Iciek, chaplain in the Polish army, Jews in religion and Americans in colonist Gorki. one of his victims, employes and we sincerely hope that the various Jewish elements and to explain away and excuse the anti-Jewish pogroms which have been nationality." The text of this resolu- succeeded in running him to earth. the persecutions of this race will - factions" represented here were con- going on under the Paderewski regime in Poland, will not do much tion reads: soon be stopped forever. The colonist had him arrested and be ciliated so that they now present a toward quieting the indignation of unprejudiced, humane people. "In this year of the centenary of is now confined in the prison at Jaffa Yours very truly. practically united front. The rock of There is no possible justification or excuse for murder and rapine, the birth of Isaac M. Wise, founder with Jewish gendarmes guarding hint DODGE BROTHERS. dissension was the demand for na- and the pogroms are nothing less than wholesale assassinations and of the Union of American Hebrew New witnesses against him and per- (Signed) C. T. \Vinegar, tional rights. The Alliance Israelite assaults on unarmed, unresisting people, followed frequently by Congregations, we commemorate the sons who have suffered injury at his Superintendent of Labor. felt that it might be ready to ask for equally wholesale looting of the property of the victims. Whether event by reaffirming our alliance to hands are appearing every day. It is the victims of the outrages in Poland assumed in the first place an some form of racial group rights, but the principles and ideals that inspired reported that the notorious Kairna- IMMIGRANT AID SOCIETY irritating, non-patriotic attitude, whether some were bolshevist in- that was as far as it was willing to his life and created this union. kam of Haifa, who likewise has in- clined is quite immateral. If any were guilty of crimes against the go. The English delegation of which TO RE-UNITE JEWISH "While recognizing that the Jews numerable crimes against the Jews country in which they lived there were legal ways of proceeding Lucien Wolf is the spokesman, stood were bound together in the far past and Arabs on his conscience, has al- FAMILIES LOST IN WAR by the French. The American Jew- against them. The common law of civilization demanded that at by political ties, and in all historic so been arrested. least some rudimentary attempt be made to separate the guilty from ish Congress delegation, however. time by common cultural aims, we the innocent, the women and children from the men. And even if The Hebrew Sheltering and Immi- joined hands with the Eastern Euro- believe that all these factors are inci- the victims of the pogroms had been monsters of wickedness, which grant Aid Society of America, accord- pean Jews, and carried the matter dental means toward the dominant SAGINAW TO HOLD CONFIRMATION they were not, the appropriation of their property was common theft. ing to announcement made by Mr. right up to the American Peace Dele- purpose to which Israel has been con- Captain Iciek recogni.as the difficulty of his task when he under- John L. Bernstein, the president. has gation, with the result that Colonel sciously dedicated from the begin- takes to excuse his countrymen, and he asser ts that "most of the re- On Sunday, June 1st. at 2 o'clock, mken measures to re-unite Jewish House was won over. while much was ning, namely the development of the ported outrages took place before the tenth of November, that is, families who have been separated by (lone to overcome the initial opposi- Rabbi Samuel S. Mayerberg of Tem- Jewish religion. before the armistice, when both Austria and Germany were still in tion on the part of some other of the "In accordance with the spirit of ple Beth El, Detroit, will confirm a the war. power, and in the period when the demobilization of various armies in our whole history, we declared that class of eleven boys and girls at Sagi- It is estimated that at least 200,000 American delegates. On all other Poland took place." He says "the Poles took charge of their govern- Jews residing in this country still points. however, the Jewish deputa- it is imperative for the welfare of naw. The names of the confirmants ment and began to organize an army after the tenth of November, and have their wives and children in the 'ions from the various countries stood Jews everywhere, as a great religious are, William Dembinski, William Kel- Poles or Poland cannot be blamed for things that took place under European countries affected by the together, and a considerable victory community with a universal message lar, Julius Goldman. Lucille Greene- Austrian or German government." war. Very many of these had alrerady has been won. for humanity, that Israel dedicate it- baton, Emily Oppenheim, Irene Phil- Of course, the Poles are not responsible for any outrages that lippe, Mortimer Schonmuller, Fannie purchased steamship tickets and were self, not to any aspirations for the Morgenthau Does Not Oppose. may have been committed by the Teutonic invaders of their country, about to bring their families over revival of a Jewish nationality, or the Schonmuller, Jeanne Seitner, Edward but we fear Captain Iciek's information on the subject of pogroms is In short, the four and a half mil- here, when all transportation facilities foundation of a Jewish State, but to Seitner and -Joseph Seitner. defective. For it happens that within a few days President Wilson The confirrnants at a recent meet- were suspended. lions of Jews in Poland have been res- the faithful and consistent fulfillment has received from Louis Marshall, of New York, a report on the anti- The Hebrew Sheltering and Immt- cued from virtual annihilation. What of its religious mission in the world decided that they would not accept Semitic outrages in Poland, including an account in some detail of the grant Aid Society of America has the war had spread, hunger and the "We, therefore, do not seek for Is- gifts from anyone outside of the im- infamous one which took place in Pinsk shortly before the Passover opened a special bureau, where all pogroms were decimating. The Jew- rael any national homeland, it being mediate families and their friends are period. At Pinsk 37 young men were taken by the Polish soldiery and the men having families abroad can ish representatives fighting for Jew- our religion that Israel is at home in requested to give donations to char- massacred without the semblance of trial, without any charge being register. giving full information as to ish rights time took heart from Pres- every free country, and should be at itable institutions instead of sending made against them. Other Jews were beaten and imprisoned. And the last place of residence of their ident Wilson's manifesto to Italy de- home in all lands. Nor do we ap- them individual presents. • few days later, the military authorities imposed a "fine" of 100,000 wives and children and other data claring for equal and equitable na- prove of the demand for specifically marks on the Jewish population of the place, the levy being the enact PISGAH LODGE NOTICE. tional minority rights. Henry W. that will help to trace them. Jewish national rights in any land, amount of a relief fund in po 'on of the local Jewish committee. This data will be sent to the socie- Morgenthau, who had previously been but we demand equal rights for all 200 men, women and children were murdered Again, on April 17, ty's representative on the other side, active against any national claims, has There will be a regular meeting of inhabitants of all lands, regardless of while they were at worship in a synagogue at Vilna, and every Jewish who will take up the task of locating given assurance that he will not raise race and creed. Pisgah Lodge. No. 34, I, 0 .B. 8., held house in the city was pillaged. Since April 28 there have been his hand against the grave Jewish in- the lost relatives. "We affirm the declaration made by at the lodge rooms, 25 Broadway, on pogroms in ■ t least 14 pl•ce ■ in territory controlled by the Polish The Hebrew Sheltering and Immi- terests involved. the union of American Hebrew Con- Monday evening, June 2, at 7:30 p. m. government, and the outrag ■ • appear to be going on at the present It is now virtually assured that at grant Aid Society of America has gregations twenty-one years ago, that Dr. Simon Peiser, Superintendent of time. been successful in the past in reunit- least six out of the seven demands of we are Jews in religion and Ameri- the Cleveland Orphan Asylum will The whole record is • black one which cannot be glossed over. ing such families and it is expected the Jews will he incorporated in the cans in nationality." It is • blot on the new Polish republic and the effect which the reports deliver an address on the subject of that the present efforts will he result- various peace treaties. Inasmuch as received in Paris are likely tc have on the attitude of the Big Four Favor Unassigned Pews. the orphan asylum, producing as well. For further in- the execution of the terms of the in considering the pleas of Paderewski for greater power and more The Forum Luncheon will be held formation and for copy of the regis- treaties will be under the supervision Appreciation for the work of the territory is indicated by the action of the American state department tration card. application may he made of the League of Nations, the problem Jewish Welfare Board in behalf of the as usual on Tuesday noon, June 3 at and American senate in demanding sharply that an end be put to the to the society's offices, 229 East of the Polish Jews may at last be con- soldiers and sailors at home and 12 o'clock. The speaker will be De. massacre of Jews in Europe.—Editorial in Detroit Free Press, Wed- Washington.—President Wilson has assured the Jews of America that there will be nc religious discrimina- tion in the new states created by the peace treaty. This assurance was telegraphed on Tuesday to Rabbi Stephen Wise, of New York, by Secretary to the Presi- dent Tumulty, following cable vices from Paris. "The president requests me sure you," Tumulty's telegra "that safeguards against religio mt crimination, which the president he has so much at heart, will be em- bodied in the agreement by which the new states will be set up." DODGE BROTHERS FAVOR PROTEST DETROIT FREE PRESS SAYS POLISH POGROMS CANNOT BE "EXPLAINED" (Continued On Page 4.) Pc leer. nesday, May 28. Broadway, New York City. sidered as happily settled.