A merica 9ewtsh Periodical Cc ter CLIFTON ATENT.11 • CINCINNATI 10, OHIO Inasamer. THE JEWISH ,CHRONICLE MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION VOL V. NO. 10. Record of 100,000 Jewish Men in Army, Navy and Marine Is Record of Fighting, Achievement, Sacrifice and High Distinction Julian Leavitt Makes Report on Facts Kept from Beginning of War, Showing 10 Per Cent of Casualties, Many Brave Deeds, and Medals Gallantly Won. Jewish Wearers of Uniform Far More Than Proportion of Population, With Regimental and Individual Records of DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRID1AY, FEBRUARY 7, 1919. The Fighting Jew Here's honor to Abe Kowalski and honor to Jakey Stein And all his Hebrew brethren who stand in the firing line— Friedmann, Mayer and Gruenbaum, Elia, , Eismsn and Cohen— Daily we read about them as able to hold their own. Once let the truth be uttered, nobody loved the Jew; Said he was all for money; I did and so 'did you; Watched him pushing his pushcart, thought he was out of place land of freedom; his was the "outcast race." Here in a ■ heart might beat Few of us deemed him human or figured Under the ragged garments of the peddler of the street. Dreams? Well, perhaps of money; never of aught so high As what Old Glory waves for. You thought so, and so did I. Well, we were wrong. Confess it I It isn't a race or creed That makes • man • hero in nation's hour of need. There's something else to manhood; or yellow, or black, or white, Your man in the hour of peril will go to the front and fight. Per Year, $2.00; Copy, 5 Cents "Krotoshinsky" Is Strange $2,000,000 Relief Cargo Name of Man Who Delivered For Poland Sufferers on First Ship for Danzig Argonne's "Lost Battalion" Distinguished Service Cross for Polish Jews and Christians Hero of Regiment of Heroes Meet and Bless Departure of Recruited from New York "Westward-Ho" from Ho- boken Pier to Stricken Land. East Side Shops. BRONX BOY FACED PRAYERS OF TWO DEATH FOR "PALS" FAITHS OFFERED "If the great war has proved any- NEW YORK—The first step to- thing, it is that men of all races and ward the sending to Poland of food from all climes are brave to a fault, and clothing for the relief of the The Jews, as you see, now prove it. Their children were free at birth, and that hereos may wear unfamiliar starving millions of that country was branches of the serv- And now, in return, they are fighting for the freedom of the earth, BY JULIAN LEAVITT non-combatant names: the name of Abraham Krot- taken January 26. The steamship ice? . Giving their lives if need be that children of later years oshinsky, for instance." Westward-Ho left from Hoboken un- Although distinctions of this nature Shall be glad and shall live forever in the freedom that is theirs. NVith these words the Nev: York der the auspices of the Joint Distri- Director of War Records of American have become, in the organization of 'Fillies sums up editorially the hero. bution Committee of the American Hirsch and Pollack and Feingold, Radski, Finkel and Pelz, Jewish Committee. modern warfare, almost meaningless, Epstein, Jacobs and Mandel, Weinstein, Baruch and Setts, ismin now being nationally accredited Funds for Jewish War Sufferers, of and arc therefore not to be over-em- Feiner, Horowitz, Isaacs, Bashwitz, Levy and Franks, to Abraham Krotoshinsky, a Jew- which Felix H. Warburg is chairman, Sachs and Mirsky and Lehner—all of them in the ranks! phasized, certain comparisons that From the day that the United ish lad from the Bronx, who among and the Polish National Committee of States first entered the World War have been noted in this connection several other millions of Americans America, of which John F. Smulski is the Jews of America perceived the are so striking as to compel instant Then honor to Joseph Schnitzer and honor to Heyman Behr, went across to fight the battles of president. And all the Hebrew brethren in khaki over there. The steamship is at- wisdom of establishing an authentic, attention. Put prejudice in your pocket. They fought in the days of yore, America. tached to the U. S. navy and carries contemporaneous record of Jewish According to the latest official fig- And now when the world is threatened, tiey are fighting. Men can no more. Of the deed for which this Jewish a $2,000,000 cargo. service in the common cause. Howard V. Sutherland. ures available as to the strengths of lad received the Distinguished Serv- The ship is bound for Danzig on a To this end the American Jewish the army as a whole and of each of This poem appeared originally in the New York Herald under the title "To ice Cross, given only as a recognition trip that will require from 20 to 24 Committee, at its annual meeting in its component branches, the total Hester Street." The author, Mr. Sutherland, is a member of the National of extraordinary heroism, the New days, On her voyage she will stop November, 1917—the first since our strength was, in November, 1918, Security League. York Times says: at Falmouth, England, where she will entrance into the war--assigned to its about 3,6653810, of which the infantry, Ile volunteered for a service which be joined by Leon Katnaiky and Bar- Bureau of Statistics, as a rajor func- artillery, cavalry and signal-aviation seemed certain death, for other men MARCOSSON, WRITER net Zuckerman, representing the tion, the task of collecting and col- branches constituted 60 per cent and had fallen wounded, or had been kill- Joint Distribution Committee, who IS LOUISVILLE BOY lating all data bearing upon the war the other branches such as ordnance, ed, or were accounted "missing" in will proceed with her to Danzig to service of American Jews. quartermaster's, etc., constituted 40 attempting the duty which the young- assist in the distribution. Within the year this work has pro- per cent. But among the 70,000 Jew- I 01 ISVI LLE—I saac P. M arcos. ster from New York sprang to per- These supplies have been shipped ceeded vigorously and systematically ish records in our possession the dis- son whose contributions to several form with 110 111116011S about its per- through the co-operation of the U. S. in the face of many serious obstacles. tribution among the first named papers and more especially to the ils. Under these circumstances the prog- branches is fully 72 per cent, or 12 Saturday Evening Post, on Finance The place was the Argonne For- Food Administration and will be de- Fwards Special Plea to Peace est, where death became very famil- livered to the representatives of Her- ress achieved in this first year has per cent greater than in the entire and \Val- Supplies, have attracted so For much attention, was born iu Louis- Congress in Name of Op- iar to the American soldier. It was bert Hoover, chairman of the Su- well exceeded all expectations. The United States army. preme Council of the Inter-Allied time has not yet come to cast up the The infantry branch constitutes 26.6 ville about 45 years ago, a member of p!ressed Brethern in Seven full of "Bloody Angles." The or- count, for the information is still per cent of the United States army, an old and well-known Jewish family. ganization to which Krotoshinsky be- Food Commission. The supplies con- Ile served several terms as a re- Near Eastern Lands pouring in—every mail brings pack- while of the Jewish total it consti- longed was the "Lost Battalion." sist of 3,500 tons of flour, 1,500 tons ages of cards from the agents of the tutes 51.7 per cent, or practically porter on the Courier-Journal of Surrounded by the enemy and cut off of milk, 1,000 tons of packing-house Louisville where he attracted the STRONG FAITH IN Jewish Welfare Board in the camps; double the army ratio. from the rest of the American army, products, 5)0) tons of cotton-seed oil honor rolls front synagogues and WORLD DEMOCRACY it had decided to die rather than sur- and $100,000 in clothing and shoes, In artillery the proportion is 14 attention of Colonel Henry \Vatter- the cost of which was met in equal temples throughout the country; serv- per cent for the army as a whole son who introduced him to James render. amounts by the Jewish and Polish The Central Conference of Ameri- ice rolls of fraternal, national and la- and 10 per cent fur the Jewish total. Lane Allen, the well-known Kentucky' A Deathless Story. Relief Committees. bor organizations, etc.—nevertheless In cavalry the rate fur the entire author. can Rabbis asks the peace confer- Everybody knows the story now', About the time that Mr. Allen be- ende representatives front the United it may he possible to summarize, army is 2 per cent, for the Jews only The vessel is in charge of Lieuten- gan to make his headquarters in New St es to help in righting the wrongs a deathless story. Runner after run- ant-Commander Charles Boottger, U. without danger of serious misinter- I per cent. ner was sent out —they were all vol- York young Marcosson went to the of he Jews in Russia, Poland, Gal- S. N., and has a crew of 15 officers pretation, certain outstanding facts The engineer corps constitutes 11 Metropolis and 1st r, :\llen introduced icia, Roumania, Palestine and 'Tur- unteers—to get through the enemy's and 105 men. that have already been developed in per cent of the army strength, and lines and bring relief. Every man him to the New York City editors. the course of the inquiry. key.. Iletween 200 and 300 members of but 3 per cent among the Jews. was a target as soon as he went His rise, from that time was Very The appeal follows: the two committees gathered at Ho- 100,000 Records. The signal and aviation corps rep- rapid. lie was fortunate enough to The Conference of r1merican Rab- "over the top." 1 if the 100300 records at hand about resent 69 per cent of the United It as the valor of cold blood that boken. The ship bore a huge placard be in Russia at the time when the bistinost respectfully submits the fol- along her sides, "Food for Poland 8014)0 have been tabulated and class,- titans total, and 6 per cent of the first revolution succeeded in deposing io Mg to you and, through your kind Made him take the risk. Ile would sent by the Joint Distribution Com- tied in three great files, arranged (a)1 Jewish total. the czar. His newspaper training 04, 0,.. s, to the members.. of the eons probably be the Victilli ttf, a suiper mittee Jo the American Funds for alphabetically. (b) by branches of The medical corps is KT t.er cent able(' hint to obtain a great deal of ference of allied nations now as- if a shell did not do the work. Death Jewish War Sufferers and the Polish service and (el by cities of origin. by an ordinary wound is bad enough, of the Jewish total. information which was easily acces- sembled in l'aris: Relief Committee." Of these 80,000 records about 69,000 The quartermaster's corps is 6.2 per sible to him, and the result was a but it has no such terrors as ex- As spokesmen of justice, organ- 1. Mr. Smulski, the president of the are in the army: about 8,800 in the cent of the army total, 5.1 per cent number of contributions to the,oress ized into the dispensation of Moses, tinction by a shell, the shattering of Polish committee, journeyed from navy; and about 1,700 in the marine of the Jewish total. that attracted considerable attention. and of the moral worth of human the human frame into inextinguish- corps. Of the 69,0no in the army Chicago to he present at the vessel's Ordnance is 1.7 per cent of the ar- He is now in New York City and at life, as expressed in the idealism of able pieces, which accounts for so departure. Ile brought with him a about 35,000 are classified in the in- ,iy total, 1.5 per cent of the Jewish present delivering a course of lectures Isaiah, we welcome the epochal as- many of the "missing." No man had check for $1,000.00)) covering that fantry, 6,500 in the artillery, 2,300 in tli;! total. on Germany, warning the allies that sembly of the European and Ameri- gotten through, for there was no committee's share of the expenses. medical corps, 3964 in the signal and Fighters Most. she is not yet thoroughly beaten, and can peoples and offer them our con- cheering or relieving of troops, no Albert Lucas, secretary of the Joint aviation corps, 1,895 in the engineer the call when 1f, therefore, such distinctions are it is possible she will make further fidence in the performance of their signal of all coming, Distribution Committee, delivered a corps, 1,213 in the cavalry. 1,1)19 in the for a volunteer was made again. trouble. great task. still held valid it may be said truth- ordnance, 3,521 in the quartermas- Krotoshinsky spoke first, stepped check for a like amount to Howard Knowing that the peace con- fully that the relative proportion of 2. ter's corps.and about 8.814 in other went over in full 51. Smith, assistant secretary of the MANY FAITHS HONOR gress will lay down principles that tip to the tcleal. Food Administration Grain Corpora- branches (incluilinc, men in training). Jews in the combatant branches is far express the conscience of a re-awak- view - of the •nemy, and was off to greater than in the non-combatant THREE JEWISH WOMEN - tion, who, with Mr. Lucas, carried There are 5,021 ir wish c4,11111OSSion ened world and will earnestly and sin- save the "Lost Battalion." branches. out the details of securing the sup- officers in the army, of whom 3)) ed General Pershing says that "patrols cerely demand their equitable atri- Additional evidence as to this point plies. CH IC\60-1Fhe pre-eminence of are colonels or licittetiant - colonek , cation, we call attention to the intim- and runners had been repeatedly shot may be found in a comparative study The ceremonies before the ship sail- the Jewess in cultural hells has often 202 majors, 782 captains and 4,007 timate condition of the Jews in Rus- (low IL" There seemed little hope, a hr" branches of the service differ- lieutenants. In the navy there arc of been exemplified, but perhaps no finer sia. Poland, Galicia, Roumania, Pal- ghost of a chance, for the private ed included a blessing pronounced by ing so widely in their functions as the 2115 commissioned officers, including tribute to her has been paid than by estine. Turkey and eastern countries. from the Bronx. NVItat a sight it Dr. Philip Klein, Rabbi of Temple quartermaster's corps and the marine one rear admiral. and in the marine the selection of three Jewish women These Jews, though native to the soil, must have been, the race against Ohab Zudek, New York, and aonth. corps 25 commissioned officers, in- corps. to head the Chicago League of Re- death! .Nt Port Hudson the Confed- er by Rev. \V. Zapala, a Polish priest, In v iew of the fact that the quarter- ligious Fellowship within the last faithful in the performance of their and' several addresses, and a response cluding one brigadier-general. civic dillies. and useful to the weal erates cheered the Massachusetts master's corps is essentially the busi- What is the total number, and per- quarter of a century. Mrs. Israel nil progress of their respective coun- hero, Colonel 1Villiam Francis Bart- by the vessel's commander. ness organization of the army and Representatives of the Joint Distri- centage of the Jews in the Army and Cowen heads this organization daring tries, are debarred from the privileges lett. jumping the tree roots of their that the Jewish recruits, as a class, Navy of the United States? the current term. and two other Jew- and responsibilities of citizenship and abatis, as lie led the men to the bution Committee present were Mr. undoubtedly possess greater business were 'the best available evidence indi- Kamaiky and Mr. Zuckerman, who women to be thushnn,;e t are not infrelinentIV victimized by op- charge. far in advance of them—he training and greater capacity for or- ish Mrs. Henry 1.. Frank and Mrs. Ilarry pressions and malicious persecution. went do w n at last, once more crier- are to sail on a passenger liner for cates that there are from 150,0( 0 ), or ganization than their non-Jewish com- England, Louis J. Robertson, Morris about 3.9 per cent. The estimate is \Vt believe that an adjustment o f Dusty WMInded• rades, it may reasonably have been Ilart Engelman, Stanley Bore, Sholem based upon two independent calcula- The Jewish membership of this or- zation is fairly negligible in num flew wrongs will not only redeem the One cannot imagine the Germans expected that this branch of the serv- tions which tend strongly to confirm Bronx Aseh. Jacob Carlinger, Dr. Klein, s Who have been gr i evo usly b ar . cheering the private from the ice would possess a far higher per- Je‘k e Morit z Neuman and others. one another. One is a study of the gent but thev are given precedence 1, centage of the Jews than all other bet% of their distinctive mental at- asset, but also these governments as he faced the hell of their fire, now casuality lists. The total number of whose reorganization is one of the stumbling, note up again, always go- branches. The evidence at hand, r: use • • tu casualties in the American Expedi- ing forward undauuted to save the PALESTINE FUND IS the peaCe conference. however, points definitely to the con- tatuments. 'I he tionary Forces published to Nov. 1, outgrowth of the Parliament of Re- tasks of battalion, but if ever a fighting man personnel in the Nations Tested. INCREASED $363,000 1918, was 6•,157. The total number of trary. \\init. the ligions which dates back to the 0.2 per cent of 4. It is pathetic that we must ask deserved to be cheered by a generous 1„,, Jewish casualties not. .I to that (late Q, NI. C. constitutes Columbian Exposition, 189;,. IN BIG DRIVE WEEK the peace conference to draw the enemy it was this courier who was the army a whole is volunteer, enlisted was 2,502—or about 3.9 per cent of Jewish question into consideration in captain of his soul and dared all for tctal. with the full Jewish the total. 'this would indicate that Of these 451 were killed in action, its ''^cision as to the reliability of love of his comrades. The marine corps, on the other NE\a' YORK—Three hundred and the Jews constitute about 4 per cent Colonel Roosevelt extolled two of hand. is essentially a lighting organ- 142 died of wounds, 96 died from dis- these nations which are demanding sixty-three thousand dollars was add- of the army and marine corps. ization. Every man in this corps is a ease, 73 died from accident and other political independence and enroll- his Rough Riders, one of whom sue- ed to the three million dollar l'aleS• .\s these two arms of the service run through the volunteer, etili•teil with the full causes. lffic total number of deaths is mem in the comity of nations. But rived, for making a tine Restoration Fund during the sec- numbered, at the close of the war. know ledge that he would be sent :qt.?, or 4.1 per cent of the total in uu nation is worthy of confidence and lire of the Spaniards in Cuba, but ond week of the drive bringing up the about 3,700,000 men, this would make lier•Ver the fighting is thickest. Now the American Expeditionary Forces. the partnership of other nations un- what a sprinkling of bullets it was collection to date to nearly one mil- the total of Jewish soldiers and ma- of the 6000!. marine corps records The total wounded is 1,597. or 3.8 per less it binds itself to an all-inclusive compared with the inferno of the lion five hundred thousand dollars or rines about 1.45 0410. And as the same o tee rent of the American forces. justice and is responsible to the com- crater-making shells and machine-gun half of the quota for the United States. ratio probably applies to the navy, examined to date about 1,700rhr e e Honors and Citations. bined conscience, sincerity and intel- volleys of the great war! The largest contribution received it personnel of 500,000 would furnish per cent, proved to be Jewish, th 'Hie private from the Bronx is now The reports .of citations for gal- ligence of the world. Were was from Cleveland, Ohio, $50,000. approximately 20,000 Jews. The total probable another 10 per cent 4. We have the utmost faith in the numbered among the bravest of the .1t Youngstown, Ohio, $5,800 was for all branches of the service would Jewish. but not definitely traceable by lantry in action, and of other honors brave. and decorations, are too belated to justness of democratic organization. raised at a meeting addressed by Dr. therefore, according to this method of our inetliods..\nd of these 1,700 Jew- This revelation coming at this time calculation, approximate 165,000. ish marines fully 3)1 per cent joined provide sufficient data for the purpose \\,e feel, therefore, that the rehabili- is not astonishing. From the very Ben Zion Mossinsohn, director of the of the present report. It is knovvn, tation of Palestine, which is uniquely How does the percentage of Jews immediately after June 5th, the (lay Hebrew gymnasium in Jaffa, Pales. published to the world howe ■ er, that the number of Jewish desired by Jews, should be arranged first days when General Pershing's tine. in the service compare with the Jew- when it was alloy lined up at its appointee' sector soldiers who have received American upon the foundation of freedom. We The W'omen's Committee of the ish population of the United States? that the Maiiiita had turned the tide and French decorations is consider- desire fur that land liberty and to do battle with the enemy, the col- Palestine Restoration fund announces 'the entire Jewish population of the at Chateau Thierry--in other wools, the .77th C.(.Ipton) Divi- equality of all in opportunity and umns of the newspapers have been that Mine. Bertha Kalich, tragedienne, country, according to the latest esti- when they knew definitely that the able:: It was sion that was in the thick of the civic obligation and respect and pro- replete with the (lash and heroism of will give a benefit performance of mate, is about 3 per (ant of the total marines had become the "shock fighting at Argonne Forest, and it tection of the conscience, in accord- soldiers of the Jewish faith, none of “The Riddle-14,'onian" for the Pales- population. The Jews in the mill- troops" of the E. F. What is the total number, and per- was a Jewish battalion belonging to ance with the all-inclusive justice of whom had ewer before been trained tine Restoration fund Sunday eve- tary and naval forces of the United the famous 303th—that won deathless the civilized world. The Holy Land, in war, and some of whom came from ning, March 2, at the Fulton theatre. States. however, constitute from 4 to tentage, of Jewish casualties? At this writing the official casualty glory for itself and for the honor in fact, should be exemplary for civil- very humble callings in civil life. 5 per cent of the total personnel. This "Lost Battalion" which decid ization. The principal reason for the high lists are still far from complete and if the Jewish name in the Argonne. ed to die rather than surrender to the mind the case of Captain Adler, who The list of all citations will, there - NVith profound regard, yours, percentage of Jews in the service it is therefore impossible to state ac- enemy was composed mainly of Jews only two weeks before the end of the rests elsewhere. It is to be found curately the total of Jewish casual- fore, be made public as soon as it is The Central Conference of American from the sweatshops of the East Side. warwar made headliners in the New Rabbis, in the remarkable number of Jewish ties. A reasonably conservative esti- completed and revised. The nation wonders as it reads the York newspapers by capturing a vil- In conclusion it has become ap- LOUIS GROSSMAN, I'resident. volunteers. The evidence as to this mate, however, would place the total annals of the achisvements of its lage from the Germans with the help 1.01.1S \VOLSEY, Secretary. This death s f rom all causes at ab out 2,500 parent, from the information at hand, army in France. And while it won- of only a few men behind him—and is definite and conclusive. killed in that the record of Jewish \Vat - Serv- would indicate that there are front (of which about 1.500 were ders it learns. These humble un- these men mainly Jews. ice, when fully developed, will dem. 30,000 to 40,000 Jewish volunteers in action or died of wounds) and the DR. DINKELSPIEL As the details of the American ex- assuming people who pursue very the service today. In other words. total Jewish casualties at about 10900. sustrate incontestably that the Jews IS N. 0. JURIST practical and sometimes unlovely perience conic out, there will appear This estimate is based on a careful of America have contributed' their full the normal Jewish quota of 3 per cent more and more such names as Kroto- trades for their everyday livelihood seems to have • been contributed check of all casualties reported to ;pima to the winning of the war, and t generous margin beyond their quo- BATON ROUGE—Dr. Max Dink- are yet of a rare human fibre. For shinsky and Adler—names as yet un- through the draft, and the excess to Nov. 1, 1918. The total number of casualties with the A. E. F. reported a; that they enlisted cheerfully, elspiel, of New Orleans, has been in- the test of battle is mankind's abso- familiar but to he written with golden letters in the annals of American have been supplied by volunteers. lute standard. How are the Jewish soldiers dis- at that time amounted to 6•,157, o. fought gallantly and died bravely for ducted as judge of the Court of Ap- The case of Krotoshinsky recalls to history. the United States. peals of Orleans Parish. tributed among the combatant and which at least 2,502 were Jewish. Glory. Central Conference of Rabbis Calls for Just Treatment of All Jews .—