- - - - THE JEWISH CHRONICLE PAGE TWO Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Silverstone, of Perth, ()tit., arc visiting their Don't Wait Until You Have to pay Next Winter's War- time Prices! Buy Now—Direct From the Makers! mother, Mrs. J. II. Levitt, 7(<1; Ilrush street. F-U-R-S M i s s Helen. Cohen, of s32 Nlc- NI i— Lola \Veitiberg and Miss Clellan are., is spending the last .1.11 interesting event of Tues(la w:ts the marriage of Nlirs Helen Lillian .1ppelbattin have returned week of August at the Breakers r. and NI r-. ' from Harbor Beach, where they Hotel at Cedar Point. Stillnlan, daughter Of I lenry Stillman of 1? - .! ICdi nn bialllt tWO weeks. — avenue, 10 Mr. 1Villiani NI rs. Klinordlinger, tvIto has been Mr. and 'Mrs. A. Srere, of the visiting here vvith her daughter. ger, son of \I r. and \I r.. Victor You will do better than Slesinger, which took place at the! Jacob . Nlanor opts., have returned Mrs. 11)11. 1Vacker, has returned to present normal prices by pur- chasing direct from America's Stotler Hotel, at I p. ill., in the• from If ten-days' visit to New York Pittsburgh, l'a. leading manufacturing fur- presence of the immediate family. City. — Dr. Leo NI. Franklin officiated at \Ir. and NIrs. •dward .\. .Atlas riers. \Ir. and Mrs. Sol F.. 1Yeitiberg have moved to their new home at the ceremony. After an extended' Eastern trip to New York and At- and daughter, who motored to M 011- 3971 Virginia Park. and Mrs. \\ in. 11. treal , Ont., will spend the Holy honk City. Michigan Avo' siesinger will .. oe at honk at the Days with their parents, Mr. and NIrs. J. II. Goldberg, of —near Third Ti , ucr !Intel. Mrs. Simon Lachman. Brush Boulevard, has returm.41 HERMAN&BEN MARKS 212-216 from Long Branch, N. J. Mr. and NIrs• Benj. Rush and children, of tI Medbury Blvd., have returned to the city after sev- eral months spent visiting eastern resorts. tlr. and Mrs. Louis Bielfield have moved to this city from New York, and arc located at 9t Gar- field ave. Julius Lefton, w ho is stationed at the Raritan .1rnsell Plant, Camp ° *=-1* . fit.. "v . : — •-•—• 77_71, ' - :" II gri...9nt orne(t 1 • • 255 Woodward 0 I 2d Floor, Washington Arcrde li "Smart Apparel for Stout Women" 1 MODISII FALL GARAIENTS I .......i,,, 1 Iti I 1/111 Sizes 38 to 56 ' Beatniful ,..,,,„ il r e, • 0 DSOS., embracing and I • • materials As America's %spat we are able to save , If You Are Stout o liardiTo-Fit you will be pleased with Oar specially design designed garments for stout We ft you perfectly and irregirlar :.gores. whether i.tout or crm, long or short. stylish got- dearil hgirPa'c'efunl r:eitItts" elaarrigneg oslen " , Coats, $29.75 to $175.00 Suits, $25.95 to $179.50 Dresses, $24.75 to $115.00 We $115 t i 1 you assney. Seal I N All colors, rl!ered at prices less than those manufacturing-retailers, Taupe Veer trimmed with Hil dso• I i uldt d Suits and the popular prevaling ekewhere. W,A1 I . an the latest stye ideas in Goats, •, : 1 reflectis g touch of style and measure of quality. \ I I 0 creations. • i n i II 1 also carry • full line of Waists, Skirts, Negligees, Corsets, Underwear, I/. i 1 ,.... . • — '7. Rariton, N. J., was a visitor in the city last week. Samuel 1 . eifiste iti, stationed at I ;real Lakes Training Camp, is vis- iting his father, Nit- . I. \V. 1 Vein- be fiorltant Shop stein. \I r. and NIT... S. .1rchie Cohn and daugliter, Frances Shirley, are visiting her father, I. \V. \Vein- stein. NIrs. Nathan Stern has returned to her home in New York. Mrs. J. Rosenzw eig is spending the Holy l)ays in Chicago with \I r. and NI rs. Samuel Phillipson. Mrs. S. I'. \\'ilkus will be at ti . onie informally Thursday evening, September loth, at :din r, and East ( ;rand Blvd., to meet Airs. Das id I.. 11. ilkus, who were married in Chicago„Nugust III st. The products of the FACTORY SALESROOMS are designed to fit perfectly into interiors planned by people of taste and discrimination. NI is. Anna 11 . ax, of Michi- gan avenue, has as her guest Nliss Betty Freidberg, of 11 .orcester, Melrose 1320 Open 8:30 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. ue, east on War- ren Avenue to Riopelle Street. (Saturday Included.) Dust Proof and Water Proof, Luminous Figures and Hands Agassiz and Longines Are the Standard Swiss Watches For the Pocket and Wrist eiBILDSMITHLMSMITH Diamond Merchants WOODWARD AVE.AT JOHN R.ST. Mrs. Nlamie Cherkose has re turned from Chicago. Warren and Riopelle By automobile, eta for the Wrist Mass. 'Detroit 7urniture SI)Of$ Telephone Military and Naval Watches By street car, in Woodward Avenue and crosstown cars, east to Riopelle Street. then walk one block north. Mrs. Alfred F. Gutman ( Nlay- bell Goldberg I ha. left for Augusta, Ga., to be with her husband, who is stationed at the U. S. Arsenal. 1 177.179-181 Woodward Ave Nlrs. Ben Weinberg, who has just returned from Cedar Point, , ITITMMT111111101M1112111M1111U111111. 0011000000013000000000300000M111mmonignum""'"""""'"' left for Toledo, O., with her two sisters, Mrs. I leinsheim•r and Miss Freda Epstein. New Fall Boots for Men Dark Russia Calf of Black Calf IIERE'S a satisfaction about Fyle shoes ‘Which man must experience to understand. This mod el is a typical example of the style exclusiveness and un- usual value typical of our ;- oofwear. It conies in either dark tan I:ussia calf or black calf, with a plain 1 ,1 % krone pattern, and \\Tit sole. remarkal,l y built, comfortable shoe for S7. T New Fall Bents Are Ready Priced upwards from Floor. $5 NEW AUTUMN MILLINERY Priced extremely low during our GREAT SEVENTH ANNIVERSARY SALE Large, small and medium, for Matron and Miss. Affording a pleasing selection of the newest cre- ations for the great Eastern Fashion Centers. Space is too limited to describe them as they de- serve—and you will be agreeably surprised at the wonderful values to be found at 183.185 WOODWARD $7.50 $10 $15 $20