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May 24, 1918 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Jewish Chronicle, 1918-05-24

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YOUNG PEOPLE'S SOCIETY Prominent Young Attorney
Changes Name to Conform
With Hebrew Text.

• 1111 ,

An announcement of more than lo-
At the meeting to be held on Sun-
day.May 26, the Yoult; People's So- cal interest is that made by Mr. Louis
ciet y oi Temple Beth El will elect its Cohn, of this city, one of the most
dicers and Board of Directors for prominent of the •younger attorneys.
Mr. Cohn has recently petitioned the
the . ensuing .ye"r.
1 he balloting starts promptly at 8 Wayne Probate Court to change his
THANKS DETROITERS FOR o'clock and a large attendance is ex- surname from its present form to that
FOR SEASON GOOD WISHES TO FATHER pecteel beemse much interest is heir g o f "Coha
The announcement is of especial in-
evidenced in the election.
8e50 Raised to Equip Auto Truck Venerable Educator in Hospital With the past year the officers who as- terest at this time, as only a few
coned charge of the affairs of the week ' a g o it was pointed out
Now on its Way to Palestine.
Broken Hip, Happy to Hear
organization have encountered the newspapers that the new City Dircc-
From Many Friends Here
unusual obstacles which every society tory of New York listed over eleven
liadassali will hold the last meeting
on 75th Anniversary,
of any nature throughout the country' Pages of (:°hen'' far out-distancing
of the season on ‘ • ednesday evening,
has encountered. Despite the excep-
May 29; at the Allaare y Zedek. A
Mr. and Mrs. Loci, Welt are in tional difficulties met with, a most
creditable showing has been made by
cry interesting program has been receipt of a letter, dated May 13th,
from Rose Kohler. daughter of Dr. the society and much progress has
prepared. Delegates will be elected
been effected.
to the Zionist Convention to be held. Kaufman Kohler, expressing her ap-
In addition to the customary activi•
in Pittsburgh, l'a., the last week in preciation on behalf of her father
June. Several very interesting reports for the kind sentiments of good will ties the Young People's Society in-
will lie read icon, New
tontained in the many Uniongrants troduced the innovation of the
sent by friends of Dr. Kohler in De- \ • ednesday Evening Clubs which
member of the society is urgently re-
troit on the occasion of his 75th an- promptly became popular and net
Attested to attend this meeting.
s after a message was niversary. May 10th. Extracts front witll unqualified success. This serious
Three day
endeavor is typical of the newer
brought to the Detroit Chapter of the letter follow '
You cannot • imagine how deeply policy of the Society during the past
• Harlassah from Miss Szold that a
Ford auto truck be sent by the local papa was touched by the beautiful year, and for the members and offi-
barter with the Hadassab Medical manner in which your congregation cers of the future a most laudable
Unit that sailed for Palestine on May took notice of his anniversary. He and admirable program of service and
4th, the money necessary for its and our entire family send you our serious endeavor has been introduced.
purchase. $850, was raised. The mem- heartfelt thanks and want you to Because the officers to be elected
bers of Hadassah in Detroit desire realize that the action taken by Tent- will have the task of continuing this
to express their heartfelt apprecia- pie Beth El on that occasion really work and carrying the organization
Largest Exclusive Clothier
tion to the Jews of Detroit who con- did a great deal to make the day a through what promises to be an
trilmted Iii the fund tcic the machine. very happy ,one for papa. It was a equally difficult year especial care
The truck . was Tully egiiiiipeir :mil it happy day, despite the fact that papa and attention is being given to the
will see noble service on behalf of is suffering front a broken hip and selection of such young men and
must remain at the hospital for some women as will properly till the offices
the Jews in Palestine who are at
time. His friends showered him with wind will be left vacant when the
Branch: 99-101 Michigan.
present in a destitute qoudition.
attention. but I can honestly say that terms of the old officers expire Sun-
nothing moved him as much nor gave day evening.
WoreMIAN/WNIV•• ■•■ •WM... ■ INININAIPOW ■■■•
After the election the customary
hint greater pleasure than Temple
the Smiths and Browns. Even in De-
social evening will be participated in
Beth El's thought of him.
troit, it is said. the directory lists al-
"As soon as I can get the chance by the members and their friends.
most lite hundred Colts and Cohens.
I will acknowledge all of the forty-
In his petition Mr. Cohn points out
five Uniongrams, besides the tele-
that "Cohn" is not the family name,
grams and letters, of the members of
TO EARN OWN VACATIONS but one adopted by his father when
Beth El so kindly sent to my father.
the latter came to America forty years
That will take a few days for we are
ago. The family 'mine being mnpro-
being deluged with inquiries regard- Will Hold Bazaar on June 7 and Sell
nounceable, the most convenient form
ing the accident and with congratu-
Handiwork so That Fresh Air
was adopted, "Colianc." it is said, is
Cations upon the anniversary. Mean-
the Hebrew word for priest, and is
Society Can Take Other
while,' as papa requested in a letter
more correct than "Cohn."
Children on Vacations.
written to you. Mr. \Veit, as l'resi-
The petitioner points out that the
dent of Congregation, kindly convey
new name, while being more correctly
Ste Claire Hotel Dining Room
A number of brave little Jewish
to the Congregation if you will Dr. ,
expressive of the priestly tribe, is also
lg::iiiezti.d the aEals(
ie cleh ;,)ftertheof cit thy,•,
Randolph and Monroe
Kolder's deepest appreciation of your girls
more individual than Cohn and just
chanting; plan.
as Jewish as his hornier nomenclature,
"Thanking you particularly for all Jewish Campfire Girls, are serving and avoids confusion in identity here-
your kindness and your trouble, I am their elders a noble example in mac- tofore experienced by him.
I tical patriotism in these days of per
yours cordi II
sosal service and sacrifice. They I Mr. Cohn. or rather Mr. Cohane, as
he is now called, is active in all Jew-
have seen their big brothers go to
ish affair: in Detroit, and one of the
their sisters to work in multi-
leading speakers for the Detroit Pa-
Young Attorney Appointed As- 'tear and
plants to help bring peace again,
triotic Fund. and other war-work
s:stant Prosecutor.
and they have decided to do their bit,
too. They are young girls, none over
Herman FI. Greenburg, a young at- 13, but they have been bus) for sev-
torney, has been appointed assistant era( months sewing and embroidering PHILOMATHIC
prosecuting attorney of NVayne Conn- pretty thitigs of usefulness which they
. .
I, C
ounty are going to offer for sale to the


June 25th

The wool short-

Polls Open 7 A. M. to 8 P. M.

age will mean

Ti the Qualified Electors of the City
of Detroit:
A special election will be held at
the above specified time for the par.
pose of voting on the Proposed New
Charter. The question will be sill,
mitted on the ballot as follows:

that our present

$15 clothes will

have to sell for

$25 next fall.

Corner Monroe
and Randolph

We Invite You to Enjoy an
Excellent Kosher Meal Amidgt
Beautiful Surroundings At the

Ste. Claire Kosher Restaurant


We Cater for Private Parties











25 to 50%


Particularly appropriate because of
Prosecutor. public at a Bazaar to he held at the
Although but 311 years of age, Mr. Hannah Schloss building on High the holiday of Slim neth recently cele-
Greenberg has made rapid strides in and Hastings Streets on Sunday even- brated was the Jewish atmosphere:
his profession. He was born in 1)e- m g. June 2.
They hope to make which prevailed at the last meeting of
enough money from the proceeds of the Philomathic Debating Club held
the sale to pay for their summer va- last Sunday evening, when topics of
immediate interest to Jews featured
the intensive discussion of the even-
This might not seem so patriotic ing.
Some of the speakers and their
an object, but it must be considered I
resi:ective subjects were: "The Jew-
that these girls have been taking their
ish . Hope," Irving l skowi
summer outings formerly at the .• c x-
Jewish Battalion to P alestitz;
ne," Na-
. of
... the -1e ,wis, h F r esh Air , than Mus kowitz; "Treatment of
ciety. T hey feel that they ought to
ish Soldiers i n the Camps," Louis s
do all they can to help other little weitzmaii;
"Giving the Law as a
girls and boys get a vacation, so they
Birth of a Nation," Joe Schwartz;
have figured out that it the society
J ewish fart in the Patriotic
doesn't have to
m Elie
on them,
Joseph Nlorris: "The
they can have more money to spend
Relation of Shavueth to Spring."
for other boys and girls.
Harold Rosenthal; "The Patriotic
The Jewish Campfire Girls are di- Fund," H. Gurovitch. Samuel Hubiner
I Med into several groups and they was critic of the evening. Next Sun-
have for guardians two charming and day evening a debate will be held






Do you favor the adoption of the
proposed charter submitted by the
Charter Commission? YES (.1

Do you favor the adoption of the
proposed charter submitted by the
Charter Commission? NO (.1


To be qualified to vote you must be
registered. If you are not registered
you can register in the City Clerk's
office. 3113 City Ilia up to and includ-
ing June 4. The office will be open
every day except Sunday until 9 p. ni.
If you voted in November. 1916, or
since and have not changed your resi-
dence, you are registered and qualified
to vote June 25.

If you have (hanged your residence,
you must transfer your registration.
You can do this in the City Clerk's
office. 303 City Hall, up to and includ•
ing June 4.

B A. M. TO 8 P. M., WILL


Registration Day

On June S the Registration Boards
will be In session from S a. M. 10 S p.
tn. in every election district in the city
to make new registrations and issue
transfers. If you wait until that day to
transfer, It will be necessary to go to
your old district for your transfer cer-
tificate and to the It to your new
district. If you transfer at the ('Sty
Clerk's office on or before June 4, you
Will then be qualified to vote without
further procedure. Saturday, June 5.
will be the last day to register for the
election of June 25th.

City Clerk.


One of the practical steps for the
rehabilitation of Palestine to he con-
sidered at the Zionist Convention to
be held in Pittsburgh, Pa., beginning
June 23, will be the dispatching of
an engineering unit from this coun-
try. This unit would be composed
entirely of members of the Zionist
Society of Engineers, which was or-
ganized at the Baltimore Convention
in June, 1917, and it would include
engineering specialists in construc-
tion. sanitation, chemistry, agricul-
ture, surveying, engineering-design
and architects.

Among the plans which have been
pretty girls whom they dearly love. on the question "Resolved, That the developed by the Zionist Society of
They are Miss Golds Brown and Miss United States own, operate and con- Engineers for Palestine arc:

Mollie Robinson, who spend much of trot the shipping facilities." The
their time teaching the little girls a question for the week after that is,
lot of useful things, and besides that .•R eso l ve d . Th a t Alsace-Lorraine be
they take their proteges out for many given to France." Final preparations
little outings into the nearby country are being made for the two closing
and tell them what a beautiful thing events of this term, the joint debate
Nature is. between the Philomathic and the
Miss Anna Solomon is going to Jeffersonian Debating Clubsto be
:;•:, troit and was educated in the local help make the Bazaar a big success held in the Y. M. C. A. auditorium on
:'; schools, graduating-front the Detroit he telling fortunes, and the girls are June 4th, and the annual Model Meet-
:: College of Law in 19tH). Mr. Green- delighted at this kindness from one ing, also to be held in the first part
:. berg was at one time a law partner of their best friends who is always of June, the exact date to be. an-
§::. of Hon. Edward J. Jeffries, Judge of ready to help them in their work and flounced later, Joseph Morns is
i,U the Recorder's Court. The partner- in their play. They are going to chairman of the committee making
0.i ship was dissolved when Mr. Jeffries make some very dainty cakes and preparations for the latter event.
::>.. was elevated to the bench. Mr. Green- make delicious candy which they will
berg has made a special study of the sell also. The admission is only 10c
Jewish Leader Heads War Faction of
* 1 criminal branch of the law, and is and they want you all to come. And
• well qualified to till the position he besides all these good things they
'has been honored with.
have arranged a dance. What better
London.—Dr. Isaac Steinberg, the
Mr. Greenberg
resides with his wife time for Inc and for such a Cause!
* ,
commissary of justice, has lately
i• and two children at 470 Philadelphia
gained great popularity on account of
t Ave. Ile is a member of one of the
Dedicate Monument to Son.
his lead against the peace-at-any-price
oldest Detroit !amines.
section of the Bolshevik party.
A monument to the memory of Gall Openly and boldly he led the opposi-
Miller, beloved son of Louis and Sarah tion against M. Lenin and in favor
Miller, who died one year ago, will he of a holy war against Germany. Dr.
on Sunday, May 26. at the Steinberg's past is very interesting
Mochpelah cemetery. The friends of from a J ewish point of view. His
— —
are Invited to attend the family counts among its members
The nest regular Eaditnah meeting 1 ceremonies.
many profound Talmudical scholars.
will take place Monday evening, May

His only brother is very orthodox,
27. at the Congregation Shaarey
and is an authority on the Talmud.
Zedek vestry rooms. Delegates to
Dr. Steinberg himself studied at a
the next Zionists convention will he
Scrgt. Maj. Jess Rich. of Camp Cus• s, h
a., , inn Ru
s,' When
'''.,.'" " , w as
elected. The Zionists convention this ter, spent the week end with his par- : es"—a. a
ed to study ahroan on account
year will take place in Pittsburgh, l'a.. cuts, Mr. and Mrs 1. Rich,
At the Shavueth service's Thursday of the educational restrictions then in
on June 23rd to 27th. Large prepara-
tions are being made for a successful evening, those present pledged eleven force, he entered Heidelberg Univer•
faonril aolittiaietesel
' convention. The Kadimah will have hundred and fifty dollars for the Red for fora
tlui "Criminal Laws
more meeting after this, - which Cross.
The first
0 will be the final meeting for the year,
e f choiisml:afenyataH
i aeieg
lerlobue prgohfeosrpthe o
at which time election of officers will Saginaw managing the Paul Krause
take place. All members are urgently Clothing Co.
The Jewish Young People's Society doe Jewish students. Dr. Steinberg is
requested to attend the last two meet.,
gave a picnic at Cook's Grove Sunday., only 31) years old, and his present
enjLoeynaib, l k . day swia )s. rs spent.
.A Itri
f ro.s. t E e
stand against the disgraceful peace
ick. i certainly promises hint a future un-
Miss Charlotte Cohn and Mr. Harry der a more moderate Labor-Socialist
FOR RENT—Modern 7.room apart - Lenick motored to Camp Custer last
government in Russia, which sooner
meat, 3 .bedrooms, in 4-family fiat. s tm d ay; -•- .• ..- — — —
I or later will come into power to
Mrs. A. Kanter is visiting her son,
Janitor service, steam heat. Call 160
counteract the German intrusion.
Mr. l'aul Kanter, of Detroit.
Medbury, or phone North 5747-R.

It Costs More Money to !
Paint and Varnish Your
Home Each Year.





And Assure the Best Results

Detroit Paint & Glass Co.

138-40 Bates Street


Phone Main 633

Quick Deliveries a Specialty





Subscription to The Jewish Chronicle
Will be $2.00 Per Year.

,\ model reservoir for a colony
of 500 inhabitants. This would help
to develop the so-called desert land
by establishing an independent water
supply. for each settlement.
(21 Typical Harbors, for the entire
western coast of Palestine, construct-
ed from a single design.
(3) Aerial Tramways, an economic
means of crossing the Jordan Valley
by the avoidance of the vast cost in-
volved in the construction of railway

141 A survey of structural materi-
als obtainable in Palestine.
151 .- hydro-electric plant with the
capacity of 1200 kw-hours assuming
a fall of about 40 meters and 75 per
cent efficiency. The idea is to utilize
the waterfalls of the Jordan and in
the northern part of Palestine fur
light. power and heat.
III A cement plant with a capacity
of 500010 bids.
(71 Local canning and storage
plant with an annual production of
300 tons.
(8) Local ice plant with a capacity
of 150,(100 tons,

19) Local chemical distillery for
abstracting various essences from the
immense hulk of vegetation.
1101 Refinery plant for various pro-
ducts and minerals of the Dead Sea.
1111 Sugar refinery with a capacity
of 3,000 tons annually. This would
do away with the necessity for an
importation of sugar, especially since
sugar cane is indigenous to Palestine.
1121 Modern tannery with a capac-
ity of 303000 hides annually.
031 Wool and cotton yarn spin-
fiery designed for local use.
The Zionist Society of Engineers
has a membership of 85, with 3 asso-
ciates.. 5 humors and a "prospective"
list of 44. The society has attracted
to its, ranks leading Jewish engineers
in every part of America, holding re-
sponsible positions.

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