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May 17, 1918 - Image 3

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The Jewish Chronicle, 1918-05-17

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A merica Pith Periodical Carter




Opinions of Some Leading Detroit Citizens on Patriotic Fund





Vice-President, Detroit Patriotic Fund.

The appeal addressed to the community by the l'attiotic Fund
should evoke a generous and whole-hearted response from the
j cw ish section. The Jews of Detroit must maintain their repute
for open heart and open hand.
It goes without saving that we must furnish the is:f.' , 0.00o.on
appropriated by the Patriotic Fund to the Jewish tzar funds.
That sum represents the quota of Detroit Jewry for relict of our
stricken brethren in the war zones and fur welfare mirk in the
various camps. This :tumuli( we must give as
It goes iiithinit saving that tie must raise the , ! , :, :, . 1 1 , 1 1 1.1 1{1 1(1 he
turned over by the l'atriotie Fund to our local Jewish charities.
This we must do as Jett's.
lint We must do eVell inore. NVe must give 'mu only as Jew s
tot ;lisp as too and as .\•nericans. The Red Gro.s, iiItich
receive three million out of the seven millions to be raised, is
engaged in is irk of a humanitarian and patriotic nature. \\ e
must contribute to the Red Gross and similar agencies adequately
and generously. \Ve must pro ■ ii our patrioti, Li, demonstrate our
Americanism, our loyalty to the cause in which our country is
embarked and for which the gauge of battle has been thrown

That que , tion should be :111 , 11ereil b) another question- Ihp,
little shall I keep?


its old fascination, and is Iron uml upon lit decent men.

spect of the community.
The Plan does not afford a shadow

of excuse for anyone not measuring
tip to his responsibility.
The Plan has etsry good—and no

bad—feature; in its scope it is both

local and national.
For a citizen to refuse to subscribe

for national purposes. may well tin-
tify a suspicion of hi , loyalty. For

one affiliated tt ith Jewish interests to

withhold his fair share from local
charities, regardless of creed, is dis-

(iyer many is gradually being superseded by a newer and b e tter ideal,
that it ealth brings with it great obligations and the duty to render
service to mankind.

ize the age-long ideal of the Brother.
hood of NI an. The citizen. of Detroit
should feel proud that their ionlition.
ity is in the forefront in this great
and noble movement of giving gener-
ously to the Cause of Humanity. My
heart and soul is in the Detroit Pa-
triotic Fund. It is indeed a pleasure

to support such a magnanimous
mot meant.

When I first !want of the Patriotic

campaign of mercy o'er undertaken greatly impressed, and I consider it
in our city. I feel sure that every one of the best ways of raising money

They surprised me tenyears ago, had
a greater surprise for its two years
ago, and last year. and the greatest

surprise will come to us this year
when the returns are all in, and they

will be found to have done as they
always have done—more than their
bit. We can prove our true loyalty

and our true enthusiasm by aiding

and encouraging the occasion that
will give our executives an oppor-
tunity to do real executive ivork.



The Patriotic Fund should have

The Patriotic Fund is an enterprise
which should have the hearty support

of every loyal and liberty-loving

Our young men are ready to offer

their lives for the humanitarian cause
for which our country .has entered
this contest. and we should feel proud

of the opportunity to contribute to
their comfort. It should also be a

pleasure to us to feel that by our lib-
eral contribution we relieve the needy

and worthy sufferers of this terrible



merely sectarian and clannish. It is
important, therefore. that the Jews

of Detroit put into the patriotic fund
considerably more than the strictly
Jewish relief agencies take out of it.

In addition to aiding the Jewish
Charities. the Jewish Welfare Work
and the Jewish War Sufferers' Fund.

the Jew should lie conscious that he
has contributed materially to the Red
Cross, the V. M. C. A. and the

Knights of Columbus Funds, and the
non-Jewish public should be made to

realize that he has.

President, Hebrew Free Loan

Treasurer Temple Beth El.

a practical inc.

takes care of his owns but he must
prove that his philanthropy is not



has had to pool his charities With
general communal and patriotic relief,



Assistant Rabbi of Temple Beth El.

The organization of the l'atriotic
Fund is the ideal method for the col-
lection of funds to be used for patri-

otic and local relief. The task before
the organization is enormous; it
merits and requires the unqualified
and unstinted support of every per-
son in the community. It comes to
us With two appeals—the patriotic

and the charitable; it will find in our

hearts a twofold response.
We can use our money in no better

way than by giving it to the l'atriotic
Fund. We can show our appreciation
to God for His blessing's in no finer

manner than by helping to "fill the
tlag." We will tint lie approached

again this year; we must give most


community service are, in themselves, subscription the fullest amount pos•
p so doing, The
thai t
Lu n n, and it is difficult to forecast sh ield:.
a M
I . I . •Ii:eitt results that are bound
largest part of the Fund will be de-
a ccrue therefrom.

President, Shaarey Zedek Congrega-

voted to the Red Cross and other war

It is the duty for everyone to to his

Detroit Patriotic Fund, a ,. wonder-
fol movement for d entoc ,,, an d nu .
wor th y

11411140d ill help along the good work camp activities. This includes the Y.

NI. C. A., Knights of Columbus and

to d o more than his share, and then

the Jewish Camp \Velfare work. To
contribute to the relief and comfort

h e an iet eist it 1 ,1-tesj eu ril,irce, 1:itlienleius,tsitpetr.isittiituii,,,,i,,

still more.

astic support of all classes. \\bile
I a m aware that many of our people
i ust continue to aid our communal
nstitutions that are not affiliated with

President, United Jewish Charities.


of those who are fighting our battles
is an obligation which we should
meet :mist wiffingly. \\Awn we think

that the soldiers ars risking every-
thing and possibly sacrificing all, we
should be willing to sacrifice not only
the small percentar
our incomes
that the committee
as prescribed,

\londay next marks the start of
or provided for by this ideal move-
mein, yet it must not be an excuse the drive of the Patriotic Fund.
In addition to the war needs of the
for the hearty support of this unique,
Cross, Jewish AVar Relief, V. NI.
patriotic and humane movement. The , Red
the requirements of
most important point that I wish to C. A., K. of C.,
urge is that the teams of Committees the (•nited Jewish Children's Fresh
fully taken care of.
composed of men who contribute Air Society are
Do your duty to all
their means, time and energy to this
Don't specify what institutions
noble movement, should be well re-

ceived and promptly encouraged.

part' of our principal.
The call on our local charities will
lie larger than ever on account of the

war, and we should also include in
our subscriptions at least the amount

I should receive the benefit of your


i'lVery In 1 , 71 um

but many times that amount. If this
is insullicieni, we should give a good

Detroit should

consider it a privilege to contribute

every dollar that lie can possibly
spare to the Detroit Patriotic Fund.
and should forget all previous stand-

ards of giving.
Every ounce of energy available is
needed for the great task of \ruining
the war. There must be no wasted

Complete unity is absolutely neces-
sary. and there can be uo More effect-
:\e way of bringing about and estab-
lishing this unity than to combine all
our civilian trod: and sacrifice for hu-

manity under one leadership which
levels all distinctions of race and

creed in a united service.


Treasurer House of Shelter.

The Pan odic Fund standardizes

Irate of country and of fellowman. It
tells how much Ui gate. to what to
It lilac,
give, and how to give it.
patriotism upon a practical plane.

Let's he broad and give liberally

that we have heretofore been accus-
tomed to give. A very large sum has
been set aside for the various Jewish

and without restriction.
We have a right to be proud of our
Jewish iancestry. . May tar descend-

Charities and philanthropies. \Ve
have heretofore taken care of sante
without the assistance of others. Let
us in this great undertaking not only
contribute our full share to the ‘Var
Relief and Camp 1Velfare work, but

ants be equally proud of theirs!


We do not all ays discriminate be- also let our contribution include more
tween what is our duty and what is .than the amount we have heretofore
p a t r i o tism? \Alie
given to our local charities and phil-
1,0, e rtv Bonds ice , ud dled °Hrselves anthropies. Let us feel that we are
in the belief that we were patriotic-- also contributing something to other
that is a mistake. \Ve
charities and philanthropies that we
merely a duty in part return for the hat e heretofore neglected.
many blessings we enjoy in a free
.:e wire loaning off money
country. kk


t7 the Coo eminent at a higher rate of

of interest

than any of the Savings

Banks would pay

Trustee Beth Jacob Synagogue.

with the best se-

curity in the world back of it--the

The Patriotic Fund, while intent,-
multinational in character, is Jewish
in thought and impulse. It does my
If in buying Liberty Bonds we
bought more than one means would heart good, in these days when we are
permit. whereto to had to make sac- looking forward to the re-establish-
rifices or suffer great financial em- ment of our Jewish home-land, to
barrassment 4 4r hiss—to that extent think that our people are being rec.
only, in my UnIginent, were we patri- ognizeil on an equal basis, not only
in giving but in receiving help.
Every Jew, who has a spark of re-
In contributing to the Patriotic

curity in the world back of it—the

1, - N



entreat every Jew in

Detroit to give

Fund which we will be called upon

to the Fund in greater measure than






the week beginning Max' 211th.
There can be no question as to the

noble purpose for which this is in-
tended: on this as on other similar

occasions it behooves, therefore. all
Jews to give liberally of their time
and money for this most worthy
of pain issuing from battle-torn charity.
I sincerely hope that within the
Europe, to the piteous plea of our
suffering brethren, and then we must year we may have the co-operation
give—give more—give until we know of all other charitable organizations.
in our inmost heart that we , can't including the Old Folks' Home and
the Free Sheltering Society.
give more.

liberally now When we have given
all we think we can spare We must
open our ears and hearts to the cries

titled to the support of Detroit's men avoidance of a multiplicity of collec•
ss omen. Community action and lions. It enables 011e ill give in one

ligion in his heart, should prove hit
for. we V4111 hat 44 all 01417ortunity to Judaism by giving to the Patriotic
This fund is Fund, generously and is hole-heart-
the stated minimum.
show our patriotism.
single patriotic appeals of It year.
principal!). for "war activities." for eilly.
It will eliminate all useless
which the Government has made no
lion with its enormous in erhead ex-
provision and which must be cared
pense. It will systematize and co.
Trassurar B'Nei Israel Synagogue.
for by the citizens of this country.
ordniate all fund campaigns and re-
President of Kadimah Zion Society.
In a smaller measure it cares for the
.111 elements oi our large lot ish
sult in adding to the real work of re-
local charities and philanthrophies.
lief many thousands of dollars which community should unite Wholeheart -
\Ve may differ as to the ways and
In co-operation there is assured
would otherwise be used up in cam- edly with their Christian neighbors in
means, and perhaps to some of the success. The gentleman that brought
paign expense. The Patriotic Fund the Detroit Patriotic Fund. I sin
local activities we are called upon to this about thus far deserves the
will allow every business man the merely hope that every Jew ish citizen
contribute for, but this is not a time greatest amount of credit.
It is
privilege of giving more at one time will do more than his share.
, to quibble or to argue—it is a time to going to solve the largest problem
in consideration of the relief from
For for the
et, e—to show our patriotism.
various institutions in seven
constant appeals. Besides its obvious
what we give 110W IlleaSlleeS our patri- days,
where heretofore it vvas a 12
practical nature. the I)etroit Patriotic
"tic spirit towards our Country. It is months' task.
Fond is in my opinion a movement
The Detroit Patriotic Fund affords giving without expectation of person
The Committees that will
of Indy purpose. It should, be sup
a splendid opportunity for the Jews al return save as our consciences
are start out should be cordially received
ported and encouraged with religious of this city to demonstrate what they
waited on
fervor by Jew and Christian alike.
are capable of doing. and to slimes
We are expected and should given with sufficient contributions to
that they are in the forefront when to the full measure of our means. Fill
the Flag.
it comes to a matter of giving for our patriotism is ten fold more rug-
_ K
worthy and charitable purposes. The gel when we give beyond our means
whole- Jews have always set a high stand- —as that is self-sacrifice.
Pererdi one 10 express Ill
in matters of this sort, and have
hearted approval of the Patriotic
Fund movement proposed for Detroit been esteemed because of their uni-

1 he 1)etroit Patriotic Fund is a
Welcome relief from the numerous

It will be a glorious

success and it bears my heartiest ap-

urgently needed, a movement trill be or creed. It is distinctly American.



President, Temple Beth El.

tile should be the very lowest amount the amount of their sub , criptions to
\\'e must not think their °'‘.••
one can give.
liar' trunk
ii charities s and
these days in terms of minimums. \Ve .
are concerned, but, pos,ably, in even
must put forth our maximum etfort .
greater degree to what they will 410
in et •ry field in our holy purpose' 14
for all of the many war actit ities in-
making the world a site place for us
chided in the Patriotic Fund, notably
and (uteri' generations to lit• in
the .American Red Cross and the V.
\\ e lutist
NI. C. A., all of whom in their splen-
trenches are giving—to the point of
did work make no discrimination as
sacrifice. The man who gives only
to class or creed.
what public opinion compels hint to
The Jewish Iffganization, will se-
git e is a slacker.
cure some $450,0011 front the Patriotic
I ilesini.to express my satisfaction
Fund if its quota is reached. as it
at the manner in which the Jewish
surely will he. It is not enough that
citiiens of Detroit have responded so
the aggregate subscriptions of the
stilt mlidly to the call for service, If
Jews of Detroit cover this amount
the spirit -of these noble men and
duly- -they should at least double it.
women is indicative of the spirit of
and on that basis, if our sub•criptinns
the entire Jewish community. I ha,:
to the Detroit Patriotic Fund all
no fear that the Jew will have dim:
short of $1.000.000, it w o uld s, ant that
Iris full duty in pushing the Detroit
we have not done our hill .110.
Patriotic Fond "over the top. -

The l'atriotic Fund idea is a slit-

manner that nothing here has ever
done before. it is simply a brilliant titict triumph for non-sectarianism to
plan, Inaugurated at this lime, when gather together a fund which is to
the results achieved therefrom are so be distributed without regard to color

of sacrifice, so that there will he a bond of firmly established which is bound to It provides for all war activities and
prove a powerful agent for the good relief work, as well as local charities
s ym pathy between you and Ito ,se fur whom you sacrifice.
the institutions which are en- and philanthropies.
It Means the
Then thank God for the privilege that has been putt's,


tiendotts one, a constructive one and

'ro subscribe to the Detroit Patri-
otic Fund in a duty which we should
perform most liberally. It is a great
privilege to give to it. It is a dis-

There can and must be no question

Give, up to the point


This is the first importunity the Jew

the general public. He most not only
make good the boast that he always


about the success of the Patriotic
It Will go over the top in

"I have thine my

Give until You feel sure that you will be able to face our buys
they return and say: "I. too, have Set" \ e(I."


the enthusiastic support of every
member of the Jewish community.

and it places the Jew on trial before

-t -



To my !Mud. if there is one out-
not only a duty but a privilege to
'standing feature of the 1)etroit Pa-
The hoard of Directors of the De- biotic,:tinio
It should recui ■ c
subscribe to it.
d I,
: : Fund, it
: We op p ortunity it
a t t
the utmost support of every loyal troit Patriotic Fund has announced aottrits
the .ews
of Detroit to demon-
a schedule of Percentage'
"ilk! ' stride to the community at large the
one may set his share lo the Fund stuff ot tablet they are made.
And iiiiti applies not niihy iis far as
from his yearly income. This sched-

own Jewish Community will do.


'dye until tout can see the ss orld's horrors pass before you and

nd doing awa y with the constant ap-
peals that are made fur different
114S evert. effort
community it
• and I sincere-
t o th e success ,a the Detroit Patriotic kinds of charities, etc.
ly hope that the plan outlined be the
committee will he successful. I cer-
tainly will give it my most hearty

of federated work. and I know of no
time when ..entralization can be more
effective than at the present time. I
am very optimistic about what our

set the standard of liberality and charity to all Humanity.

not hang your imail in shine.

citizen of tlii. great and prospermi", a

ity. I have always been an advocate

must giie much more than the)• will receive. They must and will

SHAM. 1 GIVE?" vim ask.

Give until you can say ti your innermost


Man or w°1flait iii these days °i wide- and War Sufferers, as well as the Red
spread suffering than in the hearty
and maximum support of the greatest Cross and other organizations. I was

I am very much of au enthusiast
about the Detroit Patriotic Commun-

w h a t th e y e xpect to lake out of it for Jewish purposes. They

.111 endless stream of problems present themselves from date to


Fund to be raised here in this city for
the purpose of helping our charities.
There can he no greater joy to any such as the Jetykh welfare Society


Jews of Detroit, must not be content to give to the Fund just I

sTAI:v.A .ri()N.



to his suffering fel ow-men l of other creeds and nationalities. The

Nlillions more must be kept well; strong and happy, so that they
will be tit when called upon.
o ver h e re ivy have our loyal problems; the sick, the old, the
young, the untit—all of these hays to be provided for.

The Detroit Patriotic Fund is a

i Is f

c(„1,,, „hen the lea must give not only to his noon people hurt also

Thousands. yes, hundred , of thousands, of young men are being
killed or wounded.

magnificent idea. It is an instrument
by which it w itl he possibl e to visual-


I most heartily endorse the Detroit
Patriotic Fund and believe it to be

crated upon the altar of pure patriotism, and the .leis, mho has

It has been said of the Joy that lie well takes care of his own.

Three thousand miles away, old men, women and children are


The Detroit Patriotic Fund is conse-

Ile has never failed in his duty to his fellow Jew. The time has

The opportunity to render service was never greater than now.

l)YING from

tz ar autocracy.


merciful tool einem.

The old theory that wealth brought with it pm er and masters



;di\ a). been a true patriot, will readily recognize his duty in this

means, a new perspective toward svealth.


for the Detroit Patriotic 1 7tmil is




, •

The past lase wars has !nought to nn , st Men, especially men of


superfluous. The reasons for this great communal effort are as

piling of one dollar ■ di top of ;mother has lost f o r many •



evident lo vier). person in I )etroit as the reasons fur this great

the world's history.


One able. but failing to give in this

period of stress, should forfeit the re-

T. explain th,

For the purpose of our country's requirements, for the needs id
suffering humanity, neuter counts for more than at an) other time i n

This is the hour of great and splendid sacrifice:. We hav e

no doubt but that Detroit Jeu ry will prove equal to the great

Rabbi of Orthodox Jewish Congregations in Detroit.

Money today means so touch and so little at the same time.





Rabbi of Shaarey Zedek Congregation.

The mere

ea efts 1.-. ■

for their
versal practice of caring
ono. We will not be content. how-

ever, unless this standard is improved
There are many among us who have
in times past not giv en at all, or very
little in proportion to their mean , .

Let us hope that the noble and patri-
otic objects of the local campaign
about to be launched will have the


United Jewish Charities.

It strikes me that this is a chance
for it , to give a new meaning to the
phrase: "rich as a Jew." The Pa-
triotic Fund Rises us a change to

prove that the Jew is not only rich
in gold. but rich in 1.ove, in Service,
in Sincerity, in Co-operation, in all
of the things that make life worth
bring forth a most generous response
to the call for funds.

effect of awakening these laggards to
a realization of their obligations and

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