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April 19, 1918 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Jewish Chronicle, 1918-04-19

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igr aindrArAlrAlrAlrAIPAIrerarAlrAriliOr/r/r/SUIP74 THE NEW SERIES



Military Dance at Armory
Saturday Night, April 20th

Th e D. iiiai .1e,

gi,ri direct aid
to our soldt r boy • ul camp on the
"erasion of the military dance to be
given al th. Light Guard Armory at

ha, e at. ofileirtunny

Earned and Itru•li street. ion Satur-

day evening. April !11th Thi• unique
affair is sponsorial by the 2fith Arr.,
Squadron at present station. d al

Camp S•liridgr. Nli Chnietis The
realize. of tours, that
Is pill to a financial strain h) the
appeals 11 , 1 - v arious patriotic ltinds,

but th,y Lima that thousands of D.-
troll ■ ming and old bilks aif fond or
dant ing and will ixelianne tin , 01111011-
111111? .prod a ter) pleasant even-

ing of recreation and enjoyment and

at tin satin. time contribute indirectly
to a most worthy cause.

The proceeds of the dance go to the

fund for the purchase of a
number of necessaries and comforts
which are so conducive to keeping up
the spirits of the boys. The commit-


tee in charge consists of Sidney Gold-

The New Series

Stabilized Design

berg, of Detroit, chairman: Serg. Res
Murry. Corp. Harold Vorheis, H. Stir-
ensohn and 1.. D•rring. all members

of the force at tamp Selfridge.
An interesting dance program has

been arranged with many military
features. Fitizers orchestra will per-

form in their true style fur the danc-
ers. and they will be greatly' augm•nt-
ed by the fatuous Military Jazz Band

made up of the soldiers. Miss Kath-

It seems a contradiction, but it is no less
a fact, that the new series Marmon 34,
while bringing no radical changes—no
fundamental innovations—does establish a
most noteworthy fundamental in motor car
construction— namely, Stabilized Design.


HEN the Marmon 34 was introduced at the
New York Automobile Show two years ago, it
differed entirely in principle and design from all
other cars. For one thing, it was 1 i oo pounds lighter. For
another, it eliminated -more than 511 parts. Aluminum
was extensively used in the motor and body. The frame,
running-boards and fenders were a rigid unit construction.



Today there are numbers of cars which border on the Marmon
There are more at this show than there were the year before,

and there will be more, in all likelihood, next season than there are this.

It is not the Marmon that is changing; it is the practices of the


car industry. More and more are they conforming to the
principles first exemplified in Marmon construction.

The Marmon has not changed because it has not had to. Because
it has proved itself correct. Great engineering genius, actively en-
gaged for the past two years in trying to improve this car, has not
been able to better it except in the matter of a few mechanical refine-
ments. So today the distinguishing differences between the New
Series Marmon 34 and the old are the slanting wind-shield and the

wider seats and the deeper sides.

As far as men know, the l'slarmon represents the final type.
has put a stop to the annual metamorphosis of models—it has stabil-,
ized not only construction, but the buyer's investment.

This means that the owners of the Marmon of this year, last
year or the year before, arc not put to the extremity of buying a new
car each season to be up to date.

And yet, the Marmon continues to attract the whole-hearted ad-

miration of those who view it. The new Models are indeed a fresh in-

leen Pereira and tither local enter-
tainers will contribute to the :success

of a most delightful party. Tickets

are Sole and may be procured at Hud-

son's and Grinnell's.

Detroit Young People Invited to

Camp Custer Dance.


Jewish Women's Auxiliary of

Battle Cr.. k are giving a dance for
the men in seri ice at Camp Custer on

Wednesday. April 24th. at Elks tem-
ple. The men are looking forward

eagerly to the visit at that time of
their friend, from nearby cities. No
effort will be spared to show them a
good time. It is hoped that many

young people will come from INitroit
and other Michigan cities. This will
be all excellent opportunity for the
friend', If 111,,,. Who came here sev-

eral weeks ago, as by the time of the
dance the in is men will he equipped

glit•y he relieved from the
4uarantine in which they have thus

far been held.
The morale of the Jewish men is

very highly praised by their cunt-

pick up rilles and help stem the on-
rush of the lioche hordes. Ile was
wounded twice, but from the tone of

his last letter he seems to lie in ex-
cellent spirits. Besides matters of a
personal interest to the recipient of
the hitter, r. Gottlieb states:

"Was very glad to get the copies
of the Chronicle which you sent

as (hey contained items of interest as
usual. After I finish them I pass
them to Josh tirabowsky who then

takes them out to Baw 17, the Harper

hunch, where Jay Also. and a couple

like the new arrangement very much.
"Since my return to the regiment
I've been kept very busy, and in th e

last couple of dos the weather was

cold and we had lots of snow and
some rain and the ground Was Very
muddy, being knee deep in many
The• ,.rather makes no dif-

fer•nc• Its We are afield early and late
every day. lately we have had an


infantry band playing to help us turn
out in the A. Si. They are real good

and their evening concerts thrice a
week are worth hearing.

barracks and also have electric
lights in camp; have lots of warm
clothing and good food, and nothing
to do but our duty. I'veryboll y is now

"The regiment It wearing the gold
stripe on their left sleeves for six III







thy prefedifIg. lilt! WI OW 1 ,

tear seat I. wide,.
the otilliiir m •
been changed semi. „
reduction of the
brru bur " ud "`" I " II".
" 1,1 Alton oi rile rearmost part id Ili,
'I . .11.1,t, „III lie here l in ,
inscribed unto the names of those tit „eat lias

111 ■ 4 .•i1 lilt

Cii111111 , 1111..11.,

$1 ' 1").
memory of fiepartiai twar

rear seat

whose memory the gifi• were mad , double seat being substituted
The 11.t
Sirs rIt
Windshield now slopes backward
'rile mounting fii
tilie BI.t, X1r.i Itabetta Brown, 51r.
III-deg anglf
is - unusual Instead Or
Sirs.' hit.,,-; ,.„ ;,

t,"" atm g, 4 " 1 "" (".`". they esa ~
train, eltatini
a plc
bearing tan instead it the ball M..
No- nog
Swage, oar's,
Iiur - , f or swath, granI
ru•I and tool I, .

liretilid, Mi. Lanni Lambert. Mr..
Relief.. still."... NI, •

Mrs Henrietta Selling.
Sittig. NI, Walla Sloinan.

;dna Rosenthal.
s. kelierva
ton. Slr.. Hemel 1:Itimenrhal,
W11115. 411 light and glass winiiii...
NI f •
Sarah in top
Mr.. There
Chang. in the engin. design i
Hurry-nzr Plant. NI r
11 tili
metal sole plat,
plates formerly cozen d iipi
the cx bid, r jacket and
'UM c)Iiiider
BUT GOES ON! now Cast without t hem. klvklius
inaluilat- turing the radiatia


Young Attorney Does Great
Work as Speaker for Liberty Loan
Drive Despite Serious Accident.

The ninnli•rinl

fur the Third !Amity Loan which

ended so suf cessfully last Thursday
disclosed the illiportant part lila) -
eil II) many of Mir Jew isli prof•ssion-
al and business piling, num who Ravi
up much of their time as hour Ilinute
speakers on behalf of the Loan. (hie
of the most active speakers at fac-

Bijur Starting and Lighting.

of Bosch starting and light-
ing .y.tein heretofore used. the Itinit
,),tens will be regular equipment in
191/f. 't lie starting 1110tOr fs held


plate II) a strap fastening and is Seat •
ed. di, Ilk to the engine flywheel by
the new Bijur screw-shift drier 1 hi
Bosch magneto is retained for ix:m-
(1011 and is driven dlr./Ugh the liqur
generator. A feature not alisoluti I1
pie% kit introduced during the Ian,
tory meetings throughout the city was
part of last sea .01 IN VaCtitlIII
Louis Cohn
of the oil (ltd. As i. well kno wn .
In the midst of the catimaign.
a• the pioneer ill force•feed
Cohn brieallii• a victim of the mflurn- lubrication in this COMItry and

za epidelnic Which settled in his
throat thereby affecting his soeal
chords seriously enough to require
the attention of a throat specialist.

IIIIV has adhered to it

The Theft-Proof Lock.

51r. Cohn was told to mefrain from
further speaking ..r sutler the loss of
his wuice fin- sex era! month.. Ion he

disregarded this advice and decided
to adopt heroic Illeaslires to relieve
the trouble. Ile tried inhaling vapor
and the boiling hot liquid not content
with tilling Mr. Cohn'. throat in IA-
porous furor. spilled
Sr 441 the side

of his face and trickled somewhat in-
to his left eye.

Such it sata.truphe would ordinarily

cause an average speaker to quit for
a few day;. but not Louis Cohn. In-
stead it tired him with increased de-
termination to talk more---which he
did and as a result spoke even Letter
than he dirt without influenza, vapor,
and real hot water which Mist' N1 r.
Colin beliexes will help hint very

A Change has been made In the d , .
sign tit the clutch throw-out which I.
now fitii11(11•It With a felt washer soak-

ed with oil so that it always will Le
supplied with lubricant. The Change
gear lever, which is of the hall-ended
type. Is now provided With a lock to
permit locking it in the neutral pi.,
tion. The key for this luck also is
used for locking the tool compart-
ment in the left front door. and. in
fact, only a single key now is requir-
ed with the Car. The tools an'
pocket. on the door of the rollipar I-
ntent, Which swings downward and
is held fn a horizontal position by
Iwo chain s.

A new lighting switch is fitted to
the instrument board. In what may
be referred to as the neutral position
of the switch all lamps are off, but
if the key is turned down. the mag-
neto is oil am ! the engine can be . run.

Magneto Gasoline Gauge.
An in the met ions serie•, the


It Costs More Money to
Paint and Varnish Your
Home Each Year.





And Assure the Best Results

Detroit Paint & Glass Co.

138.40 Bates Street


in fine health and spirits and eagerly
waiting for the chance to help assure
our victory,

Established lilt

f ti

"NVe are comfortably housed now

Market 4612



of the other boys know are S
you see We make the most of them. I

—110 Pounds Lighter

1225 Woodward Avenue

FOLKS' HOME AS MEMORIAL !. ; :lid cunstnu•tunt. graduated'

Joseph Gottlieb Writes Inter-
eating Letter From Front.

IniCaUse you need all you can get
while the getting is good. the

Sales and Service

11141 1,
loch. like if. pi,
kmoin a. the 34 Imp..
such it■ tilt All1111111111I
iranie and r

line tank is carried in the cowl, but
to prevent gasoline fumes getting in-
to the driver's cionpartment, a mag-
netic type of gasoline gauge has be.
incline for much "kidding" till the part
adopted, which permits of CoMplete•
of 51r. Cohn's friends.
ttiti that
our jr...,h ly sealing the tank, except for the
vent, and this is carried clown under
young men of Ibitroit are made of. the hood to a point below the body.
( Mr, Joseph Moyllihall, chairman '
of The speedometer trip setting is un-
Local Boy With Engineers Was Wound- } ia
t ,liiiguS
. peakers' linreatf of the tam- derneath of adjacent to the
ed Twice in Fighting—Is in
of ,:iiii:j. ,.11„,tmsr.litr;',1:1,,,
,, ,, instrument. The top has a Frem ft
,,, that
Good Spirits
ts Now,
plate glass ti iniloW in the rear which
'I'lle follow ing letter w as received der io
tr,di li
4trilh the is hung by belts. Hayes wire wheel.
li n e .'
an intimate
will lie used the coming year instead
-1 ” . I in stating
il i l a
i always
st:it week
' i a :". irlighting
'1 dof in job" when
of Houk wheels, the standard tire
tg there was sup alkitt
. ig itm:, sizes being
France with the famous Pith Nn i- do.
32 by 4 / , , on open Models
firers of the .Nttierican Expeditionary
and 33 by S on closed models.
Force. Mr. (Millie', was in the thick
of the light at Candiral when the en-
gine•rs left their technical tasks to

evenings we are always glad to turn
and get as much sleep as



mantling officer' who are not slow to greatly in warding id the real "hut
recognize on lat. 'Flit health record stuff" when he faces the Kaiser's co-
o( the Jew 1.1i is %fir). good. At pros- !torts in the front line trenches "over
cot nearly 400 members of our faith I there."
are stationed at this camp.
The incident while amusing and the


136-inch Wheelbase


months' service in the advance sec-
tion. To earn this it soldier nlllat mot
only spend six (III months in France.

but it must be spellt in the {Mealier
sons, 11 hiCh alone counts.

"The seven days leave of absence

are also beginning in our regiment,

which was a little late in getting there

as only four months service is
sary." )0S, GOTT I. I Ell,



Phone Main 633

Quick Deliveries a Specialty



321 Wood
Bet. Columbia and Montcalm.ward Avenue


Cadillac 539.


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