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April 12, 1918 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Jewish Chronicle, 1918-04-12

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Altai- alit 'apish PeriodicalCarter




ANT sp..
1n sonar[
to stoat
women as large
all assoltnttiet of


roam'• Ilio ali-
p.i/oill slaps.



$16.85 to $134.75
$24.50 to $149.50
$16.85 to $139.75
$2.95 to $39.50
Skirts ,
$6.45 to $14.50

Originator. and large,


makers of

Maternity Wear

1.ANI. BRYANT nooenalty gar-
ment w eeeee n are aloays dressed
in good Insto srirhool saerlfloing
one bit of comfort and freedom,

our models pose... all the !t-
reat style realiiro. ai (opted by


"The Looliest Baby Shop"

$10.10 up
ripe up
Ifsby (*pot
Sly up
Wool Skirt........ .95o up

LANE BRYANT 2,5211,1„2''



The great work of preparation fo r
the registration of Michigan women
for war service, as conducted by the

Woman's Committee of the Goon it
of National Defense, among whose

most active members are many local
Jewish woman, is meeting with spleri-

Miss Clara Goldberg, daughter
of Alr. and Airs. II. Goldberg, of
1 1 1 Garfield avenue, has left for
a few Nveeks visit ill Nely York.
Airs. 11'. \V. Schlussel. of hl)
Farnsworth avenue, still leave
Alonday for a short visit at the
country home of her parents,
Mr. and Alrs. S. Al. Pastor, ill
southern Ohio.

Mr,. Louis II. Goldberg of
.1nnouncement has been made
tirand 1:apids, who has been by the Jewish 1•idmvs Aid So-
i , iting her sister, Mrs. .1.
ciety that two thousand dollar,
Schleisinger, has returned home. has been donated by relatives
-Mrs. Cora :sloinan ;tint Aliss :old friends as memorial gifts.
l)orothy Slonian ;Ire spending This stns has been turned (wet
the tveel: iu .Atlantic City during to the Old Folks lions', in the
Ali, s1 , 111:111's springy holidays home, and it tablet will be in-
froln till' I ' nivrrsitc of Al iChigall. scribed with the names of those
S,■ ivia Simons, daughter ill NV 11104e memory the money Ara,
of \Ir. and Mrs. I). \\. Sim o
ns, given. The list includes the fol-
has left fur Netv burl:, where lowing: Airs, Ottilie Blitz, Mrs.
she 1611 continue her musical Babette Airs. Caroline
Freedman, Airs. Henrietta Freud,
Alt-. Joe Ale \ (T. 56111111' law' Alrs, Rebecca Schloss, Mrs. Hen-
rietta Selling. , Airs. Marie. Sittig,
sttliit'llt at .Ann Arbor, is Spend-
Al N. Sophia Rosenthal, Mrs.
ing the week-end ill the city.
Bertha Summerlield, Mrs. Sarah
Al r. and Mrs. Starry \Van- Itromly, AIrs, Theresa Gold-
grott of 1119 "t. .\tibitt are re-
smith, Alrs. Iltirtenze Plant, Mrs.
ceiving congratulations on the
Fannie Lambert, Mrs. Amelia
birth of a son, Irving Jacob, Sloinan, Mrs. Hannah Blumen-
Mr. Alitx N. 1:riedinan, 71164- thal.
Ian student at 1 larsard 1'itiver-
Airs. 11'. \Y. Schussel enter-
0i1 ■ , spent 1'155o1 sr with his par-
tained the younger set Friday
rots, Alr. and AIN. Joseph Fried- afternoon at cards and tea.
man. of 121 Aledbury as C.
Alis, 1 lortense IsTrolik, who
Hada:salt still 11111 ■ 1 its regular
has been spending the spring
meeting on 1\ cdncsdan ut ening,
holidays with her parents, Mr.
.1pril 1 at Sliaarey Zedel;. .111 and Mrs. Hay Krolik
has re-
IllendierS are urged to attend.
turned to \ assay College.


Second Floor-255


Lee liorsheim, chief quarter-
master S. N of Chicago, wlit)
ha, been stationed here for the
' past fe5y nomths, left last Sun-
,lay for Icy •1,t, Florida. .1s
a tribute to his patriotic work,
Mr. l'Iorsheint, Infort lea\ ing,
%v;i• presented Stith a set of valu-
' 11111 glass e s by 1 diVi51011 of
-Arni anti

as Is offr .0 , 1

elsewhere to III ,
"per feet 38 "
I'lez er arrange-
ment or Ilt,a

Boy Scouts Rear Flag.
scope." i '1'11 the inspiring strains ot our na-
w in ift,„isi, the
got- 6111101 anthem, the beautiful flag was

R eg i s t rat i„„

eminent with accurate information I l'"r"e aloft In th1' altar by three
about euer) ■ % , 111.111 55 11.1 registers. as 1 standard ht•arers --young members of
to her eaparitie,, her Iiillingura alp! the Hoy Si - 0W , , where they wire met

ability to ill/ slid)

ho consecrated
work as she best
Can, whether abroad or at lionie the flag, emblem of freedom and lull-
There will h e groat opportunities fur mania, to the loyalty and love id

women abroad, sisal al... there will human hearts harbinger of huma-
be open thousand: of useful salaried ity's salvatioo pledged III till hoes,
positions left sacant lay men who' loyalty and life of the club.
It was

that at last we ,,111d ill Colli ■ ion O ith
the nation a great cosmopolitan na-

tion and carry to them the New
\Vorld message that here .I11111

C hale the Strength of mankind who
w ill rebuild despite the desolathill
that has been made.
'fhe arterial
thing: will be rebuilt-the great

shaping hulls .4 the determination to
rebuild the world. hut .n hr. Neill take
the place of the pasha tit past, ''he

greatest issue In fury II , is Ih, pre , -
r ■ ation iif the foundation of morals
hase gone to France or are in camps. a most beautiful •seene.--long to be
which can be tilled by capable
runtetitherol by those fortunate to be -- to stand clear un the fact of our
men. To obtain a record 1 if our III.' present on this momentous occasion. hearts; to rise to the courage of
men for this patriotic purpose, is the
NI is.
feelingly faith; to hale t111 . courage of o u r coo-
aim of the NVontan's Committee - ;,111111.11 here 111 France," accompanied ,
in I ;oil. .0 that 5111111 the , Lac
Every loyal woman is called upon t , ,1n ht . 1 .1 - ;..; ■ 111 by Mr. Tyler.
id trouble
\ 11". 111t . 11 ;11111 s vumen
register in her own community dug
\li.iant Goldman. treasurer of shall stand and accept till. oppur-
ing the week beginning .\pril 1711. t hi s do, of almost
members, pre- lunities of lif e a s presented to them.
and the Committee of Defense feels s id e d th,•o ttg ho u t the meeting :Mil in
Coddman ex-
sure there will by a IllagllifiCellt re
well chosen words betittiug too ocea .
....I - II gratitude and thanks III all
.111111 int rinInccol 16 v. Rit'n. Olio has
ho participated in this excellent pro-
bccn comp:fled to th, trio of Mil- gram and with the singing of ".\
Phillip: Brooks. lea" one of the most interesting apil

limit pulpit ka,lers

Henry Ward

(,will Tal- enjo)able meetings of the .1. wish
\Voitian's Clob came to a dos.

It has been many seasons since
such a popularity has been noticeable
A Writer of Delightful
lines. She was awarded a year's fel-
for the severely tailored suit. Not in
Jewish Children Stories lowship at Radcliffe i ■ or a Jewish
a long time have II. Siegel Co. shown
pia,. "The Trumpet Bla:t." her
so many good-looking, plain tailored
the "Priest People" was the Nvinner
costumes with the distinct beauty of
Lecmger, wide-
r. contest of the IZeview. Phila.. and
MN '
, Ehrlich
line and perfection of cut, and the
the1 '" 11"1","E' C, "1 he Borden" was the prize-w Mot
feature which is added most to their 13. k""""
distinctiveness has been the waistcoat. Ehrlich," :old , Is eminently well in the recent Ciintest of Sinai
All sorts of materials are Utilized titled for the task. has recently writ- Chicago. "The Cod's Fool" was
for this important iit:Ct•inoty to the tilt a VOIlltilt• of tw eke delightful produced in Sinai Center .
spring costume-plain and checked ttudern storks of American Jewish
effects are equally in favor. Toftelles child life. skilfully woven around the
of embroidery
a ppear on some. J e wish holidays. under the title of JEWISH WOMAN'S
thought the severely mannish stylus
"Jewish Holyday Stories." published
are much ill evidence. Some are
by the Bloch Publishing NCW
made with heavy white silk, beauti-
$200,000 TO CHARITY
ful in quality. But in many of the
The keynote of the hook is in its
moderately priced snits, white pique
New York-An accounting
is used for its general utility. There Jew isline si. Without acluali ■ 1 , 111116
is something very neat and fresh the Meaning of the hull . L a) - ill so the Surrogates' Court by the e511,1-
cen t er i ng tors tinder the will of Mrs. kaeliel
;.Lout this material and one thing many words, the mom)
that recommends it is that it can go around the particular holyda),
Heyman Pfeiffer, who died in May,
into the tub and come forth immac-
tut, with rare skill, its underly•ing 19111, giving half her estate to chari-


Whether made in mannish fashion,
with little notched revers or no col-

lar, single breasted, and with a mas-
culine waistcoat's full complement of
pockets, or designed less formally
with double breasted or surplice front
and big collar rolling out over the
collar of the suit, the white pique
looks well and gives an air of cool-
ness and freshness to a wool suit.
This House is showing many loose.
little waistcoats, of Shantung and
Tussah in natural tones with per-
haps a touch of black somewhere
about the model, a mere binding of
the pockets with a narrow band and
possibly a narrow binding of the
black, also shown on the collar and
front. There arc also a number of
waistcoats, collars and cuffs made of
tub, silk in either large stripe or dot
design with color or plain white hack-

Here you will find the products of such producers as Karpen,
Kindel, Sligh, Luce and the Grand Rapids Furniture Company.

Robinson-Cohen Co.





Celebrate"."Win the War Day" Last Sunday-Rabbi Frank-
lin Dedicates Flag-Rev, M. B. Rice Delivers Prin.
cipal Address at limit% .g Patriotic Rally

taking, of either men It e ■- onten, of ,

The Waistcoat is an
Interesting Style Feature 1

America's leading furniture makers supply
the stock which is shown at this great
East-side store.

1.4011T11-BOUND rOURntraTal CARS PAH THE 00014.

did success. Intense interest is cc-
hibited throughout the state, and in I
Chat interest centered in the "\1
o h
f t e Wor ld."
ll etro l
t alone over 3,11(10 women have ' the \\'ar Day" of the Jewish \\'.-
, re. Rio.. w h
o was g I l• I 1 l'll , 111091
been trained to act as registrars.
1 man' s I.
held 4.111 Sunday utter-
Itegistration will
ill be voluntary and noon, April 7th, in the auditorium entlittsiasth ally, chose as his theme,
Will begin April 27,
according to a,,4 Temple Beth El as was evidenced a titne13' olic. "The Rebuilding of the
Proclantation by Doterinir Sleeper s
1 by the large attendance of both °len \Vorld." Ile said ill part that if one
who strongly urges all w11111(1 OVer
and nom, ii gathered together to greet 11111111 kil,,,, 1 ,, ,,,,any the ( t es t rue _
sixteen years Of age 10 '4.0 111 1 lit .
1 Ill' SP,11 ■ 1 . r of the day Rev. \brim' Ii
, l) cause.' by Ile war, which one
places designated i n th eir
se, cral It. Rite. pastor of the North \1'111111- C■
110101 kill. \V 111111,,i 0111• , 1:111d, right
communities and there 1.o register for war
I.: T a h,• reac l.. an
d \I
d to nit- ill the midst of the tight and gets the
whatever service they are able. to n
t• sight
. ,
tile Iiiiii- grip of the heart on this situati
). or ill sfiei.131 j,,,i,,,, of
o n , , , .note}' ,
flag by 111c a unitictl connection. 1/r. !tics said
training to meet the needs of war.
. 1 .
. and . .
tetio'• L.
if., ,; a, Helm
IltillilflIfy Ill- total till difference bet \Veen
Mrs. Frederick it
Perkins, ...Lite ,.,.,.,„. 11,1,, Leo NI . H.„„tdi„ .
director of registration of the 110-
and other nations is that .\ no rica has,
The meeting, which was patriotic in no national bankeround- as a nation
man's .Defense Committee, said ' re-
; nature. Ica.
w err unknown; we want t,, b e
"This great plan for regi
is-,,,,, 1„111)..„ suspend..1--the musical w hat e1' 11 ant to be innatural sort
a natural
lrati ` l " Ill 51 " 1 "'" i ' 4 " l " .1 ''. " li ' l)
• numb. rs, Ill nig furnish...1 Ify N11'. .\h- of w a \ - a distin
conception of the 11111<t pro ,
ct initiative. inflk id-
e ram Ray Tyler, , organist. and Miss sal that stand: out among others -
nation ill the world. \\ - e call lied in
o.„O ooi. solo .„ no.
;k11 . history MI :account of a yeni..n. ' l u luNh
nett itnvil eiiii,iitalsileSS of t he tact



meaning and spirit, and its :ipplica.
tion to the daily life of the Jewish

child. They finely portray the Jewish

ties. to la &sided according to the
discretion 111 the executors, skews
that they have disposed of $200,000.

home life and atmosphere, and bear The executors gave $27,500 to the
th e impression of one who knows Home for Aged and (With' Hebrews

jew i,o,

lif e and child

nature inti- and $26.000 to Montetiore Home. Leh-

You Can't Make
an Omelet With=
out Breaking Eggs

war it is unavoidable
T 0 that win the the rights
of the individual

nfringed. It is unavoidable that
his personal comfort be temporarily
ignored, his personal property tem.
porarily conscripted, his personal
fortunes temporarily impaired.

We Must Make Haste
We Must Strike Hard

There is no time to weigh too care-

fully the questions of individual
equity. The big job, the one job, is to
win the war. There will be plenty, of

time to talk about it and adjust
grievances afterward.

All arguments aside, we've got one big job on:at the moment-to

Invest in


This Space Paid for and Contributed by

Mrs. A. B. Newman

matcly. anon Hospital got $22,000, and $20 -
- - -
Mrs. Levinger'. work has been (00 each went to Mount Sinai Hos-
$2,500 each went to the New York In- pled Children, and Blythdale Home
largely with and for children. She pital and the Association for the In-
Hospital for Deformities and Joint
worked with the Bureau of Jewish struction of 1)eaf Mutes. The Ile-
Diseases, Ladies' Auxiliary, Mount
Education tKehillah. of New York) brew Sheltering Guardian Society got the Federation of Ilronx Jewish So-. The following organizations got
Sinai Hospital; Spanish and l'ortu-
as director of children's dramatics, I $18,500 and the New York Section of cieties, and the Chelsea Neighborhood $1,000 each: Emanti-E1 Sisterhood for
and editor of the children's weekly th e Council o f J ewish Ivonien $12,0)0 .
guese Synagogue Sisterhood, \Yid-
Association. The Jewish Working Personal Service, Free Synagogue owed Mothers' Fund Association,
"The Jewish ( hild." She is the au-
The Hebrew Technical School for Girls'
Vacation Society and Young Social Service, Temple Israel Sister- District Nursing of Henry Street
thor of "The Boy. \Vito Fit In," an Girls received $6,000, and $5,000 eadi
interesting juvenile. depicting the went to the Hebrew Technical School \\' ornen s Hebrew Association got . bood, Children's Haven, Far Rock- element, Harlem
Federation for Jew-
school life of a Jewish boy, and of a for Boys and the Home for Hebrew $2,000 each, and $1,500 each went to away; Bronx Society for the Proven -
ish Communal Work, and Hudson
novel "1:11.i). ini" (Fire of Life), a Infants, while the Hebrew Orphan the Day Home and School for Crip- Lion of Cruelty to Children,
Sana• Guild. The executors
prize-winner in a contest of the Jew- Asylum got $7,500. The New York
are Samuel
pled Children, Educational Alliance Corium for Hebrew Children, Lake -
ish Publication Society. She also Association for the Blind, known as
Heyman, brother of the deceased:
for its Federated Employment Bit- view Home, Beth Israel Ifospital,
wrote considerably along dramatic the Lighthouse, received $.3,299, and reau, East Side Free School for Crip- Young
and Sigmund
Men's Hebrew Association, Langsdorf, a friend.

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