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September 14, 1917 - Image 38

Resource type:
The Jewish Chronicle, 1917-09-14

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The Zionist Convention in Russia


(Continued from Page 1.1)

whole world. The Zionist ideal is
precious to me, and I believe that we
will attain our goal. But if our striv-
ings will not unite all of our brethren
then may we all be united by our past,
by our culture, by our eternal, na-
tional spirit. Let us unite and ex-
Vshono Habo Beyurushala-

rented not only the warring powers,
but also the neutral powers and all
the peoples which strive for regenera-
t:on. The scattered Jewish people al-
so has a right to demand for itself a
place among the other peoples, when
the liberation and regeneration of
peoples is discussed.



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Harry S. Ayers

"It is possible to havedifferent
opinions of the result of the far, but
one thing is clear and indubitable:
The fate of the near east is being de-
cided upon now. The war began be-
cause of the near east, of the Dardan-
elles, of the Suez canal, of the Medi-
terranean and the Bagdad railway.
Palestine is in the center of this near
east. The time has come when we
must say to ourselves and to the
whole world that we and not others
must become the owners of that land,
must conquer it by our persevering
and strained labors.

"We are living through a great
tragedy. At the time when all our
lives and all our hopes are bound up
with Palestine, at The time when our
vanguard in Palestine self-sacrificing-
ly fights for its positions, we are
doomed to stand aside and maintain
neutrality. This is the tragedy of a
scattered and dispersed people.

"\Ve have shown in Palestine an un-
exampled talent, an unusual creative
force. \Ve did not have either legal
rights or means, nor the human ma-
terial, nor the knowledge, but we did
have something that recreates a peo-
ple—indomitable faith in and a bound-
less love for our people. We have
proved that the Jewish people is not
impotent; that the source of its power
is not exhausted, and if given the nec-
essary means under changed condi-
tions, will show wonders to the world.
'We must in a very short time become
th e owners of the land.' This is de-
manded by the current of world
events. Seas of blood have not been
shed that humanity should return to
the old regime. A new world will be
born upon the ruins of war.

"When we will have men in Pales-
tine, we will also have a culture there.
Real culture is not created in deserts
and not by mere words. The Jewish
population in Palestine will be the
bearer of Jewish culture. There will
1w put all end to the different lan-
guages and to the different cultures
with which our people is afflicted.

"The world is tending towards uni-
versalism. Humanity will be unified
on the basis of real mutual love and
mutual respect of peoples. One flag
will wave over all peoples—the flag
of humanity. Upon that flag many
stars will shine. Will we, the oldest
People in the world, permit on that
flag our stars should be absent? That
must not be. On that starred flag of
the peoples, our star will glitter with
transcendent brilliancy and beauty."

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"But what after that? A people
cannot live or exist without a national
ideal to which all its parts should
strive, and around which its will and
thoughts should concentrate.

"We demand our land and we hope
that the free peoples, particularly the
Russian democracy, will support our
demand before the peace congress,
but that is not sufficient. At the
peace congress there will be repre-

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Duma Deputy Friedman expressed
the hope that Palestine shall enjoy
the same freedom that is now Rus-
Menacham Mendel Ussishkin, the
acknowledged leader of the movement
ill Russia, delivered a report on con-
ditions in Palestine, during the course
of which he said:
"We did not think that the war
would touch Palestine because it is a
land holy to all peoples and civiliza-
itons; but the impossible has proved
to be possible. In the desert of Sinai,
where for the first time was heard the
command, `Thou shalt not kill,' groans
are now heard.
"In war there is no leniency in the
face of historical sanctity. My words
are become true. In accordance with
the information at hand, our property
and our men are unharmed, but we
do not know what is awaitng us in
the future. We must arm ourselves
with patience and be prepared for
"If we now speak of Palestine and
its future, we can only speak from the
point of view of the prohelm itself.
The first question we offer is: 'Shall
Palestine be ours or not?' It is not
we that offer this question but the
world events. Two great events have
taken place before our eyes and both
have an enormous influence on our
country and its future: The world
war, the war of nationalities, and the
great Russian revolution. The war
moves the Palestinian question into
the array of world questions awaiting
their solution.



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