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June 22, 1917 - Image 12

Resource type:
The Jewish Chronicle, 1917-06-22

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To insure publication, all items of social interest should be sent to Miss Ruth Rosenfield,
103 East Palmer Avenue, Telephone North 4063,not later than Wednesday evening.


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The marriage of Miss Ruth L. Cincinnati, has arrived home to
Mau delightful affairs have,been given in. honor of Miss
to Mr. Harry Folz, both spend the summer vacation with his
biide-elect of next week. On . -TIiurSday.of last week
Mrs. Samuel C ohen was hostess at a charmingly appointed luncheon.. of Kalamazoo, took place on Tues- parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Roth-
given at the Hotel Statler ; on Saturday, Mrs. Leslie Gumm and Mrs. day evening in the home of the man.
Leon Hamburger entertained at luncheon at the Tuller, and in the bride's parents in that city. Rabbi
Miss Bessie Joffa, who spent the
afternoon.. Mrs. Harold Van Baalen was hostess at a theater party
winter in Detroit, has returned to
followed by a tea at the Hotel Pontchartrain. Miss Rose Bresler
home in Toledo.
. Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel '1'. Berger
entertained the bridal party at a luncheon and theater party on Mon- have arrived home from a motor-
Little Miss Irene Becsky, daugh-
day, and on Tuesday Mrs. Sol Benjamin also gave a luncheon, while trip to New York city.
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Becsky
on Wednesday Miss Loretta Grosslight and Miss Elsa Decker were
of 170 Winder street, celebrated
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Morris of her sixth birthday on Sunday, June
hostesses at bridge luncheon. Thursday afternoon Mrs. Max Finkel-
ston gave an afternoon bridge and the following day Miss Laura Net- Connecticut avenue celebrated their 17, with a very pretty party to
zorg was hostess at a luncheon at Beltramini's in the afternoon. Mrs. twenty-fifth wedding anniversary thirty of her young friends. The
Rosenhein entertai444,bridge, and. in the evening Mrs. Samuel on Thursday, June 14.
home was prettily decorated in deli-
Kaufman was 'hosL:.4§j'ardinner in honor of the bridal party. On
Walter Rothman, who is attend- cate shades of pink, and each guest
Monday of next week MiSs Mitia Iligg will give a luncheon and thea- ing the Hebrew Union College at received an appropriate favor.
ter party and in the evening MisS Phyllis Zuckerman will entertain
111 1 111 1 1111 1 1 11 11 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
Miss Bing and her bridal party at a dinner dance at the Phoenix Club.

The marriage of Rabbi Samuel Spier Mayerberg, assistant rabbi-
elect of Temple Beth El, to Miss Gertrude Rothschild took place at the
home of the bride's mother, Pierpont avenue, Cleveland, on Sunday last
at 6 o'clock. The ceremony was participated in by Rabbis Leo M. Frank-
lin of Detroit, Julius L. Mayerberg of Goldsboro, N. C., and Louis Wolsey
Of Cleveland. Following the ceremony a wedding dinner was served,
after which a reception was held. Rabbi and Mrs. Mayerberg expect to
take up their residence in Detroit about September 1st.

Mr. and Mrs. Jacob G. Brown
and Mrs. Cora Sloman are visiting
in the east.


Mr. Roy Greenthal has left for
New York to accept a position at
Mount Sinai hospital. Nlr, and
Mrs. Julius Greenthal have left the
Tuner hotel and have taken an
apartment in the Aiuo.

Arrange Now to Make Those Leisure
Hours Enjo ij able in the Fullest

Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Sloman
of 123 McLean avenue celebrated
their fifth wedding anniversary Q11
Saturday evening of last week.

A number of Detroit boys and
girls will leave soon to attend vari-
ous summer camps, among them
being Nliriam and Alice Fechimer,
children of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
M. Fechimer, and Julia Ruth
Brown,. daughter of Mrs.. Julius
Brown, who go to their camp in
Maine. Lowell Selling will attend
Michigan Military Camp.

Let Us Send

a Victrola


For a Good Time Sunday go to
Sugar Island with


Boat leaves at Foot of Griswold
Street at 8:30 A. M.


This store will close on
Saturday; at I p. m.,
beginning June 3Cth,
enabling our employe;
to enjoy a longer


With it comes entertainment—and more—there's
relaxation for tired nerves; mental and physical rest
and renewed energy—and, at the same time, greater
familiarity with the most talented artists in their
most beautiful and perfect renditions.

So much will a Victrola mean to you this Sum-
mer—and the year 'round—that you should arrange
for one today.

$15, $25, $40
and up
to $400

Largest stock
of Records

The Gorham Silversmiths have labored for eighty-
five years to produce silverware which would em-
body -, a substantial sentiment, for wedding gifts.

Dinner Services
Dessert Pieces
After Dinner Coffee Sets
Correct Pieces for the Luncheon Table



The summer home and
camp are not complete with-
out a Victrola. Any of the
smaller models—$15 to $50
—can easily be taken with
you—and leave no chance
for dull hours.

Our service will please you.
To be of real assistance to
you in selection of Instru-
ment or Records is our aim.
SPecial advantages are af-
forded in our salesrooms,
stock and experienced, cour-
t e o u s, musically-informed

IVe carry out the principle of high grade in the entire stock.

Diamonds and Diamond Jewelry
Gold Wares

Goldsmiths and Silversmiths

Headquarters, 243-247 Woodward Ave.

Woodward Ave., at John R. St.

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