6 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE PREPARE ii N I 1111 For the Spring and U II II Summer of 1917 111.11 111 11.11 II ■ YOU WILL FIND A COMPLETE LINE OF FASH- IONABLE CLOTHS FOR YOUR MEASURE AT U I 111.1111 III 11.111 a II II KRENZ, The Tailors II 11.11 III ■ 111 II II 24 JOHN R. AT BROADWAY : ALWAYS READY : MAIN 1136 moungsmounnunnumningnismennni: 111111111 1111111111111111 .111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111. Splendid Bargains in improved and unimproved property. See us for information regarding our "LITTLE FARMS" if you desire a home in the country. MALONEY CAMPBELL REALTY CO., Inc. Telephone Cherry 1195 FREE PRESS BLDG. • ■ 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 lllll 1111111 lllllll 11111111 lllll ■ Jews Are in Need of Revival, Rabbi Says Dr. Herbert S. Goldstein Will Try to Bring Young People Back to Synagogue NEW YORK.—Rev. Dr. Herbert S. Goldstein, who announced his resigna- tion last week as associate rabbi of the Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun, 117 East Eighty-fifth street, says he will conduct a Jewish revival movement in this city upon the solicitation of youths of the East Side and Harlem. The Harlem Young Men's Hebrew Associa- tion, of which Congressman Isaac Siegel is president, and the Society of Young Israel of the East Side, are the organi- zations that have appealed to Rabbi Goldstein to undertake this new work. His farewell sermon was preached on Sunday morning. He said, in part: "It is high time that the Jews of New York, that the Jews throughout our glor- ious country, would realize the need of such a popular religious revival move- ment, not through vulgar means, not through threats and scares, but by the more proper method through the Torah background, through the Rabbinic back- ground, through the Jewish background, thereby reaching and teaching the young man and the young woman. I propose, my friends to dedicate my life to this end. I have with me at this moment a message from the youth of the lower East Side, and a message from the youth of Harlem. Wayne Tractor Corporation 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IsTOCK 1 1 111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1 111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1 1 1 3000 shares—Par $100 Capitalization $300,000.00 To Revive Jewish Spirit. "With thanks and gratitude to God, I propose to accept these messages and praise my Maker, that I may be able to serve as the instrument in the effort to lead a revival movement among our people. I propose leasing a house. We shall hold daily services; a lecture on Friday evenings; a sermon on Sabbath morning. We shall have classrooms and club rooms; social rooms for the young man and woman, for the boys and the girls. Furthermore, my friends, I am conscious of our grave troubles. I realize that at the present time on Sabbath mornings, I cannot have the youth of Harlem or the youth anywhere in the city at a Sabbath service, but I propose to ask the leading Jewish mer- chants who keep the Sabbath to remedy this by informing me when there is an opening in their firms for young men and young women who desire to keep the Sabbath. I propose that through the Institutional Synagogue, a strong, a thorough, a powerful Sabbath employ- ment Bureau will be established. Will Appeal to Young. "Have you ever thought of our grave problem, that no more than twice a year 95 per cent. of the young men and 99 per cent. of the young women go to the synagogue? I propose for Sunday mornings to lease a theater for the sake of bringing the traditionally Jewish mes- sage in the form of Jewish lectures, not services—do not misunderstand, not services, but Jewish lectures on Judaism for Sunday morning to the vast hordes of young men and young women who cannot come to the Synagogue on Sab- bath. We have abandoned them and through the Sunday morning lecture, I hope to reclaim these young men and young women who have wandered to Christian Science and to every other kind of science except Jewish Science, and bring them back to the work of the Synagogue House, to study, attend Jewish lecture courses and to help in the doing of Jewish Social Service work. Then the young women will not come to the Synagogue merely twice a year, but will come to the Synagogue building during the week whenever pos- sible, and whenever time will permit. Oh, the prophet's words must ring in our ears today, 'Awake, Awake, put up thy strength my people.'" RELIGIOUS WELFARE WORK TO BE CARRIED ON AMONG JEWISH SOLDIERS. WAYNE TRACTOR INVEST YOUR MONEY WHERE ITS SAFETY IS SECURED, WHERE THE DE- MAND IS GREAT, AND THE ARTICLE IS THE ONLY ONE OF ITS KIND ON THE MARKET: We are making arrangements to have machinery installed in our plant, which is completed, immediately and expect to have same fully equipped by June 30th. Invest your money in this corporation while we are nearing our goal. The time of doubt has passed. The Wayne Tractor Corporation bears all the earmarks of a successful industrial investment. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111WARI11111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Many investments may be seriously hampered by War, but we openly announce the fact that a long continued War will stimulate our business, while on the other hand immediate peace will keep us hustling to the limit of production for 5 years to come. Glance back over the wonderful success of the last 75 years, and compare the present day opportunity. 1900—The Automobile 1880—The Linotype •1840—Telegraphy 1870—Cash Register 1890—The Telephone 1916—The Farm Tractor Do not use our judgment entirely, but link your judgment with the judgment of the big- gest, brainiest men in America who declare the tractor to be the next big industry. • • • Feys & West, 0 308 Congress Bldg. • Gentlemen: Without obligation to me • send full particulars with reference to Wayne Tractor Stock. Feys & West Investment Brokers—Stocks 308 Congress Bldg. Cherry 584 Detroit, Michigan • • • • • • • Name • Address 0 lll . All religious welfare work growing out of the participation of Jews in the war will be under the direction of a cen- tral board of nine. This decision was reached at a conference in New York Monday, at which practically all the leading Jewish religious organizations of the country were represented. The cen- tral board will be composed of repre- sentatives of the following organiza- tions : Union of American Hebrew Con- gregations, Central Conference of Amer- ican Rabbis, United Synagogues of America, Council of the Y. M. H. A.'s and kindred associations, Union of Orthodox Congregations, Agudath Rab- bonim, and Jewish Publication Society. Two additional members will be chosen by these representatives. "The rabbis," said Samuel A. Gold- smith, Executive Secretary of the Army and Navy Department of the Council of the Y. M. H. A., which called the con- ference, "stand ready to serve as field chaplains in regiments largely composed of Jews. There are 735 registered rabbis in the United States capable of serving. The following were present: Dr. Cyrus Adler, of Philadelphia, represent- ing the United Synagogues of America; S. S. Rosenstamm, chairman of the con- ference; I. E. Goldwasser and S. A. Goldsmith, of New York, representing the Council of the Y. M. H. A.'s; Rabbis George Zepin and S. Swartz of Cincin- nati, representing the Union of Ameri- can Hebrew Congregations ; Dr. William Rosenau and Rabbi Isaac Landman, of Baltimore, representing the Central Con- ference of American Rabbis; Simon M11- ler, President of the Jewish Publication Society, and Rabbis M. Margolies and S. Revel, of New York, representing the Union of Orthodox Congregations.