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August 25, 1916 - Image 15

Resource type:
The Jewish Chronicle, 1916-08-25

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To insure publication, all items of social interest should be sent to the office of the Jewish
Chronicle, 314 Peter Smith Bldg., telephone Cherry 3381, not later than Tuesday evening.

Mrs. E. Herman of Cincinnati
and her grandchild, Theodore
Deutsch of Cleveland, spent several
days in the city. While here they
were entertained by a number of
their relatives.

11 r. and Mrs. M. Goodman and
(laughter Gertrude are making a
trip to Baltimore and Atlantic City.

NIrs, E. I I. Koch and daughter
Alma are at Muskoka •Lake.

The lisses Malvin and Jeanette
Feigel are spending their vaca-
tion at Ashtabula.

Mr. and Mrs. Sol Baer and
daughter Ilertine are home from a
three weeks' sojourn at Conneaut

Mrs. L. Trattner and daughter,
Mrs. F. U. Berkowitz, arrived home
from Green Springs, where they
spent a few weeks.

NIr. and N1rs. A. E. Brown are
making an eastern auto trip.

:Among the visitors to the city
last week was Benjamin F. Saltz-
stein, formerly of this city, and now
a prominent attorney in •NIilwaukee,


VI-. Adolph Amberg left Detroit
for the east Wednesday.

Detroit Lodge No. 55 K. of P.
will start regular meetings on the
first Wednesday in September at
Castle Hall, 533_Cass avenue.

\1 r. and NIrs. Benjamin L. Lam-
'bed and daughters, Sarah and
Ruth, returned from Duluth on the
steamer Noronic.

I he Mark

.... A Reed

Woodward et

A, c

r. iv

Even if it requires
standing or walking
all clay—you'll find
joy in your job

of Quality

The parents of Miss \Vinifred
Sandorf announce her marriage to
Mr. Maurice Kollin, which will
take place August 27, 1916.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ilirschfield
announce the marriage of their
daughter, Mabel, to Paul Raclin, of
Detroit, on Tuesday, August 15.





:; 4 . 's .p. . 272

your feet have the
easy comfort of a
soft cushioned sole,
sensible toe, snugly
fitting heel and nat-
ural arch support.


'Ot110 . 12

Try a Pair

en." Irani,


Finest Summer Ballroom in America
Ben Shook's Peerless Orchestra


Schaffner's Dress
Suits To Rent

Cushion Shoes

Tuxedos, Prince Alberts, Cuta-
ways, Gray Striped Trousers,
Silk Hats, White Vests.


To a' oid imitation look
for the name of the
ma' cr.

J. P. Smith Shoe Co.,
Ma' ers of Men's Shoes

Mr. and Mrs. D. Goldsmith and
family, of Nlaybury Grand avenue,
have closed their cottage at lies-
mond Beach and returned to the

r. and N' rs. Jacob Nathan have
lift fur a trip north.

Mr. and NIrs. F. \I. Frank, of
ontdair avenue, are spending a
couple of week's at N'ackinac

N O,r,r7

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis ). De Young
and daughter,• Dorothy, have re-
turned to the city after spending
several weeks at Cedar Point and
the beaches at Port I turon, NI ich.

Mrs. Wm. Rosenthal, 870 Brush
street, has left for an extended stay
in Put-in-Bay.

Mrs. A. Schlesinger, of Brush
street, is visiting her sister, \lrs.
Louis If Goldberg, of Grand Rap-
ids and Ottawa Beach.

J. i.. Hirschmann and Nliss S.
lirschmann are at the I lotel Astor,
New York.

Joy in
your Job

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Monash,
A. Mendelson, H. M. Butzel
and A. Kahn are registered at the 280 NI edhury avenue, announce the
Biltlllore hotel, New York.

4th Floor Peter Smith Bldg.

Cad. 1297

State and Griswold
S E Langerman, Local Mgr.

engagement of their daughte r,
Sadye, to lien Tether, of Cleveland,

Prices Advance
Sept. 1st

Owing to the large increase in the cost of material
and labor, Messrs. Steinway & Sons find it necessary to
advance the price of their Pianos beginning September 1.
That the musical public of the state might be pro-
tected to the fullest extent, we placed the largest order
for Steinway Pianos in the history of our house. They
are now on our floors—and, there's a decided saving in
buying at the old prices.

Deferred Payment Plan. Other Instruments in
Exchange. A Deposit holds the instrument
—delivery later.

Secure Your
Steinway Now

Headquarters: 243-247 Woodward Avenue

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