% odica! Cotter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 9 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE •• •• •• •• POLITICAL Citizen and the Moral Issues T he Jewish of the Mayoralty Race Every election is, of course, of great import to the citizens of Detroit. But with the recent and rapid growth of our city the elec- tion of its officials has become more and more serious as the power wielded by those officials has become greater and greater. Conse- quently, today, as Detroit assumes a National position, the question of who should fill its highest office—that of Mayor—is one of vital importance to every Detroiter—man, woman and child'. The mayor- the leadership of a Grand Marshal and two assistants will proceed to the new home of the society. The following organizations will take part : The Beresnitzer Unter- stizungs Verein, the Gmilas Haze- dek Society, the Minsker Verein, Big Parade, in Which Over a the Pinsker Verein, the Russian Dozen Societies Are to Par- Polish Society, the Koveler Society, ticipate, Will Mark the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Order Occasion. of the Western Star, and many DEDICATION CEREMONIES OF NEW HOME OF CHESED SHEL EMES TO BE HELD ON SUNDAY. The Chesed Shel Eines Society others. The society has received many of Detroit, organized for the pur- pose of bringing to a proper Jewish handsome donations to aid it in its burial the remains of those poor work. The largest single contrihu- unfortunates among our co-religion- tion was made by Joseph Ratkow- ists whose relatives are financially sky, who gave $300. Unable to bear the expenses of a Simon Jacobs, prominent banker, burial, will dedicate its new home at 66 Brewster street on Sunday, Aug- retired merchant and philanthropist, ust 20th. A large parade, in which of Memphis, Tenn., died suddenly the members of the society and their last week in Atlantic City, N. J., friends are to participate, will be where he was spending the summer. the feature of the occasion. The He was a member of the school parade will commence promptly at board since 1914, chairman of the 2 o'clock from the building of the Hebrew Relief Association, and United Hebrew Charities at Hast- prominent in all Memphis Jewish ings and High streets, and under charitable societies. That CHARLES S. HAMPTON is a man of exceptional men- tality and capacity no one disputes. A graduate of Adrian College at the early age of nineteen years, he began the practice of law at twenty- one and since that time he has served his party and State in numerous capacities. Besides a number of minor offices, he has the record of being the most efficient Game and Fish Warden that Michigan has ever had, he most ably represented his District as State Legislator at the Lansing for a considerable time, and in 1896 was a candidate in time 10th District for the Congress of the United States and at that • ran several thousand votes ahead of his ticket. His solution of the numerous difficulties facing Detroit is worthy terms of much attention. He has announced in fearless, unmistakable a advoca te of his platform for the coming campaign. While he is th favnors clean government in all its entirety, and while he allthose things which will work for the betterment of this metropolis, the key- note of Charles S. Hampton's platform may be worded : "NO MORE BOSS RULE!" Since 1905 the politics of this great city have been a blot on the fair name of Detroit. Trampled beneath the iron boot of machine rule, the will of the people has been prostrate and prostituted. It is in order to restore to the citizens of Detroit their ancient heritage of ti- effective suffrage that Mr. Hampton has consented to enter the poli ntal cal arena and combat those powers that mock at the fundame principles of Americanism. His struggle is to wrest civic government from out of the hands of the BOSS and make of government for, by and of the people of Detroit a living reality instead of an empty fic- t, he belie ves , shou a be tion. The control of our city' s gove on me n CHARLES S. HAMPTON of Tam many H all and ldway i this taken out of the hands of ourimitation career and the ballot for from our imitation of BOSS Murphy of that institution. alty race this year is a crisis in our civic The Jew has always stood for clean, honest government. The office should be cast only after the most serious deliberation. In this deliberation the name of CHARLES S. I I AM PTON, can- vote of the Jew is a sacred, holy thing. 1 lis ballot is unassailable mid him by false didate for Democratic nomination, should be given the most careful can neither be purchased by gold nor hoodwinked from of New York, promises or vain flatterings. The vote of the East Side where the Jewish population is greatest—that vote alone Boss Mur- consideration. phy never attempted to foretell. For the Jews have suffered too long not properly to appreciate the blessings of citizenship. no Ne such , Solvay Collieries Co. Semet-Solvay Co. SOLVAY FUEL PRODUCTS COKE Foundry Egg—Nut Pea—Buckwheat Rice—Breeze COAL Lump Egg Nut The Name Guarantees the Highest Quality Detroit, Michigan Sales Department r 1 Phone r as an entity. Of particular interest, therefore, to Jews is the candidacy of CHARLES S. HAMPTON for mayor. lie stands for those things the Jew holds most dear—political freedom and popular government. He oppose4those, things the Jew most opposes—autocratic, BOSS rule. "I do not ask the Jew to vote for me," said Mr. Hampton to representative of the Jewish Chronicle. "The vote of the Jew, I know full well, is too personal a matter to be promised or bartered. But I do ask the Jew to take special interest- in the mayoralty race on account of the moral issues which it involves. The Jew has lost none of his antagonism to oppression. He cherishes the same old love of liberty. li- He does not tolerate political despotism and machine rule in city posh tics. The BOSS had better beware of the votes of Detroit's posh tics. citizens itmliest • ■ ••x,