THE JEWISH CHRONICLE The only Jewish publication in the State of Michigan Devoted to the interests of the Jewish people Vol. I. No. 23 $1.50 per Year DETROIT, MICH., AUGUST 4, 1916 Single Copies 5 Cents , „ , „ , „ , „ , „ , , „ „ , „ , , , , , , „ , „ , , „ , , , , „ , , „ , „ , , , , , „ , , , , , , , , , „ , „ , , „ , , „ , , „ „ , , „ „ „ , , „ „ , , „ , , 4 i , , , , , , „ , , i n i t i m , „ , „ , „ , . _ ,: , . 1 91 , ,„,„, „ „ ,„ , „ „ ,„.„, „, ,„ „, ,„, „ , , , ,„ „ , ,„, , „ „ „, „ „, , „, „ „, , , , „1,„ , „,„ „ 1 .Israel Zangwill Flays British Toleration of Russian Anti-Semitism ..- ..._ .. W Plic of Great Britain = ,,- Jewish Author Severely Criticises the War Policy Great t Book the In His Lates milliiinillinliniliimailiquiililimillmlimumillumilliimlinniiiiIiiniuminiliiiiiminilloiliiillmilitiomilmilmImmumg illtim nil lolllimiininiimillinmumaillimmilinlimiiimiliMmIlimiiiiiiililliilimiliii 5113311111013331101333milinimili so, a new chapter sian Jews, her restoration of Pales- the Jews of Jewish autonomy, but in Arab genius to do At a time ,when would be opened in the history of tine to their race would be at once Great Britain are busy stiffling all autonomy. mankind, the ends of the ages a peace offering to her own con- "It all requires a radically science and a consoling assurance sentiments of sympathy for their ,, - would meet, and the 'tribe of the to the martyrs of the Pale that in Russia lest they be ac- native policy, a dealing in future weary breast,' brethren in pasts by men ready to wandering foot and hundred years they had not agonized in vain." kinship with the as well as nineteen cttsed of undue it takes tour- rescue human history from its mo- which for Mr. Zangwill also bitterly at.: -enemies of the realm, has prayed for Palestine some tacks the anti-semitic policy of the order for a British notonous factors of blood and gold. age Of a high Russian government, showing how Jew to openly range himself against 111111111011111111111111M111111111111111111M1111lt1111MITI11111111 III HMO imonomuntm absurd is the argument that a pro- silent the governmental policy of a gram of anti-Jewish legislation is toleration of the Czar's inhuman fl"kylleil'1.f'''7,4";!{0 necessary in order to keep the Jews• treatment of his Jewish subjects. from dominating Russia. Such a man is Israel Zangwill, the Says he great Jewish author and play- book, en- "I could almost fancy myself lis- wright. In his latest .' for the \\Todd tening again to that Russian Baron- "The War titled Zangwill has some very frank ess who, brought to luncheon at my Mr. things to say concerning the Jew- house one day by a common friend, problem arising out of the war fell to expatiating on the 'terrible ish to help the and calls upon England , problem' of the Jews in Russia. A Jews obtain Palestine in atone- sympathetic soul, thought I, till ment for her approbation of the gradually I became aware that the anti-sernitic policy of her Russian 'terrible problem' was not for the Jews but for the Russians. ally. "Once, in fact, permit these ter- He says: "And finally there is Palestine. rible nebrews to escape from their Pale, once allow them the educa- which, as the Manchester Guardian explains, is now necessary to the tional and industrial facilities of British Empire, inasmach as 'there their fellow-Russians, and they can be no satisfactory defense of presto! they are the rulers of Rus- Egypt or the Suez Canal so long as sia. Palestine is in occupation of a hos- "It is only when one looks at tile or possibly hostile power.' If maps and figures that the complete Britain took .Palestine she could silliness of this Slavinic supersti- make .no greater stroke of policy breaks upon one. The Rus- , , than to call in the Jews to regen- sian Empire—even without the ter- erate it for her. Failing this con- ritorial gains the war may bring it quest, even if Turkey, under Ger- —stretches over nearly nine million man shrewdness, made a similar sqtiare square miles and occupies one-sixth ..'4, offer to the Jews, I for one would of the land surface of the globe. hold no truck with the assassins of Siberia alone is more than a million the Armenians, should it turn out 1 miles larger than the whole of . %7. 4 , 1 that the Turks proper and not the Europe. r 4 Kurds are responsible. The ac- "And this Empire, which, like ."1.4 ceptance of Palestine aom such a the United States, has the supreme 4.., power would be an anti-climax to advantage of continuousness, is in- Jewish history. habited by • nearly a hundred and "But even under British suzer- eighty million people, of ,whom only ainty the restoration of the Jews six millions are Jews. And it is would not be easy. Despite the 4 1 these six millions—one in thirty of heroic creations of Jewish colonies i-f;M the population—who, given a free ..„, , —now alas! half destroyed—the field and no disfavor, are to domi- ISRAEL ZAN GWILL Jews hold too few vested interests nate Russia, the tip of the tail wag- in the soil to have a claim to it on 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ging the Bear ! It is a great com- any basis of real-politik. They 11111111111111111H1111111MI111111111111111111 1111111!11 pliment to the Jews but it is also a numbered, even before the great twenty times a day, would find it great absurdity. I of the e war migration, only 100,000 out of Napoleon, under. the se self on its holy soil under the aegis "Contemporary politics shows us 700,000, mainly Arabs, and pos- forty centuries that rega ded him of the greatest empire. in the world, his traced sessed only 2 per cent of the soil. from the Pyramids, anno to their victorious after the greatest strug- • numerous examples of races kept Unless, therefore the Arabs would design to restore the Jew gle in her history. And inasmuch from equal rights with the govern- h Egypt trek into Arabia, or could be peace- land. Will England. Wi out the as by her tinion with Russia 'Eng- ing race on the ground—or pretext fully expropriated, any government equally at • her feet, carr land would have marched to this —of intellectual inferiority; _that example, the justification of set up on a constitutional demo- plan she - foiled Napoleon . i victory over the bodies of the Rus- is, tor the ind she the power "Had critic basis Wouid result n9>: in a :. : 4. , *, , - • , A