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June 16, 1916 - Image 13

Resource type:
The Jewish Chronicle, 1916-06-16

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THE JEWISH 01120Ni :61A

What of Our Young People ?

A Discussion of a Worth-While Organization,


(for Two Years President of the koun PiciPs' Society of Temple Beth EL)

As if this were not enough, Isa-
dore Levin won the Wendell Phil-
lips prize for oratory, and the Price
Greenleaf Scholarship, and in addi-
tion was selected to Phi Beta
Kappa, the honorary scholarship
m y, in-his-Junior_ year. \Vhile
Isadore Levin, Son of Rabbifi
Judah L. Levin, Has Grad- I at law school, he added to his ---
mat Y----
uated from Harvard Law
Foster Law Scholarship.
School—Will Make
This City His
Completing his seven-year law
course at Harvard University,•with
a cum laude diploma, Isadore
Levin, son of Rabbi Judah L. Levin!
of this city, is returning to Detroit.
He hopes to be present at the gradu-
ation of his younger brother, Abra-
ham J. Levin, from the U. of M.
The story of the career of that
young man is the account of one
round of brilliant achievements.
Graduating from the Cass High
School of this city, with high hon-
ors, he won the first scolarship
ever donated by the Harvard Club
of Michigan. \Vhile a Freshman at
Harvard, he distinguished himself
by making the Freshman Debating
Team ; and winning, by his ability
as a public speaker, a cup of honor
at the annual Harvard-Yale-Prince-
ton Debate. One year later, lie was
chosen to Harvard's Varsity Debat-
ing Team, an honor which few
Sophomores succeed in attaining.
His excellent work won for him the Isadore Levin was prominent also
Noble prize, awarded to the best de- in Jewish activities, being past pres-
Later in college, and the captaincy ident of the Harvard Menorah So-
of the team for the succeeding year, ciety and vice-president of the In-
tercollegiate Organization. Last
members, it is still an experiment— year he was selected to the presi-
we want you to watch our work dency of the Intercollegiate Zionist
and decide for yourself upon the Association of America. And the
worth. Our only standard of mem- most surprising fact about it all is
bership is a good moral character. that Isadore Levin is but 22 years
Here is an organization that merits of age.
your support. Don't you think so?
(Continued on page 36)

After a Brilliant
Career in College
Detroit Young Man
Returns Home

Speaking of the Young Peoples' actual practice the theory of the
Golden Rule. We have borrowed,
Do you realize what an important if you will, the slogan of a 'kindred
rganization 'To give is better than
power for good this is? Do you
realize its possibilities? Do you re-
alize how it is helping to shape the
thoughts of our young men and
women ? Do you know how it is de-
veloping real character ? Do you
know how it has combated the pub-
lic dance hall by providing the best,
cleanest kind of entertainment ?
Do you appreciate the fact that
it is keeping its members in con-
stant touch with the Temple ?" Do
you understand that it encourages
culture and brings understandings
Do you know that it maintains
the only Drama Club connected
with a church ? Do you know that
it extends a weekly invitation to
Jewish guests at our Detroit hotels ?
Do you know that we produced an
opera that ranked with the best
Nlichigan University productions ?
Do you know that we sponsor an
annual lecture and concert course ?
Do you know that we raised over
one thousand dollars for the war re-
lief ? Do you understand that we
maintain the self-respect fund of
"We have built up this organiza-
the United Jewish Charities ?
tion to be an aggressive, influential,
You should know about these useful, militant organization for the
things, because they help to answer public good. It has not mattered
the question, "What about our whether we ourselves would benefit,
provided we felt that by our work
young folks ?"
Let me tell you something of the we would be of real service to
Young Peoples' Society—something others. The fact that the work at
of our ideas and our ideals—some- hand did not seem to fall just with-
thing of our aims, ambitions, mo- in our own immediate scope has not
tives. Then, if you properly sense mattered. The mere fact that there
the guiding spirit of the Young was work to do, quite justified our
Peoples' Society, you will have a own attempts, humble though they
.keener, fuller, better appreciation might be, to solve the problem.
"We have striven to be of such
of our work.
* * *
service to the community that we
We were gathered around the would draw new members to the
executive board of the Society at Society, and once they joined, see
the first meeting of the year. For that they, in turn, became of service
the first time our newly-elected and to others. The result is that today
capable President, Doctor R. R. the Young Peoples' Society isa fac-
Goldstone, was in the chair. The tor to be reckoned with in the Jew-
meeting came to order, and we ish communal life of Detroit. We
Settled down to a discussion of the have paraphrased a well-known say-
affairs of the association. This was ing to this effeCt't 'Everybody's busi-
ness is our business.' "
a week ago.
You may not yet appreciate the
One of our new directors, a splen-
but the Young People's So-
did man, who had done expectional
work as a member, addressed the ciety is the biggest individual factor
chair. "As a new member of the in bringing the Jewish young folks
Board," said he, "I should like to together and keeping them well
ask a simple question. Tell me, within the folds of the Faith.
what is the purpose of the Young
We are providing a medium
through which the young people
l'eoples' Society?"
The President considerately re- may give expression to their ideas.
ferred the question to the writer, so We are fostering the truest kind of
will tell you as nearly as I can re- Americanism by teaching our mem-
member just what I told those bers that their first duty is to their
twelve earnest young Jewish men brothers. We are developing the
highest kind-of undiluted Judais'm,
and women.
"The Young Peoples' Society," if you will, and the effects of this
said I, "is different, I presume, from work will be lasting and important.
If you are interested in this ex-
almost every organization of its
kind. During the past three years. periment of the "Golden Rule"—
we have attempted to work out in for, in spite of our four hundred

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