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May 26, 1916 - Image 14

Resource type:
The Jewish Chronicle, 1916-05-26

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(Continued from page 11)

In the city wide oratorical con-
test there were chosen among the
six to participate in the final con-
test, Messrs. Detrain Levy and
Brutus Lamport.

Mr. and Mrs. K. Sidder, Mrs. R.
Robinson and Mr. and Airs. D. M.
Sidder of Chicago and Miss Bessie
Krandal of New York were in the
city during the past week to attend
the Krandal-Stone wedding, which
took place on \lay 21, at the home
of Air. and Mrs. M. Frank of 116
East Hancock avenue.

Mr. and Airs. William Rothman
and daughter have returned home
after a visit with their parents in

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Goldberg
and daughter Helen of Cleveland
have been spending the past week
in Detroit and Mt. Clemens.

Many delightful affairs have been
given in honor of Miss Michelstet-
ter, the house guest of Mrs. Lewis

Mr. and Airs. William Brown
have returned from a southern trip.

Mrs. S. M. Goldsmith and Miss
Marion Goldsmith are leaving for
an extended trip to be gone until

Mrs. Andrew Wineman of Chi-
cago Boulevard entertained her
Wednesday sewing club this week.

Dr. and Mrs. Hugo A. Freund
have returned from an eastern trip.

Mr. A. Spertner was absent from
the city for several days this wed:

The Woman's Auxiliary Associa-
tion of Temple 1 l eth El held its
annual meeting Wednesday, Mav
17, at which time the following offi-
cers were elected for the ensuing
year : ' President, Mrs. Isaac Gold-
berg ; first vice-president, Mrs. B.
B. Selling ; second vice-president,
Mrs. William Rindskrff ; record-
ing secretary, Mrs. ,Oscar Robin-
son ; financial secretary, Airs. Louis
Simon ; corresponding secretary,
Airs. Louis Welt ; treasurer, Mrs.
Louis Alusliner ; house committee,
Mrs. Joseph Lichtenstein, chair-
man; visiting committee, Al rs.
ITenry Wineman, chairman ; enter-
tainment committee, Airs. Monroe
Rosenfeld, chairman ; membership
committee, Mrs. Samuel Stearns,
chairman ; press committee, Mrs.
William Rindskoff ; sewing commit-
tee, Mrg. Adolph Sloman, chair-
man ; National Federation of Tem-
ple Sisterhood committees—co-op-
eration, Airs. Viola Wolf ; Sabbath
School and religious work, Mrs.
Leo M. Franklin ; scholarship, Mrs
Isaac Goldberg ; pr9paganda, Mrs.
Ida Ehrman ; Jewish ceremonials,
Mrs. B. B. Selling.


Mr. and Mrs. NV. Siegel an-
nounce the engagement of their
daughter Lena to Mr. Aaron A.

Mr. I. NV. Weinstein announces
the marriage of his daughter Dinah
to Mr. S. Archie Cohn of Chicago,
to take place on Thursday, June 1.
Miss Dinah Weinstein was the guest
of honor at many delightful enter-
tainments. Among the hostesses
were Mrs. A. Schifman, Miss Helen
Rosenthal, Mrs. Harry Wetsman,
Miss Sadie Keidan, Miss Rose
Weinstein, Airs. Wolf Kaplan, Mrs.
Saul M. Simons and Miss Mabel
Bof sky.
Mrs. David Kaiser of New-
burgh, N. Y., is a guest of Mr. and
Mrs. J. Duschinsky of Jefferson

Mr. Harold Fogel was the guest
of his cousin, Mr. Anton Kaufman
of this city.

Program of 28th Hour of Music
at Temple Beth El.

The following is the program for
the 28th Quiet Hour of Music to be
given at Temple Beth El on Sun-
day, May 28, 1916, at 4 o'clock.
Mr. Abram Ray Tyler will be the
organist. He will be accompanied
by Mr. Andrew Davis, harpist.
1. Sonata in A, Felix Borowski.
Allegro ma non troppo ; Andante ;
Allegro con fuoco.
2. Priere, Aphonse Hasselmanns.
Mr. Davis.
3. Vision (new), J. P. Lude-
4. Fantasia in I) flat for Harp
and Orchestra, Theodore Du Bois.
Moderato ; Andante ; Allegro. Mr.
5. Two Elegiac Melodies, op. 34.
Wounds." (b) "Last Spring."

Elect Adolph Lewisohn an Honor-
ary Member of Zeta Beta
Tau Fraternity.

(Continued from page 7)

M. Levine Dr. Samuel Schwartz,
Rev. Dr. M. H. Harris. Mr. Louis
Posner acted as toastmaster and
brief addresses were delivered by
all of the above guests.
Mr. Lewisohn responded and
the young men that the secret
Mr. and Mrs. I. Bialosky and
family of Cleveland are the guests of success in life was square dealing
of Mrs. Harry Wetsman of Brush and dependability. He also spoke
of his interest in college matters.

Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Frank of
116 East Hancock avenue annouce
the marriage of their sister, Miss
Sadie Miriam Stone, to Mr. Sidney
Herman Krandal of New York.

and Graduation


Daintily graceful frocks that
express the charm of youth
are being shown for Con-
firmation and Graduation.

Many beautifully simple designs inwhite voile,
georgette crepe, organdies, etc., are included,
as well as more elaborate models in lingerie,
embroidery and lace dresses. You will find them

of correct fashion and at unusually low prices.





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