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May 19, 1916 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Jewish Chronicle, 1916-05-19

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The Increase of Jewish Immi-
gration on the Pacific Coast

The New Port of Entry—Seattle

Several months after San Fran-
It was decided that a responsible
cisco became a port for Jewish im- organization was imperative and
migrants, Seattle, situated On Puget that the most effective work could
Sound, suddenly beg-an to receive be done under the guidance of the
many Jewish immigrants. In the I lebrew Sheltering and Immigrant
beginning the Japanese steamers of Aid Society of America. This or-
the Nippon Yusen kaisha and the ganization was formed under the
( )saka Chosen I:aisha Lines brought name of the I lebrew Sheltering and
one immigrant, then two, and three Immigrant Aid Society, Seattle,
and five and ten. A month passed, Branch.
and the number increased. The
A governing board consisting of
steamers came with ti f t v , seventy- directors and officers, president,
tive, a hundred and a hundred three vice-presidents, honorary sec-
again. Jewish immigration to the retary and treasurer, were elected.
port of Seattle became a reality.
\11 are prominent in the business
.\ great number of the immi- and social life of the city.
grants came from the war zones
In order to provide for the co-
and some front Siberia. They tray- operation of other communities, the
sled over the Siberian railway to leading Jews from neighboring
Manchuria and Harbin, and from cities were elected to the board of
there to Japanese ports, Yokohoma directors. They are all public
and Kobe, and then over the Pacific spirited citizens, men of influence
to Seattle.
in their respective communities.
I 'radically all are war victims and
To proPerly receive, guide and
war refugees—human beings, whose distribute new arrivals is the chief
sufferings have aroused the sympa- object of the Seattle branch. Im-
thy of the whole world.
mediately after the organization
There are two extremes among \vas perfected, it was thought ad-
the immigrants. Many came with- visable to meet the immigration of-
out money, while others had thou- ficials, the collector of the port and
sands of rubles. It cost each one the doctors of the L'nited States
of them from one to two thousand health service, for the purpose of
pointing out to them the objects and
rubles to reach America.
The type of TCWS coming here is activities of the national organiza-
of the best manhood in Russia. In tion, and what the branch hoped to
their former communities they had achieve in Seattle. They readily
been representative men, possessed promised their active co-operation.
Soon thereafter arrangements
of means, had contributed gener-
made for a home, an office-and
ously to philanthropic institutions
a shelter, social workers were en-
and for charitable purposes.
Seattle, the new port of entry, gaged and the branch was ready to
which is now receiving and welcom- begin its work. The task was tre-
ing the immigrant, has a Jewish mendous, but confidence on the part
population numbering six thousand. of the local people, and knowledge
They did their best to receive their that the parent body would place its
new brethren, and to extend to many years of experience at its dis-
them a real Jewish "Sholem Alei- posal, made, success certain. The
chem.." The task they felt, how- immigrants remaining in Seattle
ever, was great, and they appealed were called together and all neces-
to judge Leon Sanders, President sary information which would make
of the Hebrew Sheltering and Im- it possible for the officers to help
migrant Aid Society of America, was obtained.
A good many of them reported
for assistance and advice. The na-
tional organization was alive to the that they had no intention of seek-
situation, and immediately put its ing work, as they came to this coun-
machinery in motion. It directed try to study, and would return im-
its assistant general manager, Mr. mediately upon the cessation of hos-
T. R. Fain, to proceed to Seattle, tilities.
and after a survey of the situation
The need of an employment
to do what was necessary, so that bureau became apparent. Means-
those arriving there should become ures had to he taken immediately,
self-supporting and useful Ameri- and an employment bureau was es-
can citizens.
tablished, to connect the jobless man
A local committee had been tem- with the manless job. It was de-
porarily formed and was doing good termined to limit this work to the
work, assisted by the TI'nai Writh territory between the Coast and the
Social Service Committee.
Mississippi, to discourage immi-
It was realized that this was a grants from going East, and to en-
critical situation, and that it re- courage their settling in the western
quired the best Jews in that part of part of the United States.
the country to take matters in hand.
(Continued on pare 7)


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