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May 05, 1916 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Jewish Chronicle, 1916-05-05

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To insure publication, all items of social interest should be sent to Miss Ruth Rosenfield,
80 Palmer Avenue, East, phone, North 4063, not later than Monday evening.

Mrs. Henry A. Krolik has left to
spend a few weeks in the cast.

Miss Judith . Ginsburg was a
member of the committee on ar-
rangements for the entertainment
of the University of Michigan girls
taking part in the Japanese opera
given in McCollester I lall on Satur-
day evening.

Miss Miriam Teichner, formerly
on the editorial staff of the Detroit
News, and now on the staff of the
New York Globe, had an experi-
ence recently which it has been the
privilege of very few to enjoy. Miss
Teichner accompanied DeLoyd
Thompson, a daring young aviator,
on his record breaking flight over
the Ilemstead course in New York.

r. Samuel I leavenrich has re- in Detroit for several weeks, is vis-
Among Detroiters registered at
New York hotels during the past turned from a short trip to New iting in Duluth.
week were Mr. J. E. Goldberg, Mr. York.
Mis. Melville Welt has returned
and rs. 11. I I imelhoch and .N1 iss
E. Oppenheimer.
Robinson, of Euclid avenue, after
spending two delightful weeks at
.1rs. I lenry Van Baalen, who has
The engagement of Nliss Bertha French Lick Springs, have returned
the guest of her sister in To-
Jacobson to 1\1r. Abraham Epp- to their home.
ledo, is spending some time in De-
stein, of Toronto, is announced.
Miss Jacobson is the daughter of
Mr. Albert Steller, of Denver, troit.
Mrs. Annie Jacobson of 98 East Colo., is a visitor in Detroit.
Warren avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Friedman,
St. Louis, will make Detroit their
Mrs. Max Cohen has returned
home in the near future.
Mrs. I. B. Rosengarten, who was from New York.
the guest of her parents in Newark,
N. J., has returned to her home.
Mr. and Mrs. Avery Ginsburg
Miss Rebecca Warshauer, of
spent the week-end in Toledo.
Colorado avenue, who spent a week
Mr. Irving Hirschnian spent a
in New York, has returned home.
.NIrs. Adolph Sempliner, of Cleve-
few days in Buffalo during the past
(Continued o,t page
land, who was the guest of relatives

Mrs.. Charles C. Simons, Presi-
dent of the Jewish Woman's Club,
has been honored at her election to
the second vice-presidency of the
Detroit Federation of Women's
Mr. Anton Kaufman spent the
week-end in Toledo as the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. L. I I. Mark, of Glen-
wood avenue.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Langer, of 211
Richton avenue, Highland Park.
have returned from their honey-
In honor of their sister, Miss
Dinah Weinstein, whose marriage
to Mr. S. Archie Cohn of Chicago,
111., will he an event of June 1st,
Mrs. Harry Wetsmzm delightfully
entertained fourteen guests at her
home on Sunday, April 30th.

Merritt, of Evans-
Rabbi Max
ville, Ind., spent Sunday in Detroit.
In the mottling he occupied the pul-
pit of the Temple and in the even-
ing went to Ann Arbor, where he
preached to the Student Congrega-
tion of the U. of M.

Mr. and Mrs. Selig Stern, of
Kalamazoo, spent a few days in
the city.
Mr. Lou Oppenheim, of Bay City,
was a Detroit visitor during the
Mr. and Mrs. S. Berger, of 636
Brush street, were at home on Sun-
day in honor of their fiftieth wed-
ding anniversary.

\1r. and Mrs. Clarence Enggass
have returned from an extended
western trip.

Mr. Abe. Saverstein of the Top-
ping-Sandcrs Company has returned
from Pittsburg after spending the
holidays with his parents.

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