THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Congregational News TEMPLE BETH EL. The subject of Rabbi Frank- lin's sermon on Sunday morning of this week \\ill be "I lave We. Outgrown the roil)le'r • Services begin at 10:15. All are welcome. .\ special invitation to attend the services is extended to strangers and newcomers to the city. Nlondav afternoon the Wo- man's Auxiliary Association will give their usual monthly pro- gram. The general topic will be "The Jew in I .iterature." Two papers \yid he presented, one by NIrs. Wallace Ros- enheim and the other by NIrs. Alfred P. Breitenbach. All mem- bers of the Auxiliary are cordially invited. Preparations are under way for a very elaborate musical service to be given in the Temple on Purim, Sunday i,norning-, Nlarch 19th. On this occasion an en- larged choir of twenty voices un- der the direction of Ali-. \Villiam I lowland, will g i ve se l ec ti ons from the oratorio "Elijah." The 1)i'amatic Club of the Young People's Society meets in the Temple OWN' Thursday even- ing, under the direction of NIr. Tompkins of the Central High School. Those wishing to join this class should send their names to \Ir. Gerald Nlay, Chairman. The class in Jewish Ethics, un- der the direction of Rabbi Frank- lin, meets in the Temple Library every Thursday afternoon at '2:15. The class is open to all who are interested. YOUNG PEOPLE'S SOCIETY. flans are rapidly progressing for the production of the big an- nual frolic. to be given by the Young People's Society at Tem- ple Iteth El this year.. The pro- duction will take the form of a comic opera, similar to those pro- duced in recent years by the Michigan l'nion of Ann Arbor. The opera will deal with Peace and !Preparedness and \yin parody many of the notabilities of the day. The book was written by kenjamin Welling- and Sylvan S. Grosner, both of whom were active in the Michigan I. and Comedy of Affairs, amt the music and lyrics are the works of such well known men as Seymour Si- mons, Rowland Fixel, Normand Sillan and Leslie Gunm. Thg'- director of the production tO, be Wa11 J.° Fellows, 11 under whose management the Nlichigan operas have been produced. The dance numbers will be coached by Mr. Alfred Gibbs and Phillip Lichtig. Arrangements have been made with the l'niversal Nloving Picture Company to film a re- hearsal and put same through Animated Weekly. One of the large theatres will be secured for the production and the opera will be larger than anything on this scale ever before attempted. The 'entire proceeds will be given to the Young People's Society Self Respect Fund aita charity. The first rehearsal was held last Sunday afternoon, forty young men turning out. It might be well to mention here that both young men and youn• women belong to this society, but only the former will participate, tak-' ing both male and female parts. The second rehearsal will be on \I arch 10th, under Nil- . Fellows, and all young- men interested are cordially invited to take part. The cast will he definitely decid- ed on at that meeting. There Is a Certain Salesman In This City whom a great many of you would know, if we were to m e nti on hi s nam e . He has just passed his 50th year, and is about to retire and live on his income from invest- ments. Yet—when he was 40 years old he was getting but $1,200 a year. We mention his case as an example of the rapid rise that will come to any man after he has saved his first $1,000—if he will continue to save and invest judiciously. • MEETING OF ORTHODOX JEWRY. The Orthodox community has just held its annual .meeting un- der the chairmanship of I. Naph- tale Levy. The income of the community, owing to the war, has declined considerably. Many members have been mobilized and several have fallen upon the battlefield. Rabbi Weiskopf de- livered an impressive address in which he particularly emphasized the patriotism of the Jews. 7 You are NOT too old—START NOW. One Dollar Will Open an Account With the German-American Bank Griswold and Lafayette Chene and Gratiot Mack and Mt. Elliot Gratiot and Hastings SHAAREY ZEDEK. On Saturday, larch 11, there will take place at the Synagogue the usual Sabbath services. Rabbi I I ershman will deliver a sermon. Services commence promptly at ► YOUNG FOLKS' SOCIAL o'clock. CLUB. The Nlen's ,Club of Shaarey The Young Folks' Social Club %Mel: held one of the most suc- had a rousing and enthusiastic cessful meetings of its career on meeting on Sunday. Nlarch Sunday, NIarch 5th. Fully -1.0 with an attendance of 150 mem- members responded to the roll bers. The club has decided to call. The program for the day contribute a generous amount to consisted of a reading by !Tarry the relief of the Palestinian Jews. Keidan of the report issued This society, devoted to the by the American Jewish Relief purpose of stimulating - social ac- Committee on the Jews in the War Zone, The reading was fol- tivities among the younger ele- lowed by a very spirited general mentof the Jewish communitv, discussion on the part of the holds its meetings every first and members. The officers of the or- third Sunday in the month at ganization extend a cordial wel- Ehrlich's Hall. .\ hearty invita- come to all to attend the next tion is extended to all young meeting on Sunday, Nlarch 12th, Jewish men and women to join. at the Vestry Rooms of the Snl- a gogue. Lodge No. 652 of the Order of A regular monthly meeting of B'rith Abraham. the Auxiliary of Shaarey .\t the last meeting of the or- Zedek will be held Nlonday. ganization, held - on the evening March 1:1, at '2:1.1 o'clock in the of N I arch .1, preparations were Vestry Rooms of the Congrega- completed for an elaborate ball tion. NIrs. Robert Lowenberg and musical entertainment, to be give the story of Esther and held under the auspices of the a paper will be read by \liss lodge, sometime in the near future. M acy E. O'Grady. There will The proceeds will be devoted to also be several piano selections by the Relief of the Jews in Pales- Nliss Gertrude Silberstein. All tine. members are urged to attend. The local lodge of the ll'rith Nl. S. Rice delivered a very Abraham is one of the leading eloquent address at a regular Jewish fraternal (organizations in meeting of the Young- People's the city. This position it has Auxiliary of Shaarey Zedek on: achieved largely through able and Tuesday, March constructive leadership of Mr. Herman Eichner, its president. JEWISH STUDENTS CON- The membership increased at, a GREGATION. tremendous rate during the past Rabbi A. Hershman occu- Year. The society is,. indeed, to pied the pulpit of the Jewish Stu- be congratulated upon the sterl- dent Congregation of the Univeri ing character of its chief officer, sits' of Michigan on Sunday even- and upon . the work which lie has ing of last week. His subject was accomplished. "The Jewish Consciousness.'' The • pulpit this week will be (occupied One hundred and fifty mem- by Rabbi Leo M. Franklin who hers of the Knights of Joseph will speak on the subject "Preju- Lodges, of Cincinnati, Ohio, 1-.ave (lice, Its Causes and Its Cure." formed a military company. Organizations` KADIMAH. .\ very interesting and•success- ful meeting- was held by the mem- bers of the Kadimah Zion so- ciety, Monday evening-, in the vestry rooms of the Shaarey Ze- deck. The meeting- was presided over by Rabbi A. I. Hershman. Reports were given by the var- ious committees and discussed. The membership committee is showing active work in securing several new members. The pro- gram of the evening was a paper on "The Jew in War," read by Mrs. Jos. Ehrlich. This was sup- plemented by lively discussions on the various phases of Zionistic work. At the conclusion of the meeting the entertainment com- mittee served light refreshments. The public is invited to attend meetings, the dates of which will be mentioned in the JEwisit PURIM BALL. 'I'hc I I ebre\v Aid So- ciety announces that on Sunday evening:, March 1 ► th, at S o'clock, there will be held under its aus- pices, at Ilurk's Casino (formerly Clark's Academy ), a Purim Char- ity Ball. Mrs, II, Klein. presi- dent of the organization, takes. this occasion of appealing to De- troit society to patronize this event, as the proceeds will be de- voted entirely to charity. The music will be furnished by Fin- zel's Orchestra, and a delightful time is promised to all who will attend. To quote from the an- nouncement issued by the So- ciety: • "It is your duty to stand by our own people. Our happiness is not complete if there is misery around. - Enjoy life fully by re-, lieving the suffering of others."