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March 03, 1916 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Jewish Chronicle, 1916-03-03

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Local News


On -Sunday, larch :011, Rabbi
,Leo I, Franklin will deliver his
weekly Sunday discourse at Tem-
ple Beth El. lie has chosen as
his subject "The I ligher I lospital-
ity." The services commence at
10:15 on Sunday mornings, and
Sabbath mornings at 10:30, •
Those who had the pleasure of
attending the "All Star Perform-
ance" rendered by the ladies of
the Woman's Auxiliary of Tem-
ple Beth El last Sunday', will at-
test to the excellent nature of the
entertainment. The numbers were
varied but uniformly interesting.
The Woman's Auxiliary is indeed
to be complimented ow the high
grade sof the program, which fol-
lows in full:
1—Reading, "A Happy Prince,"
Mrs. Frank V. Martin. ( With
musical 'accompaniment by
Mrs. Morris D. Silver)..

?----Group of Songs, Miss Myra
3—"•he Champion of Iler Sex,"
a farce comedy—
Introductory Word, Mrs. Mel-
ville S. Welt.
\I rs. Duplex, a widow with
niliney and a mission, Irs.
)scar Rosenberger.
rs. Deborah I I artshorn, • her
mother, Mrs. Wm. Rindskoff..
Caroline, her stepdaughter,
Miss Edith Weisman.
'Florence Duplex, the daughter,
Mrs. S. J. Gettelson.
Rhoda Dendron, Mrs. S. R. Glo-
Pollie May, Mrs. S. M. Cohen.
Her Friends:
Katie O'Neil, the cook, Miss
Irene Goldstone.
Maggie Donovan, chamber-
maid, Mrs, , lug() 1 A iewen-

A Young Peoples' Organization That is Doing
Big Things!

Something About the Young Peoples' Society of Temple Beth El;
It Officers and Undertakings

Tem pl eBeth I.l , tyliirh lays
claim to the distinction of having
the largest reform Jewish congre-
gation in America, excepting only
the big. congregations -of New
York, Chicago, and Philadelphia,
can also lay claim to one of the
most nourishing and prosperous
young people s organizations. This
society, which has a membership
of three htindred, has taken the
initiative in many civic and social
enterprises, including the estab-
lishment of a "self-respect fund"
for the United Js•wish Charities.
This latter venture is maintain-
ed with the idea of supplying.
funds to people who are tempor-
arily compered to ask for assist-
ance and yet feel repugnance at
the idea of accepting- charity.
any worthy people have fai'ed
to secure ass'stance merely be-
cause of then reticnce in accept -
ing charity and the establishment
of the "self-respect fund" was
aimed at the suceoring of these
The Young People's Society of
the Temple has pledged itself to
contribute $.00 a year to this
fund. This money is loaned to
worthy applicants, without secur-
ity, and a goodly share is return-
ed each year.
This same organization 'main-
, tains the only Dramatic League
in America, affi'iated •.with any
religious body
The Drama Club studies the
better drama of the day, under the
able supervision and direction of
\ Ir. Frank Tompkins, head of the
English Department of the Cen-
tral High School. From time to
time prominent theatrical men
have addressed the Drama Club.

The organization's hospitality
Committee is composed of young
men, who make the rounds Of the
prominent hotels each xveek and
extend invitations to worship to
all the Jewish guests. This work
has helped materially to expand
the usefulness and influence . of
Tennde Beth El.
At the present time the Young . ,
People's Society is making ar-
rangements for theproduction of
a stupendous musical show, in
which only the male members will
participate. This production,
which will be given on the even-
ing. of April 10th, will be coached
by well-known professionals, and
both music and book will he the
work of some of the talented
"Hie Young People's Society .
of Temple Beth El," said Milton
Alexander, its preident, "is an
instrument for service to the com-
munity ( )ur im•mbers ape cc -
el- lilted from a number of con-
gregations—we draw no lines be-
yond a demand that every mem-
ber be of such moral standing
that every other member need
have no reticence about meeting
Bing on c(immoll ground. Aside
from our more serious undertak-
ings, we make it possible fo r Jew-
ish young men and women to
meet under ideal social conditions
and yet avail lhemselves of the
yarn Ills forms of entertainment
which appeal to them most."
An invitation is issued to all
Jewish young men who would like
to appear in the musical show
now being arranged to come to
the first formal rehearsal at the
Temple next Sunday afternoon at
2 :30 p m.



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Shaarey Zedek

Weekly services at the Shaarey
Zorek Synagogue take place on
Sabbath mornings, • and com-
mence proud ttr'y at 9 o'clock.
Rabbi Hershman will deliver the
usual sermon. The subject has
not been announced.
One of the main events of the
week in orthodox circles was the
bazaar which the Ladies'
iary of the Shaarey /e(hek gave
in the gymnasium of the Syna-
gogue on Sunday afternoon. Mrs.
Wolf Kaplan Nvas chairman, and
Irs. Louis Solomon, secretary.
The chairladies of the various ta-
•bles were as follows:
Mrs. Sadie Kaplan, fancy, work.
Mrs. Ii. Blumenthal, cake.
Friedberg, candy.
Krell. cigars.
Mrs. I'. Il. Gordon, dolls and
Mr. I. \V. Jacobs, of the Jewish
Publication Society, had charge
of a table of books.•
It is to be hoped that as a re-
sult of the sale, the building - fund
of the congregation, to which the
proceeds were dedicated, will be
materially increased.
Considerable interest w a s
aroused among the members of
the Alen's Club of Shaarey Zedek
by the address of Rabbi Hersh-
man based on the Black lIook,
imblished by the American Jew-
ish Relief Committee, concerning
the deplorable conditions of the
Jews in Russia and Galicia. The
meetings of the organization,
which are every Sunday at 11:15
a. m. in the Vestry Rooms of the
congregation, are devoted to the
study of Jewish history and
literature or to the frank consid-
eration of current Jewish prob-
lems. Mr. Harry B. Keidan, the
president of the Club. expresses

the Inipe that more Jewish men
will exhibit their interest in the
work of the organization.
An instructive and highly in-
teresting program is ill store for
members . of the Men's Club of
Shaarey Zedek at the next meet-
ing. .of the organization on Sun-
day, March :011, at the Syna- .

The next meeting of the Young
l'eople's Auxiliary of Shaarey
Zedek will take place in the audi-
torium of the Synagogue on
Tuesday, Nlarch ;th, at 8
p. m.
I he committee has arriingul an
unusually attractive and interest-
ing program, the main number of
which will consist of an addri•ss
by Rev. AI. S. Rice, Dr. Rice is
the head of the North Woodward
Methodist Church, and is besides
very active in the religii . )tts.work •
(if the Y. M. C. A. i le haS, more-
over, the reputation of being one
of the city's most eloquent public
;linkers. In connection with the
main address of the evening, the
committee promises also an ex-
cellent musical program. All are
cordially invited.

An eloquent and impressive ser-
mon was preached by Rabbi Gitin
last Saturday at the Mogen Ab-
raham Synagogue. Rabbi Gitin
spoke touchingly on the suffering
of the _Ems in the war zone, and
made an effective appeal to the
Jews of this city to come to the
aid of their destitute brethren
across the sea.

Carl Ettlinger, one of the fore-
most humorists of Germany, (lied
on. the battlefield. lie was a mem-
ber of an old Jewish family in
South Germany.

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