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May 18, 1994 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1994-05-18

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Eie £~idiipanDaig
One hundred three years of editorial freedom
LGMPO changes name to include bisexuals in group
By Julie Becker Jim Toy, past co-coordinator of LGMPO, "There was not so much attention paid 20 Student reaction to the forthcoming name
DAILY STAFF REPORTER said the informal name change came in re- years ago to bisexual concerns," Toy said. change was mostly positive, though many rec-
What's in a name? sponse to years of requests by bisexuals for such However, LGMPO still awaits official ap- ognized the symbolic nature of the change.
The Lesbian-Gay Male Programs Office action."It's a belated response, actually, to their proval of the name change. Associate Dean of "I think it's great," said second-year Medi-
(LGMPO) has been asking this question this request," he said. Students Richard Carter, a member of the recent cal student Lou Cubba, a member of Lesbian
week as it looks toward officially changing its The 23-year-old office has been actively search committee for a new LGMPO director, Gay & Bisexual People in Medicine. "(Bisexual)
name to the Lesbian-Gay Male-Bisexual Pro- programming for bisexuals for the past two or said he wants to wait and speak to Ronni Sanlo concerns have not been addressed by many
grams Office (LGMBPO). The change is mostly three years, Toy said. The programs developed - the newly named director of the LGMPO - forums, and it shows that the office cares about
a matter of bureaucracy, as the office has been out of a new awareness of bisexual concerns, as before making the change official."I want to their needs." Cubba also noted that a new name
sing the new name informally for the past year. part of the larger issue of sexual orientation. involve her in that decision," Carter said. See LGMBPO, Page 2
Antioch IRkIuuhT rnEl

taps SNRE
prof for
By Michelle Lee Thompson
The University will lose a cham-
pion of environmental and social jus-
tice causes as he assumes the position
of president at Antioch College in
Yellow Springs, Ohio.
In a presidential search that in-
volved far less controversy than the
selection of James J. Duderstadt at the
University,James E.CrowfootonSun-
day was named Antioch's 18th presi-
"I like the University of Michigan
and it will be difficult to leave, but I
just see the mission at Antioch to be
of importance, and I want to work
osely with students and faculty,"
Crowfoot said.
"(Antioch is) extremely interested
in working for social change and social
justice. Given some of my own com-
mitments, I have a lot of respect for
Antioch's programs," Crowfoot said,
citing Antioch College's concern with
globalization and national diversity.
Crowfoot, now aprofessorand con-
centration adviser in resource, policy
d behavior, served as the dean of the
chool of Natural Resources and Envi-
In 1987, during Crowfoot's tenure
as SNRE dean, his name was included
in the list of candidates who were con-
sidered in the search for president of
the University of Michigan.
During his tenure as dean, the
SNRE more than tripled dollar totals
research grants - helping to com-
at some of the University funding
cuts that reduced the school's budget
by 25 percent in 1983.
See CROwFOOT, Page 2

provost over

By Cathy Boguslaski
Speaking to the Senate Assembly
Monday, Provost Gilbert R. Whitaker
Jr. refused to apologize for allegedly
interfering in an ongoing faculty griev-
ance procedure.
The Senate Advisory Committee
on University Affairs (SACUA) asked
the provost to retract a portion of a
letter he wrote on behalf of Pharma-
cology Prof. William Pratt.
In the Feb. 11 letter, Whitaker
said, "I would like you to know that I
am not aware of any evidence that
would suggest that Dr. Pratt is a rac-
ist." Whitaker's letter also asked that
all charges of racism be documented.
SACUA claimed the provost's ac-
tions interfered in the pending griev-
ance filed by Assistant Research Sci-
entist Peggie Hollingsworth against
the committee that refused her pro-
motion. Pratt was a member of the
Pharmacology AssociateProf.Tho-

mas Landefeld also filed an informal
complaint against Pratt that was pend-
ing at the time of the provost's letter.
At Monday's meeting, Whitaker
defended his ac-
tions as protecting
faculty rights.
"Under our
system of justice,
the accused is not
obliged to prove
his innocence," he
said. "My state-
ment that I know
of no evidence (of Whitaker
appropriate.I'msurprised thatSACUA
didn't make a request for proof. What
would one apologize for?"
SACUA defines the issue not as
one of racism, but as one of proce-
In aresponsecarefully orchestrated
by SACUA before the assembly meet-
ing, SACUA member George Brewer
See PRovosT, Page 2

SACUA member George Brewer accuses the provost of interference Monday.

Law student faces trial for protest in dean's office

By James M. Nash
A University Law School student who con-
fronted Dean Lee Bollinger over a plan to cut
funding to Public Interest programs is scheduled to
stand trial Sept. 15 on charges of trespassing and
failing to identify himself accurately.
First-year Law student Hugh Brooks faces a
maximum of 90 days in jail and $100 in fines
stemming from the March 24 incident.
According to police reports, Brooks refused to

leave Bollinger's office when the dean asked him
to and later when three officers demanded.
Brooks had come to visit Bollinger to protest
the dean's decision to leave the Public Interest
Office's fate to his successor. Bollinger has re-
signed and will be replaced by Law Prof. Jeffrey
Sean Lehman.
Bollinger said in an interview after the incident
that Brooks "was quite obnoxious" and posed a
threat to the dean's safety. Bollinger called the
Department of Public Safety after Brooks refused

to leave.
DPS reports indicate that Brooks told an officer,
"I'm not leaving, arrest me." When the officer
directed Brooks to stand up from the chair where he
was seated, the student said, "You're going to have
to carry me," according to the police report.
Brooks appeared in 15th District Court yester-
day for a pre-trial hearing. Assistant County Pros-
ecutor Jack Simms vowed to pursue the case, de-
spite requests from Bollinger to drop it.
See BROOKS, Page 8

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