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October 15, 1890 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1890-10-15

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He was Appointed by the Board of
Regents this Afternoon.
An important meeting of the
Board of Regents was held this
afternoon, one of the principal
duties being the appointment of a
Successor to Henry Wade Rogers.
After considerable deliberation a
conclusion was arrived at, and
Jerome (. Knowlton is the for-
tunate recipient of the honor.
Mr. Kowlton was born December
14, 1850, ani gradLuated fromthe U. of
I 01 875 with the tegree of A. I. Iii
1873 he gradicited from the law de-
plartinent with the degree of LL. R.,
and imlediately entered on the prac-
tiee of law at Ain Arbor. In 185 lie
Was illlapointed Assistant Professor of
"aW, and in June, 1889, was raised to
the losition of Marshall Professor of
Law. In 1888 lie edited an American
edition of Anson on Contracts,' a
Standard work now used in this and
laany other law schools. Ile has had
Charge of nearly all text-book work in
the departnent.
The appointment of Mr. Knowl-
ton to the highest position in the
department is a deserved honor,
and one which gives general satis-
faction to all interested. Petitions
for this appointment have been
pouring in froii the Alumni of
the Department, especially from
tle class of '90. The news of his
appointment was received by the
Preseiit classes with enthusiasm,
and a great demonstration of ap-
proval will be given by the mcm-
bers of the department to-night.
. C. Gates is the surgeon of
a ining company in northern
Hagler, Moore and Whitehead
will stay here and help graduate
the next class.
Further' Action Taken on the Rush
Last night, at the iieeting of
the Sophoiore coiiiittee, ap-
pointed last Saturday to decide on
the form of the contest with the
Freshmen, it was decided to cial-
lenge the Freshnen to a tug of
war, to be held Nov. S.
They propose to have fiey
picked men on each side. Their
reasons are given below:
T /h Editors: The comimittee of
the Soplhmore class, having broken ai
old custom of the I niversity, feel that
it is their duty to give, if you will grant
the space, the reason for so doing.
The rush is not only disagreeable
and brutal but also dangerous, amnd
growing more so. There is also a de-
cided sentiment against it on the part
of nearly all those who are acquainted
with it. So the commwittee thinkthat
i" deciding for a tug-of-war, they have
lecided in favor of a much needed re-
forii. Messrs. Monncx,
Walter s. Christopher, M. 0.
Dr. Christopher, the new pro-
fessor of Theory and Practice of
Medicine and Diseases of
Children, is still a young man,
having graduated from the Ohio
Medical College inI 1S3. After
spending a year in the Cincinnati
Hospital, lie was called to the
chair of Chemistry and Diseases
of Children in his al mu iuior,
which lie held up to the time of
his appointment here.
Dr. Christopher is an enthusiast
in his profession and a pleasing
lecturer. He has written largely
upon medical subjects, but espe-
cially upon the application of
chemistry to medicine. It was
through these writings that he be-
caite acquainted with Dr. I frit 1-K
Vaughan, and between the lec-
tures of these two iten there ex-
ists the closest relation,-Dr.
Christopher enlarging upon and
applying practically those princi-
ples taught by Dr. Yauglman to
the lower classes.
Before coinig to Ann Arbor
the professor had heard many
stories about the deficiency of
clinical iiaterial here, but is
pleased to find these stories false.
Indeed, at all of his clinics there
has been more material than could
be shown.
The Doctor is a firnt believer in
the European method of climical
instruction, that is, to exaimine
thoroughly a hinited numinber of
patients at each clinic, allowing
the students to coie iito personal
contact with them. In crowded
clinics the time given to each pa-
tient must necessarily be short,
and the student learns the bad
habit of diagnosing froitma few
prominent symptoms.
Dr. Christopher never presented
any more cases at his Cincinnati
clinics than lie does here, but from
the large number applying, only
the more interesting cases were
selected. This is the method ie
intends to use here, and the
thorough examination of a few
well chosen cases at each clinie
will be the prime object. In se-
curing the services of Dr. Chris-
topher, the Medical department
has made another valuable adi-
tion to its Faculty.
._ . ._--- 4 ~ a _ _ ..
Choral Union Booming.
" For every iieinber of the
Choral Union as organized last
year," says Prof. Stanley, "I have
two applicants equally skillful."
The Choral Union will consist of
at least 200 members this year.
I m x _ )E _ L
Forein Buyers, Importers, of Gers
and Art Goods, Jewelers ard Op-
iciars , iVanufacturers of the
Fi nst soetu BadgesaOde i rthe
coutry. Sampisent upon pro-
per refeareces,
otrol.t - - M!hloan.
It has outgrown its old quarters,
room2- 1, and will hereafter meet
in the chapel. We are told that
the series of concerts to be given
this year will surp>ass any musical
treats that will be offered in De-
troit. Prof. Stanley says that
three years ago lie knew of three
Michigan students who passed by
the U. of M. and went East, where
finer concerts could be heard. In
this short space of time, under the
supervision of Prof. Stanley, the
musical standard of the U. of M.
has come to be recognized among
the foremost colleges of America.
We are confident that no Michi-
gan men will hereafter leave the
U. of Al. because of a low grade
of musical entertainments. When
we consider that Prof. Stanley
devotes his valuable time gratuit-
ously to the interests of this or-
ganizatioi, and that the sole pur-
pose of the Choral Union is to
furnish praiseworthy entertain-
ments at the lowest possible figure,
we beliese that it should receive
the hearty support of the entire
student bodv.
Over G6 0new members have
been admitted to the Choral Union
this year, 44 last evening. After
next Tuesday evening no new
members can come in until after
the first concert, given by the
Choral Union early in February,
as the practice on the piece has
already begun.

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