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October 02, 1890 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1890-10-02

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' '---~o
VOL. I. No. 4.
271 Woodward Averue, :Grard Circus
Eight thousand people witnessed
the games held yesterday in De-
troit, under the auspices of the
Salford Harriers, Manhattan
(New York), and Detroit Athletic
Clubs. The result was as fol-
100 yards run, won by Westing,
At. A. C., with Remington, M. A.
C., and Carey, M. A. C., second
and third. Time--10 1-5 seconds.
Owen, Detroit's crack runner,
was saving himself for the 220
and came in last. '
220 yards, Owen, D. A. C.,
first, Carey, M. A. C., (a Prince.
ton man), second; time, 23 sec-
440 yards, taken, by Reming-
ton A. C., in 51 seconds.
Half mile, Gregg, D. A. C.,
first, Roddy,second. Time 1.58-
Mile, won easily by Conneff, M.
A. C., in 4.26 2-5 seconds.
Five mile, Morton, Salford
Harriers, probably the best long
distance runner living, won with
perfect ease in 27.35 1-2, the ree-
ord being 25.23.
Steeple chase, two miles, Parry,
Salford Harriers, won as he pleas-
ed, n 10.44.
120 yards hurdle, Ducbarme,
D. A. C.,(U. of M.) won in 16 4-5.
Loses His Position after Twenty-
Seven Years of Faithful
Jimmy Ottley, the janitor of thet
Literary department, has stood in
the Main hall at chapel time with
the mail bag in his hands for 27
years, and everybody supposed lie
would continue to do so for the
rest of his natural days. Not so.
When chapel services were re-
sumed this morning Jimmy was
missed from his accustomed place.
Ile has made his last appearance
ii a Latin play.
Inquiry at the steward's office
revealed the fact that Jimmy
started for England on July 7, to
visit Iis birthplace, in Bury St.
Edmunds, Suffolk. He expected
to be gone about three weeks.
When lie arrived at his old home
he found not a single face that he
knew. After wandering among
the graves of his kinsmen for sev-
eral days lie travelled throughout
England in search of friends who
were thought to be still in the land
of the living, but in vain.
Much time was consumed, and
lie did not get back to Ani Arbor
until September 21st. In the
meantime, the report had been
circulated that the young English
girl who accompanied him was to
be made his wife, and that the
twain would never return. Sim-
my's son had promised to keep his
place for him until lie got back,
but threw up the keys two days
after his father had gone.
Days and weeks passed, and
Jimmy did not return, so Secreta-
ry Wade felt justified in having
his place filled. When Jimmy
got back he found that this had
been done just two days previous.
Where They Are and What They
Are Doing.
In an editorial addressed to the
graduating classes of American
colleges Life, on June 26, made
the following remarks, comment-
ing on Andrew Cornegie's state-
mcitr that a college education un-
fitted young men for practical bus-
iness life:
"It will surprise no one ten or
fifteen years from now to find
you earning from two to ten
thousand a year, but if the cen-
tury goes out and leaves you dri-
ving a street car in New Orleans
or waiting on table in a San Fran-
cisco restaurant, it will be thought
remarkable enough to warrant ex-
tended notices in half the news-
papers of the United States.
So far as heard from no '90
man is yet driving a street-car
or waiting on table. Most of them,
it will be seen from what follows,
are doing remarkably well. We
will publish more names from time
to time as we find room for them
them in our col-umns.
"Prexy" Baldwin is a mining
engineer at Houghston, Mci.i ,
J. A. C. Q. U. E. Hildner,'90's
witty and versatile historian, is
principal of the high school at
Hancock, Mich., at a salary of
$000 per year.
Miss Anna Adams is teaching
in the high school at Hougliton,
E. V. Robinson is back for his
master's degree. History will be
his major study.
H. A. Sanders is teaching Latin
in the Minneapolis high school.
G. H. Snow is city editor of the
Ann Arbor Register.
F. A. Leslie is superintendent
of schools at Marine City, Mieh-;-
Wright, Kay & Co.
Foreign Buyers, Importers, of Gems -
and Art Goods, Jewelers arld Op-
ticiarls, - vanufacturers of the
Finest Society Badges rrde irl the
courqtry, Samples sent upon pro-
per references
Dwl-ot Opm'r fhx.xJe. 1CR.,
140 WflmJ 111)DAVE,
Detroit - - Michipran.
Where Shall We Put Them?
When the books of Secretary
Wade were closed last evening it
was found that 232 more students
had registered than at the close of
the first day a year ago. Every
department is ahead; even the
Medical Department, where the
course has been lengthened to four
years. At noon to-day the Fresh-
mi lit. class had an increase of
forty names over the same time
last year. It is now thought that
the attendance will reach 2400.
The combination of the Argo-
vsrut and (irowioie, long looked
for, has at last been made a cer-
taimnty. The paper, it is under-
stood, will be called the A-go-
Chmoicle, and will be published
weekly. Its contents will be
principally of a literary nature,
together with a 1-esuusce of the
weeks news for the benefit of the
alumni subscribers. A board of
editors selected from both the old
boards-will conduct the new week-
ly, but both independents and
fraternity boys will be retained.
The printing will be done by the

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